Template Function proxsuite::proxqp::dense::update

Function Documentation

template<typename T>
void proxsuite::proxqp::dense::update(optional<MatRef<T>> H, optional<VecRef<T>> g, optional<MatRef<T>> A, optional<VecRef<T>> b, optional<MatRef<T>> C, optional<VecRef<T>> l, optional<VecRef<T>> u, optional<VecRef<T>> l_box, optional<VecRef<T>> u_box, Model<T> &model, Workspace<T> &work, const bool box_constraints)

Updates the QP solver model.

  • H – quadratic cost input defining the QP model.

  • g – linear cost input defining the QP model.

  • A – equality constraint matrix input defining the QP model.

  • b – equality constraint vector input defining the QP model.

  • C – inequality constraint matrix input defining the QP model.

  • l – lower inequality constraint vector input defining the QP model.

  • u – upper inequality constraint vector input defining the QP model.

  • qpwork – solver workspace.

  • qpsettings – solver settings.

  • qpmodel – solver model.

  • qpresults – solver result.