Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAggregationExceptionA base class for all aggregation exceptions inheriting from std::runtime_exception
 CCartesianLimitSet os cartesian limits, has values for velocity, acceleration and deceleration of both the translational and rotational part
 CCartesianLimitsAggregatorObtains cartesian limits from the parameter server
 CCommandPlannerMoveit Plugin for Planning with Standart Robot Commands This planner is dedicated to return a instance of PlanningContext that corresponds to the requested motion command set as planner_id in the MotionPlanRequest). It can be easily extended with additional commands by creating a class inherting from PlanningContextLoader
 CJointLimitsAggregatorUnifies the joint limits from the given joint models with joint limits from the parameter server
 CJointLimitsContainerContainer for JointLimits, essentially a map with convenience functions. Adds the ability to as for limits and get a common limit that unifies all given limits
 CJointLimitsValidatorValidates the equality of all limits inside a container
 CLimitsContainerThis class combines CartesianLimit and JointLimits into on single class
 CPathCircleGeneratorGenerator class for KDL::Path_Circle from different circle representations
 CPlanningContextBasePlanningContext for obtaining trajectories
 CPlanningContextCIRCPlanningContext for obtaining CIRC trajectories
 CPlanningContextLINPlanningContext for obtaining LIN trajectories
 CPlanningContextLoaderBase class for all PlanningContextLoaders. Since planning_interface::PlanningContext has a non empty ctor classes derived from it can not be plugins. This class serves as base class for wrappers
 CPlanningContextLoaderCIRCPlugin that can generate instances of PlanningContextCIRC. Generates instances of PlanningContextLIN
 CPlanningContextLoaderLINPlugin that can generate instances of PlanningContextLIN. Generates instances of PlanningContextLIN
 CPlanningContextLoaderPTPPlugin that can generate instances of PlanningContextPTP. Generates instances of PlanningContextPTP
 CPlanningContextPTPPlanningContext for obtaining PTP trajectories
 CPlanningExceptionA base class for all pilz_planners exceptions inheriting from std::runtime_exception
 CTrajectoryBlenderBase class of trajectory blenders
 CTrajectoryBlenderTransitionWindowTrajectory blender implementing transition window algorithm
 CTrajectoryGeneratorBase class of trajectory generators
 CMotionPlanInfoThis class is used to extract needed information from motion plan request
 CTrajectoryGeneratorCIRCThis class implements a trajectory generator of arcs in Cartesian space. The arc is specified by a start pose, a goal pose and a interim point on the arc, or a point as the center of the circle which forms the arc. Complete circle is not covered by this generator
 CTrajectoryGeneratorLINThis class implements a linear trajectory generator in Cartesian space. The Cartesian trajetory are based on trapezoid velocity profile
 CTrajectoryGeneratorPTPThis class implements a point-to-point trajectory generator based on VelocityProfile_ATrap
 CValidationBoundsViolationExceptionThrown when the limits from the param server are weaker than the ones obtained from the urdf
 CValidationDifferentLimitsExceptionThrown when the limits differ
 CValidationExceptionA base class for all validations exceptions inheriting from std::runtime_exception
 CValidationJointMissingExceptionThrown the limits for a joint are defined in the urdf but not on the parameter server (loaded from yaml)
 CVelocityProfile_ATrapA PTP Trajectory Generator of Asymmetric Trapezoidal Velocity Profile. Differences to VelocityProfile_Trap:
 CCommandListManagerThis class orchestrates the planning of single commands and command lists
 CMoveGroupSequenceActionProvide action to handle multiple trajectories and execute the result in the form of a MoveGroup capability (plugin)
 CMoveGroupSequenceServiceProvide service to blend multiple trajectories in the form of a MoveGroup capability (plugin)
 CMoveItErrorCodeExceptionException storing an moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes value
 CPlanComponentsBuilderHelper class to encapsulate the merge and blend process of trajectories
 CAggregationJointMissingExceptionThrown the limits from the parameter server are weaker(forbidden) than the ones defined in the urdf
 CPlanningContextFactoryRegistrationExceptionAn exception class thrown when the planner manager is unable to load a factory

autogenerated on Mon Apr 6 2020 03:17:34