Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  * GTSAM Copyright 2010, Georgia Tech Research Corporation,
4  * Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
5  * All Rights Reserved
6  * Authors: Frank Dellaert, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list)
8  * See LICENSE for the license information
10  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
18 #include <gtsam/base/Testable.h>
20 #include <gtsam/base/lieProxies.h>
21 #include <gtsam/base/testLie.h>
22 #include <gtsam/geometry/Point2.h>
23 #include <gtsam/geometry/Pose2.h>
24 #include <gtsam/geometry/Rot2.h>
26 #include <optional>
27 #include <cmath>
28 #include <iostream>
30 using namespace gtsam;
31 using namespace std;
36 //******************************************************************************
37 TEST(Pose2 , Concept) {
39  GTSAM_CONCEPT_ASSERT(IsManifold<Pose2 >);
41 }
43 /* ************************************************************************* */
44 TEST(Pose2, constructors) {
45  Point2 p(0,0);
46  Pose2 pose(0,p);
47  Pose2 origin;
48  assert_equal(pose,origin);
49  Pose2 t(M_PI/2.0+0.018, Point2(1.015, 2.01));
51 }
53 /* ************************************************************************* */
54 TEST(Pose2, manifold) {
55  Pose2 t1(M_PI/2.0, Point2(1, 2));
56  Pose2 t2(M_PI/2.0+0.018, Point2(1.015, 2.01));
57  Pose2 origin;
58  Vector d12 = t1.localCoordinates(t2);
59  EXPECT(assert_equal(t2, t1.retract(d12)));
60  EXPECT(assert_equal(t2, t1*origin.retract(d12)));
61  Vector d21 = t2.localCoordinates(t1);
62  EXPECT(assert_equal(t1, t2.retract(d21)));
63  EXPECT(assert_equal(t1, t2*origin.retract(d21)));
64 }
66 /* ************************************************************************* */
67 TEST(Pose2, retract) {
68  Pose2 pose(M_PI/2.0, Point2(1, 2));
70  Pose2 expected(1.00811, 2.01528, 2.5608);
71 #else
72  Pose2 expected(M_PI/2.0+0.99, Point2(1.015, 2.01));
73 #endif
74  Pose2 actual = pose.retract(Vector3(0.01, -0.015, 0.99));
75  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual, 1e-5));
76 }
78 /* ************************************************************************* */
79 TEST(Pose2, expmap) {
80  Pose2 pose(M_PI/2.0, Point2(1, 2));
81  Pose2 expected(1.00811, 2.01528, 2.5608);
82  Pose2 actual = expmap_default<Pose2>(pose, Vector3(0.01, -0.015, 0.99));
83  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual, 1e-5));
84 }
86 /* ************************************************************************* */
87 TEST(Pose2, expmap2) {
88  Pose2 pose(M_PI/2.0, Point2(1, 2));
89  Pose2 expected(1.00811, 2.01528, 2.5608);
90  Pose2 actual = expmap_default<Pose2>(pose, Vector3(0.01, -0.015, 0.99));
91  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual, 1e-5));
92 }
94 /* ************************************************************************* */
95 TEST(Pose2, expmap3) {
96  // do an actual series exponential map
97  // see e.g. http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~cis610/cis610lie1.ps
98  Matrix A = (Matrix(3,3) <<
99  0.0, -0.99, 0.01,
100  0.99, 0.0, -0.015,
101  0.0, 0.0, 0.0).finished();
102  Matrix A2 = A*A/2.0, A3 = A2*A/3.0, A4=A3*A/4.0;
103  Matrix expected = I_3x3 + A + A2 + A3 + A4;
105  Vector v = Vector3(0.01, -0.015, 0.99);
106  Pose2 pose = Pose2::Expmap(v);
107  Pose2 pose2(v);
108  EXPECT(assert_equal(pose, pose2));
109  Matrix actual = pose.matrix();
110  //EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual));
111 }
113 /* ************************************************************************* */
114 TEST(Pose2, expmap0a) {
115  Pose2 expected(0.0101345, -0.0149092, 0.018);
116  Pose2 actual = Pose2::Expmap(Vector3(0.01, -0.015, 0.018));
117  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual, 1e-5));
118 }
120 /* ************************************************************************* */
121 TEST(Pose2, expmap0b) {
122  // a quarter turn
123  Pose2 expected(1.0, 1.0, M_PI/2);
124  Pose2 actual = Pose2::Expmap((Vector(3) << M_PI/2, 0.0, M_PI/2).finished());
125  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual, 1e-5));
126 }
128 /* ************************************************************************* */
129 TEST(Pose2, expmap0c) {
130  // a half turn
131  Pose2 expected(0.0, 2.0, M_PI);
132  Pose2 actual = Pose2::Expmap((Vector(3) << M_PI, 0.0, M_PI).finished());
133  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual, 1e-5));
134 }
136 /* ************************************************************************* */
137 TEST(Pose2, expmap0d) {
138  // a full turn
139  Pose2 expected(0, 0, 0);
140  Pose2 actual = Pose2::Expmap((Vector(3) << 2*M_PI, 0.0, 2*M_PI).finished());
141  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual, 1e-5));
142 }
144 /* ************************************************************************* */
145 // test case for screw motion in the plane
146 namespace screwPose2 {
147  double w=0.3;
148  Vector xi = (Vector(3) << 0.0, w, w).finished();
150  Point2 expectedT(-0.0446635, 0.29552);
151  Pose2 expected(expectedR, expectedT);
152 }
154 TEST(Pose2, expmap_c)
155 {
159 }
161 /* ************************************************************************* */
162 TEST(Pose2, expmap_c_full)
163 {
164  double w=0.3;
165  Vector xi = (Vector(3) << 0.0, w, w).finished();
167  Point2 expectedT(-0.0446635, 0.29552);
168  Pose2 expected(expectedR, expectedT);
169  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, expm<Pose2>(xi),1e-6));
170  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, Pose2::Expmap(xi),1e-6));
171  EXPECT(assert_equal(xi, Pose2::Logmap(expected),1e-6));
172 }
174 /* ************************************************************************* */
175 // assert that T*exp(xi)*T^-1 is equal to exp(Ad_T(xi))
176 TEST(Pose2, Adjoint_full) {
177  Pose2 T(1, 2, 3);
179  Vector xiprime = T.Adjoint(screwPose2::xi);
180  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, Pose2::Expmap(xiprime), 1e-6));
182  Vector3 xi2(4, 5, 6);
183  Pose2 expected2 = T * Pose2::Expmap(xi2) * T.inverse();
184  Vector xiprime2 = T.Adjoint(xi2);
185  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected2, Pose2::Expmap(xiprime2), 1e-6));
186 }
188 /* ************************************************************************* */
189 // assert that T*wedge(xi)*T^-1 is equal to wedge(Ad_T(xi))
190 TEST(Pose2, Adjoint_hat) {
191  Pose2 T(1, 2, 3);
192  auto hat = [](const Vector& xi) { return ::wedge<Pose2>(xi); };
193  Matrix3 expected = T.matrix() * hat(screwPose2::xi) * T.matrix().inverse();
194  Matrix3 xiprime = hat(T.Adjoint(screwPose2::xi));
195  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, xiprime, 1e-6));
197  Vector3 xi2(4, 5, 6);
198  Matrix3 expected2 = T.matrix() * hat(xi2) * T.matrix().inverse();
199  Matrix3 xiprime2 = hat(T.Adjoint(xi2));
200  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected2, xiprime2, 1e-6));
201 }
203 /* ************************************************************************* */
205  Pose2 pose0(M_PI/2.0, Point2(1, 2));
206  Pose2 pose(M_PI/2.0+0.018, Point2(1.015, 2.01));
208  Vector3 expected(0.00986473, -0.0150896, 0.018);
209 #else
210  Vector3 expected(0.01, -0.015, 0.018);
211 #endif
212  Vector actual = pose0.localCoordinates(pose);
213  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual, 1e-5));
214 }
216 /* ************************************************************************* */
217 TEST(Pose2, logmap_full) {
218  Pose2 pose0(M_PI/2.0, Point2(1, 2));
219  Pose2 pose(M_PI/2.0+0.018, Point2(1.015, 2.01));
220  Vector expected = Vector3(0.00986473, -0.0150896, 0.018);
221  Vector actual = logmap_default<Pose2>(pose0, pose);
222  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual, 1e-5));
223 }
225 /* ************************************************************************* */
226 TEST( Pose2, ExpmapDerivative1) {
227  Matrix3 actualH;
228  Vector3 w(0.1, 0.27, -0.3);
229  Pose2::Expmap(w,actualH);
230  Matrix3 expectedH = numericalDerivative21<Pose2, Vector3,
232  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH, actualH, 1e-5));
233 }
235 /* ************************************************************************* */
236 TEST( Pose2, ExpmapDerivative2) {
237  Matrix3 actualH;
238  Vector3 w0(0.1, 0.27, 0.0); // alpha = 0
239  Pose2::Expmap(w0,actualH);
240  Matrix3 expectedH = numericalDerivative21<Pose2, Vector3,
241  OptionalJacobian<3, 3> >(&Pose2::Expmap, w0, {}, 1e-2);
242  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH, actualH, 1e-5));
243 }
245 /* ************************************************************************* */
246 TEST( Pose2, LogmapDerivative1) {
247  Matrix3 actualH;
248  Vector3 w(0.1, 0.27, -0.3);
249  Pose2 p = Pose2::Expmap(w);
250  EXPECT(assert_equal(w, Pose2::Logmap(p,actualH), 1e-5));
251  Matrix3 expectedH = numericalDerivative21<Vector3, Pose2,
253  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH, actualH, 1e-5));
254 }
256 /* ************************************************************************* */
257 TEST( Pose2, LogmapDerivative2) {
258  Matrix3 actualH;
259  Vector3 w0(0.1, 0.27, 0.0); // alpha = 0
260  Pose2 p = Pose2::Expmap(w0);
261  EXPECT(assert_equal(w0, Pose2::Logmap(p,actualH), 1e-5));
262  Matrix3 expectedH = numericalDerivative21<Vector3, Pose2,
264  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH, actualH, 1e-5));
265 }
267 /* ************************************************************************* */
268 static Point2 transformTo_(const Pose2& pose, const Point2& point) {
269  return pose.transformTo(point);
270 }
273  Pose2 pose(M_PI / 2.0, Point2(1, 2)); // robot at (1,2) looking towards y
274  Point2 point(-1, 4); // landmark at (-1,4)
276  // expected
277  Point2 expected(2, 2);
278  Matrix expectedH1 =
279  (Matrix(2, 3) << -1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, -1.0, -2.0).finished();
280  Matrix expectedH2 = (Matrix(2, 2) << 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0).finished();
282  // actual
283  Matrix actualH1, actualH2;
284  Point2 actual = pose.transformTo(point, actualH1, actualH2);
285  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual));
287  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1, actualH1));
288  Matrix numericalH1 = numericalDerivative21(transformTo_, pose, point);
289  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH1, actualH1));
291  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2, actualH2));
292  Matrix numericalH2 = numericalDerivative22(transformTo_, pose, point);
293  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH2, actualH2));
294 }
296 /* ************************************************************************* */
297 static Point2 transformFrom_(const Pose2& pose, const Point2& point) {
298  return pose.transformFrom(point);
299 }
302  Pose2 pose(1., 0., M_PI / 2.0);
303  Point2 pt(2., 1.);
304  Matrix H1, H2;
305  Point2 actual = pose.transformFrom(pt, H1, H2);
307  Point2 expected(0., 2.);
308  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual));
310  Matrix H1_expected = (Matrix(2, 3) << 0., -1., -2., 1., 0., -1.).finished();
311  Matrix H2_expected = (Matrix(2, 2) << 0., -1., 1., 0.).finished();
313  Matrix numericalH1 = numericalDerivative21(transformFrom_, pose, pt);
314  EXPECT(assert_equal(H1_expected, H1));
315  EXPECT(assert_equal(H1_expected, numericalH1));
317  Matrix numericalH2 = numericalDerivative22(transformFrom_, pose, pt);
318  EXPECT(assert_equal(H2_expected, H2));
319  EXPECT(assert_equal(H2_expected, numericalH2));
320 }
322 /* ************************************************************************* */
323 TEST(Pose2, compose_a)
324 {
325  Pose2 pose1(M_PI/4.0, Point2(sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5)));
326  Pose2 pose2(M_PI/2.0, Point2(0.0, 2.0));
328  Matrix actualDcompose1;
329  Matrix actualDcompose2;
330  Pose2 actual = pose1.compose(pose2, actualDcompose1, actualDcompose2);
332  Pose2 expected(3.0*M_PI/4.0, Point2(-sqrt(0.5), 3.0*sqrt(0.5)));
333  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual));
335  Matrix expectedH1 = (Matrix(3,3) <<
336  0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
337  -1.0, 0.0, 2.0,
338  0.0, 0.0, 1.0
339  ).finished();
340  Matrix expectedH2 = I_3x3;
341  Matrix numericalH1 = numericalDerivative21<Pose2, Pose2, Pose2>(testing::compose, pose1, pose2);
342  Matrix numericalH2 = numericalDerivative22<Pose2, Pose2, Pose2>(testing::compose, pose1, pose2);
343  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1,actualDcompose1));
344  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH1,actualDcompose1));
345  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2,actualDcompose2));
346  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH2,actualDcompose2));
348  Point2 point(sqrt(0.5), 3.0*sqrt(0.5));
349  Point2 expected_point(-1.0, -1.0);
350  Point2 actual_point1 = (pose1 * pose2).transformTo(point);
351  Point2 actual_point2 = pose2.transformTo(pose1.transformTo(point));
352  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected_point, actual_point1));
353  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected_point, actual_point2));
354 }
356 /* ************************************************************************* */
357 TEST(Pose2, compose_b)
358 {
359  Pose2 pose1(Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/10.0), Point2(.75, .5));
360  Pose2 pose2(Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/4.0-M_PI/10.0), Point2(0.701289620636, 1.34933052585));
362  Pose2 pose_expected(Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/4.0), Point2(1.0, 2.0));
364  Pose2 pose_actual_op = pose1 * pose2;
365  Matrix actualDcompose1, actualDcompose2;
366  Pose2 pose_actual_fcn = pose1.compose(pose2, actualDcompose1, actualDcompose2);
368  Matrix numericalH1 = numericalDerivative21<Pose2, Pose2, Pose2>(testing::compose, pose1, pose2);
369  Matrix numericalH2 = numericalDerivative22<Pose2, Pose2, Pose2>(testing::compose, pose1, pose2);
370  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH1,actualDcompose1,1e-5));
371  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH2,actualDcompose2));
373  EXPECT(assert_equal(pose_expected, pose_actual_op));
374  EXPECT(assert_equal(pose_expected, pose_actual_fcn));
375 }
377 /* ************************************************************************* */
378 TEST(Pose2, compose_c)
379 {
380  Pose2 pose1(Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/4.0), Point2(1.0, 1.0));
381  Pose2 pose2(Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/4.0), Point2(sqrt(.5), sqrt(.5)));
383  Pose2 pose_expected(Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/2.0), Point2(1.0, 2.0));
385  Pose2 pose_actual_op = pose1 * pose2;
386  Matrix actualDcompose1, actualDcompose2;
387  Pose2 pose_actual_fcn = pose1.compose(pose2, actualDcompose1, actualDcompose2);
389  Matrix numericalH1 = numericalDerivative21<Pose2, Pose2, Pose2>(testing::compose, pose1, pose2);
390  Matrix numericalH2 = numericalDerivative22<Pose2, Pose2, Pose2>(testing::compose, pose1, pose2);
391  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH1,actualDcompose1,1e-5));
392  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH2,actualDcompose2));
394  EXPECT(assert_equal(pose_expected, pose_actual_op));
395  EXPECT(assert_equal(pose_expected, pose_actual_fcn));
396 }
398 /* ************************************************************************* */
400 {
401  Point2 origin(0,0), t(1,2);
402  Pose2 gTl(M_PI/2.0, t); // robot at (1,2) looking towards y
404  Pose2 identity, lTg = gTl.inverse();
405  EXPECT(assert_equal(identity,lTg.compose(gTl)));
406  EXPECT(assert_equal(identity,gTl.compose(lTg)));
408  Point2 l(4,5), g(-4,6);
409  EXPECT(assert_equal(g,gTl*l));
410  EXPECT(assert_equal(l,lTg*g));
412  // Check derivative
413  Matrix numericalH = numericalDerivative11<Pose2,Pose2>(testing::inverse, lTg);
414  Matrix actualDinverse;
415  lTg.inverse(actualDinverse);
416  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH,actualDinverse));
417 }
419 namespace {
420  /* ************************************************************************* */
421  Vector homogeneous(const Point2& p) {
422  return (Vector(3) << p.x(), p.y(), 1.0).finished();
423  }
425  /* ************************************************************************* */
426  Matrix matrix(const Pose2& gTl) {
427  Matrix gRl = gTl.r().matrix();
428  Point2 gt = gTl.t();
429  return (Matrix(3, 3) <<
430  gRl(0, 0), gRl(0, 1), gt.x(),
431  gRl(1, 0), gRl(1, 1), gt.y(),
432  0.0, 0.0, 1.0).finished();
433  }
434 }
436 /* ************************************************************************* */
438 {
439  Point2 origin(0,0), t(1,2);
440  Pose2 gTl(M_PI/2.0, t); // robot at (1,2) looking towards y
441  Matrix gMl = matrix(gTl);
442  EXPECT(assert_equal((Matrix(3,3) <<
443  0.0, -1.0, 1.0,
444  1.0, 0.0, 2.0,
445  0.0, 0.0, 1.0).finished(),
446  gMl));
447  Rot2 gR1 = gTl.r();
449  Point2 x_axis(1,0), y_axis(0,1);
450  EXPECT(assert_equal((Matrix(2,2) <<
451  0.0, -1.0,
452  1.0, 0.0).finished(),
453  gR1.matrix()));
454  EXPECT(assert_equal(Point2(0,1),gR1*x_axis));
455  EXPECT(assert_equal(Point2(-1,0),gR1*y_axis));
456  EXPECT(assert_equal(homogeneous(Point2(1+0,2+1)),gMl*homogeneous(x_axis)));
457  EXPECT(assert_equal(homogeneous(Point2(1-1,2+0)),gMl*homogeneous(y_axis)));
459  // check inverse pose
460  Matrix lMg = matrix(gTl.inverse());
461  EXPECT(assert_equal((Matrix(3,3) <<
462  0.0, 1.0,-2.0,
463  -1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
464  0.0, 0.0, 1.0).finished(),
465  lMg));
466 }
468 /* ************************************************************************* */
469 TEST( Pose2, compose_matrix )
470 {
471  Pose2 gT1(M_PI/2.0, Point2(1,2)); // robot at (1,2) looking towards y
472  Pose2 _1T2(M_PI, Point2(-1,4)); // local robot at (-1,4) looking at negative x
473  Matrix gM1(matrix(gT1)),_1M2(matrix(_1T2));
474  EXPECT(assert_equal(gM1*_1M2,matrix(gT1.compose(_1T2)))); // RIGHT DOES NOT
475 }
479 /* ************************************************************************* */
481  Pose2 pose(3.5, -8.2, 4.2);
483  Matrix actualH;
484  EXPECT(assert_equal((Vector2() << 3.5, -8.2).finished(), pose.translation(actualH), 1e-8));
486  std::function<Point2(const Pose2&)> f = [](const Pose2& T) { return T.translation(); };
487  Matrix numericalH = numericalDerivative11<Point2, Pose2>(f, pose);
488  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH, actualH, 1e-6));
489 }
491 /* ************************************************************************* */
493  Pose2 pose(3.5, -8.2, 4.2);
495  Matrix actualH(4, 3);
496  EXPECT(assert_equal(Rot2(4.2), pose.rotation(actualH), 1e-8));
498  std::function<Rot2(const Pose2&)> f = [](const Pose2& T) { return T.rotation(); };
499  Matrix numericalH = numericalDerivative11<Rot2, Pose2>(f, pose);
500  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH, actualH, 1e-6));
501 }
504 /* ************************************************************************* */
506 {
507  // <
508  //
509  // ^
510  //
511  // *--0--*--*
512  Pose2 gT1(M_PI/2.0, Point2(1,2)); // robot at (1,2) looking towards y
513  Pose2 gT2(M_PI, Point2(-1,4)); // robot at (-1,4) looking at negative x
515  Matrix actualH1,actualH2;
516  Pose2 expected(M_PI/2.0, Point2(2,2));
517  Pose2 actual1 = gT1.between(gT2);
518  Pose2 actual2 = gT1.between(gT2,actualH1,actualH2);
519  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected,actual1));
520  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected,actual2));
522  Matrix expectedH1 = (Matrix(3,3) <<
523  0.0,-1.0,-2.0,
524  1.0, 0.0,-2.0,
525  0.0, 0.0,-1.0
526  ).finished();
527  Matrix numericalH1 = numericalDerivative21<Pose2,Pose2,Pose2>(testing::between, gT1, gT2);
528  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1,actualH1));
529  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH1,actualH1));
530  // Assert H1 = -AdjointMap(between(p2,p1)) as in doc/math.lyx
531  EXPECT(assert_equal(-gT2.between(gT1).AdjointMap(),actualH1));
533  Matrix expectedH2 = (Matrix(3,3) <<
534  1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
535  0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
536  0.0, 0.0, 1.0
537  ).finished();
538  Matrix numericalH2 = numericalDerivative22<Pose2,Pose2,Pose2>(testing::between, gT1, gT2);
539  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2,actualH2));
540  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH2,actualH2));
542 }
544 /* ************************************************************************* */
545 // reverse situation for extra test
546 TEST( Pose2, between2 )
547 {
548  Pose2 p2(M_PI/2.0, Point2(1,2)); // robot at (1,2) looking towards y
549  Pose2 p1(M_PI, Point2(-1,4)); // robot at (-1,4) loooking at negative x
551  Matrix actualH1,actualH2;
552  p1.between(p2,actualH1,actualH2);
553  Matrix numericalH1 = numericalDerivative21<Pose2,Pose2,Pose2>(testing::between, p1, p2);
554  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH1,actualH1));
555  Matrix numericalH2 = numericalDerivative22<Pose2,Pose2,Pose2>(testing::between, p1, p2);
556  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH2,actualH2));
557 }
559 /* ************************************************************************* */
560 // arbitrary, non perpendicular angles to be extra safe
561 TEST( Pose2, between3 )
562 {
563  Pose2 p2(M_PI/3.0, Point2(1,2));
564  Pose2 p1(M_PI/6.0, Point2(-1,4));
566  Matrix actualH1,actualH2;
567  p1.between(p2,actualH1,actualH2);
568  Matrix numericalH1 = numericalDerivative21<Pose2,Pose2,Pose2>(testing::between, p1, p2);
569  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH1,actualH1));
570  Matrix numericalH2 = numericalDerivative22<Pose2,Pose2,Pose2>(testing::between, p1, p2);
571  EXPECT(assert_equal(numericalH2,actualH2));
572 }
574 /* ************************************************************************* */
575 TEST( Pose2, round_trip )
576 {
577  Pose2 p1(1.23, 2.30, 0.2);
578  Pose2 odo(0.53, 0.39, 0.15);
579  Pose2 p2 = p1.compose(odo);
580  EXPECT(assert_equal(odo, p1.between(p2)));
581 }
583 namespace {
584  /* ************************************************************************* */
585  // some shared test values
586  Pose2 x1, x2(1, 1, 0), x3(1, 1, M_PI/4.0);
587  Point2 l1(1, 0), l2(1, 1), l3(2, 2), l4(1, 3);
589  /* ************************************************************************* */
590  Rot2 bearing_proxy(const Pose2& pose, const Point2& pt) {
591  return pose.bearing(pt);
592  }
593 }
595 TEST( Pose2, bearing )
596 {
597  Matrix expectedH1, actualH1, expectedH2, actualH2;
599  // establish bearing is indeed zero
602  // establish bearing is indeed 45 degrees
605  // establish bearing is indeed 45 degrees even if shifted
606  Rot2 actual23 = x2.bearing(l3, actualH1, actualH2);
607  EXPECT(assert_equal(Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/4.0),actual23));
609  // Check numerical derivatives
610  expectedH1 = numericalDerivative21(bearing_proxy, x2, l3);
611  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1,actualH1));
612  expectedH2 = numericalDerivative22(bearing_proxy, x2, l3);
613  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2,actualH2));
615  // establish bearing is indeed 45 degrees even if rotated
616  Rot2 actual34 = x3.bearing(l4, actualH1, actualH2);
617  EXPECT(assert_equal(Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/4.0),actual34));
619  // Check numerical derivatives
620  expectedH1 = numericalDerivative21(bearing_proxy, x3, l4);
621  expectedH2 = numericalDerivative22(bearing_proxy, x3, l4);
622  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1,actualH1));
623  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2,actualH2));
624 }
626 /* ************************************************************************* */
627 namespace {
628  Rot2 bearing_pose_proxy(const Pose2& pose, const Pose2& pt) {
629  return pose.bearing(pt);
630  }
631 }
633 TEST( Pose2, bearing_pose )
634 {
635  Pose2 xl1(1, 0, M_PI/2.0), xl2(1, 1, M_PI), xl3(2.0, 2.0,-M_PI/2.0), xl4(1, 3, 0);
637  Matrix expectedH1, actualH1, expectedH2, actualH2;
639  // establish bearing is indeed zero
642  // establish bearing is indeed 45 degrees
645  // establish bearing is indeed 45 degrees even if shifted
646  Rot2 actual23 = x2.bearing(xl3, actualH1, actualH2);
647  EXPECT(assert_equal(Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/4.0),actual23));
649  // Check numerical derivatives
650  expectedH1 = numericalDerivative21(bearing_pose_proxy, x2, xl3);
651  expectedH2 = numericalDerivative22(bearing_pose_proxy, x2, xl3);
652  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1,actualH1));
653  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2,actualH2));
655  // establish bearing is indeed 45 degrees even if rotated
656  Rot2 actual34 = x3.bearing(xl4, actualH1, actualH2);
657  EXPECT(assert_equal(Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/4.0),actual34));
659  // Check numerical derivatives
660  expectedH1 = numericalDerivative21(bearing_pose_proxy, x3, xl4);
661  expectedH2 = numericalDerivative22(bearing_pose_proxy, x3, xl4);
662  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1,actualH1));
663  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2,actualH2));
664 }
666 /* ************************************************************************* */
667 namespace {
668  double range_proxy(const Pose2& pose, const Point2& point) {
669  return pose.range(point);
670  }
671 }
673 {
674  Matrix expectedH1, actualH1, expectedH2, actualH2;
676  // establish range is indeed zero
679  // establish range is indeed 45 degrees
680  EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(sqrt(2.0),x1.range(l2),1e-9);
682  // Another pair
683  double actual23 = x2.range(l3, actualH1, actualH2);
684  EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(sqrt(2.0),actual23,1e-9);
686  // Check numerical derivatives
687  expectedH1 = numericalDerivative21(range_proxy, x2, l3);
688  expectedH2 = numericalDerivative22(range_proxy, x2, l3);
689  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1,actualH1));
690  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2,actualH2));
692  // Another test
693  double actual34 = x3.range(l4, actualH1, actualH2);
694  EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(2,actual34,1e-9);
696  // Check numerical derivatives
697  expectedH1 = numericalDerivative21(range_proxy, x3, l4);
698  expectedH2 = numericalDerivative22(range_proxy, x3, l4);
699  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1,actualH1));
700  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2,actualH2));
701 }
703 /* ************************************************************************* */
704 namespace {
705  double range_pose_proxy(const Pose2& pose, const Pose2& point) {
706  return pose.range(point);
707  }
708 }
709 TEST( Pose2, range_pose )
710 {
711  Pose2 xl1(1, 0, M_PI/2.0), xl2(1, 1, M_PI), xl3(2.0, 2.0,-M_PI/2.0), xl4(1, 3, 0);
713  Matrix expectedH1, actualH1, expectedH2, actualH2;
715  // establish range is indeed zero
718  // establish range is indeed 45 degrees
721  // Another pair
722  double actual23 = x2.range(xl3, actualH1, actualH2);
723  EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(sqrt(2.0),actual23,1e-9);
725  // Check numerical derivatives
728  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1,actualH1));
729  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2,actualH2));
731  // Another test
732  double actual34 = x3.range(xl4, actualH1, actualH2);
733  EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(2,actual34,1e-9);
735  // Check numerical derivatives
736  expectedH1 = numericalDerivative21(range_pose_proxy, x3, xl4);
737  expectedH2 = numericalDerivative22(range_pose_proxy, x3, xl4);
738  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH1,actualH1));
739  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedH2,actualH2));
740 }
742 /* ************************************************************************* */
744 TEST(Pose2, align_1) {
745  Pose2 expected(Rot2::fromAngle(0), Point2(10, 10));
746  Point2Pairs ab_pairs {{Point2(10, 10), Point2(0, 0)},
747  {Point2(30, 20), Point2(20, 10)}};
748  std::optional<Pose2> aTb = Pose2::Align(ab_pairs);
749  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, *aTb));
750 }
752 TEST(Pose2, align_2) {
753  Point2 t(20, 10);
754  Rot2 R = Rot2::fromAngle(M_PI/2.0);
755  Pose2 expected(R, t);
757  Point2 b1(0, 0), b2(10, 0);
758  Point2Pairs ab_pairs {{expected.transformFrom(b1), b1},
759  {expected.transformFrom(b2), b2}};
761  std::optional<Pose2> aTb = Pose2::Align(ab_pairs);
762  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, *aTb));
763 }
765 namespace align_3 {
766  Point2 t(10, 10);
768  Point2 b1(0, 0), b2(10, 0), b3(10, 10);
769  Point2 a1 = expected.transformFrom(b1),
770  a2 = expected.transformFrom(b2),
771  a3 = expected.transformFrom(b3);
772 }
775  using namespace align_3;
777  Point2Pair ab1(make_pair(a1, b1));
778  Point2Pair ab2(make_pair(a2, b2));
779  Point2Pair ab3(make_pair(a3, b3));
780  const Point2Pairs ab_pairs{ab1, ab2, ab3};
782  std::optional<Pose2> aTb = Pose2::Align(ab_pairs);
783  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, *aTb));
784 }
786 namespace {
787  /* ************************************************************************* */
788  // Prototype code to align two triangles using a rigid transform
789  /* ************************************************************************* */
790  struct Triangle { size_t i_, j_, k_;};
792  std::optional<Pose2> align2(const Point2Vector& as, const Point2Vector& bs,
793  const pair<Triangle, Triangle>& trianglePair) {
794  const Triangle& t1 = trianglePair.first, t2 = trianglePair.second;
795  Point2Pairs ab_pairs = {{as[t1.i_], bs[t2.i_]},
796  {as[t1.j_], bs[t2.j_]},
797  {as[t1.k_], bs[t2.k_]}};
798  return Pose2::Align(ab_pairs);
799  }
800 }
802 TEST(Pose2, align_4) {
803  using namespace align_3;
805  Point2Vector as{a1, a2, a3}, bs{b3, b1, b2}; // note in 3,1,2 order !
807  Triangle t1; t1.i_=0; t1.j_=1; t1.k_=2;
808  Triangle t2; t2.i_=1; t2.j_=2; t2.k_=0;
810  std::optional<Pose2> actual = align2(as, bs, {t1, t2});
811  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, *actual));
812 }
814 //******************************************************************************
815 namespace {
816 Pose2 id;
817 Pose2 T1(M_PI / 4.0, Point2(sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5)));
818 Pose2 T2(M_PI / 2.0, Point2(0.0, 2.0));
819 } // namespace
821 //******************************************************************************
822 TEST(Pose2, Invariants) {
823  EXPECT(check_group_invariants(id, id));
824  EXPECT(check_group_invariants(id, T1));
825  EXPECT(check_group_invariants(T2, id));
826  EXPECT(check_group_invariants(T2, T1));
828  EXPECT(check_manifold_invariants(id, id));
829  EXPECT(check_manifold_invariants(id, T1));
830  EXPECT(check_manifold_invariants(T2, id));
831  EXPECT(check_manifold_invariants(T2, T1));
832 }
834 //******************************************************************************
835 TEST(Pose2, LieGroupDerivatives) {
840 }
842 //******************************************************************************
843 TEST(Pose2, ChartDerivatives) {
848 }
850 //******************************************************************************
851 #include "testPoseAdjointMap.h"
853 TEST(Pose2 , TransformCovariance3) {
854  // Use simple covariance matrices and transforms to create tests that can be
855  // validated with simple computations.
856  using namespace test_pose_adjoint_map;
858  // rotate
859  {
860  auto cov = FullCovarianceFromSigmas<Pose2>({0.1, 0.3, 0.7});
861  auto transformed = TransformCovariance<Pose2>{{0., 0., 90 * degree}}(cov);
862  // interchange x and y axes
864  Vector3{cov(1, 1), cov(0, 0), cov(2, 2)},
865  Vector3{transformed.diagonal()}));
867  Vector3{-cov(1, 0), -cov(2, 1), cov(2, 0)},
868  Vector3{transformed(1, 0), transformed(2, 0), transformed(2, 1)}));
869  }
871  // translate along x with uncertainty in x
872  {
873  auto cov = SingleVariableCovarianceFromSigma<Pose2>(0, 0.1);
874  auto transformed = TransformCovariance<Pose2>{{20., 0., 0.}}(cov);
875  // No change
876  EXPECT(assert_equal(cov, transformed));
877  }
879  // translate along x with uncertainty in y
880  {
881  auto cov = SingleVariableCovarianceFromSigma<Pose2>(1, 0.1);
882  auto transformed = TransformCovariance<Pose2>{{20., 0., 0.}}(cov);
883  // No change
884  EXPECT(assert_equal(cov, transformed));
885  }
887  // translate along x with uncertainty in theta
888  {
889  auto cov = SingleVariableCovarianceFromSigma<Pose2>(2, 0.1);
890  auto transformed = TransformCovariance<Pose2>{{20., 0., 0.}}(cov);
892  Vector3{0., 0.1 * 0.1 * 20. * 20., 0.1 * 0.1},
893  Vector3{transformed.diagonal()}));
895  Vector3{0., 0., -0.1 * 0.1 * 20.},
896  Vector3{transformed(1, 0), transformed(2, 0), transformed(2, 1)}));
897  }
899  // rotate and translate along x with uncertainty in x
900  {
901  auto cov = SingleVariableCovarianceFromSigma<Pose2>(0, 0.1);
902  auto transformed = TransformCovariance<Pose2>{{20., 0., 90 * degree}}(cov);
903  // interchange x and y axes
905  Vector3{cov(1, 1), cov(0, 0), cov(2, 2)},
906  Vector3{transformed.diagonal()}));
908  Vector3{Z_3x1},
909  Vector3{transformed(1, 0), transformed(2, 0), transformed(2, 1)}));
910  }
912  // rotate and translate along x with uncertainty in theta
913  {
914  auto cov = SingleVariableCovarianceFromSigma<Pose2>(2, 0.1);
915  auto transformed = TransformCovariance<Pose2>{{20., 0., 90 * degree}}(cov);
917  Vector3{0., 0.1 * 0.1 * 20. * 20., 0.1 * 0.1},
918  Vector3{transformed.diagonal()}));
920  Vector3{0., 0., -0.1 * 0.1 * 20.},
921  Vector3{transformed(1, 0), transformed(2, 0), transformed(2, 1)}));
922  }
923 }
925 /* ************************************************************************* */
927  Pose2 pose(Rot2::Identity(), Point2(1, 2));
929  // Generate the expected output
930  string s = "Planar Pose";
931  string expected_stdout = "(1, 2, 0)";
932  string expected1 = expected_stdout + "\n";
933  string expected2 = s + " " + expected1;
935  EXPECT(assert_stdout_equal(expected_stdout, pose));
937  EXPECT(assert_print_equal(expected1, pose));
938  EXPECT(assert_print_equal(expected2, pose, s));
939 }
941 /* ************************************************************************* */
942 int main() {
943  TestResult tr;
944  return TestRegistry::runAllTests(tr);
945 }
946 /* ************************************************************************* */
Point2 a1
Definition: testPose2.cpp:769
bool assert_stdout_equal(const std::string &expected, const V &actual)
Provides additional testing facilities for common data structures.
GTSAM_EXPORT Point2 transformFrom(const Point2 &point, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 > Dpose={}, OptionalJacobian< 2, 2 > Dpoint={}) const
Definition: Pose2.cpp:226
static const Eigen::MatrixBase< Vector3 >::ConstantReturnType Z_3x1
Definition: Vector.h:46
#define GTSAM_CONCEPT_ASSERT(concept)
Definition: base/concepts.h:22
Rot3_ rotation(const Pose3_ &pose)
Concept check for values that can be used in unit tests.
Provides convenient mappings of common member functions for testing.
static int runAllTests(TestResult &result)
Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
Definition: Vector.h:43
T between(const T &t1, const T &t2)
Definition: lieProxies.h:36
void homogeneous(void)
Pose3 xl4(Rot3::Ypr(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), Point3(1, 4,-4))
Vector3f p1
Point2 a3
Definition: testPose2.cpp:771
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy y set format x g set format y g set format x2 g set format y2 g set format z g set angles radians set nogrid set key title set key left top Right noreverse box linetype linewidth samplen spacing width set nolabel set noarrow set nologscale set logscale x set set pointsize set encoding default set nopolar set noparametric set set set set surface set nocontour set clabel set mapping cartesian set nohidden3d set cntrparam order set cntrparam linear set cntrparam levels auto set cntrparam points set size set origin
bool assert_print_equal(const std::string &expected, const V &actual, const std::string &s="")
Point2 odo(const Point2 &x1, const Point2 &x2)
odometry between two poses
Definition: simulated2D.h:99
Vector2 Point2
Definition: Point2.h:32
int main()
Definition: testPose2.cpp:942
bool assert_equal(const Matrix &expected, const Matrix &actual, double tol)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:40
Eigen::MatrixXd Matrix
Definition: base/Matrix.h:39
#define M_PI
Definition: main.h:106
Rot2 R(Rot2::fromAngle(0.1))
gtsam::Key l2
GTSAM_EXPORT Rot2 bearing(const Point2 &point, OptionalJacobian< 1, 3 > H1={}, OptionalJacobian< 1, 2 > H2={}) const
Definition: Pose2.cpp:245
Definition: BFloat16.h:88
Pose3 x2(Rot3::Ypr(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), l2)
static const Pose3 T2(Rot3::Rodrigues(0.3, 0.2, 0.1), P2)
static const Point3 pt(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
Matrix< SCALARA, Dynamic, Dynamic, opt_A > A
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:48
const Point2 & t() const
Definition: Pose2.h:255
GTSAM_EXPORT double range(const Point2 &point, OptionalJacobian< 1, 3 > H1={}, OptionalJacobian< 1, 2 > H2={}) const
Definition: Pose2.cpp:270
Pose2 expected(Rot2::fromAngle(2 *M_PI/3), t)
Pose3 xl2(Rot3::Ypr(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), Point3(1, 1, 0))
Definition: Lie.h:372
#define EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(expected, actual, threshold)
Definition: Test.h:161
static const Similarity3 id
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const InverseReturnType inverse() const
void g(const string &key, int i)
Definition: testBTree.cpp:41
Unit3 bearing_proxy(const Pose3 &pose, const Point3 &point)
Definition: testPose3.cpp:741
T compose(const T &t1, const T &t2)
Definition: lieProxies.h:39
internal::FixedSizeMatrix< Y, X1 >::type numericalDerivative21(const std::function< Y(const X1 &, const X2 &)> &h, const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, double delta=1e-5)
Point2 expectedT(-0.0446635, 0.29552)
Point2 b1(0, 0)
Definition: testLie.h:82
Point3 l3(2, 2, 0)
Pose3 xl3(Rot3::Ypr(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), Point3(2, 2, 0))
TangentVector localCoordinates(const Class &g) const
localCoordinates as required by manifold concept: finds tangent vector between *this and g ...
Definition: Lie.h:136
const double degree
std::vector< Point2Pair > Point2Pairs
Definition: Point2.h:38
static const Line3 l(Rot3(), 1, 1)
Point2 b2(10, 0)
Point3_ transformFrom(const Pose3_ &x, const Point3_ &p)
static GTSAM_EXPORT Vector3 Logmap(const Pose2 &p, ChartJacobian H={})
Log map at identity - return the canonical coordinates of this rotation.
Definition: Pose2.cpp:82
gtsam::Expression< typename gtsam::traits< T >::TangentVector > logmap(const gtsam::Expression< T > &x1, const gtsam::Expression< T > &x2)
GTSAM_EXPORT Matrix3 matrix() const
Definition: Pose2.cpp:36
Eigen::VectorXd Vector
Definition: Vector.h:38
Point3_ translation(const Pose3_ &pose)
double range_proxy(const Pose3 &pose, const Point3 &point)
Definition: testPose3.cpp:671
const Rot2 & r() const
Definition: Pose2.h:258
T inverse(const T &t)
Definition: lieProxies.h:43
#define EXPECT(condition)
Definition: Test.h:150
Unit3 bearing(const Point3 &point, OptionalJacobian< 2, 6 > Hself={}, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 > Hpoint={}) const
Definition: Pose3.cpp:425
Array< int, Dynamic, 1 > v
Matrix wedge< Pose2 >(const Vector &xi)
Definition: Pose2.h:355
Eigen::Triplet< double > T
Point2(* f)(const Point3 &, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 >)
static Point2 transformFrom_(const Pose2 &pose, const Point2 &point)
Definition: testPose2.cpp:297
Array< double, 1, 3 > e(1./3., 0.5, 2.)
RealScalar s
Support utilities for using AdjointMap for transforming Pose2 and Pose3 covariance matrices...
static Rot2 Identity()
Definition: Rot2.h:110
Class compose(const Class &g) const
Definition: Lie.h:48
Point2 b3(10, 10)
Pose3 x3(Rot3::Ypr(M_PI/4.0, 0.0, 0.0), l2)
static const Pose3 pose1(Rot3(), Point3(0, 1, 0.5))
Pose3 xl1(Rot3::Ypr(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Point3(1, 0, 0))
Point3 l4(1, 4,-4)
Vector xi
Definition: testPose2.cpp:148
gtsam::Key l1
static Pose3 pose0
Definition: chartTesting.h:28
Point2 a2
Definition: testPose2.cpp:770
Vector3 Adjoint(const Vector3 &xi) const
Apply AdjointMap to twist xi.
Definition: Pose2.h:152
static Point2 transformTo_(const Pose2 &pose, const Point2 &point)
Definition: testPose2.cpp:268
Rot2 expectedR
Definition: testPose2.cpp:149
Matrix2 matrix() const
Definition: Rot2.cpp:85
static const Pose3 pose(Rot3(Vector3(1, -1, -1).asDiagonal()), Point3(0, 0, 0.5))
Eigen::Vector2d Vector2
Definition: Vector.h:42
Class retract(const TangentVector &v) const
retract as required by manifold concept: applies v at *this
Definition: Lie.h:131
static std::optional< Pose2 > Align(const Point2Pairs &abPointPairs)
Definition: Pose2.cpp:330
std::pair< Point2, Point2 > Point2Pair
Definition: Point2.h:35
static const Similarity3 T1(R, Point3(3.5, -8.2, 4.2), 1)
Double_ range(const Point2_ &p, const Point2_ &q)
Class between(const Class &g) const
Definition: Lie.h:52
Pose3 x1
Definition: testPose3.cpp:663
std::vector< Point2, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Point2 > > Point2Vector
Definition: Point2.h:49
Definition: testLie.h:85
float * p
static Pose3 pose2
internal::FixedSizeMatrix< Y, X2 >::type numericalDerivative22(std::function< Y(const X1 &, const X2 &)> h, const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, double delta=1e-5)
static Rot2 fromAngle(double theta)
Named constructor from angle in radians.
Definition: Rot2.h:61
static Point3 p2
Line3 transformTo(const Pose3 &wTc, const Line3 &wL, OptionalJacobian< 4, 6 > Dpose, OptionalJacobian< 4, 4 > Dline)
Definition: Line3.cpp:94
Jet< T, N > sqrt(const Jet< T, N > &f)
Definition: jet.h:418
TEST(SmartFactorBase, Pinhole)
GTSAM_EXPORT Pose2 inverse() const
Definition: Pose2.cpp:201
static GTSAM_EXPORT Pose2 Expmap(const Vector3 &xi, ChartJacobian H={})
Exponential map at identity - create a rotation from canonical coordinates .
Definition: Pose2.cpp:66
double range_pose_proxy(const Pose3 &pose, const Pose3 &point)
Definition: testPose3.cpp:706
2D Pose
Map< Matrix< T, Dynamic, Dynamic, ColMajor >, 0, OuterStride<> > matrix(T *data, int rows, int cols, int stride)
GTSAM_EXPORT Point2 transformTo(const Point2 &point, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 > Dpose={}, OptionalJacobian< 2, 2 > Dpoint={}) const
Definition: Pose2.cpp:207
GTSAM_EXPORT Matrix3 AdjointMap() const
Definition: Pose2.cpp:126
2D Point
Expression< T > between(const Expression< T > &t1, const Expression< T > &t2)
const Rot2 & rotation(OptionalJacobian< 1, 3 > Hself={}) const
Definition: Pose2.h:270
void Print(const CONTAINER &keys, const string &s, const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter)
Definition: Key.cpp:62
2D rotation
Definition: Testable.h:176
Point2 t(10, 10)
double range(const Point3 &point, OptionalJacobian< 1, 6 > Hself={}, OptionalJacobian< 1, 3 > Hpoint={}) const
Definition: Pose3.cpp:399
const Point2 & translation(OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 > Hself={}) const
Definition: Pose2.h:261
Pose2 expected(expectedR, expectedT)
double w
Definition: testPose2.cpp:147

autogenerated on Tue Jul 4 2023 02:38:55