Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CGazeboRosBumperA Bumper controller
 CGazeboRosElevatorROS implementation of the Elevator plugin
 CGazeboRosF3DGazeboRosF3D controller This is a controller that simulates a 6 dof force sensor
 CGazeboRosFTGazeboRosFT controller This is a controller that simulates a 6 dof force sensor
 CGazeboRosHarnessSee the Gazebo documentation about the HarnessPlugin. This ROS wrapper exposes two topics:
 CGazeboRosImuSensorGazebo Ros imu sensor plugin
 CPubMessagePairContainer for a (ROS publisher, outgoing message) pair. We'll have queues of these. Templated on a ROS message type
 CPubMultiQueueA collection of PubQueue objects, potentially of different types. This class is the programmer's interface to this queuing system
 CPubQueueA queue of outgoing messages. Instead of calling publish() directly, you can push() messages here to defer ROS serialization and locking. Templated on a ROS message type

Author(s): John Hsu
autogenerated on Tue Apr 6 2021 02:19:40