Template Struct Model

Struct Documentation

template<typename T>
struct Model

This class stores the model of the QP problem.

Model class of the dense solver storing the QP problem.

Public Functions

inline Model(isize dim, isize n_eq, isize n_in, bool box_constraints = false)

Default constructor.

  • dim – primal variable dimension.

  • n_eq – number of equality constraints.

  • n_in – number of inequality constraints.

inline proxsuite::proxqp::sparse::SparseModel<T> to_sparse()
inline bool is_valid(const bool box_constraints)

Public Members

Mat<T> H
Vec<T> g
Mat<T> A
Mat<T> C
Vec<T> b
Vec<T> u
Vec<T> l
Vec<T> u_box
Vec<T> l_box
isize dim
isize n_eq
isize n_in
isize n_total
BackwardData<T> backward_data