Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBandLUMatrixLU decomposition of a band matrix
 CBandMatrixBand matrix
 CBaseMatrixBase of the matrix classes
 CCannotBuildExceptionCannot build matrix with these properties exception
 CCCdlBaseAbstract base class for devices
 CCCdlCOMEncapsulates the serial port device
 CCCdlSocketEncapsulates the socket communication device
 CCCplBaseAbstract base class for protocol definiton
 CCCplSerialBase class of two different serial protocols
 CCCplSerialCRCImplement the Serial-Zero protocol
 CCKatanaExtended Katana class with additional functions
 CCKatBaseBase Katana class
 CClikHandle Closed Loop Inverse Kinematics scheme
 CCLMBaseLinear movement Class
 CCMotBaseMotor class
 CColumnVectorColumn vector
 CComputed_torque_methodComputer torque method controller class
 CConfigHandle configuration files
 CConstRealStarStarLet matrix simulate a C type const two dimensional array
 CControl_SelectSelect controller class
 CConvergenceExceptionCovergence failure exception
 CCSctBaseSensor Controller class
 CDataBasic data element used in Config class
 CDiagonalMatrixDiagonal matrix
 CDynamicsDynamics simulation handling class
 CFFT_ControllerDecide which fft method to use and carry out new fft function
 CFirmwareExceptionException reported by the firmware
 CFloatingPointPrecisionFloating point precision (type double)
 CGeneralMatrixThe classes for matrices that can contain data are derived from this
 CGenericMatrixA matrix which can be of any GeneralMatrix type
 CGNUcurveObject for one curve
 CIdentityMatrixIdentity matrix
 CImpedanceImpedance controller class
 CIncompatibleDimensionsExceptionIncompatible dimensions exception
 CIndexExceptionIndex exception
 CInternalExceptionInternal newmat exception - shouldn't happen
 CIO_matrix_fileRead and write data at every iterations in a file
 CKinematicsLibKinematics class using the kinematics lib
 CLinkLink definitions
 CLinkStewartLinkStewart definitions
 CLowerBandMatrixLower triangular band matrix
 CLowerTriangularMatrixLower triangular matrix
 CMatrixThe usual rectangular matrix
 CmRobotModified DH notation robot class
 CmRobot_min_paraModified DH notation and minimal inertial parameters robot class
 CNew_dynamicsThis is an example of customize Dynamics class
 CNotDefinedExceptionNot defined exception
 CNotSquareExceptionA matrix is not square exception
 CNPDExceptionNot positive definite exception
 CnricMatrixRectangular matrix for use with Numerical Recipes in C
 COverflowExceptionReal overflow exception
 CPlot2d2d plot object
 CPlot3d3d plot object
 CPlot_fileCreates a graphic from a data file
 CProgramExceptionMiscellaneous exception (details in character string)
 CProportional_DerivativeProportional derivative controller class
 CQuaternionQuaternion class definition
 CRealStarStarLet matrix simulate a C type two dimensional array
 CResolved_accResolved rate acceleration controller class
 CRobotDH notation robot class
 CRobot_basicVirtual base robot class
 CRowVectorRow vector
 CSingularExceptionSingular matrix exception
 CSpl_cubicNatural cubic splines class
 CSpl_pathCartesian or joint space trajectory
 CSpl_QuaternionCubic quaternions spline
 CSquareMatrixSquare matrix
 CStewartStewart definitions
 CSubMatrixDimensionExceptionSubmatrix dimension exception
 CSymmetricBandMatrixSymmetric band matrix
 CSymmetricMatrixSymmetric matrix
 CTCdlCOMDescThis structrue stores the attributes for a serial port device
 CTCurrentMotStructure for the currently active axis
 CTHeaderHeader of a communication packet
 CTKatCBX[CBX] connector box
 CTKatCTB[CTB] command table defined in the firmware
 CTKatECH[ECH] echo
 CTKatEFFInverse Kinematics structure of the endeffektor
 CTKatGNL[GNL] general robot attributes
 CTKatIDS[IDS] identification string
 CTKatMFW[MFW] master firmware version/revision number
 CTKatMOT[MOT] every motor's attributes
 CTKatSCT[SCT] every sens ctrl's attributes
 CTMotAPS[APS] actual position
 CTMotCLBCalibration structure for single motors
 CTMotDescMotor description (partly)
 CTMotDYL[DYL] dynamic limits
 CTMotENL[ENL] limits in encoder values (INTERNAL STRUCTURE!)
 CTMotGNL[GNL] motor generals
 CTMotInitInitial motor parameters
 CTMotPVP[PVP] position, velocity, pulse width modulation
 CTMotSCP[SCP] static controller parameters
 CTMotSFW[SFW] slave firmware
 CTMotTPS[TPS] target position
 CTMovementStructure for the
 CTPacketCommunication packet
 CTPosExtern C because we want to access these interfaces from anywhere:
 CTrajectory_SelectTrajectory class selection
 CTSctDAT[DAT] sensor data
 CTSctDescSensor controller description (partly)
 CTSctGNL[GNL] controller generals
 CUpperBandMatrixUpper triangular band matrix
 CUpperTriangularMatrixUpper triangular matrix
 CVectorExceptionCannot convert to vector exception
 CWrongCRCExceptionCRC check for the answer package failed

Author(s): Martin Günther
autogenerated on Fri Jun 7 2019 22:06:47