IMU Support

The scanners of the MRS6xxx and MRS1xxx series will be optionally available with an IMU in 2019.

See IMU support for the IMU support of multiScan and picoScan.

Activating IMU Messages

By setting the following config parameter in the launch file, the output of imu messages can be enabled with a compatible scanner. Currently the messages are published in the /imu Topic.

<param name="imu_enable" type="bool" value="True" />
<param name="imu_topic" type="string" value="imu"/>

The imu Messages contain covariance matrices, these are currently determined from empirical values and are not measured specifically for each scanner. The laser scanner provides additional information (tick timestamp and confidence) to the Imu messages these can be activated by activating the SickImu messages.

<param name="imu_enable_additional_info" type="bool" value="True" />

IMU messages are only supported in SOPAS binary mode. Due to the high data rate of the IMU messages (100 Hz and more) while sending the standard laser scanner messages at the same time, the ASCII mode is not supported. Please set the scanner to binary mode if you are using the IMU.