Program Listing for File SickThread.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/sick_scan/tcp/SickThread.hpp)

#include "sick_scan/sick_scan_base.h" /* Base definitions included in all header files, added by Do not edit this line. */
// SickThread.hpp

#include <thread>
#include "sick_scan/tcp/BasicDatatypes.hpp"
#include "sick_scan/sick_ros_wrapper.h"
//#include <pthread.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
//#include <unistd_win.h>
#include <usleep.h>
#include <unistd.h>

extern "C" void* wrapper_prerun(void*);
class ThreadWrapperBase
    //pthread_t t_id;
    std::thread* t_id = 0;
    friend void* wrapper_prerun(void*);
    virtual void thread_entry() = 0;
    void* pthis;
    std::string m_thread_name;

    ThreadWrapperBase(const std::string& thread_name = "") : m_thread_name(thread_name) {pthis = NULL;};
    virtual ~ThreadWrapperBase() { delete t_id; };

    void run(void* classptr)
        if (pthis == NULL)
            pthis = classptr;
            // pthread_create(&t_id, NULL, wrapper_prerun, this);
            t_id = new std::thread(&wrapper_prerun, this);

    bool isRunning()
        if (pthis == NULL)
            return false;

        return true;

    void join()
        // pthread_join(t_id, NULL);
        if(t_id && t_id->joinable())
        pthis = NULL;

    // pthread_t* get_thread_id() { return &t_id; }
    std::thread* get_thread_id() { return t_id; }


template <typename T, void (T::*M)(bool&, UINT16&)>
class SickThread : public ThreadWrapperBase
    void thread_entry()
        T* pt = static_cast<T*>(pthis);

        m_threadShouldRun = true;
        bool endThread = false;
        UINT16 sleepTimeMs = 0;
        ROS_INFO_STREAM("SickThread " << m_thread_name << " started.");

        while ((m_threadShouldRun == true) && (endThread == false))
            usleep(((UINT32)sleepTimeMs) * 1000);
            (pt->*M)(endThread, sleepTimeMs);

        ROS_INFO_STREAM("SickThread " << m_thread_name << " finished (flags: threadShouldRun=" << m_threadShouldRun << ", endThread=" << endThread << ").");

    void join()
        m_threadShouldRun = false;

    SickThread(const std::string& thread_name = "") : ThreadWrapperBase(thread_name) {m_threadShouldRun = true;}
    virtual ~SickThread(){};
    bool m_threadShouldRun;

template <typename T, void (T::*M)()>
class SickThread : public ThreadWrapperBase
    void thread_entry()
        T* pt = static_cast<T*>(pthis);

    virtual ~SickThread(){};

// class SickThread
// {
// public:
//  /**
//   * The thread callback function.
//   *
//   * \param endThisThread A bool flag that may be set by the callback function
//   *  to "false" in case the thread function decides this thread
//   *  needs to end.
//   *
//   * \param sleepTimeMs The sleep time, in ms, that will be spent between
//   *  subsequent calls to the callback function. Default is 10 ms, but
//   *  other times may be set. Note that not all operating systems may be
//   *  able to schedule very short sleep times.
//   */
// //   int (*comp)(const void *, const void *)
//  typedef void (*ThreadFunction) (bool& endThisThread, UINT16& sleepTimeMs);
//  /**
//   * The thread callback function (simpler version).
//   *
//   * \return True if the thread should continue to run and
//   * continuously call this function (after potentially some waiting
//   * time). False if this thread should end now.
//   */
// //   typedef std::function < bool (void) > ThreadFunctionSimple;
//  /// Default constructor.
//  SickThread();
//  /// Destructor. Will call stop() if thread is not yet stopped, and
//  /// wait for its completion before destructing this object.
//  ~SickThread();
//  /// Start the thread.
//  bool start();
//  /// Start the thread and also set the thread function. \sa start()
//  bool start(ThreadFunction function);
//  /// Returns true if this thread was started and is running.
//  bool isRunning() const;
//  /// Stops this thread and waits for its completion.
//  void stop();
//  /// Set whether we want verbose debug output
//  void setVerboseDebugOutput(bool enableVerboseDebugOutput);
//  /// Set the thread's "run" function
//  void setFunction(ThreadFunction threadFunction);
//  /// Set the thread's "run" function, simpler version
// //   void setFunctionSimple(ThreadFunctionSimple threadFunctionSimple);
//  /// Set the sleep time between subsequent ThreadFunctionSimple calls in [milliseconds]
//  void setSleepTimeMilliseconds(unsigned v);
//  /// Returns the sleep time between subsequent ThreadFunctionSimple
//  /// calls in [milliseconds]. (Default value is zero.)
//  unsigned getSleepTimeMilliseconds() const { return m_sleepTimeMilliseconds; }
// private:
//  static void* thread(void* ptr);         // The thread function
//  void thread2();                         // The member thread function
// //   typedef std::mutex Mutex;
//  pthread_mutex_t m_mutex;    //  = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
// //   mutable Mutex m_threadMutex;
// //   boost::condition m_threadCondition;
//  ThreadFunction m_function;
// //   ThreadFunctionSimple m_functionSimple;
// //   boost::scoped_ptr<std::thread> m_threadPtr;
//  bool m_threadShouldRun;
//  bool m_threadIsRunning;
//  bool m_beVerbose;
//  unsigned m_sleepTimeMilliseconds;
//  // The thread
//  pthread_t m_thread;
// };

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define NUM_THREADS     5

void *TaskCode(void *argument)
   int tid;

   tid = *((int *) argument);
   printf("Hello World! It's me, thread %d!\n", tid);

   // optionally: insert more useful stuff here

   return NULL;

int main(void)
   pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
   int thread_args[NUM_THREADS];
   int rc, i;

   // create all threads
   for (i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
      thread_args[i] = i;
      printf("In main: creating thread %d\n", i);
      rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, TaskCode, (void *) &thread_args[i]);
      assert(0 == rc);

   // wait for all threads to complete
   for (i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
      rc = pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
      assert(0 == rc);
