Go to the documentation of this file.
23 #include <gtsam/dllexport.h>
54 Result() : iterations(0), intermediateSteps(0), nonlinearVariables(0), linearVariables(0),
error(0) {}
73 const std::string&
s =
91 return keyTimestampMap_;
97 const KeyTimestampMap& timestamps = KeyTimestampMap(),
104 virtual Values calculateEstimate()
const = 0;
123 double getCurrentTimestamp()
126 KeyVector findKeysBefore(
double timestamp)
129 KeyVector findKeysAfter(
double timestamp)
Array< double, 1, 3 > e(1./3., 0.5, 2.)
const KeyTimestampMap & timestamps() const
size_t getIntermediateSteps() const
FastVector< Key > KeyVector
Define collection type once and for all - also used in wrappers.
size_t linearVariables
The number of variables that must keep a constant linearization point.
std::multimap< double, Key > TimestampKeyMap
FixedLagSmoother::KeyTimestampMap FixedLagSmootherKeyTimestampMap
Typedef for matlab wrapping.
KeyFormatter DefaultKeyFormatter
Assign default key formatter.
FixedLagSmootherKeyTimestampMap::value_type FixedLagSmootherKeyTimestampMapValue
TimestampKeyMap timestampKeyMap_
void print(const Matrix &A, const string &s, ostream &stream)
FixedLagSmoother::Result FixedLagSmootherResult
size_t getNonlinearVariables() const
std::function< std::string(Key)> KeyFormatter
Typedef for a function to format a key, i.e. to convert it to a string.
virtual ~FixedLagSmoother()
size_t getLinearVariables() const
size_t iterations
The number of optimizer iterations performed.
size_t intermediateSteps
The number of intermediate steps performed within the optimization. For L-M, this is the number of la...
double smootherLag() const
double error
The final factor graph error.
std::vector< float > Values
std::map< Key, double > KeyTimestampMap
Typedef for a Key-Timestamp map/database.
Factor Graph consisting of non-linear factors.
FixedLagSmoother(double smootherLag=0.0)
size_t nonlinearVariables
The number of variables that can be relinearized.
size_t getIterations() const
Getter methods.
KeyTimestampMap keyTimestampMap_
std::shared_ptr< FixedLagSmoother > shared_ptr
Typedef for a shared pointer to an Incremental Fixed-Lag Smoother.
A non-templated config holding any types of Manifold-group elements.
FastVector< FactorIndex > FactorIndices
Define collection types:
autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:01:40