Adding new Device

Table of contents


This driver is designed to support several different scanner types (including radar) from Sick. This documentation describes how to add additional devices to the driver.

Naming Convention

For each device type a name pattern is assigned as follows: sick_<device family>_<identifier>

The name type is used in the code to decide which scanner-specific parameters are set. The name type is passed as a parameter as follows:

<param name="scanner_type" type="string" value="sick_lms_5xx" />

Launch Files

A launch file is created for each device type, which usually has the same naming convention as the scanner type. To create a new device, it is recommended to copy, rename and edit an existing launch file.

Code Modification

  1. Hint: Construction of parser:

  sick_scan_xd::SickGenericParser *parser = new sick_scan_xd::SickGenericParser(scannerName);
  1. Add string constant like the constant SICK_SCANNER_RMS_XXXX_NAME

  2. Append this constant to allowedScannerNames like allowedScannerNames.push_back(SICK_SCANNER_RMS_XXXX_NAME); in the file sick_generic_parser.cpp

  3. Add new parameter block like

    if (basicParams[i].getScannerName().compare(SICK_SCANNER_MRS_1XXX_NAME) == 0) 
    } in the file sick_generic_parser.cpp
  4. Copy the file sick_generic_radar.cpp and add a new class following the structure of this file.