Class AsyncTest

Class Documentation

class AsyncTest

Test class that allows the handling of asynchronous test objects.

The class provides the two basic functions AsyncTest::barricade and AsyncTest::triggerClearEvent. During the test setup gates between the steps with one or more clear events. Allow passing on by calling triggerClearEvent after a test.

Usage: Suppose you want to test a function that calls another function asynchronously, like the following example:

void asyncCall(std::function<void()> fun)
    std::thread t(fun);

You expect that fun gets called, so your test thread has to wait for the completion, else it would fail. This can be achieved via:

class MyTest : public testing::Test, public testing::AsyncTest
    MOCK_METHOD0(myMethod, void());

TEST_F(MyTest, testCase)
    EXPECT_CALL(*this, myMethod()).Times(1).WillOnce(ACTION_OPEN_BARRIER_VOID("myMethod"));
    const int timeout_ms {100};
    asyncCall([this]{ myMethod(); });
    BARRIER("myMethod", timeout_ms) << "Timed-out waiting for myMethod call.";

Public Functions

inline void triggerClearEvent(const std::string &event)

Triggers a clear event. If a call to barricade is currently pending it will unblock as soon as all clear events are triggered. Else the event is put on the waitlist. This waitlist is emptied upon a call to barricade.


event – The event that is triggered

inline bool barricade(const std::string &clear_event, const int timeout_ms = -1)

Will block until the event given by clear_event is triggered or a timeout is reached. Unblocks immediately, if the event was on the waitlist.

  • clear_event – Event that allows the test to pass on

  • timeout_ms – Timeout [ms] (optional).


True if the event was triggered, false otherwise.

inline bool barricade(std::initializer_list<std::string> clear_events, const int timeout_ms = -1)

Will block until all events given by clear_events are triggered or a timeout is reached. Events on the waitlist are taken into account, too.

  • clear_events – List of events that allow the test to pass on

  • timeout_ms – Timeout [ms] (optional).


True if all events were triggered, false otherwise.

Protected Attributes

std::mutex m_
std::condition_variable cv_
std::set<std::string> clear_events_ = {}
std::set<std::string> waitlist_ = {}