Program Listing for File tinyxml.h

Return to documentation for file (include/tinyxml/tinyxml.h)

#include "sick_scan/sick_scan_base.h" /* Base definitions included in all header files, added by Do not edit this line. */
Original code by Lee Thomason (

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation
would be appreciated but is not required.

2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.

3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source


#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4530 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

// Help out windows:
#if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( DEBUG )
#define DEBUG

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#define TIXML_STRING        std::string

#include "tinystr.h"

#define TIXML_STRING    TiXmlString

// Deprecated library function hell. Compilers want to use the
// new safe versions. This probably doesn't fully address the problem,
// but it gets closer. There are too many compilers for me to fully
// test. If you get compilation troubles, undefine TIXML_SAFE
#define TIXML_SAFE

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
// Microsoft visual studio, version 2005 and higher.
#define TIXML_SNPRINTF _snprintf_s
#define TIXML_SSCANF   sscanf_s
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
// Microsoft visual studio, version 6 and higher.
//#pragma message( "Using _sn* functions." )
#define TIXML_SNPRINTF _snprintf
#define TIXML_SSCANF   sscanf
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3)
// GCC version 3 and higher.s
//#warning( "Using sn* functions." )
#define TIXML_SNPRINTF snprintf
#define TIXML_SSCANF   sscanf
#define TIXML_SNPRINTF snprintf
#define TIXML_SSCANF   sscanf

class TiXmlDocument;

class TiXmlElement;

class TiXmlComment;

class TiXmlUnknown;

class TiXmlAttribute;

class TiXmlText;

class TiXmlDeclaration;

class TiXmlParsingData;

const int TIXML_MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
const int TIXML_MINOR_VERSION = 6;
const int TIXML_PATCH_VERSION = 2;

/*  Internal structure for tracking location of items
    in the XML file.
struct TiXmlCursor
  { Clear(); }

  void Clear()
  { row = col = -1; }

  int row;  // 0 based.
  int col;  // 0 based.

  virtual ~TiXmlVisitor()

  virtual bool VisitEnter(const TiXmlDocument & /*doc*/ )
  { return true; }

  virtual bool VisitExit(const TiXmlDocument & /*doc*/ )
  { return true; }

  virtual bool VisitEnter(const TiXmlElement & /*element*/, const TiXmlAttribute * /*firstAttribute*/ )
  { return true; }

  virtual bool VisitExit(const TiXmlElement & /*element*/ )
  { return true; }

  virtual bool Visit(const TiXmlDeclaration & /*declaration*/ )
  { return true; }

  virtual bool Visit(const TiXmlText & /*text*/ )
  { return true; }

  virtual bool Visit(const TiXmlComment & /*comment*/ )
  { return true; }

  virtual bool Visit(const TiXmlUnknown & /*unknown*/ )
  { return true; }

// Only used by Attribute::Query functions

// Used by the parsing routines.
enum TiXmlEncoding


  friend class TiXmlNode;

  friend class TiXmlElement;

  friend class TiXmlDocument;

  TiXmlBase() : userData(0)

  virtual ~TiXmlBase()

  virtual void Print(FILE *cfile, int depth) const = 0;

  static void SetCondenseWhiteSpace(bool condense)
  { condenseWhiteSpace = condense; }

  static bool IsWhiteSpaceCondensed()
  { return condenseWhiteSpace; }

  int Row() const
  { return location.row + 1; }

  int Column() const
  { return location.col + 1; }

  void SetUserData(void *user)
  { userData = user; }
  void *GetUserData()
  { return userData; }
  const void *GetUserData() const
  { return userData; }

  // Table that returs, for a given lead byte, the total number of bytes
  // in the UTF-8 sequence.
  static const int utf8ByteTable[256];

  virtual const char *Parse(const char *p,
                            TiXmlParsingData *data,
                            TiXmlEncoding encoding /*= TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN */ ) = 0;

  static void EncodeString(const TIXML_STRING &str, TIXML_STRING *out);




  static const char *SkipWhiteSpace(const char *, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  inline static bool IsWhiteSpace(char c)
    return (isspace((unsigned char) c) || c == '\n' || c == '\r');

  inline static bool IsWhiteSpace(int c)
    if (c < 256)
      return IsWhiteSpace((char) c);
    return false;  // Again, only truly correct for English/Latin...but usually works.

  static bool   StreamWhiteSpace( std::istream * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );
  static bool StreamTo( std::istream * in, int character, TIXML_STRING * tag );

  /*    Reads an XML name into the string provided. Returns
    a pointer just past the last character of the name,
    or 0 if the function has an error.
  static const char *ReadName(const char *p, TIXML_STRING *name, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  /*    Reads text. Returns a pointer past the given end tag.
    Wickedly complex options, but it keeps the (sensitive) code in one place.
  static const char *ReadText(const char *in,        // where to start
                              TIXML_STRING *text,      // the string read
                              bool ignoreWhiteSpace,    // whether to keep the white space
                              const char *endTag,      // what ends this text
                              bool ignoreCase,      // whether to ignore case in the end tag
                              TiXmlEncoding encoding);  // the current encoding

  // If an entity has been found, transform it into a character.
  static const char *GetEntity(const char *in, char *value, int *length, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  // Get a character, while interpreting entities.
  // The length can be from 0 to 4 bytes.
  inline static const char *GetChar(const char *p, char *_value, int *length, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
    if (encoding == TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8)
      *length = utf8ByteTable[*((const unsigned char *) p)];
      assert(*length >= 0 && *length < 5);
      *length = 1;

    if (*length == 1)
      if (*p == '&')
        return GetEntity(p, _value, length, encoding);
      *_value = *p;
      return p + 1;
    else if (*length)
      //strncpy( _value, p, *length );  // lots of compilers don't like this function (unsafe),
      // and the null terminator isn't needed
      for (int i = 0; p[i] && i < *length; ++i)
        _value[i] = p[i];
      return p + (*length);
      // Not valid text.
      return 0;

  // Return true if the next characters in the stream are any of the endTag sequences.
  // Ignore case only works for english, and should only be relied on when comparing
  // to English words: StringEqual( p, "version", true ) is fine.
  static bool StringEqual(const char *p,
                          const char *endTag,
                          bool ignoreCase,
                          TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  static const char *errorString[TIXML_ERROR_STRING_COUNT];

  TiXmlCursor location;

  void *userData;

  // None of these methods are reliable for any language except English.
  // Good for approximation, not great for accuracy.
  static int IsAlpha(unsigned char anyByte, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  static int IsAlphaNum(unsigned char anyByte, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  inline static int ToLower(int v, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
    if (encoding == TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8)
      if (v < 128)
      { return tolower(v); }
      return v;
      return tolower(v);

  static void ConvertUTF32ToUTF8(unsigned long input, char *output, int *length);

  TiXmlBase(const TiXmlBase &);        // not implemented.
  void operator=(const TiXmlBase &base);  // not allowed.

  struct Entity
    const char *str;
    unsigned int strLength;
    char chr;
    NUM_ENTITY = 5,

  static Entity entity[NUM_ENTITY];
  static bool condenseWhiteSpace;

class TINYXML_EXPORT_ATTR TiXmlNode : public TiXmlBase
  friend class TiXmlDocument;

  friend class TiXmlElement;


  friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, TiXmlNode& base);

  friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const TiXmlNode& base);

friend std::string& operator<< (std::string& out, const TiXmlNode& base );


  enum NodeType

  virtual ~TiXmlNode();

  const char *Value() const
  { return value.c_str(); }

  const std::string& ValueStr() const { return value; }

  const TIXML_STRING &ValueTStr() const
  { return value; }

  void SetValue(const char *_value)
  { value = _value; }

  void SetValue( const std::string& _value )    { value = _value; }

  void Clear();

  TiXmlNode *Parent()
  { return parent; }

  const TiXmlNode *Parent() const
  { return parent; }

  const TiXmlNode *FirstChild() const
  { return firstChild; }
  TiXmlNode *FirstChild()
  { return firstChild; }

  const TiXmlNode *FirstChild(
      const char *value) const;
  TiXmlNode *FirstChild(const char *_value)
    // Call through to the const version - safe since nothing is changed. Exiting syntax: cast this to a const (always safe)
    // call the method, cast the return back to non-const.
    return const_cast< TiXmlNode * > ((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->FirstChild(_value));

  const TiXmlNode *LastChild() const
  { return lastChild; }
  TiXmlNode *LastChild()
  { return lastChild; }

  const TiXmlNode *LastChild(
      const char *value) const;
  TiXmlNode *LastChild(const char *_value)
    return const_cast< TiXmlNode * > ((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->LastChild(_value));

  const TiXmlNode* FirstChild( const std::string& _value ) const    {   return FirstChild (_value.c_str ());    }
  TiXmlNode* FirstChild( const std::string& _value )                {   return FirstChild (_value.c_str ());    }
  const TiXmlNode* LastChild( const std::string& _value ) const {   return LastChild (_value.c_str ()); }
  TiXmlNode* LastChild( const std::string& _value )             {   return LastChild (_value.c_str ()); }

  const TiXmlNode *IterateChildren(const TiXmlNode *previous) const;

  TiXmlNode *IterateChildren(const TiXmlNode *previous)
    return const_cast< TiXmlNode * >((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->IterateChildren(previous));

  const TiXmlNode *IterateChildren(const char *value, const TiXmlNode *previous) const;

  TiXmlNode *IterateChildren(const char *_value, const TiXmlNode *previous)
    return const_cast< TiXmlNode * >((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->IterateChildren(_value, previous));

  const TiXmlNode* IterateChildren( const std::string& _value, const TiXmlNode* previous ) const    {   return IterateChildren (_value.c_str (), previous); }
  TiXmlNode* IterateChildren( const std::string& _value, const TiXmlNode* previous ) {  return IterateChildren (_value.c_str (), previous); }

  TiXmlNode *InsertEndChild(const TiXmlNode &addThis);

  TiXmlNode *LinkEndChild(TiXmlNode *addThis);

  TiXmlNode *InsertBeforeChild(TiXmlNode *beforeThis, const TiXmlNode &addThis);

  TiXmlNode *InsertAfterChild(TiXmlNode *afterThis, const TiXmlNode &addThis);

  TiXmlNode *ReplaceChild(TiXmlNode *replaceThis, const TiXmlNode &withThis);

  bool RemoveChild(TiXmlNode *removeThis);

  const TiXmlNode *PreviousSibling() const
  { return prev; }

  TiXmlNode *PreviousSibling()
  { return prev; }

  const TiXmlNode *PreviousSibling(const char *) const;

  TiXmlNode *PreviousSibling(const char *_prev)
    return const_cast< TiXmlNode * >((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->PreviousSibling(_prev));

  const TiXmlNode* PreviousSibling( const std::string& _value ) const   {   return PreviousSibling (_value.c_str ());   }
  TiXmlNode* PreviousSibling( const std::string& _value )           {   return PreviousSibling (_value.c_str ());   }
  const TiXmlNode* NextSibling( const std::string& _value) const        {   return NextSibling (_value.c_str ());   }
  TiXmlNode* NextSibling( const std::string& _value)                    {   return NextSibling (_value.c_str ());   }

  const TiXmlNode *NextSibling() const
  { return next; }

  TiXmlNode *NextSibling()
  { return next; }

  const TiXmlNode *NextSibling(const char *) const;

  TiXmlNode *NextSibling(const char *_next)
    return const_cast< TiXmlNode * >((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->NextSibling(_next));

  const TiXmlElement *NextSiblingElement() const;

  TiXmlElement *NextSiblingElement()
    return const_cast< TiXmlElement * >((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->NextSiblingElement());

  const TiXmlElement *NextSiblingElement(const char *) const;

  TiXmlElement *NextSiblingElement(const char *_next)
    return const_cast< TiXmlElement * >((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->NextSiblingElement(_next));

  const TiXmlElement* NextSiblingElement( const std::string& _value) const  {   return NextSiblingElement (_value.c_str ());    }
  TiXmlElement* NextSiblingElement( const std::string& _value)              {   return NextSiblingElement (_value.c_str ());    }

  const TiXmlElement *FirstChildElement() const;

  TiXmlElement *FirstChildElement()
    return const_cast< TiXmlElement * >((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->FirstChildElement());

  const TiXmlElement *FirstChildElement(const char *_value) const;

  TiXmlElement *FirstChildElement(const char *_value)
    return const_cast< TiXmlElement * >((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->FirstChildElement(_value));

  const TiXmlElement* FirstChildElement( const std::string& _value ) const  {   return FirstChildElement (_value.c_str ()); }
  TiXmlElement* FirstChildElement( const std::string& _value )              {   return FirstChildElement (_value.c_str ()); }

  int Type() const
  { return type; }

  const TiXmlDocument *GetDocument() const;

  TiXmlDocument *GetDocument()
    return const_cast< TiXmlDocument * >((const_cast< const TiXmlNode * >(this))->GetDocument());

  bool NoChildren() const
  { return !firstChild; }

  virtual const TiXmlDocument *ToDocument() const
  { return 0; }
  virtual const TiXmlElement *ToElement() const
  { return 0; }
  virtual const TiXmlComment *ToComment() const
  { return 0; }
  virtual const TiXmlUnknown *ToUnknown() const
  { return 0; }
  virtual const TiXmlText *ToText() const
  { return 0; }
  virtual const TiXmlDeclaration *ToDeclaration() const
  { return 0; }

  virtual TiXmlDocument *ToDocument()
  { return 0; }
  virtual TiXmlElement *ToElement()
  { return 0; }
  virtual TiXmlComment *ToComment()
  { return 0; }
  virtual TiXmlUnknown *ToUnknown()
  { return 0; }
  virtual TiXmlText *ToText()
  { return 0; }
  virtual TiXmlDeclaration *ToDeclaration()
  { return 0; }

  virtual TiXmlNode *Clone() const = 0;

  virtual bool Accept(TiXmlVisitor *visitor) const = 0;

  TiXmlNode(NodeType _type);

  // Copy to the allocated object. Shared functionality between Clone, Copy constructor,
  // and the assignment operator.
  void CopyTo(TiXmlNode *target) const;

  // The real work of the input operator.
virtual void StreamIn( std::istream* in, TIXML_STRING* tag ) = 0;

  // Figure out what is at *p, and parse it. Returns null if it is not an xml node.
  TiXmlNode *Identify(const char *start, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  TiXmlNode *parent;
  NodeType type;

  TiXmlNode *firstChild;
  TiXmlNode *lastChild;


  TiXmlNode *prev;
  TiXmlNode *next;

  TiXmlNode(const TiXmlNode &);        // not implemented.
  void operator=(const TiXmlNode &base);  // not allowed.

class TINYXML_EXPORT_ATTR TiXmlAttribute : public TiXmlBase
  friend class TiXmlAttributeSet;

  TiXmlAttribute() : TiXmlBase()
    document = 0;
    prev = next = 0;

  TiXmlAttribute( const std::string& _name, const std::string& _value )
    name = _name;
    value = _value;
    document = 0;
    prev = next = 0;

  TiXmlAttribute(const char *_name, const char *_value)
    name = _name;
    value = _value;
    document = 0;
    prev = next = 0;

  const char *Name() const
  { return name.c_str(); }
  const char *Value() const
  { return value.c_str(); }
  const std::string& ValueStr() const   { return value; }

  int IntValue() const;
  double DoubleValue() const;

  // Get the tinyxml string representation
  const TIXML_STRING &NameTStr() const
  { return name; }

  int QueryIntValue(int *_value) const;

  int QueryDoubleValue(double *_value) const;

  void SetName(const char *_name)
  { name = _name; }
  void SetValue(const char *_value)
  { value = _value; }

  void SetIntValue(int _value);
  void SetDoubleValue(double _value);

  void SetName( const std::string& _name )  { name = _name; }
  void SetValue( const std::string& _value )    { value = _value; }

  const TiXmlAttribute *Next() const;

  TiXmlAttribute *Next()
    return const_cast< TiXmlAttribute * >((const_cast< const TiXmlAttribute * >(this))->Next());

  const TiXmlAttribute *Previous() const;

  TiXmlAttribute *Previous()
    return const_cast< TiXmlAttribute * >((const_cast< const TiXmlAttribute * >(this))->Previous());

  bool operator==(const TiXmlAttribute &rhs) const
  { return == name; }

  bool operator<(const TiXmlAttribute &rhs) const
  { return name <; }

  bool operator>(const TiXmlAttribute &rhs) const
  { return name >; }

  /*    Attribute parsing starts: first letter of the name
             returns: the next char after the value end quote
  virtual const char *Parse(const char *p, TiXmlParsingData *data, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  // Prints this Attribute to a FILE stream.
  virtual void Print(FILE *cfile, int depth) const
    Print(cfile, depth, 0);

  void Print(FILE *cfile, int depth, TIXML_STRING *str) const;

  // [internal use]
  // Set the document pointer so the attribute can report errors.
  void SetDocument(TiXmlDocument *doc)
  { document = doc; }

  TiXmlAttribute(const TiXmlAttribute &);        // not implemented.
  void operator=(const TiXmlAttribute &base);  // not allowed.

  TiXmlDocument *document;  // A pointer back to a document, for error reporting.
  TiXmlAttribute *prev;
  TiXmlAttribute *next;

/*  A class used to manage a group of attributes.
    It is only used internally, both by the ELEMENT and the DECLARATION.

    The set can be changed transparent to the Element and Declaration
    classes that use it, but NOT transparent to the Attribute
    which has to implement a next() and previous() method. Which makes
    it a bit problematic and prevents the use of STL.

    This version is implemented with circular lists because:
        - I like circular lists
        - it demonstrates some independence from the (typical) doubly linked list.
class TINYXML_EXPORT_ATTR TiXmlAttributeSet


  void Add(TiXmlAttribute *attribute);

  void Remove(TiXmlAttribute *attribute);

  const TiXmlAttribute *First() const
  { return ( == &sentinel) ? 0 :; }

  TiXmlAttribute *First()
  { return ( == &sentinel) ? 0 :; }

  const TiXmlAttribute *Last() const
  { return (sentinel.prev == &sentinel) ? 0 : sentinel.prev; }

  TiXmlAttribute *Last()
  { return (sentinel.prev == &sentinel) ? 0 : sentinel.prev; }

  TiXmlAttribute *Find(const char *_name) const;

  TiXmlAttribute *FindOrCreate(const char *_name);

#   ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
  TiXmlAttribute*   Find( const std::string& _name ) const;
  TiXmlAttribute* FindOrCreate( const std::string& _name );
#   endif

  //*ME:    Because of hidden/disabled copy-construktor in TiXmlAttribute (sentinel-element),
  //*ME:    this class must be also use a hidden/disabled copy-constructor !!!
  TiXmlAttributeSet(const TiXmlAttributeSet &);  // not allowed
  void operator=(const TiXmlAttributeSet &);  // not allowed (as TiXmlAttribute)

  TiXmlAttribute sentinel;

class TINYXML_EXPORT_ATTR TiXmlElement : public TiXmlNode
  TiXmlElement(const char *in_value);

  TiXmlElement( const std::string& _value );

  TiXmlElement(const TiXmlElement &);

  TiXmlElement &operator=(const TiXmlElement &base);

  virtual ~TiXmlElement();

  const char *Attribute(const char *name) const;

  const char *Attribute(const char *name, int *i) const;

  const char *Attribute(const char *name, double *d) const;

  int QueryIntAttribute(const char *name, int *_value) const;

  int QueryUnsignedAttribute(const char *name, unsigned *_value) const;

  int QueryBoolAttribute(const char *name, bool *_value) const;

  int QueryDoubleAttribute(const char *name, double *_value) const;

  int QueryFloatAttribute(const char *name, float *_value) const
    double d;
    int result = QueryDoubleAttribute(name, &d);
    if (result == TIXML_SUCCESS)
      *_value = (float) d;
    return result;

  int QueryStringAttribute( const char* name, std::string* _value ) const {
    const char* cstr = Attribute( name );
    if ( cstr ) {
      *_value = std::string( cstr );
      return TIXML_SUCCESS;

  template< typename T > int QueryValueAttribute( const std::string& name, T* outValue ) const
    const TiXmlAttribute* node = attributeSet.Find( name );
    if ( !node )
      return TIXML_NO_ATTRIBUTE;

    std::stringstream sstream( node->ValueStr() );
    sstream >> *outValue;
    if ( ! )
      return TIXML_SUCCESS;
    return TIXML_WRONG_TYPE;

  int QueryValueAttribute( const std::string& name, std::string* outValue ) const
    const TiXmlAttribute* node = attributeSet.Find( name );
    if ( !node )
      return TIXML_NO_ATTRIBUTE;
    *outValue = node->ValueStr();
    return TIXML_SUCCESS;

  void SetAttribute(const char *name, const char *_value);

  const std::string* Attribute( const std::string& name ) const;
  const std::string* Attribute( const std::string& name, int* i ) const;
  const std::string* Attribute( const std::string& name, double* d ) const;
  int QueryIntAttribute( const std::string& name, int* _value ) const;
  int QueryDoubleAttribute( const std::string& name, double* _value ) const;

  void SetAttribute( const std::string& name, const std::string& _value );
  void SetAttribute( const std::string& name, int _value );
  void SetDoubleAttribute( const std::string& name, double value );

  void SetAttribute(const char *name, int value);

  void SetDoubleAttribute(const char *name, double value);

  void RemoveAttribute(const char *name);

  void RemoveAttribute( const std::string& name )   {   RemoveAttribute (name.c_str ());    }

  const TiXmlAttribute *FirstAttribute() const
  { return attributeSet.First(); }
  TiXmlAttribute *FirstAttribute()
  { return attributeSet.First(); }

  const TiXmlAttribute *LastAttribute() const
  { return attributeSet.Last(); }
  TiXmlAttribute *LastAttribute()
  { return attributeSet.Last(); }

  const char *GetText() const;

  virtual TiXmlNode *Clone() const;

  // Print the Element to a FILE stream.
  virtual void Print(FILE *cfile, int depth) const;

  /*    Attribtue parsing starts: next char past '<'
             returns: next char past '>'
  virtual const char *Parse(const char *p, TiXmlParsingData *data, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  virtual const TiXmlElement *ToElement() const
  { return this; }
  virtual TiXmlElement *ToElement()
  { return this; }

  virtual bool Accept(TiXmlVisitor *visitor) const;


  void CopyTo(TiXmlElement *target) const;

  void ClearThis();  // like clear, but initializes 'this' object as well

  // Used to be public [internal use]
  virtual void StreamIn( std::istream * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );

  /*    [internal use]
    Reads the "value" of the element -- another element, or text.
    This should terminate with the current end tag.
  const char *ReadValue(const char *in, TiXmlParsingData *prevData, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  TiXmlAttributeSet attributeSet;

class TINYXML_EXPORT_ATTR TiXmlComment : public TiXmlNode
  TiXmlComment() : TiXmlNode(TiXmlNode::TINYXML_COMMENT)

  TiXmlComment(const char *_value) : TiXmlNode(TiXmlNode::TINYXML_COMMENT)

  TiXmlComment(const TiXmlComment &);

  TiXmlComment &operator=(const TiXmlComment &base);

  virtual ~TiXmlComment()

  virtual TiXmlNode *Clone() const;

  // Write this Comment to a FILE stream.
  virtual void Print(FILE *cfile, int depth) const;

  /*    Attribtue parsing starts: at the ! of the !--
             returns: next char past '>'
  virtual const char *Parse(const char *p, TiXmlParsingData *data, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  virtual const TiXmlComment *ToComment() const
  { return this; }
  virtual TiXmlComment *ToComment()
  { return this; }

  virtual bool Accept(TiXmlVisitor *visitor) const;

  void CopyTo(TiXmlComment *target) const;

  // used to be public
  virtual void StreamIn( std::istream * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );
//  virtual void StreamOut( TIXML_OSTREAM * out ) const;



class TINYXML_EXPORT_ATTR TiXmlText : public TiXmlNode
  friend class TiXmlElement;

  TiXmlText(const char *initValue) : TiXmlNode(TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TEXT)
    cdata = false;

  virtual ~TiXmlText()

  TiXmlText( const std::string& initValue ) : TiXmlNode (TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TEXT)
    SetValue( initValue );
    cdata = false;

  TiXmlText(const TiXmlText &copy) : TiXmlNode(TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TEXT)
  { copy.CopyTo(this); }

  TiXmlText &operator=(const TiXmlText &base)
    return *this;

  // Write this text object to a FILE stream.
  virtual void Print(FILE *cfile, int depth) const;

  bool CDATA() const
  { return cdata; }

  void SetCDATA(bool _cdata)
  { cdata = _cdata; }

  virtual const char *Parse(const char *p, TiXmlParsingData *data, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  virtual const TiXmlText *ToText() const
  { return this; }
  virtual TiXmlText *ToText()
  { return this; }

  virtual bool Accept(TiXmlVisitor *content) const;

protected :
  virtual TiXmlNode *Clone() const;

  void CopyTo(TiXmlText *target) const;

  bool Blank() const;  // returns true if all white space and new lines
  // [internal use]
  virtual void StreamIn( std::istream * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );

  bool cdata;      // true if this should be input and output as a CDATA style text element

class TINYXML_EXPORT_ATTR TiXmlDeclaration : public TiXmlNode
  TiXmlDeclaration() : TiXmlNode(TiXmlNode::TINYXML_DECLARATION)

  TiXmlDeclaration( const std::string& _version,
            const std::string& _encoding,
            const std::string& _standalone );

  TiXmlDeclaration(const char *_version,
                   const char *_encoding,
                   const char *_standalone);

  TiXmlDeclaration(const TiXmlDeclaration &copy);

  TiXmlDeclaration &operator=(const TiXmlDeclaration &copy);

  virtual ~TiXmlDeclaration()

  const char *Version() const
  { return version.c_str(); }

  const char *Encoding() const
  { return encoding.c_str(); }

  const char *Standalone() const
  { return standalone.c_str(); }

  virtual TiXmlNode *Clone() const;

  // Print this declaration to a FILE stream.
  virtual void Print(FILE *cfile, int depth, TIXML_STRING *str) const;

  virtual void Print(FILE *cfile, int depth) const
    Print(cfile, depth, 0);

  virtual const char *Parse(const char *p, TiXmlParsingData *data, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  virtual const TiXmlDeclaration *ToDeclaration() const
  { return this; }
  virtual TiXmlDeclaration *ToDeclaration()
  { return this; }

  virtual bool Accept(TiXmlVisitor *visitor) const;

  void CopyTo(TiXmlDeclaration *target) const;
  // used to be public
  virtual void StreamIn( std::istream * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );


  TIXML_STRING version;
  TIXML_STRING encoding;
  TIXML_STRING standalone;

class TINYXML_EXPORT_ATTR TiXmlUnknown : public TiXmlNode
  TiXmlUnknown() : TiXmlNode(TiXmlNode::TINYXML_UNKNOWN)

  virtual ~TiXmlUnknown()

  TiXmlUnknown(const TiXmlUnknown &copy) : TiXmlNode(TiXmlNode::TINYXML_UNKNOWN)
  { copy.CopyTo(this); }

  TiXmlUnknown &operator=(const TiXmlUnknown &copy)
    return *this;

  virtual TiXmlNode *Clone() const;

  // Print this Unknown to a FILE stream.
  virtual void Print(FILE *cfile, int depth) const;

  virtual const char *Parse(const char *p, TiXmlParsingData *data, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  virtual const TiXmlUnknown *ToUnknown() const
  { return this; }
  virtual TiXmlUnknown *ToUnknown()
  { return this; }

  virtual bool Accept(TiXmlVisitor *content) const;

  void CopyTo(TiXmlUnknown *target) const;

  virtual void StreamIn( std::istream * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );



class TINYXML_EXPORT_ATTR TiXmlDocument : public TiXmlNode

  TiXmlDocument(const char *documentName);

  TiXmlDocument( const std::string& documentName );

  TiXmlDocument(const TiXmlDocument &copy);

  TiXmlDocument &operator=(const TiXmlDocument &copy);

  virtual ~TiXmlDocument()

  bool LoadFile(TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING);

  bool SaveFile() const;

  bool LoadFile(const char *filename, TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING);

  bool SaveFile(const char *filename) const;

  bool LoadFile(FILE *, TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING);

  bool SaveFile(FILE *) const;

  bool LoadFile( const std::string& filename, TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING )
    return LoadFile( filename.c_str(), encoding );
  bool SaveFile( const std::string& filename ) const
    return SaveFile( filename.c_str() );

  virtual const char *Parse(const char *p, TiXmlParsingData *data = 0, TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING);

  const TiXmlElement *RootElement() const
  { return FirstChildElement(); }

  TiXmlElement *RootElement()
  { return FirstChildElement(); }

  bool Error() const
  { return error; }

  const char *ErrorDesc() const
  { return errorDesc.c_str(); }

  int ErrorId() const
  { return errorId; }

  int ErrorRow() const
  { return errorLocation.row + 1; }

  int ErrorCol() const
  { return errorLocation.col + 1; }

  void SetTabSize(int _tabsize)
  { tabsize = _tabsize; }

  int TabSize() const
  { return tabsize; }

  void ClearError()
    error = false;
    errorId = 0;
    errorDesc = "";
    errorLocation.row = errorLocation.col = 0;
    //errorLocation.last = 0;

  void Print() const
  { Print(stdout, 0); }

  /* Write the document to a string using formatted printing ("pretty print"). This
    will allocate a character array (new char[]) and return it as a pointer. The
    calling code pust call delete[] on the return char* to avoid a memory leak.
  //char* PrintToMemory() const;

  virtual void Print(FILE *cfile, int depth = 0) const;

  // [internal use]
  void SetError(int err, const char *errorLocation, TiXmlParsingData *prevData, TiXmlEncoding encoding);

  virtual const TiXmlDocument *ToDocument() const
  { return this; }
  virtual TiXmlDocument *ToDocument()
  { return this; }

  virtual bool Accept(TiXmlVisitor *content) const;

protected :
  // [internal use]
  virtual TiXmlNode *Clone() const;

  virtual void StreamIn( std::istream * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );

  void CopyTo(TiXmlDocument *target) const;

  bool error;
  int errorId;
  TIXML_STRING errorDesc;
  int tabsize;
  TiXmlCursor errorLocation;
  bool useMicrosoftBOM;    // the UTF-8 BOM were found when read. Note this, and try to write.

  TiXmlHandle(TiXmlNode *_node)
  { this->node = _node; }

  TiXmlHandle(const TiXmlHandle &ref)
  { this->node = ref.node; }

  TiXmlHandle operator=(const TiXmlHandle &ref)
    if (&ref != this)
    { this->node = ref.node; }
    return *this;

  TiXmlHandle FirstChild() const;

  TiXmlHandle FirstChild(const char *value) const;

  TiXmlHandle FirstChildElement() const;

  TiXmlHandle FirstChildElement(const char *value) const;

  TiXmlHandle Child(const char *value, int index) const;

  TiXmlHandle Child(int index) const;

  TiXmlHandle ChildElement(const char *value, int index) const;

  TiXmlHandle ChildElement(int index) const;

  TiXmlHandle FirstChild( const std::string& _value ) const             { return FirstChild( _value.c_str() ); }
  TiXmlHandle FirstChildElement( const std::string& _value ) const      { return FirstChildElement( _value.c_str() ); }

  TiXmlHandle Child( const std::string& _value, int index ) const           { return Child( _value.c_str(), index ); }
  TiXmlHandle ChildElement( const std::string& _value, int index ) const    { return ChildElement( _value.c_str(), index ); }

  TiXmlNode *ToNode() const
  { return node; }

  TiXmlElement *ToElement() const
  { return ((node && node->ToElement()) ? node->ToElement() : 0); }

  TiXmlText *ToText() const
  { return ((node && node->ToText()) ? node->ToText() : 0); }

  TiXmlUnknown *ToUnknown() const
  { return ((node && node->ToUnknown()) ? node->ToUnknown() : 0); }

  TiXmlNode *Node() const
  { return ToNode(); }

  TiXmlElement *Element() const
  { return ToElement(); }

  TiXmlText *Text() const
  { return ToText(); }

  TiXmlUnknown *Unknown() const
  { return ToUnknown(); }

  TiXmlNode *node;

class TINYXML_EXPORT_ATTR TiXmlPrinter : public TiXmlVisitor
  TiXmlPrinter() : depth(0), simpleTextPrint(false),
                   buffer(), indent("    "), lineBreak("\n")

  virtual bool VisitEnter(const TiXmlDocument &doc);

  virtual bool VisitExit(const TiXmlDocument &doc);

  virtual bool VisitEnter(const TiXmlElement &element, const TiXmlAttribute *firstAttribute);

  virtual bool VisitExit(const TiXmlElement &element);

  virtual bool Visit(const TiXmlDeclaration &declaration);

  virtual bool Visit(const TiXmlText &text);

  virtual bool Visit(const TiXmlComment &comment);

  virtual bool Visit(const TiXmlUnknown &unknown);

  void SetIndent(const char *_indent)
  { indent = _indent ? _indent : ""; }

  const char *Indent()
  { return indent.c_str(); }

  void SetLineBreak(const char *_lineBreak)
  { lineBreak = _lineBreak ? _lineBreak : ""; }

  const char *LineBreak()
  { return lineBreak.c_str(); }

  void SetStreamPrinting()
    indent = "";
    lineBreak = "";

  const char *CStr()
  { return buffer.c_str(); }

  size_t Size()
  { return buffer.size(); }

  const std::string& Str()                      { return buffer; }

  void DoIndent()
    for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i)
      buffer += indent;

  void DoLineBreak()
    buffer += lineBreak;

  int depth;
  bool simpleTextPrint;
  TIXML_STRING buffer;
  TIXML_STRING indent;
  TIXML_STRING lineBreak;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( pop )
