ros::AdvertiseOptions | Encapsulates all options available for creating a Publisher |
ros::AdvertiseServiceOptions | Encapsulates all options available for creating a ServiceServer |
ros::AsyncSpinner | AsyncSpinner is a spinner that does not conform to the abstract Spinner interface. Instead, it spins asynchronously when you call start(), and stops when either you call stop(), ros::shutdown() is called, or its destructor is called |
ros::AsyncSpinnerImpl | |
ros::ASyncXMLRPCConnection | |
ros::CachedXmlRpcClient | |
ros::CallbackQueue::CallbackInfo | |
ros::Subscription::CallbackInfo | |
ros::CallbackInterface | Abstract interface for items which can be added to a CallbackQueueInterface |
ros::CallbackQueue | This is the default implementation of the ros::CallbackQueueInterface |
ros::CallbackQueueInterface | Abstract interface for a queue used to handle all callbacks within roscpp |
ros::ServiceServerLink::CallInfo | |
ros::ConflictingSubscriptionException | Thrown when a second (third,...) subscription is attempted with conflicting arguments |
ros::Connection | Encapsulates a connection to a remote host, independent of the transport type |
ros::ConnectionManager | |
ros::XMLRPCManager::FunctionInfo | |
ros::CallbackQueue::IDInfo | |
ros::Publisher::Impl | |
ros::ServiceClient::Impl | |
ros::ServiceServer::Impl | |
ros::Subscriber::Impl | |
ros::Timer::Impl | |
ros::WallTimer::Impl | |
ros::IntraProcessPublisherLink | Handles a connection to a single publisher on a given topic. Receives messages from a publisher and hands them off to its parent Subscription |
ros::IntraProcessSubscriberLink | SubscriberLink handles broadcasting messages to a single subscriber on a single topic |
ros::InvalidNameException | Thrown when an invalid graph resource name is specified to any roscpp function |
ros::InvalidNodeNameException | Thrown when an invalid node name is specified to ros::init() |
ros::InvalidParameterException | Thrown when an invalid parameter is passed to a method |
ros::InvalidPortException | Thrown when an invalid port is specified |
ros::SubscriptionQueue::Item | |
ros::Subscription::LatchInfo | |
ros::MessageDeserializer | |
ros::MultiThreadedSpinner | Spinner which spins in multiple threads |
ros::NodeHandle::no_validate | |
ros::NodeHandle | Roscpp's interface for creating subscribers, publishers, etc |
ros::NodeHandleBackingCollection | |
ros::ParameterAdapter< M > | Generally not for outside use. Adapts a function parameter type into the message type, event type and parameter. Allows you to retrieve a parameter type from an event type |
ros::ParameterAdapter< boost::shared_ptr< M > > | |
ros::ParameterAdapter< boost::shared_ptr< M const > > | |
ros::ParameterAdapter< const boost::shared_ptr< M > & > | |
ros::ParameterAdapter< const boost::shared_ptr< M const > & > | |
ros::ParameterAdapter< const M & > | |
ros::ParameterAdapter< const ros::MessageEvent< M > & > | |
ros::ParameterAdapter< const ros::MessageEvent< M const > & > | |
ros::PeerConnDisconnCallback | |
ros::Subscription::PendingConnection | |
ros::PollManager | |
ros::PollSet | Manages a set of sockets being polled through the poll() function call |
ros::Publication | A Publication manages an advertised topic |
ros::Publisher | Manages an advertisement on a specific topic |
ros::PublisherLink | Handles a connection to a single publisher on a given topic. Receives messages from a publisher and hands them off to its parent Subscription |
ros::ROSOutAppender | |
ros::ServiceCallback | |
ros::ServiceCallbackHelper | Abstract base class used by service servers to deal with concrete message types through a common interface. This is one part of the roscpp API that is not fully stable, so overloading this class is not recommended |
ros::ServiceCallbackHelperCallParams | |
ros::ServiceCallbackHelperT< Spec > | Concrete generic implementation of ServiceCallbackHelper for any normal service type |
ros::ServiceClient | Provides a handle-based interface to service client connections |
ros::ServiceClientLink | Handles a connection to a single incoming service client |
ros::ServiceClientOptions | Encapsulates all options available for creating a ServiceClient |
ros::ServiceEvent< MReq, MRes > | Event type for services, ros::ServiceEvent<MReq, MRes>& can be used in your callback instead of MReq&, MRes& |
ros::ServiceManager | |
ros::ServicePublication | Manages an advertised service |
ros::ServiceServer | Manages an service advertisement |
ros::ServiceServerLink | Handles a connection to a service. If it's a non-persistent client, automatically disconnects when its first service call has finished |
ros::ServiceSpec< MReq, MRes > | |
ros::ServiceSpecCallParams< MReq, MRes > | |
ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher | Allows publication of a message to a single subscriber. Only available inside subscriber connection callbacks |
ros::SingleThreadedSpinner | Spinner which runs in a single thread |
ros::PollSet::SocketInfo | |
ros::Spinner | Abstract interface for classes which spin on a callback queue |
ros::StatisticsLogger::StatData | |
ros::StatisticsLogger | This class logs statistics data about a ROS connection and publishs them periodically on a common topic |
ros::SubscriberLink::Stats | |
ros::PublisherLink::Stats | |
ros::topic::SubscribeHelper< M > | |
ros::SubscribeOptions | Encapsulates all options available for creating a Subscriber |
ros::Subscriber | Manages an subscription callback on a specific topic |
ros::SubscriberCallbacks | |
ros::SubscriberLink | |
ros::Subscription | Manages a subscription on a single topic |
ros::SubscriptionCallbackHelper | Abstract base class used by subscriptions to deal with concrete message types through a common interface. This is one part of the roscpp API that is not fully stable, so overloading this class is not recommended |
ros::SubscriptionCallbackHelperCallParams | |
ros::SubscriptionCallbackHelperDeserializeParams | |
ros::SubscriptionCallbackHelperT< P, Enabled > | Concrete generic implementation of SubscriptionCallbackHelper for any normal message type. Use directly with care, this is mostly for internal use |
ros::SubscriptionQueue | |
ros::Timer | Manages a timer callback |
ros::TimerEvent | Structure passed as a parameter to the callback invoked by a ros::Timer |
ros::TimerManager< T, D, E >::TimerInfo | |
ros::TimerManager< T, D, E > | |
ros::TimerOptions | Encapsulates all options available for starting a timer |
ros::TimerManager< T, D, E >::TimerQueueCallback | |
ros::CallbackQueue::TLS | |
ros::master::TopicInfo | Contains information retrieved from the master about a topic |
ros::TopicManager | |
ros::Transport | Abstract base class that allows abstraction of the transport type, eg. TCP, shared memory, UDP.. |
ros::TransportHints | Provides a way of specifying network transport hints to ros::NodeHandle::subscribe() and someday ros::NodeHandle::advertise() |
ros::TransportPublisherLink | Handles a connection to a single publisher on a given topic. Receives messages from a publisher and hands them off to its parent Subscription |
ros::TransportSubscriberLink | SubscriberLink handles broadcasting messages to a single subscriber on a single topic |
ros::TransportTCP | TCPROS transport |
ros::TransportUDP | UDPROS transport |
ros::TransportUDPHeader | |
ros::WallTimer | Manages a wall-clock timer callback |
ros::WallTimerEvent | Structure passed as a parameter to the callback invoked by a ros::WallTimer |
ros::WallTimerOptions | Encapsulates all options available for starting a timer |
ros::XMLRPCCallWrapper | |
ros::XMLRPCManager | |