Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
pinocchio::python Namespace Reference




struct  AddressVisitor
 Add the Python method to extract the address of the underlying C++ object. More...
struct  BaumgarteCorrectorParametersPythonVisitor
struct  BoostNumberPythonVisitor
struct  BroadPhaseManagerBasePythonVisitor
struct  BroadPhaseManagerPoolPythonVisitor
struct  BroadPhaseManagerPythonVisitor
struct  call
struct  call< ForceTpl< Scalar, Options > >
struct  call< MotionTpl< Scalar, Options > >
struct  CasadiMatrixFromPython
struct  CasadiMatrixToPython
struct  CastVisitor
 Add the Python method cast. More...
struct  CollisionCallBackBaseWrapper
struct  CollisionPairPythonVisitor
struct  ComparableVisitor
 Add the Python method == and != to allow a comparison of this. More...
struct  ComparableVisitor< C, false >
struct  ContactCholeskyDecompositionPythonVisitor
struct  ContactSolverBasePythonVisitor
struct  convert_boost_python_object
struct  convert_type
struct  convert_type< void >
struct  CopyableVisitor
 Add the Python method copy to allow a copy of this by calling the copy constructor. More...
struct  CoulombFrictionConePythonVisitor
struct  DataPythonVisitor
struct  DelassusOperatorBasePythonVisitor
struct  deprecated_function
struct  deprecated_member
struct  deprecated_warning_policy
struct  DualCoulombFrictionConePythonVisitor
struct  ExposeConstructorByCastVisitor
struct  ExtractJointDataVariantTypeVisitor
struct  ExtractJointModelVariantTypeVisitor
struct  ForcePythonVisitor
struct  FramePythonVisitor
struct  GeometryDataPythonVisitor
struct  GeometryFunctorPythonVisitor
struct  GeometryModelPythonVisitor
struct  GeometryObjectPythonVisitor
struct  GeometryPoolPythonVisitor
struct  InertiaPythonVisitor
struct  JointDataBasePythonVisitor
struct  JointDataExposer
struct  JointDataPythonVisitor
struct  JointModelBasePythonVisitor
struct  JointModelCompositeAddJointVisitor
struct  JointModelCompositeConstructorVisitor
struct  JointModelExposer
struct  JointModelPythonVisitor
struct  JointVariantVisitor
struct  LanczosDecompositionPythonVisitor
struct  LieGroupPythonVisitor
struct  LieGroupWrapperTpl
struct  LogCholeskyParametersPythonVisitor
struct  ModelPoolPythonVisitor
struct  ModelPythonVisitor
struct  MotionPythonVisitor
struct  PickleData
struct  PickleFromStringSerialization
struct  PickleMap
 Create a pickle interface for the std::map and aligned map. More...
struct  PickleVector
 Create a pickle interface for the std::vector and aligned vector. More...
struct  PrintableVisitor
 Set the Python method str and repr to use the overloading operator<<. More...
struct  ProximalSettingsPythonVisitor
struct  PseudoInertiaPythonVisitor
struct  RigidConstraintDataPythonVisitor
struct  RigidConstraintModelPythonVisitor
struct  SE3PythonVisitor
struct  SerializableVisitor
struct  StdAlignedVectorPythonVisitor
 Expose an container::aligned_vector from a type given as template argument. More...
struct  Symmetric3PythonVisitor
struct  TreeBroadPhaseManagerPythonVisitor
struct  TridiagonalSymmetricMatrixPythonVisitor
struct  XYZQUATConverter


typedef ContactCholeskyDecompositionTpl< context::Scalar, context::OptionsContactCholeskyDecomposition
typedef Solver::PowerIterationAlgo PowerIterationAlgo
typedef context::Scalar Scalar
typedef ADMMContactSolverTpl< context::ScalarSolver
typedef Solver::SolverStats SolverStats
template<class vector_type , bool NoProxy = false, bool EnableFromPythonListConverter = true, bool pickable = true>
using StdVectorPythonVisitor = eigenpy::StdVectorPythonVisitor< vector_type, NoProxy, EnableFromPythonListConverter, pickable >
typedef Eigen::Matrix< bool, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > VectorXb
typedef context::VectorXs VectorXs


enum  { Options = context::Options }


template<typename BroadPhaseManager >
void _exposeBroadphaseAlgo ()
static Eigen::MatrixXd aba_proxy (const int num_thread, ModelPool &pool, const Eigen::MatrixXd &q, const Eigen::MatrixXd &v, const Eigen::MatrixXd &tau)
static void aba_proxy_res (const int num_thread, ModelPool &pool, const Eigen::MatrixXd &q, const Eigen::MatrixXd &v, const Eigen::MatrixXd &tau, Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXd > a)
static context::JointModelCompositeaddJoint_proxy (context::JointModelComposite &joint_composite, const context::JointModel &jmodel, const context::SE3 &joint_placement=context::SE3::Identity())
template<typename Scalar , int Options, template< typename, int > class JointCollectionTpl>
bp::tuple appendModel_proxy (const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &modelA, const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &modelB, const GeometryModel &geomModelA, const GeometryModel &geomModelB, const FrameIndex frameInModelA, const SE3Tpl< Scalar, Options > &aMb)
context::MatrixXs bodyRegressor_proxy (const context::Motion &v, const context::Motion &a)
static void buffer_copy (boost::asio::streambuf &dest, const boost::asio::streambuf &source)
GeometryModel buildGeomFromMJCF (Model &model, const bp::object &filename, const GeometryType &type)
GeometryModel buildGeomFromMJCF (Model &model, const bp::object &filename, const GeometryType &type, ::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr &meshLoader)
PINOCCHIO_PYTHON_PARSER_DLLAPI Model buildModel (const std::string &filename, const std::string &var_name="model")
 Load a model from a Python script. More...
Model buildModelFromMJCF (const bp::object &filename)
Model buildModelFromMJCF (const bp::object &filename, const JointModel &root_joint)
bp::tuple buildModelFromMJCF (const bp::object &filename, const JointModel &root_joint, const std::string &root_joint_name)
template<typename Scalar , int Options, template< typename, int > class JointCollectionTpl, typename ConfigVectorType >
bp::tuple buildReducedModel (const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &model, const GeometryModel &geom_model, const std::vector< JointIndex > &list_of_joints_to_lock, const Eigen::MatrixBase< ConfigVectorType > &reference_configuration)
template<typename Scalar , int Options, template< typename, int > class JointCollectionTpl, typename ConfigVectorType >
bp::tuple buildReducedModel (const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &model, const std::vector< GeometryModel, Eigen::aligned_allocator< GeometryModel >> &list_of_geom_models, const std::vector< JointIndex > &list_of_joints_to_lock, const Eigen::MatrixBase< ConfigVectorType > &reference_configuration)
Model buildSampleModelHumanoid ()
Model buildSampleModelHumanoid (bool usingFF)
Model buildSampleModelHumanoidRandom ()
Model buildSampleModelHumanoidRandom (bool usingFF)
Model buildSampleModelManipulator ()
static context::SE3::Vector3 com_0_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, bool computeSubtreeComs=true)
static context::SE3::Vector3 com_1_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, bool computeSubtreeComs=true)
static context::SE3::Vector3 com_2_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::VectorXs &a, bool computeSubtreeComs=true)
static const context::Data::Vector3com_default_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, bool computeSubtreeComs=true)
static const context::Data::Vector3com_level_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, KinematicLevel kinematic_level, bool computeSubtreeComs=true)
static context::Data::Matrix6x compute_frame_jacobian_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, context::Data::FrameIndex frame_id)
static context::Data::Matrix6x compute_frame_jacobian_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, context::Data::FrameIndex frame_id, ReferenceFrame reference_frame)
static context::Data::Matrix6x compute_jacobian_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, JointIndex jointId)
bp::tuple computeABADerivatives (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::VectorXs &tau)
bp::tuple computeABADerivatives_fext (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::VectorXs &tau, const ForceAlignedVector &fext)
bp::tuple computeABADerivatives_min (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data)
bp::tuple computeABADerivatives_min_fext (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const ForceAlignedVector &fext)
static void computeAllTerms_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v)
bp::tuple computeCentroidalDynamicsDerivatives_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::VectorXs &a)
template<typename BroadPhaseManager >
VectorXb computeCollisionsInParallel_1 (const size_t num_threads, BroadPhaseManagerPoolBase< BroadPhaseManager, double > &pool, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Eigen::MatrixXd > &q, const bool stopAtFirstCollisionInConfiguration=false, const bool stopAtFirstCollisionInBatch=false)
template<typename BroadPhaseManager >
std::vector< VectorXbcomputeCollisionsInParallel_2 (const size_t num_threads, BroadPhaseManagerPoolBase< BroadPhaseManager, double > &pool, const std::vector< Eigen::MatrixXd > &trajectories, const bool stopAtFirstCollisionInTrajectory=false)
static bool computeCollisionsInParallel_full_proxy (const size_t num_threads, const Model &model, Data &data, const GeometryModel &geom_model, GeometryData &geom_data, const Eigen::VectorXd &q, const bool stopAtFirstCollision=false)
static VectorXb computeCollisionsInParallel_pool_proxy (const int num_thread, GeometryPool &pool, const Eigen::MatrixXd &q, bool stopAtFirstCollisionInConfiguration=false, bool stopAtFirstCollisionInBatch=false)
static bool computeCollisionsInParallel_proxy (const size_t num_threads, const GeometryModel &geom_model, GeometryData &geom_data, const bool stopAtFirstCollision=false)
static context::VectorXs computeComplementarityShift_wrapper (const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &cones, const context::VectorXs &velocities)
static context::VectorXs computeConeProjection_wrapper (const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &cones, const context::VectorXs &forces)
bp::tuple computeConstraintDynamicsDerivatives_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const RigidConstraintModelVector &contact_models, RigidConstraintDataVector &contact_datas, const context::ProximalSettings &settings=context::ProximalSettings())
static ConstRefVectorXs computeContactImpulses_wrapper (const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl > &model, DataTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl > &data, const ConstRefVectorXs &c_ref, const context::RigidConstraintModelVector &contact_models, context::RigidConstraintDataVector &contact_datas, const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &cones, const ConstRefVectorXs &R, const ConstRefVectorXs &constraint_correction, ProximalSettingsTpl< Scalar > &settings, const boost::optional< ConstRefVectorXs > &lambda_guess=boost::none)
static const context::MatrixXs computeDampedDelassusMatrixInverse_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const RigidConstraintModelVector &contact_models, RigidConstraintDataVector &contact_datas, const context::Scalar mu, const bool scaled=false)
static const context::MatrixXs computeDelassusMatrix_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const RigidConstraintModelVector &contact_models, RigidConstraintDataVector &contact_datas, const context::Scalar mu=context::Scalar(0))
template<typename Scalar , int Options, template< typename, int > class JointCollectionTpl, typename ConfigVectorType >
static std::size_t computeDistances_proxy (const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &model, DataTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &data, const GeometryModel &geom_model, GeometryData &geom_data, const Eigen::MatrixBase< ConfigVectorType > &q)
static context::VectorXs computeDualConeProjection_wrapper (const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &cones, const context::VectorXs &velocities)
context::Data::MatrixXs computeGeneralizedGravityDerivatives (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q)
static context::MatrixXs computeKKTContactDynamicMatrixInverse_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::MatrixXs &J, const context::Scalar mu=context::Scalar(0))
const context::Data::RowMatrixXscomputeMinverse_min_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data)
const context::Data::RowMatrixXscomputeMinverse_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q)
static context::Scalar computePrimalFeasibility_wrapper (const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &cones, const context::VectorXs &forces)
static context::Scalar computeReprojectionError_wrapper (const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &cones, const context::VectorXs &forces, const context::VectorXs &velocities)
bp::tuple computeRNEADerivatives (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::VectorXs &a)
bp::tuple computeRNEADerivatives_fext (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::VectorXs &a, const ForceAlignedVector &fext)
context::Data::MatrixXs computeStaticTorqueDerivatives (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const ForceAlignedVector &fext)
static const context::VectorXs constraintDynamics_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::VectorXs &tau, const RigidConstraintModelVector &contact_models, RigidConstraintDataVector &contact_datas, context::ProximalSettings &prox_settings)
static const context::VectorXs constraintDynamics_proxy_default (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::VectorXs &tau, const RigidConstraintModelVector &contact_models, RigidConstraintDataVector &contact_datas)
static ConstRefVectorXs contactInverseDynamics_wrapper (const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl > &model, DataTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl > &data, ConstRefVectorXs &q, ConstRefVectorXs &v, ConstRefVectorXs &a, Scalar dt, const context::RigidConstraintModelVector &contact_models, context::RigidConstraintDataVector &contact_datas, const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &cones, ConstRefVectorXs &R, ConstRefVectorXs &constraint_correction, ProximalSettingsTpl< Scalar > &settings, const boost::optional< ConstRefVectorXs > &lambda_guess=boost::none)
static context::MatrixXs crba_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const Convention convention)
context::MatrixXs dDifference_arg_proxy (const context::Model &model, const context::VectorXs &q1, const context::VectorXs &q2, const ArgumentPosition arg)
bp::tuple dDifference_proxy (const context::Model &model, const context::VectorXs &q1, const context::VectorXs &q2)
template<typename T >
py::object default_arg (T t)
context::MatrixXs dIntegrate_arg_proxy (const context::Model &model, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const ArgumentPosition arg)
bp::tuple dIntegrate_proxy (const context::Model &model, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v)
context::MatrixXs dIntegrateTransport_proxy (const context::Model &model, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::MatrixXs &Jin, const ArgumentPosition arg)
template<typename Vector3Like >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector3Like::Scalar, 3, 3, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector3Like)::Optionsexp3_proxy (const Vector3Like &v)
template<typename Vector3Like >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector3Like::Scalar, 4, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector3Like)::Optionsexp3_proxy_quat (const Vector3Like &v)
template<typename Scalar , int Options>
SE3Tpl< Scalar, Optionsexp6_proxy (const MotionTpl< Scalar, Options > &v)
template<typename Vector6Like >
SE3Tpl< typename Vector6Like::Scalar, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector6Like)::Optionsexp6_proxy (const Vector6Like &vec6)
template<typename Vector6Like >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector6Like::Scalar, 7, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector6Like)::Optionsexp6_proxy_quatvec (const Vector6Like &vec6)
template<class T >
bp::class_< T > & expose_joint_data (bp::class_< T > &cl)
bp::class_< JointDataComposite > & expose_joint_data< JointDataComposite > (bp::class_< JointDataComposite > &cl)
bp::class_< JointDataHelicalUnaligned > & expose_joint_data< JointDataHelicalUnaligned > (bp::class_< JointDataHelicalUnaligned > &cl)
bp::class_< JointDataPlanar > & expose_joint_data< JointDataPlanar > (bp::class_< JointDataPlanar > &cl)
bp::class_< JointDataPrismaticUnaligned > & expose_joint_data< JointDataPrismaticUnaligned > (bp::class_< JointDataPrismaticUnaligned > &cl)
bp::class_< JointDataRevoluteUnaligned > & expose_joint_data< JointDataRevoluteUnaligned > (bp::class_< JointDataRevoluteUnaligned > &cl)
bp::class_< JointDataSphericalZYX > & expose_joint_data< JointDataSphericalZYX > (bp::class_< JointDataSphericalZYX > &cl)
template<class T >
bp::class_< T > & expose_joint_model (bp::class_< T > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelComposite > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelComposite > (bp::class_< context::JointModelComposite > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelHelicalUnaligned > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelHelicalUnaligned > (bp::class_< context::JointModelHelicalUnaligned > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelHX > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelHX > (bp::class_< context::JointModelHX > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelHY > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelHY > (bp::class_< context::JointModelHY > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelHZ > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelHZ > (bp::class_< context::JointModelHZ > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelPrismaticUnaligned > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelPrismaticUnaligned > (bp::class_< context::JointModelPrismaticUnaligned > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelPX > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelPX > (bp::class_< context::JointModelPX > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelPY > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelPY > (bp::class_< context::JointModelPY > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelPZ > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelPZ > (bp::class_< context::JointModelPZ > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelRevoluteUnaligned > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRevoluteUnaligned > (bp::class_< context::JointModelRevoluteUnaligned > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelRUBX > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRUBX > (bp::class_< context::JointModelRUBX > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelRUBY > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRUBY > (bp::class_< context::JointModelRUBY > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelRUBZ > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRUBZ > (bp::class_< context::JointModelRUBZ > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelRX > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRX > (bp::class_< context::JointModelRX > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelRY > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRY > (bp::class_< context::JointModelRY > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelRZ > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRZ > (bp::class_< context::JointModelRZ > &cl)
bp::class_< context::JointModelUniversal > & expose_joint_model< context::JointModelUniversal > (bp::class_< context::JointModelUniversal > &cl)
void exposeABA ()
void exposeABADerivatives ()
void exposeADMMContactSolver ()
void exposeAlgorithms ()
void exposeBroadphase ()
template<typename BroadPhaseManager >
void exposeBroadphaseAlgo ()
void exposeBroadphaseCallbacks ()
template<typename BroadPhaseManager >
void exposeCase ()
void exposeCAT ()
void exposeCentroidal ()
void exposeCentroidalDerivatives ()
void exposeCholesky ()
void exposeClassicAcceleration ()
void exposeCollision ()
void exposeCOM ()
void exposeCones ()
void exposeConsoleBridge ()
void exposeConstraintDynamics ()
void exposeConstraintDynamicsDerivatives ()
void exposeContactDynamics ()
void exposeContactInverseDynamics ()
void exposeContactJacobian ()
void exposeContactSolvers ()
void exposeConversions ()
void exposeCRBA ()
void exposeData ()
void exposeDelassus ()
void exposeDependencies ()
void exposeEigenTypes ()
void exposeEnergy ()
void exposeExplog ()
void exposeExtras ()
void exposeFCL ()
void exposeForce ()
void exposeFrame ()
void exposeFramesAlgo ()
void exposeFramesDerivatives ()
void exposeGeometry ()
void exposeGeometryAlgo ()
void exposeImpulseDynamics ()
void exposeImpulseDynamicsDerivatives ()
void exposeInertia ()
void exposeJacobian ()
void exposeJoints ()
void exposeJointsAlgo ()
void exposeKinematicRegressor ()
void exposeKinematics ()
void exposeKinematicsDerivatives ()
void exposeLanczosDecomposition ()
void exposeLieGroups ()
void exposeLinalg ()
void exposeMJCFGeom ()
void exposeMJCFModel ()
void exposeMJCFParser ()
void exposeModel ()
void exposeModelAlgo ()
void exposeMotion ()
void exposeParallelABA ()
void exposeParallelAlgorithms ()
void exposeParallelBroadPhase ()
void exposeParallelCollision ()
void exposeParallelGeometry ()
void exposeParallelRNEA ()
void exposeParsers ()
void exposePGSContactSolver ()
void exposePool ()
void exposePoolCollision ()
void exposeReachableWorkspace ()
void exposeRegressor ()
void exposeRNEA ()
void exposeRNEADerivatives ()
void exposeRpy ()
void exposeSampleModels ()
void exposeSDFGeometry ()
void exposeSDFModel ()
void exposeSDFParser ()
void exposeSE3 ()
void exposeSerialization ()
void exposeSkew ()
void exposeSpecificTypeFeatures ()
void exposeSRDFParser ()
void exposeSymmetric3 ()
void exposeTridiagonalMatrix ()
void exposeURDFGeometry ()
void exposeURDFModel ()
void exposeURDFParser ()
void exposeVersion ()
template<typename T >
std::vector< T, std::allocator< T > > extract (const boost::python::list &list)
template<typename T , class Allocator >
std::vector< T, Allocator > extract (const boost::python::list &list)
template<typename T , class Allocator >
void extract (const boost::python::list &list, std::vector< T, Allocator > &vec)
bp::tuple findCommonAncestor_proxy (const context::Model &model, const JointIndex joint1_id, const JointIndex joint2_id)
static const context::VectorXs forwardDynamics_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::VectorXs &tau, const context::MatrixXs &J, const context::VectorXs &gamma, const context::Scalar inv_damping=context::Scalar(0.0))
static const context::VectorXs forwardDynamics_proxy_no_q (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &tau, const context::MatrixXs &J, const context::VectorXs &gamma, const context::Scalar inv_damping=context::Scalar(0.0))
static context::Data::Matrix6x frame_jacobian_time_variation_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const context::Data::FrameIndex frame_id, const ReferenceFrame rf)
context::MatrixXs frameBodyRegressor_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const FrameIndex frameId)
template<typename ReturnType >
ReturnType & from (py::handle model)
static context::Data::Motion get_frame_acceleration_proxy1 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Data::FrameIndex frame_id, ReferenceFrame rf=LOCAL)
static context::Data::Motion get_frame_acceleration_proxy2 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Data::JointIndex joint_id, const context::SE3 &placement, ReferenceFrame rf=LOCAL)
static context::Data::Motion get_frame_classical_acceleration_proxy1 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Data::FrameIndex frame_id, ReferenceFrame rf=LOCAL)
static context::Data::Motion get_frame_classical_acceleration_proxy2 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Data::JointIndex joint_id, const context::SE3 &placement, ReferenceFrame rf=LOCAL)
static context::Data::Matrix6x get_frame_jacobian_proxy1 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Data::FrameIndex frame_id, ReferenceFrame rf=LOCAL)
static context::Data::Matrix6x get_frame_jacobian_proxy2 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Data::JointIndex joint_id, const context::SE3 &placement, ReferenceFrame rf=LOCAL)
static context::Data::Matrix6x get_frame_jacobian_time_variation_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, context::Data::FrameIndex jointId, ReferenceFrame rf)
static context::Data::Motion get_frame_velocity_proxy1 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Data::FrameIndex frame_id, ReferenceFrame rf=LOCAL)
static context::Data::Motion get_frame_velocity_proxy2 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Data::JointIndex joint_id, const context::SE3 &placement, ReferenceFrame rf=LOCAL)
static context::Data::Matrix6x get_jacobian_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, JointIndex jointId, ReferenceFrame rf)
static context::Data::Matrix3x get_jacobian_subtree_com_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, context::Model::JointIndex jointId)
static context::Data::Matrix6x get_jacobian_time_variation_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, JointIndex jointId, ReferenceFrame rf)
bp::tuple getCentroidalDynamicsDerivatives_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data)
context::Data::Matrix3x getCoMVelocityDerivatives_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data)
static context::MatrixXs getConstraintJacobian_proxy (const context::Model &model, const context::Data &data, const context::RigidConstraintModel &contact_model, context::RigidConstraintData &contact_data)
static context::MatrixXs getConstraintsJacobian_proxy (const context::Model &model, const context::Data &data, const RigidConstraintModelVector &contact_models, RigidConstraintDataVector &contact_datas)
std::string getCurrentScopeName ()
bp::tuple getFrameAccelerationDerivatives_proxy1 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Model::FrameIndex frame_id, ReferenceFrame rf)
bp::tuple getFrameAccelerationDerivatives_proxy2 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Model::JointIndex joint_id, const context::SE3 &placement, ReferenceFrame rf)
bp::tuple getFrameVelocityDerivatives_proxy1 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Model::FrameIndex frame_id, ReferenceFrame rf)
bp::tuple getFrameVelocityDerivatives_proxy2 (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::Model::JointIndex joint_id, const context::SE3 &placement, ReferenceFrame rf)
bp::tuple getJointAccelerationDerivatives_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const JointIndex jointId, ReferenceFrame rf)
bp::tuple getJointVelocityDerivatives_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const JointIndex jointId, ReferenceFrame rf)
static const context::MatrixXs getKKTContactDynamicMatrixInverse_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::MatrixXs &J)
boost::python::object getOrCreatePythonNamespace (const std::string &submodule_name)
 Helper to create or simply return an existing namespace in Python. More...
bp::tuple getPointClassicAccelerationDerivatives_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const JointIndex joint_id, const context::SE3 &placement, ReferenceFrame rf)
bp::tuple getPointVelocityDerivatives_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const JointIndex joint_id, const context::SE3 &placement, ReferenceFrame rf)
boost::python::object getScalarType ()
 Hlog3 (M, v, res)
static const context::VectorXs impulseDynamics_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v, const RigidConstraintModelVector &contact_models, RigidConstraintDataVector &contact_datas, const context::Scalar r_coeff, const context::ProximalSettings &prox_settings)
static const context::VectorXs impulseDynamics_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, const context::VectorXs &v_before, const context::MatrixXs &J, const context::Scalar r_coeff=context::Scalar(0.), const context::Scalar inv_damping=context::Scalar(0.))
static const context::VectorXs impulseDynamics_proxy_no_q (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &v_before, const context::MatrixXs &J, const context::Scalar r_coeff=context::Scalar(0.), const context::Scalar inv_damping=context::Scalar(0.))
static void impulseDynamicsDerivatives_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const RigidConstraintModelVector &contact_models, RigidConstraintDataVector &contact_datas, const context::Scalar &r_coeff, const context::ProximalSettings &prox_settings)
static context::JointModelCompositeinit_proxy1 (const context::JointModel &jmodel)
static context::JointModelCompositeinit_proxy2 (const context::JointModel &jmodel, const context::SE3 &joint_placement)
static context::Data::Matrix3x jacobian_subtree_com_kinematics_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const context::VectorXs &q, context::Model::JointIndex jointId)
static context::Data::Matrix3x jacobian_subtree_com_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, context::Model::JointIndex jointId)
template<typename Vector3Like >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector3Like::Scalar, 3, 3, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector3Like)::OptionsJexp3_proxy (const Vector3Like &v)
template<typename Scalar , int Options>
MotionTpl< Scalar, Options >::Matrix6 Jexp6_proxy (const MotionTpl< Scalar, Options > &v)
template<typename Vector6Like >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector6Like::Scalar, 6, 6, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector6Like)::OptionsJexp6_proxy (const Vector6Like &vec6)
template<typename Scalar , int Options>
SE3Tpl< Scalar, Options >::Matrix6 Jlog6_proxy (const SE3Tpl< Scalar, Options > &M)
context::MatrixXs jointBodyRegressor_proxy (const context::Model &model, context::Data &data, const JointIndex jointId)
void loadReferenceConfigurations (Model &model, const bp::object &filename, const bool verbose=false)
void loadReferenceConfigurationsFromXML (Model &model, const std::string &xmlStream, const bool verbose=false)
bool loadRotorParameters (Model &model, const bp::object &filename, const bool verbose=false)
template<typename Matrix3Like >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Matrix3Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Matrix3Like)::Optionslog3_proxy (const Matrix3Like &R)
template<typename Matrix3Like , typename Matrix1Like >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Matrix3Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Matrix3Like)::Optionslog3_proxy (const Matrix3Like &R, Eigen::Ref< Matrix1Like > theta)
template<typename QuaternionLike >
Eigen::Matrix< typename QuaternionLike::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(typename QuaternionLike::Vector3)::Optionslog3_proxy (const QuaternionLike &quat)
template<typename Matrix3Like , typename Scalar >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Matrix3Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Matrix3Like)::Optionslog3_proxy_fix (const Matrix3Like &R, Scalar &theta)
template<typename Vector4Like >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector4Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector4Like)::Optionslog3_proxy_quatvec (const Vector4Like &v)
template<typename Vector4Like , typename Matrix1Like >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector4Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector4Like)::Optionslog3_proxy_quatvec (const Vector4Like &v, Eigen::Ref< Matrix1Like > theta)
template<typename Vector4Like , typename _Scalar >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector4Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector4Like)::Optionslog3_proxy_quatvec_fix (const Vector4Like &v, _Scalar &theta)
template<typename Matrix4Like >
MotionTpl< typename Matrix4Like::Scalar, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Matrix4Like)::Optionslog6_proxy (const Matrix4Like &homegenous_matrix)
template<typename Vector7Like >
MotionTpl< typename Vector7Like::Scalar, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector7Like)::Optionslog6_proxy_quatvec (const Vector7Like &q)
template<typename R , typename... Args>
internal::function_wrapper< R(*)(Args...)> make_pybind11_function (R(*func)(Args...))
 Creates a function wrapper. More...
template<typename Matrix >
Eigen::Ref< Matrix > make_ref (const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Matrix > &mat)
template<typename Matrix >
void make_symmetric (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Matrix > &mat, const int mode=Eigen::Upper)
template<typename LgType >
CartesianProductOperationVariantTpl< context::Scalar, context::Options, LieGroupCollectionDefaultTplmakeLieGroup ()
CartesianProductOperationVariantTpl< context::Scalar, context::Options, LieGroupCollectionDefaultTplmakeRn (int n)
static context::VectorXs normalize_proxy (const context::Model &model, const context::VectorXs &config)
std::string path (const bp::object &path)
 python pathlib.Path | str -> C++ std::string More...
std::vector< std::string > pathList (const bp::object &path_list)
 python typing.List[pathlib.Path] | typing.List[str] -> C++ std::vector<std::string> More...
typedef PINOCCHIO_ALIGNED_STD_VECTOR (context::Force) ForceAlignedVector
template<typename Matrix >
 PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE (Matrix) make_copy(const Eigen
template<typename Matrix3Like , typename Vector3Like >
 PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE (Matrix3Like) Hlog3_proxy(const Matrix3Like &M
template<typename Matrix3Like >
 PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE (Matrix3Like) Jlog3_proxy(const Matrix3Like &M)
template<typename MatrixType >
 PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE (MatrixType) inv(const Eigen
typedef PINOCCHIO_STD_VECTOR_WITH_EIGEN_ALLOCATOR (context::RigidConstraintData) RigidConstraintDataVector
typedef PINOCCHIO_STD_VECTOR_WITH_EIGEN_ALLOCATOR (context::RigidConstraintModel) RigidConstraintModelVector
static boost::asio::streambuf & prepare_proxy (boost::asio::streambuf &self, const std::size_t n)
static context::VectorXs randomConfiguration_proxy (const context::Model &model)
static context::Data::MatrixXs reachableWorkspace_ (const context::Model &model, const context::VectorXs &q0, const double time_horizon, const int frame_id, const int n_samples=5, const int facet_dims=3)
bp::tuple reachableWorkspaceHull_ (const context::Model &model, const context::VectorXs &q0, const double time_horizon, const int frame_id, const int n_samples=5, const int facet_dims=3)
template<typename T >
bool register_symbolic_link_to_registered_type ()
void removeCollisionPairs (const Model &model, GeometryModel &geom_model, const bp::object &filename, const bool verbose=false)
static Eigen::MatrixXd rnea_proxy (const int num_thread, ModelPool &pool, const Eigen::MatrixXd &q, const Eigen::MatrixXd &v, const Eigen::MatrixXd &a)
static void rnea_proxy_res (const int num_thread, ModelPool &pool, const Eigen::MatrixXd &q, const Eigen::MatrixXd &v, const Eigen::MatrixXd &a, Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXd > tau)
context::Matrix3s rotate (const std::string &axis, const context::Scalar ang)
template<typename T >
std::string sanitizedClassname ()
template<typename T >
void serialize ()
template<typename Vector3 >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector3::Scalar, 3, 3, Vector3::Options > skew (const Vector3 &v)
template<typename Vector3 >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector3::Scalar, 3, 3, Vector3::Options > skewSquare (const Vector3 &u, const Vector3 &v)
template<typename T >
py::object to (T &t)
template<typename T >
py::object to (T *t)
static PyObject * tobytes (boost::asio::streambuf &self)
template<typename Matrix3 >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Matrix3::Scalar, 3, 1, Matrix3::Options > unSkew (const Matrix3 &mat)
static PyObject * view (boost::asio::streambuf &self)


const typedef Eigen::Ref< const VectorXsConstRefVectorXs
ReturnType res
const Vector3Like & v

Typedef Documentation

◆ ContactCholeskyDecomposition

Definition at line 33 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ PowerIterationAlgo

typedef Solver::PowerIterationAlgo pinocchio::python::PowerIterationAlgo

Definition at line 27 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ Scalar

Definition at line 29 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ Solver

Definition at line 26 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ SolverStats

typedef Solver::SolverStats pinocchio::python::SolverStats

Definition at line 28 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ StdVectorPythonVisitor

template<class vector_type , bool NoProxy = false, bool EnableFromPythonListConverter = true, bool pickable = true>
using pinocchio::python::StdVectorPythonVisitor = typedef eigenpy:: StdVectorPythonVisitor<vector_type, NoProxy, EnableFromPythonListConverter, pickable>

Definition at line 47 of file std-vector.hpp.

◆ VectorXb

typedef Eigen::Matrix< bool, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > pinocchio::python::VectorXb

◆ VectorXs

Definition at line 30 of file admm-solver.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 20 of file expose-contact-inverse-dynamics.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ _exposeBroadphaseAlgo()

template<typename BroadPhaseManager >
void pinocchio::python::_exposeBroadphaseAlgo ( )

Definition at line 27 of file expose-broadphase.cpp.

◆ aba_proxy()

static Eigen::MatrixXd pinocchio::python::aba_proxy ( const int  num_thread,
ModelPool pool,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  q,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  v,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  tau 

Definition at line 26 of file bindings/python/algorithm/parallel/aba.cpp.

◆ aba_proxy_res()

static void pinocchio::python::aba_proxy_res ( const int  num_thread,
ModelPool pool,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  q,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  v,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  tau,
Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXd >  a 

Definition at line 15 of file bindings/python/algorithm/parallel/aba.cpp.

◆ addJoint_proxy()

static context::JointModelComposite& pinocchio::python::addJoint_proxy ( context::JointModelComposite joint_composite,
const context::JointModel jmodel,
const context::SE3 joint_placement = context::SE3::Identity() 

Definition at line 293 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ appendModel_proxy()

template<typename Scalar , int Options, template< typename, int > class JointCollectionTpl>
bp::tuple pinocchio::python::appendModel_proxy ( const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &  modelA,
const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &  modelB,
const GeometryModel geomModelA,
const GeometryModel geomModelB,
const FrameIndex  frameInModelA,
const SE3Tpl< Scalar, Options > &  aMb 

Definition at line 17 of file algorithm/expose-model.cpp.

◆ bodyRegressor_proxy()

context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::bodyRegressor_proxy ( const context::Motion v,
const context::Motion a 

Definition at line 13 of file expose-regressor.cpp.

◆ buffer_copy()

static void pinocchio::python::buffer_copy ( boost::asio::streambuf &  dest,
const boost::asio::streambuf &  source 

◆ buildGeomFromMJCF() [1/2]

GeometryModel pinocchio::python::buildGeomFromMJCF ( Model model,
const bp::object &  filename,
const GeometryType type 

Definition at line 19 of file bindings/python/parsers/mjcf/geometry.cpp.

◆ buildGeomFromMJCF() [2/2]

GeometryModel pinocchio::python::buildGeomFromMJCF ( Model model,
const bp::object &  filename,
const GeometryType type,
::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr meshLoader 

Definition at line 26 of file bindings/python/parsers/mjcf/geometry.cpp.

◆ buildModel()

Model pinocchio::python::buildModel ( const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  var_name = "model" 

Load a model from a Python script.

This function raises a Python error in case of inconsistency in the Python code.

\input filename The full path to the model file. \input var_name Name of the Python variable which contains the model in the script.

The model constructed by the Python script.

Definition at line 23 of file src/parsers/python/model.cpp.

◆ buildModelFromMJCF() [1/3]

Model pinocchio::python::buildModelFromMJCF ( const bp::object &  filename)

Definition at line 18 of file bindings/python/parsers/mjcf/model.cpp.

◆ buildModelFromMJCF() [2/3]

Model pinocchio::python::buildModelFromMJCF ( const bp::object &  filename,
const JointModel root_joint 

Definition at line 25 of file bindings/python/parsers/mjcf/model.cpp.

◆ buildModelFromMJCF() [3/3]

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::buildModelFromMJCF ( const bp::object &  filename,
const JointModel root_joint,
const std::string &  root_joint_name 

Definition at line 32 of file bindings/python/parsers/mjcf/model.cpp.

◆ buildReducedModel() [1/2]

template<typename Scalar , int Options, template< typename, int > class JointCollectionTpl, typename ConfigVectorType >
bp::tuple pinocchio::python::buildReducedModel ( const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &  model,
const GeometryModel geom_model,
const std::vector< JointIndex > &  list_of_joints_to_lock,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< ConfigVectorType > &  reference_configuration 

Definition at line 39 of file algorithm/expose-model.cpp.

◆ buildReducedModel() [2/2]

template<typename Scalar , int Options, template< typename, int > class JointCollectionTpl, typename ConfigVectorType >
bp::tuple pinocchio::python::buildReducedModel ( const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &  model,
const std::vector< GeometryModel, Eigen::aligned_allocator< GeometryModel >> &  list_of_geom_models,
const std::vector< JointIndex > &  list_of_joints_to_lock,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< ConfigVectorType > &  reference_configuration 

Definition at line 61 of file algorithm/expose-model.cpp.

◆ buildSampleModelHumanoid() [1/2]

Model pinocchio::python::buildSampleModelHumanoid ( )

Definition at line 45 of file bindings/python/multibody/sample-models.cpp.

◆ buildSampleModelHumanoid() [2/2]

Model pinocchio::python::buildSampleModelHumanoid ( bool  usingFF)

Definition at line 52 of file bindings/python/multibody/sample-models.cpp.

◆ buildSampleModelHumanoidRandom() [1/2]

Model pinocchio::python::buildSampleModelHumanoidRandom ( )

Definition at line 15 of file bindings/python/multibody/sample-models.cpp.

◆ buildSampleModelHumanoidRandom() [2/2]

Model pinocchio::python::buildSampleModelHumanoidRandom ( bool  usingFF)

Definition at line 22 of file bindings/python/multibody/sample-models.cpp.

◆ buildSampleModelManipulator()

Model pinocchio::python::buildSampleModelManipulator ( )

Definition at line 29 of file bindings/python/multibody/sample-models.cpp.

◆ com_0_proxy()

static context::SE3::Vector3 pinocchio::python::com_0_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
bool  computeSubtreeComs = true 

Definition at line 15 of file expose-com.cpp.

◆ com_1_proxy()

static context::SE3::Vector3 pinocchio::python::com_1_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
bool  computeSubtreeComs = true 

Definition at line 24 of file expose-com.cpp.

◆ com_2_proxy()

static context::SE3::Vector3 pinocchio::python::com_2_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::VectorXs a,
bool  computeSubtreeComs = true 

Definition at line 34 of file expose-com.cpp.

◆ com_default_proxy()

static const context::Data::Vector3& pinocchio::python::com_default_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
bool  computeSubtreeComs = true 

Definition at line 54 of file expose-com.cpp.

◆ com_level_proxy()

static const context::Data::Vector3& pinocchio::python::com_level_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
KinematicLevel  kinematic_level,
bool  computeSubtreeComs = true 

Definition at line 45 of file expose-com.cpp.

◆ compute_frame_jacobian_proxy() [1/2]

static context::Data::Matrix6x pinocchio::python::compute_frame_jacobian_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
context::Data::FrameIndex  frame_id 

Definition at line 96 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ compute_frame_jacobian_proxy() [2/2]

static context::Data::Matrix6x pinocchio::python::compute_frame_jacobian_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
context::Data::FrameIndex  frame_id,
ReferenceFrame  reference_frame 

Definition at line 109 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ compute_jacobian_proxy()

static context::Data::Matrix6x pinocchio::python::compute_jacobian_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
JointIndex  jointId 

Definition at line 13 of file expose-jacobian.cpp.

◆ computeABADerivatives()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::computeABADerivatives ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::VectorXs tau 

Definition at line 20 of file expose-aba-derivatives.cpp.

◆ computeABADerivatives_fext()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::computeABADerivatives_fext ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::VectorXs tau,
const ForceAlignedVector &  fext 

Definition at line 32 of file expose-aba-derivatives.cpp.

◆ computeABADerivatives_min()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::computeABADerivatives_min ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data 

Definition at line 45 of file expose-aba-derivatives.cpp.

◆ computeABADerivatives_min_fext()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::computeABADerivatives_min_fext ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const ForceAlignedVector &  fext 

Definition at line 52 of file expose-aba-derivatives.cpp.

◆ computeAllTerms_proxy()

static void pinocchio::python::computeAllTerms_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v 

Definition at line 12 of file expose-cat.cpp.

◆ computeCentroidalDynamicsDerivatives_proxy()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::computeCentroidalDynamicsDerivatives_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::VectorXs a 

Definition at line 15 of file expose-centroidal-derivatives.cpp.

◆ computeCollisionsInParallel_1()

template<typename BroadPhaseManager >
VectorXb pinocchio::python::computeCollisionsInParallel_1 ( const size_t  num_threads,
BroadPhaseManagerPoolBase< BroadPhaseManager, double > &  pool,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< Eigen::MatrixXd > &  q,
const bool  stopAtFirstCollisionInConfiguration = false,
const bool  stopAtFirstCollisionInBatch = false 

◆ computeCollisionsInParallel_2()

template<typename BroadPhaseManager >
std::vector<VectorXb> pinocchio::python::computeCollisionsInParallel_2 ( const size_t  num_threads,
BroadPhaseManagerPoolBase< BroadPhaseManager, double > &  pool,
const std::vector< Eigen::MatrixXd > &  trajectories,
const bool  stopAtFirstCollisionInTrajectory = false 

◆ computeCollisionsInParallel_full_proxy()

static bool pinocchio::python::computeCollisionsInParallel_full_proxy ( const size_t  num_threads,
const Model model,
Data data,
const GeometryModel geom_model,
GeometryData geom_data,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  q,
const bool  stopAtFirstCollision = false 

◆ computeCollisionsInParallel_pool_proxy()

static VectorXb pinocchio::python::computeCollisionsInParallel_pool_proxy ( const int  num_thread,
GeometryPool pool,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  q,
bool  stopAtFirstCollisionInConfiguration = false,
bool  stopAtFirstCollisionInBatch = false 

◆ computeCollisionsInParallel_proxy()

static bool pinocchio::python::computeCollisionsInParallel_proxy ( const size_t  num_threads,
const GeometryModel geom_model,
GeometryData geom_data,
const bool  stopAtFirstCollision = false 

◆ computeComplementarityShift_wrapper()

static context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::computeComplementarityShift_wrapper ( const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &  cones,
const context::VectorXs velocities 

Definition at line 98 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ computeConeProjection_wrapper()

static context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::computeConeProjection_wrapper ( const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &  cones,
const context::VectorXs forces 

Definition at line 68 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ computeConstraintDynamicsDerivatives_proxy()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::computeConstraintDynamicsDerivatives_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const RigidConstraintModelVector &  contact_models,
RigidConstraintDataVector &  contact_datas,
const context::ProximalSettings settings = context::ProximalSettings() 

Definition at line 22 of file expose-constrained-dynamics-derivatives.cpp.

◆ computeContactImpulses_wrapper()

static ConstRefVectorXs pinocchio::python::computeContactImpulses_wrapper ( const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl > &  model,
DataTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl > &  data,
const ConstRefVectorXs c_ref,
const context::RigidConstraintModelVector &  contact_models,
context::RigidConstraintDataVector &  contact_datas,
const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &  cones,
const ConstRefVectorXs R,
const ConstRefVectorXs constraint_correction,
ProximalSettingsTpl< Scalar > &  settings,
const boost::optional< ConstRefVectorXs > &  lambda_guess = boost::none 

Definition at line 25 of file expose-contact-inverse-dynamics.cpp.

◆ computeDampedDelassusMatrixInverse_proxy()

static const context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::computeDampedDelassusMatrixInverse_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const RigidConstraintModelVector &  contact_models,
RigidConstraintDataVector &  contact_datas,
const context::Scalar  mu,
const bool  scaled = false 

Definition at line 38 of file expose-delassus.cpp.

◆ computeDelassusMatrix_proxy()

static const context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::computeDelassusMatrix_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const RigidConstraintModelVector &  contact_models,
RigidConstraintDataVector &  contact_datas,
const context::Scalar  mu = context::Scalar(0) 

Definition at line 23 of file expose-delassus.cpp.

◆ computeDistances_proxy()

template<typename Scalar , int Options, template< typename, int > class JointCollectionTpl, typename ConfigVectorType >
static std::size_t pinocchio::python::computeDistances_proxy ( const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &  model,
DataTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &  data,
const GeometryModel geom_model,
GeometryData geom_data,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< ConfigVectorType > &  q 

Definition at line 25 of file expose-collision.cpp.

◆ computeDualConeProjection_wrapper()

static context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::computeDualConeProjection_wrapper ( const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &  cones,
const context::VectorXs velocities 

Definition at line 76 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ computeGeneralizedGravityDerivatives()

context::Data::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::computeGeneralizedGravityDerivatives ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q 

Definition at line 17 of file expose-rnea-derivatives.cpp.

◆ computeKKTContactDynamicMatrixInverse_proxy()

static context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::computeKKTContactDynamicMatrixInverse_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::MatrixXs J,
const context::Scalar  mu = context::Scalar(0) 

Definition at line 76 of file expose-contact-dynamics.cpp.

◆ computeMinverse_min_proxy()

const context::Data::RowMatrixXs& pinocchio::python::computeMinverse_min_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data 

Definition at line 25 of file expose-aba.cpp.

◆ computeMinverse_proxy()

const context::Data::RowMatrixXs& pinocchio::python::computeMinverse_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q 

Definition at line 16 of file expose-aba.cpp.

◆ computePrimalFeasibility_wrapper()

static context::Scalar pinocchio::python::computePrimalFeasibility_wrapper ( const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &  cones,
const context::VectorXs forces 

Definition at line 84 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ computeReprojectionError_wrapper()

static context::Scalar pinocchio::python::computeReprojectionError_wrapper ( const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &  cones,
const context::VectorXs forces,
const context::VectorXs velocities 

Definition at line 90 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ computeRNEADerivatives()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::computeRNEADerivatives ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::VectorXs a 

Definition at line 38 of file expose-rnea-derivatives.cpp.

◆ computeRNEADerivatives_fext()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::computeRNEADerivatives_fext ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::VectorXs a,
const ForceAlignedVector &  fext 

Definition at line 50 of file expose-rnea-derivatives.cpp.

◆ computeStaticTorqueDerivatives()

context::Data::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::computeStaticTorqueDerivatives ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const ForceAlignedVector &  fext 

Definition at line 26 of file expose-rnea-derivatives.cpp.

◆ constraintDynamics_proxy()

static const context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::constraintDynamics_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::VectorXs tau,
const RigidConstraintModelVector &  contact_models,
RigidConstraintDataVector &  contact_datas,
context::ProximalSettings prox_settings 

Definition at line 29 of file expose-constrained-dynamics.cpp.

◆ constraintDynamics_proxy_default()

static const context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::constraintDynamics_proxy_default ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::VectorXs tau,
const RigidConstraintModelVector &  contact_models,
RigidConstraintDataVector &  contact_datas 

Definition at line 43 of file expose-constrained-dynamics.cpp.

◆ contactInverseDynamics_wrapper()

static ConstRefVectorXs pinocchio::python::contactInverseDynamics_wrapper ( const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl > &  model,
DataTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl > &  data,
ConstRefVectorXs q,
ConstRefVectorXs v,
ConstRefVectorXs a,
Scalar  dt,
const context::RigidConstraintModelVector &  contact_models,
context::RigidConstraintDataVector &  contact_datas,
const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector &  cones,
ConstRefVectorXs R,
ConstRefVectorXs constraint_correction,
ProximalSettingsTpl< Scalar > &  settings,
const boost::optional< ConstRefVectorXs > &  lambda_guess = boost::none 

Definition at line 42 of file expose-contact-inverse-dynamics.cpp.

◆ crba_proxy()

static context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::crba_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const Convention  convention 

Definition at line 14 of file expose-crba.cpp.

◆ dDifference_arg_proxy()

context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::dDifference_arg_proxy ( const context::Model model,
const context::VectorXs q1,
const context::VectorXs q2,
const ArgumentPosition  arg 

Definition at line 76 of file algorithm/expose-joints.cpp.

◆ dDifference_proxy()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::dDifference_proxy ( const context::Model model,
const context::VectorXs q1,
const context::VectorXs q2 

Definition at line 64 of file algorithm/expose-joints.cpp.

◆ default_arg()

template<typename T >
py::object pinocchio::python::default_arg ( t)

Definition at line 193 of file pybind11.hpp.

◆ dIntegrate_arg_proxy()

context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::dIntegrate_arg_proxy ( const context::Model model,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const ArgumentPosition  arg 

Definition at line 38 of file algorithm/expose-joints.cpp.

◆ dIntegrate_proxy()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::dIntegrate_proxy ( const context::Model model,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v 

Definition at line 26 of file algorithm/expose-joints.cpp.

◆ dIntegrateTransport_proxy()

context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::dIntegrateTransport_proxy ( const context::Model model,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::MatrixXs Jin,
const ArgumentPosition  arg 

Definition at line 51 of file algorithm/expose-joints.cpp.

◆ exp3_proxy()

template<typename Vector3Like >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Vector3Like::Scalar, 3, 3, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector3Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::exp3_proxy ( const Vector3Like &  v)

Definition at line 19 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ exp3_proxy_quat()

template<typename Vector3Like >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Vector3Like::Scalar, 4, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector3Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::exp3_proxy_quat ( const Vector3Like &  v)

Definition at line 27 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ exp6_proxy() [1/2]

template<typename Scalar , int Options>
SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> pinocchio::python::exp6_proxy ( const MotionTpl< Scalar, Options > &  v)

Definition at line 74 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ exp6_proxy() [2/2]

template<typename Vector6Like >
SE3Tpl<typename Vector6Like::Scalar, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector6Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::exp6_proxy ( const Vector6Like &  vec6)

Definition at line 81 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ exp6_proxy_quatvec()

template<typename Vector6Like >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Vector6Like::Scalar, 7, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector6Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::exp6_proxy_quatvec ( const Vector6Like &  vec6)

Definition at line 89 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_data()

template<class T >
bp::class_<T>& pinocchio::python::expose_joint_data ( bp::class_< T > &  cl)

Definition at line 16 of file joints-datas.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_data< JointDataComposite >()

bp::class_<JointDataComposite>& pinocchio::python::expose_joint_data< JointDataComposite > ( bp::class_< JointDataComposite > &  cl)

Definition at line 64 of file joints-datas.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_data< JointDataHelicalUnaligned >()

Definition at line 42 of file joints-datas.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_data< JointDataPlanar >()

bp::class_<JointDataPlanar>& pinocchio::python::expose_joint_data< JointDataPlanar > ( bp::class_< JointDataPlanar > &  cl)

Definition at line 50 of file joints-datas.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_data< JointDataPrismaticUnaligned >()

Definition at line 33 of file joints-datas.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_data< JointDataRevoluteUnaligned >()

Definition at line 24 of file joints-datas.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_data< JointDataSphericalZYX >()

Definition at line 57 of file joints-datas.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model()

template<class T >
bp::class_<T>& pinocchio::python::expose_joint_model ( bp::class_< T > &  cl)

Definition at line 24 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelComposite >()

Definition at line 333 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelHelicalUnaligned >()

Definition at line 179 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelHX >()

Definition at line 200 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelHY >()

Definition at line 217 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelHZ >()

Definition at line 234 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelPrismaticUnaligned >()

Definition at line 161 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelPX >()

Definition at line 124 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelPY >()

Definition at line 136 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelPZ >()

Definition at line 148 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRevoluteUnaligned >()

Definition at line 69 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRUBX >()

Definition at line 87 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRUBY >()

Definition at line 99 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRUBZ >()

Definition at line 111 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRX >()

Definition at line 32 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRY >()

Definition at line 44 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelRZ >()

Definition at line 56 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ expose_joint_model< context::JointModelUniversal >()

Definition at line 252 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ exposeABA()

void pinocchio::python::exposeABA ( )

Definition at line 32 of file expose-aba.cpp.

◆ exposeABADerivatives()

void pinocchio::python::exposeABADerivatives ( )

Definition at line 60 of file expose-aba-derivatives.cpp.

◆ exposeADMMContactSolver()

void pinocchio::python::exposeADMMContactSolver ( )

Definition at line 107 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ exposeAlgorithms()

void pinocchio::python::exposeAlgorithms ( )

Definition at line 12 of file expose-algorithms.cpp.

◆ exposeBroadphase()

void pinocchio::python::exposeBroadphase ( )

Definition at line 80 of file expose-broadphase.cpp.

◆ exposeBroadphaseAlgo()

template<typename BroadPhaseManager >
void pinocchio::python::exposeBroadphaseAlgo ( )

Definition at line 71 of file expose-broadphase.cpp.

◆ exposeBroadphaseCallbacks()

void pinocchio::python::exposeBroadphaseCallbacks ( )

Definition at line 70 of file expose-broadphase-callbacks.cpp.

◆ exposeCase()

template<typename BroadPhaseManager >
void pinocchio::python::exposeCase ( )

◆ exposeCAT()

void pinocchio::python::exposeCAT ( )

Definition at line 24 of file expose-cat.cpp.

◆ exposeCentroidal()

void pinocchio::python::exposeCentroidal ( )

Definition at line 13 of file expose-centroidal.cpp.

◆ exposeCentroidalDerivatives()

void pinocchio::python::exposeCentroidalDerivatives ( )

Definition at line 49 of file expose-centroidal-derivatives.cpp.

◆ exposeCholesky()

void pinocchio::python::exposeCholesky ( )

Definition at line 14 of file expose-cholesky.cpp.

◆ exposeClassicAcceleration()

void pinocchio::python::exposeClassicAcceleration ( )

◆ exposeCollision()

void pinocchio::python::exposeCollision ( )

Definition at line 35 of file expose-collision.cpp.

◆ exposeCOM()

void pinocchio::python::exposeCOM ( )

Definition at line 93 of file expose-com.cpp.

◆ exposeCones()

void pinocchio::python::exposeCones ( )

Definition at line 17 of file expose-cones.cpp.

◆ exposeConsoleBridge()

void pinocchio::python::exposeConsoleBridge ( )

Definition at line 17 of file console-bridge.cpp.

◆ exposeConstraintDynamics()

void pinocchio::python::exposeConstraintDynamics ( )

Definition at line 57 of file expose-constrained-dynamics.cpp.

◆ exposeConstraintDynamicsDerivatives()

void pinocchio::python::exposeConstraintDynamicsDerivatives ( )

Definition at line 38 of file expose-constrained-dynamics-derivatives.cpp.

◆ exposeContactDynamics()

void pinocchio::python::exposeContactDynamics ( )

Definition at line 101 of file expose-contact-dynamics.cpp.

◆ exposeContactInverseDynamics()

void pinocchio::python::exposeContactInverseDynamics ( )

Definition at line 63 of file expose-contact-inverse-dynamics.cpp.

◆ exposeContactJacobian()

void pinocchio::python::exposeContactJacobian ( )

Definition at line 47 of file expose-contact-jacobian.cpp.

◆ exposeContactSolvers()

void pinocchio::python::exposeContactSolvers ( )

Definition at line 16 of file expose-contact-solvers.cpp.

◆ exposeConversions()

void pinocchio::python::exposeConversions ( )

Definition at line 122 of file conversions.cpp.

◆ exposeCRBA()

void pinocchio::python::exposeCRBA ( )

Definition at line 26 of file expose-crba.cpp.

◆ exposeData()

void pinocchio::python::exposeData ( )

Definition at line 13 of file expose-data.cpp.

◆ exposeDelassus()

void pinocchio::python::exposeDelassus ( )

Definition at line 55 of file expose-delassus.cpp.

◆ exposeDependencies()

void pinocchio::python::exposeDependencies ( )

Definition at line 14 of file dependencies.cpp.

◆ exposeEigenTypes()

void pinocchio::python::exposeEigenTypes ( )

Definition at line 55 of file expose-eigen-types.cpp.

◆ exposeEnergy()

void pinocchio::python::exposeEnergy ( )

Definition at line 13 of file expose-energy.cpp.

◆ exposeExplog()

void pinocchio::python::exposeExplog ( )

Definition at line 17 of file expose-explog.cpp.

◆ exposeExtras()

void pinocchio::python::exposeExtras ( )

Definition at line 12 of file expose-extras.cpp.

◆ exposeFCL()

void pinocchio::python::exposeFCL ( )

Definition at line 19 of file expose-fcl.cpp.

◆ exposeForce()

void pinocchio::python::exposeForce ( )

Definition at line 18 of file expose-force.cpp.

◆ exposeFrame()

void pinocchio::python::exposeFrame ( )

Definition at line 18 of file expose-frame.cpp.

◆ exposeFramesAlgo()

void pinocchio::python::exposeFramesAlgo ( )

Definition at line 150 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ exposeFramesDerivatives()

void pinocchio::python::exposeFramesDerivatives ( )

Definition at line 89 of file expose-frames-derivatives.cpp.

◆ exposeGeometry()

void pinocchio::python::exposeGeometry ( )

Definition at line 16 of file multibody/expose-geometry.cpp.

◆ exposeGeometryAlgo()

void pinocchio::python::exposeGeometryAlgo ( )

Definition at line 13 of file algorithm/expose-geometry.cpp.

◆ exposeImpulseDynamics()

void pinocchio::python::exposeImpulseDynamics ( )

Definition at line 37 of file expose-impulse-dynamics.cpp.

◆ exposeImpulseDynamicsDerivatives()

void pinocchio::python::exposeImpulseDynamicsDerivatives ( )

Definition at line 35 of file expose-impulse-dynamics-derivatives.cpp.

◆ exposeInertia()

void pinocchio::python::exposeInertia ( )

Definition at line 18 of file expose-inertia.cpp.

◆ exposeJacobian()

void pinocchio::python::exposeJacobian ( )

Definition at line 46 of file expose-jacobian.cpp.

◆ exposeJoints()

void pinocchio::python::exposeJoints ( )

Definition at line 18 of file multibody/joint/expose-joints.cpp.

◆ exposeJointsAlgo()

void pinocchio::python::exposeJointsAlgo ( )

Definition at line 89 of file algorithm/expose-joints.cpp.

◆ exposeKinematicRegressor()

void pinocchio::python::exposeKinematicRegressor ( )

Definition at line 13 of file expose-kinematic-regressor.cpp.

◆ exposeKinematics()

void pinocchio::python::exposeKinematics ( )

Definition at line 13 of file expose-kinematics.cpp.

◆ exposeKinematicsDerivatives()

void pinocchio::python::exposeKinematicsDerivatives ( )

Definition at line 99 of file expose-kinematics-derivatives.cpp.

◆ exposeLanczosDecomposition()

void pinocchio::python::exposeLanczosDecomposition ( )

Definition at line 14 of file expose-lanczos-decomposition.cpp.

◆ exposeLieGroups()

void pinocchio::python::exposeLieGroups ( )

Definition at line 41 of file expose-liegroups.cpp.

◆ exposeLinalg()

void pinocchio::python::exposeLinalg ( )

Definition at line 25 of file expose-linalg.cpp.

◆ exposeMJCFGeom()

void pinocchio::python::exposeMJCFGeom ( )

Definition at line 37 of file bindings/python/parsers/mjcf/geometry.cpp.

◆ exposeMJCFModel()

void pinocchio::python::exposeMJCFModel ( )

Definition at line 44 of file bindings/python/parsers/mjcf/model.cpp.

◆ exposeMJCFParser()

void pinocchio::python::exposeMJCFParser ( )

Definition at line 15 of file bindings/python/parsers/mjcf.hpp.

◆ exposeModel()

void pinocchio::python::exposeModel ( )

Definition at line 13 of file multibody/expose-model.cpp.

◆ exposeModelAlgo()

void pinocchio::python::exposeModelAlgo ( )

Definition at line 86 of file algorithm/expose-model.cpp.

◆ exposeMotion()

void pinocchio::python::exposeMotion ( )

Definition at line 19 of file expose-motion.cpp.

◆ exposeParallelABA()

void pinocchio::python::exposeParallelABA ( )

Definition at line 38 of file bindings/python/algorithm/parallel/aba.cpp.

◆ exposeParallelAlgorithms()

void pinocchio::python::exposeParallelAlgorithms ( )

Definition at line 17 of file algorithm/parallel/expose-parallel.cpp.

◆ exposeParallelBroadPhase()

void pinocchio::python::exposeParallelBroadPhase ( )

◆ exposeParallelCollision()

void pinocchio::python::exposeParallelCollision ( )

Definition at line 17 of file collision/parallel/expose-parallel.cpp.

◆ exposeParallelGeometry()

void pinocchio::python::exposeParallelGeometry ( )

◆ exposeParallelRNEA()

void pinocchio::python::exposeParallelRNEA ( )

Definition at line 38 of file bindings/python/algorithm/parallel/rnea.cpp.

◆ exposeParsers()

void pinocchio::python::exposeParsers ( )

Definition at line 15 of file expose-parsers.cpp.

◆ exposePGSContactSolver()

void pinocchio::python::exposePGSContactSolver ( )

Definition at line 34 of file pgs-solver.cpp.

◆ exposePool()

void pinocchio::python::exposePool ( )

Definition at line 13 of file multibody/pool/expose-pool.cpp.

◆ exposePoolCollision()

void pinocchio::python::exposePoolCollision ( )

Definition at line 25 of file collision/pool/expose-pool.cpp.

◆ exposeReachableWorkspace()

void pinocchio::python::exposeReachableWorkspace ( )

Definition at line 95 of file expose-reachable-workspace.cpp.

◆ exposeRegressor()

void pinocchio::python::exposeRegressor ( )

Definition at line 30 of file expose-regressor.cpp.

◆ exposeRNEA()

void pinocchio::python::exposeRNEA ( )

Definition at line 13 of file expose-rnea.cpp.

◆ exposeRNEADerivatives()

void pinocchio::python::exposeRNEADerivatives ( )

Definition at line 63 of file expose-rnea-derivatives.cpp.

◆ exposeRpy()

void pinocchio::python::exposeRpy ( )

Definition at line 41 of file expose-rpy.cpp.

◆ exposeSampleModels()

void pinocchio::python::exposeSampleModels ( )

Definition at line 68 of file bindings/python/multibody/sample-models.cpp.

◆ exposeSDFGeometry()

void pinocchio::python::exposeSDFGeometry ( )

Definition at line 175 of file bindings/python/parsers/sdf/geometry.cpp.

◆ exposeSDFModel()

void pinocchio::python::exposeSDFModel ( )

Definition at line 63 of file bindings/python/parsers/sdf/model.cpp.

◆ exposeSDFParser()

void pinocchio::python::exposeSDFParser ( )

Definition at line 15 of file bindings/python/parsers/sdf.hpp.

◆ exposeSE3()

void pinocchio::python::exposeSE3 ( )

Definition at line 18 of file expose-SE3.cpp.

◆ exposeSerialization()

void pinocchio::python::exposeSerialization ( )

◆ exposeSkew()

void pinocchio::python::exposeSkew ( )

Definition at line 41 of file expose-skew.cpp.

◆ exposeSpecificTypeFeatures()

void pinocchio::python::exposeSpecificTypeFeatures ( )

Definition at line 14 of file boost_number.cpp.

◆ exposeSRDFParser()

void pinocchio::python::exposeSRDFParser ( )

Definition at line 45 of file bindings/python/parsers/srdf.cpp.

◆ exposeSymmetric3()

void pinocchio::python::exposeSymmetric3 ( )

Definition at line 18 of file expose-symmetric3.cpp.

◆ exposeTridiagonalMatrix()

void pinocchio::python::exposeTridiagonalMatrix ( )

Definition at line 14 of file expose-tridiagonal-matrix.cpp.

◆ exposeURDFGeometry()

void pinocchio::python::exposeURDFGeometry ( )

Definition at line 210 of file bindings/python/parsers/urdf/geometry.cpp.

◆ exposeURDFModel()

void pinocchio::python::exposeURDFModel ( )

Definition at line 116 of file bindings/python/parsers/urdf/model.cpp.

◆ exposeURDFParser()

void pinocchio::python::exposeURDFParser ( )

Definition at line 16 of file bindings/python/parsers/urdf.hpp.

◆ exposeVersion()

void pinocchio::python::exposeVersion ( )

Definition at line 18 of file bindings/python/utils/version.cpp.

◆ extract() [1/3]

template<typename T >
std::vector<T, std::allocator<T> > pinocchio::python::extract ( const boost::python::list &  list)

Definition at line 49 of file list.hpp.

◆ extract() [2/3]

template<typename T , class Allocator >
std::vector<T, Allocator> pinocchio::python::extract ( const boost::python::list &  list)

Definition at line 57 of file list.hpp.

◆ extract() [3/3]

template<typename T , class Allocator >
void pinocchio::python::extract ( const boost::python::list &  list,
std::vector< T, Allocator > &  vec 

Definition at line 25 of file list.hpp.

◆ findCommonAncestor_proxy()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::findCommonAncestor_proxy ( const context::Model model,
const JointIndex  joint1_id,
const JointIndex  joint2_id 

Definition at line 77 of file algorithm/expose-model.cpp.

◆ forwardDynamics_proxy()

static const context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::forwardDynamics_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::VectorXs tau,
const context::MatrixXs J,
const context::VectorXs gamma,
const context::Scalar  inv_damping = context::Scalar(0.0) 

Definition at line 13 of file expose-contact-dynamics.cpp.

◆ forwardDynamics_proxy_no_q()

static const context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::forwardDynamics_proxy_no_q ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs tau,
const context::MatrixXs J,
const context::VectorXs gamma,
const context::Scalar  inv_damping = context::Scalar(0.0) 

Definition at line 30 of file expose-contact-dynamics.cpp.

◆ frame_jacobian_time_variation_proxy()

static context::Data::Matrix6x pinocchio::python::frame_jacobian_time_variation_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const context::Data::FrameIndex  frame_id,
const ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 136 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ frameBodyRegressor_proxy()

context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::frameBodyRegressor_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const FrameIndex  frameId 

Definition at line 24 of file expose-regressor.cpp.

◆ from()

template<typename ReturnType >
ReturnType& pinocchio::python::from ( py::handle  model)

Definition at line 70 of file pybind11.hpp.

◆ get_frame_acceleration_proxy1()

static context::Data::Motion pinocchio::python::get_frame_acceleration_proxy1 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Data::FrameIndex  frame_id,
ReferenceFrame  rf = LOCAL 

Definition at line 58 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ get_frame_acceleration_proxy2()

static context::Data::Motion pinocchio::python::get_frame_acceleration_proxy2 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Data::JointIndex  joint_id,
const context::SE3 placement,
ReferenceFrame  rf = LOCAL 

Definition at line 67 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ get_frame_classical_acceleration_proxy1()

static context::Data::Motion pinocchio::python::get_frame_classical_acceleration_proxy1 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Data::FrameIndex  frame_id,
ReferenceFrame  rf = LOCAL 

Definition at line 77 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ get_frame_classical_acceleration_proxy2()

static context::Data::Motion pinocchio::python::get_frame_classical_acceleration_proxy2 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Data::JointIndex  joint_id,
const context::SE3 placement,
ReferenceFrame  rf = LOCAL 

Definition at line 86 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ get_frame_jacobian_proxy1()

static context::Data::Matrix6x pinocchio::python::get_frame_jacobian_proxy1 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Data::FrameIndex  frame_id,
ReferenceFrame  rf = LOCAL 

Definition at line 13 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ get_frame_jacobian_proxy2()

static context::Data::Matrix6x pinocchio::python::get_frame_jacobian_proxy2 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Data::JointIndex  joint_id,
const context::SE3 placement,
ReferenceFrame  rf = LOCAL 

Definition at line 26 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ get_frame_jacobian_time_variation_proxy()

static context::Data::Matrix6x pinocchio::python::get_frame_jacobian_time_variation_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
context::Data::FrameIndex  jointId,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 123 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ get_frame_velocity_proxy1()

static context::Data::Motion pinocchio::python::get_frame_velocity_proxy1 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Data::FrameIndex  frame_id,
ReferenceFrame  rf = LOCAL 

Definition at line 39 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ get_frame_velocity_proxy2()

static context::Data::Motion pinocchio::python::get_frame_velocity_proxy2 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Data::JointIndex  joint_id,
const context::SE3 placement,
ReferenceFrame  rf = LOCAL 

Definition at line 48 of file expose-frames.cpp.

◆ get_jacobian_proxy()

static context::Data::Matrix6x pinocchio::python::get_jacobian_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
JointIndex  jointId,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 26 of file expose-jacobian.cpp.

◆ get_jacobian_subtree_com_proxy()

static context::Data::Matrix3x pinocchio::python::get_jacobian_subtree_com_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
context::Model::JointIndex  jointId 

Definition at line 83 of file expose-com.cpp.

◆ get_jacobian_time_variation_proxy()

static context::Data::Matrix6x pinocchio::python::get_jacobian_time_variation_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
JointIndex  jointId,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 36 of file expose-jacobian.cpp.

◆ getCentroidalDynamicsDerivatives_proxy()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::getCentroidalDynamicsDerivatives_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data 

Definition at line 35 of file expose-centroidal-derivatives.cpp.

◆ getCoMVelocityDerivatives_proxy()

context::Data::Matrix3x pinocchio::python::getCoMVelocityDerivatives_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data 

Definition at line 91 of file expose-kinematics-derivatives.cpp.

◆ getConstraintJacobian_proxy()

static context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::getConstraintJacobian_proxy ( const context::Model model,
const context::Data data,
const context::RigidConstraintModel contact_model,
context::RigidConstraintData contact_data 

Definition at line 22 of file expose-contact-jacobian.cpp.

◆ getConstraintsJacobian_proxy()

static context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::getConstraintsJacobian_proxy ( const context::Model model,
const context::Data data,
const RigidConstraintModelVector &  contact_models,
RigidConstraintDataVector &  contact_datas 

Definition at line 34 of file expose-contact-jacobian.cpp.

◆ getCurrentScopeName()

std::string pinocchio::python::getCurrentScopeName ( )


the name of the current Python scope.

Definition at line 19 of file namespace.hpp.

◆ getFrameAccelerationDerivatives_proxy1()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::getFrameAccelerationDerivatives_proxy1 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Model::FrameIndex  frame_id,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 49 of file expose-frames-derivatives.cpp.

◆ getFrameAccelerationDerivatives_proxy2()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::getFrameAccelerationDerivatives_proxy2 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Model::JointIndex  joint_id,
const context::SE3 placement,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 68 of file expose-frames-derivatives.cpp.

◆ getFrameVelocityDerivatives_proxy1()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::getFrameVelocityDerivatives_proxy1 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Model::FrameIndex  frame_id,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 16 of file expose-frames-derivatives.cpp.

◆ getFrameVelocityDerivatives_proxy2()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::getFrameVelocityDerivatives_proxy2 ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::Model::JointIndex  joint_id,
const context::SE3 placement,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 32 of file expose-frames-derivatives.cpp.

◆ getJointAccelerationDerivatives_proxy()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::getJointAccelerationDerivatives_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const JointIndex  jointId,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 50 of file expose-kinematics-derivatives.cpp.

◆ getJointVelocityDerivatives_proxy()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::getJointVelocityDerivatives_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const JointIndex  jointId,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 17 of file expose-kinematics-derivatives.cpp.

◆ getKKTContactDynamicMatrixInverse_proxy()

static const context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::getKKTContactDynamicMatrixInverse_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::MatrixXs J 

Definition at line 88 of file expose-contact-dynamics.cpp.

◆ getOrCreatePythonNamespace()

boost::python::object pinocchio::python::getOrCreatePythonNamespace ( const std::string &  submodule_name)

Helper to create or simply return an existing namespace in Python.


[in]submodule_namename of the submodule
The submodule related to the namespace name.

Definition at line 34 of file namespace.hpp.

◆ getPointClassicAccelerationDerivatives_proxy()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::getPointClassicAccelerationDerivatives_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const JointIndex  joint_id,
const context::SE3 placement,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 69 of file expose-kinematics-derivatives.cpp.

◆ getPointVelocityDerivatives_proxy()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::getPointVelocityDerivatives_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const JointIndex  joint_id,
const context::SE3 placement,
ReferenceFrame  rf 

Definition at line 33 of file expose-kinematics-derivatives.cpp.

◆ getScalarType()

boost::python::object pinocchio::python::getScalarType ( )

Definition at line 19 of file boost_number.cpp.

◆ Hlog3()

pinocchio::python::Hlog3 ( M  ,
v  ,

◆ impulseDynamics_proxy() [1/2]

static const context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::impulseDynamics_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v,
const RigidConstraintModelVector &  contact_models,
RigidConstraintDataVector &  contact_datas,
const context::Scalar  r_coeff,
const context::ProximalSettings prox_settings 

Definition at line 22 of file expose-impulse-dynamics.cpp.

◆ impulseDynamics_proxy() [2/2]

static const context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::impulseDynamics_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
const context::VectorXs v_before,
const context::MatrixXs J,
const context::Scalar  r_coeff = context::Scalar(0.),
const context::Scalar  inv_damping = context::Scalar(0.) 

Definition at line 45 of file expose-contact-dynamics.cpp.

◆ impulseDynamics_proxy_no_q()

static const context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::impulseDynamics_proxy_no_q ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs v_before,
const context::MatrixXs J,
const context::Scalar  r_coeff = context::Scalar(0.),
const context::Scalar  inv_damping = context::Scalar(0.) 

Definition at line 61 of file expose-contact-dynamics.cpp.

◆ impulseDynamicsDerivatives_proxy()

static void pinocchio::python::impulseDynamicsDerivatives_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const RigidConstraintModelVector &  contact_models,
RigidConstraintDataVector &  contact_datas,
const context::Scalar r_coeff,
const context::ProximalSettings prox_settings 

Definition at line 22 of file expose-impulse-dynamics-derivatives.cpp.

◆ init_proxy1()

static context::JointModelComposite* pinocchio::python::init_proxy1 ( const context::JointModel jmodel)

Definition at line 319 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ init_proxy2()

static context::JointModelComposite* pinocchio::python::init_proxy2 ( const context::JointModel jmodel,
const context::SE3 joint_placement 

Definition at line 326 of file joints-models.hpp.

◆ jacobian_subtree_com_kinematics_proxy()

static context::Data::Matrix3x pinocchio::python::jacobian_subtree_com_kinematics_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const context::VectorXs q,
context::Model::JointIndex  jointId 

Definition at line 60 of file expose-com.cpp.

◆ jacobian_subtree_com_proxy()

static context::Data::Matrix3x pinocchio::python::jacobian_subtree_com_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
context::Model::JointIndex  jointId 

Definition at line 73 of file expose-com.cpp.

◆ Jexp3_proxy()

template<typename Vector3Like >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Vector3Like::Scalar, 3, 3, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector3Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::Jexp3_proxy ( const Vector3Like &  v)

Definition at line 44 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ Jexp6_proxy() [1/2]

template<typename Scalar , int Options>
MotionTpl<Scalar, Options>::Matrix6 pinocchio::python::Jexp6_proxy ( const MotionTpl< Scalar, Options > &  v)

Definition at line 105 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ Jexp6_proxy() [2/2]

template<typename Vector6Like >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Vector6Like::Scalar, 6, 6, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector6Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::Jexp6_proxy ( const Vector6Like &  vec6)

Definition at line 116 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ Jlog6_proxy()

template<typename Scalar , int Options>
SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options>::Matrix6 pinocchio::python::Jlog6_proxy ( const SE3Tpl< Scalar, Options > &  M)

Definition at line 96 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ jointBodyRegressor_proxy()

context::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::jointBodyRegressor_proxy ( const context::Model model,
context::Data data,
const JointIndex  jointId 

Definition at line 18 of file expose-regressor.cpp.

◆ loadReferenceConfigurations()

void pinocchio::python::loadReferenceConfigurations ( Model model,
const bp::object &  filename,
const bool  verbose = false 

Definition at line 27 of file bindings/python/parsers/srdf.cpp.

◆ loadReferenceConfigurationsFromXML()

void pinocchio::python::loadReferenceConfigurationsFromXML ( Model model,
const std::string &  xmlStream,
const bool  verbose = false 

Definition at line 33 of file bindings/python/parsers/srdf.cpp.

◆ loadRotorParameters()

bool pinocchio::python::loadRotorParameters ( Model model,
const bp::object &  filename,
const bool  verbose = false 

Definition at line 40 of file bindings/python/parsers/srdf.cpp.

◆ log3_proxy() [1/3]

template<typename Matrix3Like >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Matrix3Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Matrix3Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::log3_proxy ( const Matrix3Like &  R)

Definition at line 129 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ log3_proxy() [2/3]

template<typename Matrix3Like , typename Matrix1Like >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Matrix3Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Matrix3Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::log3_proxy ( const Matrix3Like &  R,
Eigen::Ref< Matrix1Like >  theta 

Definition at line 137 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ log3_proxy() [3/3]

template<typename QuaternionLike >
Eigen::Matrix< typename QuaternionLike::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(typename QuaternionLike::Vector3)::Options> pinocchio::python::log3_proxy ( const QuaternionLike &  quat)

Definition at line 156 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ log3_proxy_fix()

template<typename Matrix3Like , typename Scalar >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Matrix3Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Matrix3Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::log3_proxy_fix ( const Matrix3Like &  R,
Scalar theta 

Definition at line 145 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ log3_proxy_quatvec() [1/2]

template<typename Vector4Like >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Vector4Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector4Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::log3_proxy_quatvec ( const Vector4Like &  v)

Definition at line 164 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ log3_proxy_quatvec() [2/2]

template<typename Vector4Like , typename Matrix1Like >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Vector4Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector4Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::log3_proxy_quatvec ( const Vector4Like &  v,
Eigen::Ref< Matrix1Like >  theta 

Definition at line 181 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ log3_proxy_quatvec_fix()

template<typename Vector4Like , typename _Scalar >
Eigen:: Matrix<typename Vector4Like::Scalar, 3, 1, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector4Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::log3_proxy_quatvec_fix ( const Vector4Like &  v,
_Scalar &  theta 

Definition at line 199 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ log6_proxy()

template<typename Matrix4Like >
MotionTpl<typename Matrix4Like::Scalar, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Matrix4Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::log6_proxy ( const Matrix4Like &  homegenous_matrix)

Definition at line 216 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ log6_proxy_quatvec()

template<typename Vector7Like >
MotionTpl<typename Vector7Like::Scalar, PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector7Like)::Options> pinocchio::python::log6_proxy_quatvec ( const Vector7Like &  q)

Definition at line 223 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ make_pybind11_function()

template<typename R , typename... Args>
internal::function_wrapper<R (*)(Args...)> pinocchio::python::make_pybind11_function ( R(*)(Args...)  func)

Creates a function wrapper.

Using function wrapper has the advantage of being copy-less when possible but the disadvantage of requiring to wrap the exposed function.

The wrapper does:

  • converts the argument if a conversion has been previously declared,
  • call the wrapped function
  • converts the result if a conversion has been previously declared.

Definition at line 185 of file pybind11.hpp.

◆ make_ref()

template<typename Matrix >
Eigen::Ref<Matrix> pinocchio::python::make_ref ( const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Matrix > &  mat)

Definition at line 17 of file bindings/python/utils/eigen.hpp.

◆ make_symmetric()

template<typename Matrix >
void pinocchio::python::make_symmetric ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Matrix > &  mat,
const int  mode = Eigen::Upper 

Definition at line 24 of file bindings/python/utils/eigen.hpp.

◆ makeLieGroup()

template<typename LgType >
CartesianProductOperationVariantTpl< context::Scalar, context::Options, LieGroupCollectionDefaultTpl> pinocchio::python::makeLieGroup ( )

Definition at line 23 of file expose-liegroups.cpp.

◆ makeRn()

Definition at line 33 of file expose-liegroups.cpp.

◆ normalize_proxy()

static context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::normalize_proxy ( const context::Model model,
const context::VectorXs config 

Definition at line 14 of file algorithm/expose-joints.cpp.

◆ path()

std::string pinocchio::python::path ( const bp::object &  path)

python pathlib.Path | str -> C++ std::string

Definition at line 13 of file path.cpp.

◆ pathList()

std::vector< std::string > pinocchio::python::pathList ( const bp::object &  path_list)

python typing.List[pathlib.Path] | typing.List[str] -> C++ std::vector<std::string>

Definition at line 31 of file path.cpp.


typedef pinocchio::python::PINOCCHIO_ALIGNED_STD_VECTOR ( context::Force  )


template<typename Matrix >
pinocchio::python::PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE ( Matrix  ) const

Definition at line 39 of file bindings/python/utils/eigen.hpp.


template<typename Matrix3Like , typename Vector3Like >
pinocchio::python::PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE ( Matrix3Like  ) const &


template<typename Matrix3Like >
pinocchio::python::PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE ( Matrix3Like  ) const &

Definition at line 55 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.


template<typename MatrixType >
pinocchio::python::PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE ( MatrixType  ) const

Definition at line 18 of file expose-linalg.cpp.


typedef pinocchio::python::PINOCCHIO_STD_VECTOR_WITH_EIGEN_ALLOCATOR ( context::RigidConstraintData  )


typedef pinocchio::python::PINOCCHIO_STD_VECTOR_WITH_EIGEN_ALLOCATOR ( context::RigidConstraintModel  )

◆ prepare_proxy()

static boost::asio::streambuf& pinocchio::python::prepare_proxy ( boost::asio::streambuf &  self,
const std::size_t  n 

◆ randomConfiguration_proxy()

static context::VectorXs pinocchio::python::randomConfiguration_proxy ( const context::Model model)

Definition at line 21 of file algorithm/expose-joints.cpp.

◆ reachableWorkspace_()

static context::Data::MatrixXs pinocchio::python::reachableWorkspace_ ( const context::Model model,
const context::VectorXs q0,
const double  time_horizon,
const int  frame_id,
const int  n_samples = 5,
const int  facet_dims = 3 

Definition at line 35 of file expose-reachable-workspace.cpp.

◆ reachableWorkspaceHull_()

bp::tuple pinocchio::python::reachableWorkspaceHull_ ( const context::Model model,
const context::VectorXs q0,
const double  time_horizon,
const int  frame_id,
const int  n_samples = 5,
const int  facet_dims = 3 

Definition at line 18 of file expose-reachable-workspace.cpp.

◆ register_symbolic_link_to_registered_type()

template<typename T >
bool pinocchio::python::register_symbolic_link_to_registered_type ( )

Definition at line 16 of file registration.hpp.

◆ removeCollisionPairs()

void pinocchio::python::removeCollisionPairs ( const Model model,
GeometryModel geom_model,
const bp::object &  filename,
const bool  verbose = false 

Definition at line 18 of file bindings/python/parsers/srdf.cpp.

◆ rnea_proxy()

static Eigen::MatrixXd pinocchio::python::rnea_proxy ( const int  num_thread,
ModelPool pool,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  q,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  v,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  a 

Definition at line 26 of file bindings/python/algorithm/parallel/rnea.cpp.

◆ rnea_proxy_res()

static void pinocchio::python::rnea_proxy_res ( const int  num_thread,
ModelPool pool,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  q,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  v,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  a,
Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXd >  tau 

Definition at line 15 of file bindings/python/algorithm/parallel/rnea.cpp.

◆ rotate()

context::Matrix3s pinocchio::python::rotate ( const std::string &  axis,
const context::Scalar  ang 

Definition at line 15 of file expose-rpy.cpp.

◆ sanitizedClassname()

template<typename T >
std::string pinocchio::python::sanitizedClassname ( )

Definition at line 24 of file joints-variant.hpp.

◆ serialize()

template<typename T >
void pinocchio::python::serialize ( )

Definition at line 21 of file serialization.hpp.

◆ skew()

template<typename Vector3 >
Eigen::Matrix<typename Vector3::Scalar, 3, 3, Vector3::Options> pinocchio::python::skew ( const Vector3 &  v)

Definition at line 19 of file expose-skew.cpp.

◆ skewSquare()

template<typename Vector3 >
Eigen::Matrix<typename Vector3::Scalar, 3, 3, Vector3::Options> pinocchio::python::skewSquare ( const Vector3 &  u,
const Vector3 &  v 

Definition at line 28 of file expose-skew.cpp.

◆ to() [1/2]

template<typename T >
py::object pinocchio::python::to ( T &  t)

Definition at line 52 of file pybind11.hpp.

◆ to() [2/2]

template<typename T >
py::object pinocchio::python::to ( T *  t)

Definition at line 60 of file pybind11.hpp.

◆ tobytes()

static PyObject* pinocchio::python::tobytes ( boost::asio::streambuf &  self)

◆ unSkew()

template<typename Matrix3 >
Eigen::Matrix<typename Matrix3::Scalar, 3, 1, Matrix3::Options> pinocchio::python::unSkew ( const Matrix3 &  mat)

Definition at line 36 of file expose-skew.cpp.

◆ view()

static PyObject* pinocchio::python::view ( boost::asio::streambuf &  self)

Variable Documentation

◆ ConstRefVectorXs

const typedef Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > pinocchio::python::ConstRefVectorXs

Definition at line 31 of file admm-solver.cpp.

◆ res

return pinocchio::python::res

Definition at line 68 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

◆ v

const Vector3Like& pinocchio::python::v
Initial value:
typedef typename PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Matrix3Like) ReturnType

Definition at line 66 of file bindings/python/spatial/explog.hpp.

Macro giving access to the equivalent plain type of D.
Definition: eigen-macros.hpp:11

autogenerated on Thu Dec 19 2024 03:41:37