Struct caer_dvs128_info
Defined in File dvs128.h
Struct Documentation
struct caer_dvs128_info
DVS128 device-related information.
Public Members
int16_t deviceID
Unique device identifier. Also ‘source’ for events.
char deviceSerialNumber[8 + 1]
Device serial number.
uint8_t deviceUSBBusNumber
Device USB bus number.
uint8_t deviceUSBDeviceAddress
Device USB device address.
char *deviceString
Device information string, for logging purposes. If not NULL, pointed-to memory is only valid while the corresponding device is open! After calling deviceClose() this is invalid memory!
int16_t firmwareVersion
USB firmware version.
bool deviceIsMaster
Whether the device is a time-stamp master or slave.
int16_t dvsSizeX
DVS X axis resolution.
int16_t dvsSizeY
DVS Y axis resolution.
int16_t deviceID