file | AHRS.cpp [code] |
file | AHRS.h [code] |
file | BetweenFactorEM.h [code] |
file | BiasedGPSFactor.h [code] |
file | DummyFactor.cpp [code] |
file | gtsam_unstable/slam/DummyFactor.h [code] |
file | EquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel.h [code] |
| Equivalent inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame).
file | EquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel_NoBias.h [code] |
| Equivalent inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame), without bias state.
file | GaussMarkov1stOrderFactor.h [code] |
file | InertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity.h [code] |
| Inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame)
file | InvDepthFactor3.h [code] |
| Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. Landmarks are initialized from the first camera observation with (x,y,z,theta,phi,inv_depth), where x,y,z are the coordinates of the camera. InvDepthCamera provides methods to initialize inverse depth landmarks (backproject), and to convert inverse depth landmarks to cartesian coordinates (Point3) for visualization, etc. The inverse depth parameterization is split into (x,y,z,theta,phi), (inv_depth) to make it easy to add a prior on inverse depth alone.
file | InvDepthFactorVariant1.h [code] |
| Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. Landmarks are parameterized as (x,y,z,theta,phi,rho). The factor involves a single pose and a landmark. The landmark parameterization contains the reference point internally (and will thus be updated as well during optimization).
file | InvDepthFactorVariant2.h [code] |
| Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. Landmarks are parameterized as (theta,phi,rho) with the reference point created at landmark construction and then never updated (i.e. the point [x,y,z] is treated as fixed and not part of the optimization). The factor involves a single pose and a landmark.
file | InvDepthFactorVariant3.h [code] |
| Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. Landmarks are parameterized as (theta,phi,rho). The factor involves two poses and a landmark. The first pose is the reference frame from which (theta, phi, rho) is measured.
file | LocalOrientedPlane3Factor.cpp [code] |
file | LocalOrientedPlane3Factor.h [code] |
file | Mechanization_bRn2.cpp [code] |
file | Mechanization_bRn2.h [code] |
file | MultiProjectionFactor.h [code] |
file | PartialPriorFactor.h [code] |
| A simple prior factor that allows for setting a prior only on a part of linear parameters.
file | PoseBetweenFactor.h [code] |
file | PosePriorFactor.h [code] |
file | PoseToPointFactor.h [code] |
| This factor can be used to model relative position measurements from a (2D or 3D) pose to a landmark.
file | ProjectionFactorPPP.h [code] |
| Derived from ProjectionFactor, but estimates body-camera transform in addition to body pose and 3D landmark.
file | ProjectionFactorPPPC.h [code] |
| Derived from ProjectionFactor, but estimates body-camera transform and calibration in addition to body pose and 3D landmark.
file | ProjectionFactorRollingShutter.cpp [code] |
| Basic projection factor for rolling shutter cameras.
file | ProjectionFactorRollingShutter.h [code] |
| Basic projection factor for rolling shutter cameras.
file | RelativeElevationFactor.cpp [code] |
file | RelativeElevationFactor.h [code] |
| Factor representing a known relative altitude in global frame.
file | serialization.cpp [code] |
file | unstable/slam/serialization.h [code] |
file | SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter.h [code] |
| Smart projection factor on poses modeling rolling shutter effect with given readout time.
file | SmartRangeFactor.h [code] |
| A smart factor for range-only SLAM that does initialization and marginalization.
file | SmartStereoProjectionFactor.h [code] |
| Smart stereo factor on StereoCameras (pose)
file | SmartStereoProjectionFactorPP.cpp [code] |
file | SmartStereoProjectionFactorPP.h [code] |
| Smart stereo factor on poses and extrinsic calibration.
file | SmartStereoProjectionPoseFactor.cpp [code] |
| Smart stereo factor on poses, assuming camera calibration is fixed.
file | SmartStereoProjectionPoseFactor.h [code] |
| Smart stereo factor on poses, assuming camera calibration is fixed.
file | TOAFactor.h [code] |
| "Time of Arrival" factor
file | TransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactor.h [code] |
| Unary factor for determining transformation between given trajectories of two robots.
file | TransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactorEM.h [code] |
| Unary factor for determining transformation between given trajectories of two robots.
file | TSAMFactors.h [code] |
| TSAM 1 Factors, simpler than the hierarchical TSAM 2.