Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2010,
3  * François Bleibel,
4  * Olivier Stasse,
5  * Nicolas Mansard
6  * Joseph Mirabel
7  *
9  *
10  */
13 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
16 #include <boost/function.hpp>
17 #include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
18 #include <deque>
19 #include <sot/core/binary-op.hh>
20 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
21 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
23 #include <sot/core/unary-op.hh>
24 #include <sot/core/variadic-op.hh>
26 #include "../tools/type-name-helper.hh"
28 namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
30 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 /* ------- GENERIC HELPERS -------------------------------------------------- */
32 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #define ADD_COMMAND(name, def) commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(name, def))
36 namespace dynamicgraph {
37 namespace sot {
38 template <typename TypeIn, typename TypeOut>
39 struct UnaryOpHeader {
40  typedef TypeIn Tin;
41  typedef TypeOut Tout;
42  static inline std::string nameTypeIn(void) {
44  }
45  static inline std::string nameTypeOut(void) {
47  }
49  inline std::string getDocString() const {
50  return std::string(
51  "Undocumented unary operator\n"
52  " - input ") +
53  nameTypeIn() +
54  std::string(
55  "\n"
56  " - output ") +
57  nameTypeOut() + std::string("\n");
58  }
59 };
61 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
62 /* --- ALGEBRA SELECTORS ------------------------------------------------ */
63 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
64 struct VectorSelecter : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Vector, dg::Vector> {
65  inline void operator()(const Tin &m, Vector &res) const {
66  res.resize(size);
67  Vector::Index r = 0;
68  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idxs.size(); ++i) {
69  const Vector::Index &R = idxs[i].first;
70  const Vector::Index &nr = idxs[i].second;
71  assert((nr >= 0) && (R + nr <= m.size()));
72  res.segment(r, nr) = m.segment(R, nr);
73  r += nr;
74  }
75  assert(r == size);
76  }
78  typedef std::pair<Vector::Index, Vector::Index> segment_t;
79  typedef std::vector<segment_t> segments_t;
80  segments_t idxs;
83  inline void setBounds(const int &m, const int &M) {
84  idxs = segments_t(1, segment_t(m, M - m));
85  size = M - m;
86  }
87  inline void addBounds(const int &m, const int &M) {
88  idxs.push_back(segment_t(m, M - m));
89  size += M - m;
90  }
92  inline void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent,
93  Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
94  using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
95  std::string doc;
97  boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> setBound =
98  boost::bind(&VectorSelecter::setBounds, this, _1, _2);
99  doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound of the selection [m,M[.", "int (min)",
100  "int (max)");
101  ADD_COMMAND("selec", makeCommandVoid2(ent, setBound, doc));
102  boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> addBound =
103  boost::bind(&VectorSelecter::addBounds, this, _1, _2);
104  doc = docCommandVoid2("Add a segment to be selected [m,M[.", "int (min)",
105  "int (max)");
106  ADD_COMMAND("addSelec", makeCommandVoid2(ent, addBound, doc));
107  }
108  VectorSelecter() : size(0) {}
109 };
111 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
112 struct VectorComponent : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Vector, double> {
113  inline void operator()(const Tin &m, double &res) const {
114  assert(index < m.size());
115  res = m(index);
116  }
118  int index;
119  inline void setIndex(const int &m) { index = m; }
121  inline void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent,
122  Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
123  std::string doc;
125  boost::function<void(const int &)> callback =
126  boost::bind(&VectorComponent::setIndex, this, _1);
127  doc = command::docCommandVoid1("Set the index of the component.",
128  "int (index)");
129  ADD_COMMAND("setIndex", command::makeCommandVoid1(ent, callback, doc));
130  }
131  inline std::string getDocString() const {
132  std::string docString(
133  "Select a component of a vector\n"
134  " - input vector\n"
135  " - output double");
136  return docString;
137  }
138 };
140 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
141 struct MatrixSelector : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Matrix, dg::Matrix> {
142  inline void operator()(const Matrix &m, Matrix &res) const {
143  assert((imin <= imax) && (imax <= m.rows()));
144  assert((jmin <= jmax) && (jmax <= m.cols()));
145  res.resize(imax - imin, jmax - jmin);
146  for (int i = imin; i < imax; ++i)
147  for (int j = jmin; j < jmax; ++j) res(i - imin, j - jmin) = m(i, j);
148  }
150  public:
151  int imin, imax;
152  int jmin, jmax;
154  inline void setBoundsRow(const int &m, const int &M) {
155  imin = m;
156  imax = M;
157  }
158  inline void setBoundsCol(const int &m, const int &M) {
159  jmin = m;
160  jmax = M;
161  }
163  inline void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent,
164  Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
165  using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
166  std::string doc;
168  boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> setBoundsRow =
169  boost::bind(&MatrixSelector::setBoundsRow, this, _1, _2);
170  boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> setBoundsCol =
171  boost::bind(&MatrixSelector::setBoundsCol, this, _1, _2);
173  doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound on rows.", "int (min)", "int (max)");
174  ADD_COMMAND("selecRows", makeCommandVoid2(ent, setBoundsRow, doc));
176  doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound on cols [m,M[.", "int (min)",
177  "int (max)");
178  ADD_COMMAND("selecCols", makeCommandVoid2(ent, setBoundsCol, doc));
179  }
180 };
182 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
183 struct MatrixColumnSelector : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Matrix, dg::Vector> {
184  public:
185  inline void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const {
186  assert((imin <= imax) && (imax <= m.rows()));
187  assert(jcol < m.cols());
189  res.resize(imax - imin);
190  for (int i = imin; i < imax; ++i) res(i - imin) = m(i, jcol);
191  }
193  int imin, imax;
194  int jcol;
195  inline void selectCol(const int &m) { jcol = m; }
196  inline void setBoundsRow(const int &m, const int &M) {
197  imin = m;
198  imax = M;
199  }
201  inline void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent,
202  Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
203  using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
204  std::string doc;
206  boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> setBoundsRow =
207  boost::bind(&MatrixColumnSelector::setBoundsRow, this, _1, _2);
208  boost::function<void(const int &)> selectCol =
209  boost::bind(&MatrixColumnSelector::selectCol, this, _1);
211  doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound on rows.", "int (min)", "int (max)");
212  ADD_COMMAND("selecRows", makeCommandVoid2(ent, setBoundsRow, doc));
214  doc = docCommandVoid1("Select the col to copy.", "int (col index)");
215  ADD_COMMAND("selecCols", makeCommandVoid1(ent, selectCol, doc));
216  }
217 };
219 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
220 struct MatrixTranspose : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Matrix, dg::Matrix> {
221  inline void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const { res = m.transpose(); }
222 };
224 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
225 struct Diagonalizer : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector, Matrix> {
226  inline void operator()(const dg::Vector &r, dg::Matrix &res) {
227  res = r.asDiagonal();
228  }
230  public:
231  Diagonalizer(void) : nbr(0), nbc(0) {}
232  unsigned int nbr, nbc;
233  inline void resize(const int &r, const int &c) {
234  nbr = r;
235  nbc = c;
236  }
237  inline void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent,
238  Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
239  using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
240  std::string doc;
242  boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> resize =
243  boost::bind(&Diagonalizer::resize, this, _1, _2);
245  doc = docCommandVoid2("Set output size.", "int (row)", "int (col)");
246  ADD_COMMAND("resize", makeCommandVoid2(ent, resize, doc));
247  }
248 };
250 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
251 /* --- INVERSION -------------------------------------------------------- */
252 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
254 template <typename matrixgen>
255 struct Inverser : public UnaryOpHeader<matrixgen, matrixgen> {
258  inline void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const { res = m.inverse(); }
259 };
261 struct Normalize : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Vector, double> {
262  inline void operator()(const dg::Vector &m, double &res) const {
263  res = m.norm();
264  }
266  inline std::string getDocString() const {
267  std::string docString(
268  "Computes the norm of a vector\n"
269  " - input vector\n"
270  " - output double");
271  return docString;
272  }
273 };
275 struct InverserRotation : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation, MatrixRotation> {
276  inline void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const { res = m.transpose(); }
277 };
280  : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorQuaternion, VectorQuaternion> {
281  inline void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const { res = m.conjugate(); }
282 };
284 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
285 /* --- SE3/SO3 conversions ----------------------------------------------- */
286 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
289  : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, dg::Vector> {
290  inline void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Vector &res) {
291  res.resize(6);
292  VectorUTheta r(M.linear());
293  res.head<3>() = M.translation();
294  res.tail<3>() = r.angle() * r.axis();
295  }
296 };
298 struct SkewSymToVector : public UnaryOpHeader<Matrix, Vector> {
299  inline void operator()(const Matrix &M, Vector &res) {
300  res.resize(3);
301  res(0) = M(7);
302  res(1) = M(2);
303  res(2) = M(3);
304  }
305 };
308  : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector, MatrixHomogeneous> {
309  inline void operator()(const dg::Vector &v, MatrixHomogeneous &res) {
310  assert(v.size() >= 6);
311  res.translation() = v.head<3>();
312  double theta = v.tail<3>().norm();
313  if (theta > 0)
314  res.linear() = Eigen::AngleAxisd(theta, v.tail<3>() / theta).matrix();
315  else
316  res.linear().setIdentity();
317  }
318 };
321  : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Vector, MatrixHomogeneous> {
322  void operator()(const dg::Vector &vect, MatrixHomogeneous &Mres) {
323  Mres.translation() = vect.head<3>();
324  Mres.linear().row(0) = vect.segment(3, 3);
325  Mres.linear().row(1) = vect.segment(6, 3);
326  Mres.linear().row(2) = vect.segment(9, 3);
327  }
328 };
331  : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, dg::Vector> {
332  void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Vector &res) {
333  res.resize(12);
334  res.head<3>() = M.translation();
335  res.segment(3, 3) = M.linear().row(0);
336  res.segment(6, 3) = M.linear().row(1);
337  res.segment(9, 3) = M.linear().row(2);
338  }
339 };
342  : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector, MatrixHomogeneous> {
343  void operator()(const dg::Vector &vect, MatrixHomogeneous &Mres) {
344  Mres.translation() = vect.head<3>();
345  Mres.linear() = VectorQuaternion(vect.tail<4>()).toRotationMatrix();
346  }
347 };
350  : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, Vector> {
351  inline void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, Vector &res) {
352  res.resize(7);
353  res.head<3>() = M.translation();
354  Eigen::Map<VectorQuaternion> q(res.tail<4>().data());
355  q = M.linear();
356  }
357 };
360  : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, Vector> {
361  inline void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Vector &res) {
362  VectorRollPitchYaw r = (M.linear().eulerAngles(2, 1, 0)).reverse();
363  dg::Vector t(3);
364  t = M.translation();
365  res.resize(6);
366  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) res(i) = t(i);
367  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) res(i + 3) = r(i);
368  }
369 };
372  : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector, MatrixHomogeneous> {
373  inline void operator()(const dg::Vector &vect, MatrixHomogeneous &Mres) {
375  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) r(i) = vect(i + 3);
376  MatrixRotation R = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(2), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
377  Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(1), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
378  Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(0), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()))
379  .toRotationMatrix();
381  dg::Vector t(3);
382  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) t(i) = vect(i);
384  // buildFrom(R,t);
385  Mres = Eigen::Translation3d(t) * R;
386  }
387 };
389 struct PoseRollPitchYawToPoseUTheta : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector, Vector> {
390  inline void operator()(const dg::Vector &vect, dg::Vector &vectres) {
392  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) r(i) = vect(i + 3);
393  MatrixRotation R = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(2), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
394  Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(1), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
395  Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(0), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()))
396  .toRotationMatrix();
398  VectorUTheta rrot(R);
400  vectres.resize(6);
401  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
402  vectres(i) = vect(i);
403  vectres(i + 3) = rrot.angle() * rrot.axis()(i);
404  }
405  }
406 };
408 struct HomoToMatrix : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, Matrix> {
409  inline void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Matrix &res) {
410  res = M.matrix();
411  }
412 };
414 struct MatrixToHomo : public UnaryOpHeader<Matrix, MatrixHomogeneous> {
415  inline void operator()(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 4> &M,
416  MatrixHomogeneous &res) {
417  res = M;
418  }
419 };
421 struct HomoToTwist : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, MatrixTwist> {
422  inline void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, MatrixTwist &res) {
423  Eigen::Vector3d _t = M.translation();
424  MatrixRotation R(M.linear());
425  Eigen::Matrix3d Tx;
426  Tx << 0, -_t(2), _t(1), _t(2), 0, -_t(0), -_t(1), _t(0), 0;
428  Eigen::Matrix3d sk;
429  sk = Tx * R;
430  res.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = R;
431  res.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = sk;
432  res.block<3, 3>(3, 0) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
433  res.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = R;
434  }
435 };
438  : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, MatrixRotation> {
439  inline void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, MatrixRotation &res) {
440  res = M.linear();
441  }
442 };
444 struct MatrixHomoToPose : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, Vector> {
445  inline void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, Vector &res) {
446  res.resize(3);
447  res = M.translation();
448  }
449 };
451 struct RPYToMatrix : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorRollPitchYaw, MatrixRotation> {
452  inline void operator()(const VectorRollPitchYaw &r, MatrixRotation &res) {
453  res = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(2), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
454  Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(1), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
455  Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(0), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()))
456  .toRotationMatrix();
457  }
458 };
460 struct MatrixToRPY : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation, VectorRollPitchYaw> {
461  inline void operator()(const MatrixRotation &r, VectorRollPitchYaw &res) {
462  res = (r.eulerAngles(2, 1, 0)).reverse();
463  }
464 };
467  : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorRollPitchYaw, VectorQuaternion> {
468  inline void operator()(const VectorRollPitchYaw &r, VectorQuaternion &res) {
469  res = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(2), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
470  Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(1), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
471  Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(0), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()))
472  .toRotationMatrix();
473  }
474 };
477  : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorQuaternion, VectorRollPitchYaw> {
478  inline void operator()(const VectorQuaternion &r, VectorRollPitchYaw &res) {
479  res = (r.toRotationMatrix().eulerAngles(2, 1, 0)).reverse();
480  }
481 };
484  : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorQuaternion, MatrixRotation> {
485  inline void operator()(const VectorQuaternion &r, MatrixRotation &res) {
486  res = r.toRotationMatrix();
487  }
488 };
491  : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation, VectorQuaternion> {
492  inline void operator()(const MatrixRotation &r, VectorQuaternion &res) {
493  res = r;
494  }
495 };
497 struct MatrixToUTheta : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation, VectorUTheta> {
498  inline void operator()(const MatrixRotation &r, VectorUTheta &res) {
499  res = r;
500  }
501 };
504  : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorUTheta, VectorQuaternion> {
505  inline void operator()(const VectorUTheta &r, VectorQuaternion &res) {
506  res = r;
507  }
508 };
510 template <typename TypeIn1, typename TypeIn2, typename TypeOut>
512  typedef TypeIn1 Tin1;
513  typedef TypeIn2 Tin2;
514  typedef TypeOut Tout;
515  inline static std::string nameTypeIn1(void) {
517  }
518  inline static std::string nameTypeIn2(void) {
520  }
521  inline static std::string nameTypeOut(void) {
523  }
525  inline std::string getDocString() const {
526  return std::string(
527  "Undocumented binary operator\n"
528  " - input ") +
529  nameTypeIn1() +
530  std::string(
531  "\n"
532  " - ") +
533  nameTypeIn2() +
534  std::string(
535  "\n"
536  " - output ") +
537  nameTypeOut() + std::string("\n");
538  }
539 };
541 } /* namespace sot */
542 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
544 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
545 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
546 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
548 namespace dynamicgraph {
549 namespace sot {
551 /* --- MULTIPLICATION --------------------------------------------------- */
553 template <typename F, typename E>
554 struct Multiplier_FxE__E : public BinaryOpHeader<F, E, E> {
555  inline void operator()(const F &f, const E &e, E &res) const { res = f * e; }
556 };
558 template <>
559 inline void
562  const dynamicgraph::Vector &e, dynamicgraph::Vector &res) const {
563  res = f.matrix() * e;
564 }
566 template <>
568  const double &x, const dynamicgraph::Vector &v,
569  dynamicgraph::Vector &res) const {
570  res = v;
571  res *= x;
572 }
583 /* --- SUBSTRACTION ----------------------------------------------------- */
584 template <typename T>
585 struct Substraction : public BinaryOpHeader<T, T, T> {
586  inline void operator()(const T &v1, const T &v2, T &r) const {
587  r = v1;
588  r -= v2;
589  }
590 };
592 /* --- STACK ------------------------------------------------------------ */
594  : public BinaryOpHeader<dynamicgraph::Vector, dynamicgraph::Vector,
595  dynamicgraph::Vector> {
596  public:
597  int v1min, v1max;
598  int v2min, v2max;
599  inline void operator()(const dynamicgraph::Vector &v1,
600  const dynamicgraph::Vector &v2,
601  dynamicgraph::Vector &res) const {
602  assert((v1max >= v1min) && (v1.size() >= v1max));
603  assert((v2max >= v2min) && (v2.size() >= v2max));
605  const int v1size = v1max - v1min, v2size = v2max - v2min;
606  res.resize(v1size + v2size);
607  for (int i = 0; i < v1size; ++i) {
608  res(i) = v1(i + v1min);
609  }
610  for (int i = 0; i < v2size; ++i) {
611  res(v1size + i) = v2(i + v2min);
612  }
613  }
615  inline void selec1(const int &m, const int M) {
616  v1min = m;
617  v1max = M;
618  }
619  inline void selec2(const int &m, const int M) {
620  v2min = m;
621  v2max = M;
622  }
624  inline void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent,
625  Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
626  using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
627  std::string doc;
629  boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> selec1 =
630  boost::bind(&VectorStack::selec1, this, _1, _2);
631  boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> selec2 =
632  boost::bind(&VectorStack::selec2, this, _1, _2);
635  "selec1",
636  makeCommandVoid2(ent, selec1,
637  docCommandVoid2("set the min and max of selection.",
638  "int (imin)", "int (imax)")));
640  "selec2",
641  makeCommandVoid2(ent, selec2,
642  docCommandVoid2("set the min and max of selection.",
643  "int (imin)", "int (imax)")));
644  }
645 };
647 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
649 struct Composer
650  : public BinaryOpHeader<dynamicgraph::Matrix, dynamicgraph::Vector,
651  MatrixHomogeneous> {
652  inline void operator()(const dynamicgraph::Matrix &R,
653  const dynamicgraph::Vector &t,
654  MatrixHomogeneous &H) const {
655  H.linear() = R;
656  H.translation() = t;
657  }
658 };
660 /* --- CONVOLUTION PRODUCT ---------------------------------------------- */
662  : public BinaryOpHeader<dynamicgraph::Vector, dynamicgraph::Matrix,
663  dynamicgraph::Vector> {
664  typedef std::deque<dynamicgraph::Vector> MemoryType;
665  MemoryType memory;
667  inline void convolution(const MemoryType &f1, const dynamicgraph::Matrix &f2,
668  dynamicgraph::Vector &res) {
669  const Vector::Index nconv = (Vector::Index)f1.size(), nsig = f2.rows();
670  sotDEBUG(15) << "Size: " << nconv << "x" << nsig << std::endl;
671  if (nconv > f2.cols()) return; // TODO: error, this should not happen
673  res.resize(nsig);
674  res.fill(0);
675  unsigned int j = 0;
676  for (MemoryType::const_iterator iter = f1.begin(); iter != f1.end();
677  iter++) {
678  const dynamicgraph::Vector &s_tau = *iter;
679  sotDEBUG(45) << "Sig" << j << ": " << s_tau;
680  if (s_tau.size() != nsig) return; // TODO: error throw;
681  for (int i = 0; i < nsig; ++i) {
682  res(i) += f2(i, j) * s_tau(i);
683  }
684  j++;
685  }
686  }
687  inline void operator()(const dynamicgraph::Vector &v1,
688  const dynamicgraph::Matrix &m2,
689  dynamicgraph::Vector &res) {
690  memory.push_front(v1);
691  while ((Vector::Index)memory.size() > m2.cols()) memory.pop_back();
692  convolution(memory, m2, res);
693  }
694 };
696 /* --- BOOLEAN REDUCTION ------------------------------------------------ */
698 template <typename T>
699 struct Comparison : public BinaryOpHeader<T, T, bool> {
700  inline void operator()(const T &a, const T &b, bool &res) const {
701  res = (a < b);
702  }
703  inline std::string getDocString() const {
705  return std::string(
706  "Comparison of inputs:\n"
707  " - input ") +
708  Base::nameTypeIn1() +
709  std::string(
710  "\n"
711  " - ") +
712  Base::nameTypeIn2() +
713  std::string(
714  "\n"
715  " - output ") +
716  Base::nameTypeOut() +
717  std::string(
718  "\n"
719  " sout = ( sin1 < sin2 )\n");
720  }
721 };
723 template <typename T1, typename T2 = T1>
724 struct MatrixComparison : public BinaryOpHeader<T1, T2, bool> {
725  // TODO T1 or T2 could be a scalar type.
726  inline void operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, bool &res) const {
727  if (equal && any)
728  res = (a.array() <= b.array()).any();
729  else if (equal && !any)
730  res = (a.array() <= b.array()).all();
731  else if (!equal && any)
732  res = (a.array() < b.array()).any();
733  else if (!equal && !any)
734  res = (a.array() < b.array()).all();
735  }
736  inline std::string getDocString() const {
738  return std::string(
739  "Comparison of inputs:\n"
740  " - input ") +
741  Base::nameTypeIn1() +
742  std::string(
743  "\n"
744  " - ") +
745  Base::nameTypeIn2() +
746  std::string(
747  "\n"
748  " - output ") +
749  Base::nameTypeOut() +
750  std::string(
751  "\n"
752  " sout = ( sin1 < sin2 ).op()\n") +
753  std::string(
754  "\n"
755  " where op is either any (default) or all. The "
756  "comparison can be made <=.\n");
757  }
758  MatrixComparison() : any(true), equal(false) {}
759  inline void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent,
760  Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
761  using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
763  "setTrueIfAny",
764  makeDirectSetter(ent, &any, docDirectSetter("trueIfAny", "bool")));
766  "getTrueIfAny",
767  makeDirectGetter(ent, &any, docDirectGetter("trueIfAny", "bool")));
768  ADD_COMMAND("setEqual", makeDirectSetter(ent, &equal,
769  docDirectSetter("equal", "bool")));
770  ADD_COMMAND("getEqual", makeDirectGetter(ent, &equal,
771  docDirectGetter("equal", "bool")));
772  }
773  bool any, equal;
774 };
776 } /* namespace sot */
777 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
779 namespace dynamicgraph {
780 namespace sot {
782 template <typename T>
783 struct WeightedAdder : public BinaryOpHeader<T, T, T> {
784  public:
785  double gain1, gain2;
786  inline void operator()(const T &v1, const T &v2, T &res) const {
787  res = v1;
788  res *= gain1;
789  res += gain2 * v2;
790  }
792  inline void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent,
793  Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
794  using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
795  std::string doc;
798  "setGain1",
799  makeDirectSetter(ent, &gain1, docDirectSetter("gain1", "double")));
801  "setGain2",
802  makeDirectSetter(ent, &gain2, docDirectSetter("gain2", "double")));
804  "getGain1",
805  makeDirectGetter(ent, &gain1, docDirectGetter("gain1", "double")));
807  "getGain2",
808  makeDirectGetter(ent, &gain2, docDirectGetter("gain2", "double")));
809  }
811  inline std::string getDocString() const {
812  return std::string("Weighted Combination of inputs : \n - gain{1|2} gain.");
813  }
814 };
816 } // namespace sot
817 } // namespace dynamicgraph
819 namespace dynamicgraph {
820 namespace sot {
821 template <typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time>
824 }
825 template <typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time>
828 }
830 template <typename TypeIn, typename TypeOut>
832  typedef TypeIn Tin;
833  typedef TypeOut Tout;
834  inline static std::string nameTypeIn(void) {
836  }
837  inline static std::string nameTypeOut(void) {
839  }
840  template <typename Op>
842  inline void updateSignalNumber(const int &) {}
843  inline std::string getDocString() const {
844  return std::string(
845  "Undocumented variadic operator\n"
846  " - input " +
847  nameTypeIn() +
848  "\n"
849  " - output " +
850  nameTypeOut() + "\n");
851  }
852 };
854 /* --- VectorMix ------------------------------------------------------------ */
855 struct VectorMix : public VariadicOpHeader<Vector, Vector> {
856  public:
858  struct segment_t {
860  std::size_t sigIdx;
862  : index(i), size(s), sigIdx(sig) {}
863  };
864  typedef std::vector<segment_t> segments_t;
865  Base *entity;
866  segments_t idxs;
867  inline void operator()(const std::vector<const Vector *> &vs,
868  Vector &res) const {
869  res = *vs[0];
870  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idxs.size(); ++i) {
871  const segment_t &s = idxs[i];
872  if (s.sigIdx >= vs.size())
873  throw std::invalid_argument("Index out of range in VectorMix");
874  res.segment(s.index, s.size) = *vs[s.sigIdx];
875  }
876  }
878  inline void addSelec(const int &sigIdx, const int &i, const int &s) {
879  idxs.push_back(segment_t(i, s, sigIdx));
880  }
882  inline void initialize(Base *ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
883  using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
884  entity = ent;
886  ent->addSignal("default");
888  boost::function<void(const int &, const int &, const int &)> selec =
889  boost::bind(&VectorMix::addSelec, this, _1, _2, _3);
891  commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(
892  "addSelec", makeCommandVoid3<Base, int, int, int>(
893  *ent, selec,
894  docCommandVoid3("add selection from a vector.",
895  "int (signal index >= 1)",
896  "int (index)", "int (size)"))));
897  }
898 };
900 /* --- ADDITION --------------------------------------------------------- */
901 template <typename T>
902 struct AdderVariadic : public VariadicOpHeader<T, T> {
905  Base *entity;
908  AdderVariadic() : coeffs() {}
909  inline void operator()(const std::vector<const T *> &vs, T &res) const {
910  assert(vs.size() == (std::size_t)coeffs.size());
911  if (vs.size() == 0) return;
912  res = coeffs[0] * (*vs[0]);
913  for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i) res += coeffs[i] * (*vs[i]);
914  }
916  inline void setCoeffs(const Vector &c) {
917  if (entity->getSignalNumber() != c.size())
918  throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid coefficient size.");
919  coeffs = c;
920  }
921  inline void updateSignalNumber(const int &n) { coeffs = Vector::Ones(n); }
923  inline void initialize(Base *ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &) {
924  entity = ent;
925  entity->setSignalNumber(2);
926  }
928  inline std::string getDocString() const {
929  return "Linear combination of inputs\n"
930  " - input " +
932  "\n"
933  " - output " +
935  "\n"
936  " sout = sum ([coeffs[i] * sin[i] for i in range(n) ])\n"
937  " Coefficients are set by commands, default value is 1.\n";
938  }
939 };
941 /* --- MULTIPLICATION --------------------------------------------------- */
942 template <typename T>
943 struct Multiplier : public VariadicOpHeader<T, T> {
946  inline void operator()(const std::vector<const T *> &vs, T &res) const {
947  if (vs.size() == 0)
948  setIdentity(res);
949  else {
950  res = *vs[0];
951  for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i) res *= *vs[i];
952  }
953  }
955  inline void setIdentity(T &res) const { res.setIdentity(); }
957  inline void initialize(Base *ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &) {
958  ent->setSignalNumber(2);
959  }
960 };
961 template <>
962 inline void Multiplier<double>::setIdentity(double &res) const {
963  res = 1;
964 }
965 template <>
967  const std::vector<const MatrixHomogeneous *> &vs,
968  MatrixHomogeneous &res) const {
969  if (vs.size() == 0)
970  setIdentity(res);
971  else {
972  res = *vs[0];
973  for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i) res = res * *vs[i];
974  }
975 }
976 template <>
978  const std::vector<const Vector *> &vs, Vector &res) const {
979  if (vs.size() == 0)
980  res.resize(0);
981  else {
982  res = *vs[0];
983  for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i) res.array() *= vs[i]->array();
984  }
985 }
987 /* --- BOOLEAN --------------------------------------------------------- */
988 template <int operation>
989 struct BoolOp : public VariadicOpHeader<bool, bool> {
992  inline void operator()(const std::vector<const bool *> &vs, bool &res) const {
993  // TODO computation could be optimized with lazy evaluation of the
994  // signals. When the output result is know, the remaining signals are
995  // not computed.
996  if (vs.size() == 0) return;
997  res = *vs[0];
998  for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i) switch (operation) {
999  case 0:
1000  if (!res) return;
1001  res = *vs[i];
1002  break;
1003  case 1:
1004  if (res) return;
1005  res = *vs[i];
1006  break;
1007  }
1008  }
1009 };
1011 } // namespace sot
1012 } // namespace dynamicgraph
1014 /* --- TODO ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1015 // The following commented lines are sot-v1 entities that are still waiting
1016 // for conversion. Help yourself!
1018 // /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1019 // */
1021 // struct WeightedDirection
1022 // {
1023 // public:
1024 // void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& v1,const dynamicgraph::Vector&
1025 // v2,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
1026 // {
1027 // const double norm1 = v1.norm();
1028 // const double norm2 = v2.norm();
1029 // res=v2; res*=norm1;
1030 // res*= (1/norm2);
1031 // }
1032 // };
1033 // typedef BinaryOp< Vector,Vector,Vector,WeightedDirection > weightdir;
1034 // SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_ExE_E(weightdir,vector,weight_dir,"WeightDir")
1036 // /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1037 // */
1039 // struct Nullificator
1040 // {
1041 // public:
1042 // void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& v1,const dynamicgraph::Vector&
1043 // v2,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
1044 // {
1045 // const unsigned int s = std::max( v1.size(),v2.size() );
1046 // res.resize(s);
1047 // for( unsigned int i=0;i<s;++i )
1048 // {
1049 // if( v1(i)>v2(i) ) res(i)=v1(i)-v2(i);
1050 // else if( v1(i)<-v2(i) ) res(i)=v1(i)+v2(i);
1051 // else res(i)=0;
1052 // }
1053 // }
1054 // };
1055 // typedef BinaryOp< Vector,Vector,Vector,Nullificator > vectNil;
1056 // SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_ExE_E(vectNil,vector,vectnil_,"Nullificator")
1058 // /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1059 // */
1061 // struct VirtualSpring
1062 // {
1063 // public:
1064 // double spring;
1066 // void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& pos,const
1067 // dynamicgraph::Vector& ref,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
1068 // {
1069 // double norm = ref.norm();
1070 // double dist = ref.scalarProduct(pos) / (norm*norm);
1072 // res.resize( ref.size() );
1073 // res = ref; res *= dist; res -= pos;
1074 // res *= spring;
1075 // }
1076 // };
1077 // typedef BinaryOp< Vector,Vector,Vector,VirtualSpring > virtspring;
1079 // (virtspring,vector,virtspring_,
1080 // "VirtualSpring"
1081 // ,else if( cmdLine=="spring" ){ CMDARGS_INOUT(op.spring); }
1082 // ,"VirtualSpring<pos,ref> compute the virtual force of a spring attache "
1083 // "to the reference line <ref>. The eq is: k.(<ref|pos>/<ref|ref>.ref-pos)"
1084 // "Params:\n - spring: get/set the spring factor.")
VariadicOp< AdderVariadic > Base
Definition: operator.hh:903
void operator()(const dynamicgraph::Vector &v1, const dynamicgraph::Vector &v2, dynamicgraph::Vector &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:599
void setCoeffs(const Vector &c)
Definition: operator.hh:916
void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap)
Definition: operator.hh:759
Eigen::Transform< double, 3, Eigen::Affine > SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixHomogeneous
std::string docDirectGetter(const std::string &name, const std::string &type)
void setSignalNumber(const int &n)
Definition: variadic-op.hh:89
void operator()(const dynamicgraph::Vector &v1, const dynamicgraph::Matrix &m2, dynamicgraph::Vector &res)
Definition: operator.hh:687
Eigen::VectorXd Vector
void operator()(const T &v1, const T &v2, T &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:786
Vec3f n
void resize(const int &r, const int &c)
Definition: operator.hh:233
DirectGetter< E, T > * makeDirectGetter(E &entity, T *ptr, const std::string &docString)
void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:185
Eigen::Quaternion< double > SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorQuaternion
void operator()(const std::vector< const Vector *> &vs, Vector &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:867
int i
Vec3f b
static std::string nameTypeIn2(void)
Definition: operator.hh:518
void operator()(const std::vector< const T *> &vs, T &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:909
void setBoundsCol(const int &m, const int &M)
Definition: operator.hh:158
void operator()(const T &a, const T &b, bool &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:700
std::string getDocString() const
Definition: operator.hh:928
std::pair< Vector::Index, Vector::Index > segment_t
Definition: operator.hh:78
void setIdentity(T &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:955
Multiplier_FxE__E< MatrixTwist, dynamicgraph::Vector > Multiplier_matrixTwist_vector
Definition: operator.hh:581
void addSpecificCommands(Entity &, Entity::CommandMap_t &)
Definition: operator.hh:524
void operator()(const MatrixRotation &r, VectorRollPitchYaw &res)
Definition: operator.hh:461
void operator()(const dg::Vector &m, double &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:262
std::deque< dynamicgraph::Vector > MemoryType
Definition: operator.hh:664
void initialize(VariadicOp< Op > *, Entity::CommandMap_t &)
Definition: operator.hh:841
VariadicOp< BoolOp > Base
Definition: operator.hh:990
BVNodeBase Base
Signal< dynamicgraph::Matrix, int > sig("matrix")
void operator()(const dg::Vector &vect, dg::Vector &vectres)
Definition: operator.hh:390
void operator()(const std::vector< const T *> &vs, T &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:946
void operator()(const Tin &m, Vector &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:65
std::string getDocString() const
Definition: operator.hh:703
static std::string nameTypeIn(void)
Definition: operator.hh:42
void addSpecificCommands(Entity &, Entity::CommandMap_t &)
Definition: operator.hh:48
Multiplier_FxE__E< double, dynamicgraph::Vector > Multiplier_double_vector
Definition: operator.hh:575
void operator()(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 4 > &M, MatrixHomogeneous &res)
Definition: operator.hh:415
void operator()(const VectorQuaternion &r, MatrixRotation &res)
Definition: operator.hh:485
void operator()(const T &v1, const T &v2, T &r) const
Definition: operator.hh:586
CommandVoid1< E, T > * makeCommandVoid1(E &entity, boost::function< void(const T &)> function, const std::string &docString)
Multiplier_FxE__E< MatrixHomogeneous, dynamicgraph::Vector > Multiplier_matrixHomo_vector
Definition: operator.hh:579
void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, Vector &res)
Definition: operator.hh:445
Vec3f c
void convolution(const MemoryType &f1, const dynamicgraph::Matrix &f2, dynamicgraph::Vector &res)
Definition: operator.hh:667
void initialize(Base *ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &)
Definition: operator.hh:957
void addBounds(const int &m, const int &M)
Definition: operator.hh:87
void initialize(Base *ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap)
Definition: operator.hh:882
static std::string nameTypeOut(void)
Definition: operator.hh:45
std::string docCommandVoid1(const std::string &doc, const std::string &type)
void updateSignalNumber(const int &n)
Definition: operator.hh:921
void setBoundsRow(const int &m, const int &M)
Definition: operator.hh:196
void operator()(const dg::Vector &r, dg::Matrix &res)
Definition: operator.hh:226
void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, Vector &res)
Definition: operator.hh:351
void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:258
Eigen::Vector3d SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorRollPitchYaw
void initialize(Base *ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &)
Definition: operator.hh:923
std::string getDocString() const
Definition: operator.hh:811
void operator()(const Tin &m, double &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:113
std::string docCommandVoid3(const std::string &doc, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2, const std::string &type3)
void operator()(const Matrix &M, Vector &res)
Definition: operator.hh:299
void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap)
Definition: operator.hh:92
static std::string getTypeOutName(void)
Definition: operator.hh:826
UnaryOpHeader< matrixgen, matrixgen >::Tout Tout
Definition: operator.hh:257
void operator()(const std::vector< const bool *> &vs, bool &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:992
std::string getDocString() const
Definition: operator.hh:266
void operator()(const dg::Vector &vect, MatrixHomogeneous &Mres)
Definition: operator.hh:343
void f(void)
Eigen::AngleAxis< double > SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorUTheta
Vec3f a
std::string getDocString() const
Definition: operator.hh:843
void operator()(const dg::Vector &vect, MatrixHomogeneous &Mres)
Definition: operator.hh:373
Eigen::Matrix< double, 6, 6 > SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixTwist
void operator()(const VectorQuaternion &r, VectorRollPitchYaw &res)
Definition: operator.hh:478
void operator()(const MatrixRotation &r, VectorUTheta &res)
Definition: operator.hh:498
void operator()(const VectorUTheta &r, VectorQuaternion &res)
Definition: operator.hh:505
void operator()(const VectorRollPitchYaw &r, VectorQuaternion &res)
Definition: operator.hh:468
void operator()(const dg::Vector &v, MatrixHomogeneous &res)
Definition: operator.hh:309
#define sotDEBUG(level)
Definition: debug.hh:165
VariadicOp< VectorMix > Base
Definition: operator.hh:857
static std::string nameTypeIn1(void)
Definition: operator.hh:515
std::string getDocString() const
Definition: operator.hh:49
void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:281
std::map< const std::string, command::Command *> CommandMap_t
VariadicOp< Multiplier > Base
Definition: operator.hh:944
std::vector< segment_t > segments_t
Definition: operator.hh:864
static std::string nameTypeIn(void)
Definition: operator.hh:834
void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap)
Definition: operator.hh:201
FCL_REAL size() const
void setBounds(const int &m, const int &M)
Definition: operator.hh:83
void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap)
Definition: operator.hh:121
std::string getDocString() const
Definition: operator.hh:131
void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, MatrixTwist &res)
Definition: operator.hh:422
void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, MatrixRotation &res)
Definition: operator.hh:439
void operator()(const Matrix &m, Matrix &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:142
UnaryOpHeader< matrixgen, matrixgen >::Tin Tin
Definition: operator.hh:256
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixRotation
void addSelec(const int &sigIdx, const int &i, const int &s)
Definition: operator.hh:878
void updateSignalNumber(const int &)
Definition: operator.hh:842
Eigen::MatrixXd Matrix
void operator()(const dg::Vector &vect, MatrixHomogeneous &Mres)
Definition: operator.hh:322
std::string getDocString() const
Definition: operator.hh:736
void operator()(const MatrixRotation &r, VectorQuaternion &res)
Definition: operator.hh:492
void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Vector &res)
Definition: operator.hh:361
void operator()(const VectorRollPitchYaw &r, MatrixRotation &res)
Definition: operator.hh:452
void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap)
Definition: operator.hh:792
Transform3f t
std::size_t Index
std::string docCommandVoid2(const std::string &doc, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2)
void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:276
void toRotationMatrix(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Vector3 > &axis, const Scalar &cos_value, const Scalar &sin_value, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Matrix3 > &res)
void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Vector &res)
Definition: operator.hh:290
void operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, bool &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:726
void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:221
void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap)
Definition: operator.hh:237
void operator()(const dynamicgraph::Matrix &R, const dynamicgraph::Vector &t, MatrixHomogeneous &H) const
Definition: operator.hh:652
void operator()(const F &f, const E &e, E &res) const
Definition: operator.hh:555
static std::string nameTypeOut(void)
Definition: operator.hh:837
void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Matrix &res)
Definition: operator.hh:409
Multiplier_FxE__E< dynamicgraph::Matrix, dynamicgraph::Vector > Multiplier_matrix_vector
Definition: operator.hh:577
std::vector< segment_t > segments_t
Definition: operator.hh:79
std::string docDirectSetter(const std::string &name, const std::string &type)
#define ADD_COMMAND(name, def)
Definition: operator.hh:34
void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap)
Definition: operator.hh:624
static std::string nameTypeOut(void)
Definition: operator.hh:521
void setBoundsRow(const int &m, const int &M)
Definition: operator.hh:154
void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Vector &res)
Definition: operator.hh:332
void selec2(const int &m, const int M)
Definition: operator.hh:619
DirectSetter< E, T > * makeDirectSetter(E &entity, T *ptr, const std::string &docString)
segment_t(Vector::Index i, Vector::Index s, std::size_t sig)
Definition: operator.hh:861
CommandVoid2< E, T1, T2 > * makeCommandVoid2(E &entity, boost::function< void(const T1 &, const T2 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
static std::string getTypeInName(void)
Definition: operator.hh:822
void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap)
Definition: operator.hh:163
std::string getDocString() const
Definition: operator.hh:525
void selec1(const int &m, const int M)
Definition: operator.hh:615

Author(s): Olivier Stasse, ostasse@laas.fr
autogenerated on Wed Jun 21 2023 02:51:26