Program Listing for File colab.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/sick_scan/tcp/colab.hpp)

#include "sick_scan/sick_scan_base.h" /* Base definitions included in all header files, added by Do not edit this line. */
// colab.hpp
// (c) 2011 SICK AG, Hamburg, Germany

#ifndef COLAB_HPP
#define COLAB_HPP

#include "sick_scan/tcp/BasicDatatypes.hpp"
#include <memory.h> // for memread<>

// Parser functions for a partly implementation of the CoLa-B
// protocol, needed for communication with SICK sensors.
namespace colab

void addStringToBuffer(UINT8* buffer, UINT16& pos, const std::string& stringValue);

void addStringToBuffer(BYTE* buffer, const std::string& stringValue);

std::string getStringFromBuffer(UINT8* buffer, UINT16& pos, UINT16 length);

std::string getStringFromBuffer(BYTE*& buffer, UINT16 length);

std::string getCommandStringFromBuffer(UINT8* buffer);

std::string getIdentifierFromBuffer(UINT8* buffer, UINT16& nextData, UINT16 bufferLength);

void addFrameToBuffer(UINT8* sendBuffer, UINT8* cmdBuffer, UINT16* len);

//  Returns the requested value. pos points then to the first byte of the next data field.
double getDoubleFromBuffer(UINT8* buffer, UINT16& pos);

UINT16 decodeUINT16(BYTE* buffer);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                               TEMPLATE FUNCTIONS
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// FIXME: use template functions from types.hpp instead !!! (memread/memwrite)

template<typename T>
void addIntegerToBuffer(UINT8* buffer, UINT16& pos, T intValue)
    UINT16 width = sizeof(T);

    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
        buffer[pos+width-1-i] = (intValue >> (8 * i)) & 0xff; // BIG ENDIAN: width-1-i

    pos += width;

template<typename T>
T getIntegerFromBuffer(UINT8* buffer, UINT16& pos)
    UINT16 width = sizeof(T);
//      UINT8* buffer2 = buffer;
//      T intValue = memread<T>(buffer2);

    T intValue = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
        intValue += buffer[pos+width-1-i] << (8 * i);

    pos += width;
    return intValue;

template<typename T>
void addFloatToBuffer(UINT8* buffer, UINT16& pos, T floatValue)
    UINT16 width = sizeof(T);

    pos += width;

} // END namespace colab