Class XmlTestdataLoader

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class XmlTestdataLoader : public pilz_industrial_motion_planner_testutils::TestdataLoader

Implements a test data loader which uses a xml file to store the test data.

The Xml-file has the following structure:


<poses> <pos name=”MyTestPos1”> <joints group_name=”manipulator”>j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6</joints> <xyzQuat group_name=”manipulator” link_name=”prbt_tcp”> x y z wx wy wz w <seed><joints group_name=”manipulator”>s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6</joints></seed> </xyzQuat> <joints group_name=”gripper”>j_gripper</joints> </pos>

<pos name=”MyTestPos2”> <joints group_name=”manipulator”>j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6</joints> <xyzQuat group_name=”manipulator” link_name=”prbt_tcp”>x y z wx wy wz w</xyzQuat> <joints group_name=”gripper”>j_gripper</joints> </pos> </poses>

<ptps> <ptp name=”MyPtp1”> <startPos>MyTestPos1</startPos> <endPos>MyTestPos2</endPos> <vel>0.1</vel> <acc>0.2</acc> </ptp> </ptps>

<lins> <lin name=”MyTestLin1”> <planningGroup>manipulator</planningGroup> <targetLink>prbt_tcp</targetLink> <startPos>MyTestPos1</startPos> <endPos>MyTestPos2</endPos> <vel>0.3</vel> <acc>0.4</acc> </lin> </lins>

<circs> <circ name=”MyTestCirc1”> <planningGroup>manipulator</planningGroup> <targetLink>prbt_tcp</targetLink> <startPos>MyTestPos1</startPos> <intermediatePos>MyTestPos1</intermediatePos> <centerPos>MyTestPos2</centerPos> <endPos>MyTestPos1</endPos> <vel>0.2</vel> <acc>0.5</acc> </circ> </circs>

<sequences> <blend name=”TestBlend”> <sequenceCmd name=”TestPtp” type=”ptp” blend_radius=”0.2” > <sequenceCmd name=”MyTestLin1” type=”lin” blend_radius=”0.01” > <sequenceCmd name=”MyTestCirc1” type=”circ” blend_radius=”0” > </blend> </sequences>


Public Functions

XmlTestdataLoader(const std::string &path_filename)
XmlTestdataLoader(const std::string &path_filename, const moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr &robot_model)
~XmlTestdataLoader() override
virtual JointConfiguration getJoints(const std::string &pos_name, const std::string &group_name) const override
virtual CartesianConfiguration getPose(const std::string &pos_name, const std::string &group_name) const override
virtual PtpJoint getPtpJoint(const std::string &cmd_name) const override

Returns the command with the specified name from the test data.

virtual PtpCart getPtpCart(const std::string &cmd_name) const override
virtual PtpJointCart getPtpJointCart(const std::string &cmd_name) const override
virtual LinJoint getLinJoint(const std::string &cmd_name) const override

Returns the command with the specified name from the test data.

virtual LinCart getLinCart(const std::string &cmd_name) const override
virtual LinJointCart getLinJointCart(const std::string &cmd_name) const override
virtual CircCenterCart getCircCartCenterCart(const std::string &cmd_name) const override

Returns the command with the specified name from the test data.

virtual CircInterimCart getCircCartInterimCart(const std::string &cmd_name) const override
virtual CircJointCenterCart getCircJointCenterCart(const std::string &cmd_name) const override
virtual CircJointInterimCart getCircJointInterimCart(const std::string &cmd_name) const override
virtual Sequence getSequence(const std::string &cmd_name) const override

Returns the command with the specified name from the test data.

virtual Gripper getGripper(const std::string &cmd_name) const override

Returns the command with the specified name from the test data.

class AbstractCmdGetterAdapter

Abstract base class providing a GENERIC getter-function signature which can be used to load DIFFERENT command types (like Ptp, Lin, etc.) from the test data file.

Public Functions

AbstractCmdGetterAdapter() = default
AbstractCmdGetterAdapter(const AbstractCmdGetterAdapter&) = default
AbstractCmdGetterAdapter(AbstractCmdGetterAdapter&&) = default
AbstractCmdGetterAdapter &operator=(const AbstractCmdGetterAdapter&) = default
AbstractCmdGetterAdapter &operator=(AbstractCmdGetterAdapter&&) = default
virtual ~AbstractCmdGetterAdapter() = default
virtual CmdVariant getCmd(const std::string&) const = 0