Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Crapidxml::attribute_iterator< Ch >Iterator of child attributes of xml_node
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >::attribute_name_pred
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >::attribute_value_pred< Quote >
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >::attribute_value_pure_pred< Quote >
 Cb2AABBAn axis aligned bounding box
 Cb2BodyA rigid body. These are created via b2World::CreateBody
 Cb2ClipVertexUsed for computing contact manifolds
 Cb2ColorColor for debug drawing. Each value has the range [0,1]
 Cb2ContactIDContact ids to facilitate warm starting
 Cb2DistanceOutputOutput for b2Distance
 Cb2FilterThis holds contact filtering data
 Cb2FixtureProxyThis proxy is used internally to connect fixtures to the broad-phase
 Cb2GrowableStack< T, N >
 Cb2IslandThis is an internal class
 Cb2JointDefJoint definitions are used to construct joints
 Cb2MassDataThis holds the mass data computed for a shape
 Cb2Mat22A 2-by-2 matrix. Stored in column-major order
 Cb2Mat33A 3-by-3 matrix. Stored in column-major order
 Cb2PositionThis is an internal structure
 Cb2ProfileProfiling data. Times are in milliseconds
 Cb2RayCastInputRay-cast input data. The ray extends from p1 to p1 + maxFraction * (p2 - p1)
 Cb2SolverDataSolver Data
 Cb2TimeStepThis is an internal structure
 Cb2TOIInputInput parameters for b2TimeOfImpact
 Cb2TreeNodeA node in the dynamic tree. The client does not interact with this directly
 Cb2Vec2A 2D column vector
 Cb2Vec3A 2D column vector with 3 elements
 Cb2VelocityThis is an internal structure
 Cb2WorldManifoldThis is used to compute the current state of a contact manifold
 Cmvsim::ClassFactory< CLASS, ARG1, ARG2 >
 Crapidxml::file< Ch >Represents data loaded from a file
 Crapidxml::memory_pool< Ch >::header
 Cmvsim::JointXMLnode< Ch >::iterator
 Cmvsim::JointXMLnode< Ch >
 Crapidxml::memory_pool< Ch >
 Crapidxml::node_iterator< Ch >Iterator of child nodes of xml_node
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >::node_name_pred
 Cmvsim::ClassFactory< CLASS, ARG1, ARG2 >::TClassData
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >::text_pred
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >::text_pure_no_ws_pred
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >::text_pure_with_ws_pred
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >::whitespace_pred
 Crapidxml::xml_base< Ch >

autogenerated on Fri May 7 2021 03:05:52