Class NMEASentence

Class Documentation

class NMEASentence

Struct to split an NMEA sentence into its ID and its body, the latter tokenized into a vector of strings.

By ID, we mean either a standardized ID, e.g. “$GPGGA”, or proprietary ID such as “$PSSN,HRP”. The STL Container Vector can be used to dynamically allocate arrays (C++ feature). Also note that the ID of !all! (not just those defined by Septentrio) proprietary NMEA messages starts with “$P”. The body_ member variable shall exclude the NMEA checksum (also hinted at in files that implement the parsing).

Public Functions

inline NMEASentence(std::string id, std::vector<std::string> body)
inline std::vector<std::string> get_body() const

Protected Attributes

std::string id_
std::vector<std::string> body_