Program Listing for File libcaer.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/libcaercpp/libcaer.hpp)

#ifndef LIBCAER_HPP_
#define LIBCAER_HPP_

#include "../libcaer/libcaer.h"

#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>

namespace libcaer {
namespace log {

// Undefine the log-level names, to avoid conflicts with macros
// on Windows/MinGW for example.
#undef ALERT
#undef ERROR
#undef WARNING
#undef NOTICE
#undef INFO
#undef DEBUG

enum class logLevel {
    EMERGENCY = 0,
    ALERT     = 1,
    CRITICAL  = 2,
    ERROR     = 3,
    WARNING   = 4,
    NOTICE    = 5,
    INFO      = 6,
    DEBUG     = 7,

inline void logLevelSet(logLevel l) noexcept;
inline logLevel logLevelGet() noexcept;
inline void callbackSet(caerLogCallback callback) noexcept;
inline caerLogCallback callbackGet() noexcept;
inline void fileDescriptorsSet(int fd1, int fd2) noexcept;
inline int fileDescriptorsGetFirst() noexcept;
inline int fileDescriptorsGetSecond() noexcept;
inline void log(logLevel l, const char *subSystem, const char *format, ...) noexcept;
inline void logVA(logLevel l, const char *subSystem, const char *format, va_list args) noexcept;
inline void logVAFull(
    uint8_t systemLogLevel, logLevel l, const char *subSystem, const char *format, va_list args) noexcept;

inline void logLevelSet(logLevel l) noexcept {
    caerLogLevelSet(static_cast<enum caer_log_level>(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<logLevel>::type>(l)));

inline logLevel logLevelGet() noexcept {
    return (static_cast<logLevel>(caerLogLevelGet()));

inline void callbackSet(caerLogCallback callback) noexcept {

inline caerLogCallback callbackGet() noexcept {
    return (caerLogCallbackGet());

inline void fileDescriptorsSet(int fd1, int fd2) noexcept {
    caerLogFileDescriptorsSet(fd1, fd2);

inline int fileDescriptorsGetFirst() noexcept {
    return (caerLogFileDescriptorsGetFirst());

inline int fileDescriptorsGetSecond() noexcept {
    return (caerLogFileDescriptorsGetSecond());

inline void disable(bool disableLogging) noexcept {

inline bool disabled() noexcept {
    return (caerLogDisabled());

inline void log(logLevel l, const char *subSystem, const char *format, ...) noexcept {
    va_list argumentList;
    va_start(argumentList, format);
    caerLogVA(static_cast<enum caer_log_level>(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<logLevel>::type>(l)),
        subSystem, format, argumentList);

inline void logVA(logLevel l, const char *subSystem, const char *format, va_list args) noexcept {
    caerLogVA(static_cast<enum caer_log_level>(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<logLevel>::type>(l)),
        subSystem, format, args);

inline void logVAFull(
    uint8_t systemLogLevel, logLevel l, const char *subSystem, const char *format, va_list args) noexcept {
        static_cast<enum caer_log_level>(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<logLevel>::type>(l)), subSystem,
        format, args);
} // namespace log
} // namespace libcaer

#endif /* LIBCAER_HPP_ */