Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  * GTSAM Copyright 2010, Georgia Tech Research Corporation,
4  * Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
5  * All Rights Reserved
6  * Authors: Frank Dellaert, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list)
8  * See LICENSE for the license information
10  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
19 #pragma once
23 #include <gtsam_unstable/dllexport.h>
25 namespace gtsam {
44 template <class CAMERA>
45 class GTSAM_UNSTABLE_EXPORT SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter
46  : public SmartProjectionFactor<CAMERA> {
47  private:
50  typedef typename CAMERA::CalibrationType CALIBRATION;
51  typedef typename CAMERA::Measurement MEASUREMENT;
52  typedef typename CAMERA::MeasurementVector MEASUREMENTS;
54  protected:
57  std::vector<std::pair<Key, Key>> world_P_body_key_pairs_;
61  std::vector<double> alphas_;
65  std::shared_ptr<typename Base::Cameras> cameraRig_;
71  public:
74  static const int DimBlock =
75  12;
76  static const int DimPose = 6;
78  static const int ZDim = 2;
80  MatrixZD; // F blocks (derivatives wrt block of 2 poses)
81  typedef std::vector<MatrixZD, Eigen::aligned_allocator<MatrixZD>>
82  FBlocks; // vector of F blocks
84  typedef CAMERA Camera;
88  typedef std::shared_ptr<This> shared_ptr;
101  const SharedNoiseModel& sharedNoiseModel,
102  const std::shared_ptr<Cameras>& cameraRig,
104  : Base(sharedNoiseModel, params), cameraRig_(cameraRig) {
105  // throw exception if configuration is not supported by this factor
106  if (Base::params_.degeneracyMode != gtsam::ZERO_ON_DEGENERACY)
107  throw std::runtime_error(
108  "SmartProjectionRigFactor: "
109  "degeneracyMode must be set to ZERO_ON_DEGENERACY");
110  if (Base::params_.linearizationMode != gtsam::HESSIAN)
111  throw std::runtime_error(
112  "SmartProjectionRigFactor: "
113  "linearizationMode must be set to HESSIAN");
114  }
128  void add(const MEASUREMENT& measured, const Key& world_P_body_key1,
129  const Key& world_P_body_key2, const double& alpha,
130  const size_t& cameraId = 0) {
131  // store measurements in base class
132  this->measured_.push_back(measured);
134  // store the pair of keys for each measurement, in the same order
135  world_P_body_key_pairs_.push_back(
136  std::make_pair(world_P_body_key1, world_P_body_key2));
138  // also store keys in the keys_ vector: these keys are assumed to be
139  // unique, so we avoid duplicates here
140  if (std::find(this->keys_.begin(), this->keys_.end(), world_P_body_key1) ==
141  this->keys_.end())
142  this->keys_.push_back(world_P_body_key1); // add only unique keys
143  if (std::find(this->keys_.begin(), this->keys_.end(), world_P_body_key2) ==
144  this->keys_.end())
145  this->keys_.push_back(world_P_body_key2); // add only unique keys
147  // store interpolation factor
148  alphas_.push_back(alpha);
150  // store id of the camera taking the measurement
151  cameraIds_.push_back(cameraId);
152  }
167  void add(const MEASUREMENTS& measurements,
168  const std::vector<std::pair<Key, Key>>& world_P_body_key_pairs,
169  const std::vector<double>& alphas,
170  const FastVector<size_t>& cameraIds = FastVector<size_t>()) {
171  if (world_P_body_key_pairs.size() != measurements.size() ||
172  world_P_body_key_pairs.size() != alphas.size() ||
173  (world_P_body_key_pairs.size() != cameraIds.size() &&
174  cameraIds.size() != 0)) { // cameraIds.size()=0 is default
175  throw std::runtime_error(
176  "SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter: "
177  "trying to add inconsistent inputs");
178  }
179  if (cameraIds.size() == 0 && cameraRig_->size() > 1) {
180  throw std::runtime_error(
181  "SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter: "
182  "camera rig includes multiple camera "
183  "but add did not input cameraIds");
184  }
185  for (size_t i = 0; i < measurements.size(); i++) {
186  add(measurements[i], world_P_body_key_pairs[i].first,
187  world_P_body_key_pairs[i].second, alphas[i],
188  cameraIds.size() == 0 ? 0
189  : cameraIds[i]); // use 0 as default if
190  // cameraIds was not specified
191  }
192  }
196  const std::vector<std::pair<Key, Key>>& world_P_body_key_pairs() const {
197  return world_P_body_key_pairs_;
198  }
201  const std::vector<double>& alphas() const { return alphas_; }
204  const std::shared_ptr<Cameras>& cameraRig() const { return cameraRig_; }
207  const FastVector<size_t>& cameraIds() const { return cameraIds_; }
214  void print(
215  const std::string& s = "",
216  const KeyFormatter& keyFormatter = DefaultKeyFormatter) const override {
217  std::cout << s << "SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter: \n ";
218  for (size_t i = 0; i < cameraIds_.size(); i++) {
219  std::cout << "-- Measurement nr " << i << std::endl;
220  std::cout << " pose1 key: "
221  << keyFormatter(world_P_body_key_pairs_[i].first) << std::endl;
222  std::cout << " pose2 key: "
223  << keyFormatter(world_P_body_key_pairs_[i].second) << std::endl;
224  std::cout << " alpha: " << alphas_[i] << std::endl;
225  std::cout << "cameraId: " << cameraIds_[i] << std::endl;
226  (*cameraRig_)[cameraIds_[i]].print("camera in rig:\n");
227  }
228  Base::print("", keyFormatter);
229  }
232  bool equals(const NonlinearFactor& p, double tol = 1e-9) const override {
235  &p);
237  double keyPairsEqual = true;
238  if (this->world_P_body_key_pairs_.size() ==
239  e->world_P_body_key_pairs().size()) {
240  for (size_t k = 0; k < this->world_P_body_key_pairs_.size(); k++) {
241  const Key key1own = world_P_body_key_pairs_[k].first;
242  const Key key1e = e->world_P_body_key_pairs()[k].first;
243  const Key key2own = world_P_body_key_pairs_[k].second;
244  const Key key2e = e->world_P_body_key_pairs()[k].second;
245  if (!(key1own == key1e) || !(key2own == key2e)) {
246  keyPairsEqual = false;
247  break;
248  }
249  }
250  } else {
251  keyPairsEqual = false;
252  }
254  return e && Base::equals(p, tol) && alphas_ == e->alphas() &&
255  keyPairsEqual && cameraRig_->equals(*(e->cameraRig())) &&
256  std::equal(cameraIds_.begin(), cameraIds_.end(),
257  e->cameraIds().begin());
258  }
266  typename Base::Cameras cameras(const Values& values) const override {
267  typename Base::Cameras cameras;
268  for (size_t i = 0; i < this->measured_.size();
269  i++) { // for each measurement
270  const Pose3& w_P_body1 =
272  const Pose3& w_P_body2 =
274  double interpolationFactor = alphas_[i];
275  const Pose3& w_P_body =
276  interpolate<Pose3>(w_P_body1, w_P_body2, interpolationFactor);
277  const typename Base::Camera& camera_i = (*cameraRig_)[cameraIds_[i]];
278  const Pose3& body_P_cam = camera_i.pose();
279  const Pose3& w_P_cam = w_P_body.compose(body_P_cam);
280  cameras.emplace_back(w_P_cam,
281  make_shared<typename CAMERA::CalibrationType>(
282  camera_i.calibration()));
283  }
284  return cameras;
285  }
290  double error(const Values& values) const override {
291  if (this->active(values)) {
292  return this->totalReprojectionError(this->cameras(values));
293  } else { // else of active flag
294  return 0.0;
295  }
296  }
308  const Values& values) const {
309  if (!this->result_) {
310  throw("computeJacobiansWithTriangulatedPoint");
311  } else { // valid result: compute jacobians
312  size_t numViews = this->measured_.size();
313  E = Matrix::Zero(2 * numViews,
314  3); // a Point2 for each view (point jacobian)
315  b = Vector::Zero(2 * numViews); // a Point2 for each view
316  // intermediate Jacobians
317  Eigen::Matrix<double, ZDim, DimPose> dProject_dPoseCam;
318  Eigen::Matrix<double, DimPose, DimPose> dInterpPose_dPoseBody1,
319  dInterpPose_dPoseBody2, dPoseCam_dInterpPose;
322  for (size_t i = 0; i < numViews; i++) { // for each camera/measurement
323  auto w_P_body1 =<Pose3>(world_P_body_key_pairs_[i].first);
324  auto w_P_body2 =<Pose3>(world_P_body_key_pairs_[i].second);
325  double interpolationFactor = alphas_[i];
326  // get interpolated pose:
327  auto w_P_body =
328  interpolate<Pose3>(w_P_body1, w_P_body2, interpolationFactor,
329  dInterpPose_dPoseBody1, dInterpPose_dPoseBody2);
330  const typename Base::Camera& camera_i = (*cameraRig_)[cameraIds_[i]];
331  auto body_P_cam = camera_i.pose();
332  auto w_P_cam = w_P_body.compose(body_P_cam, dPoseCam_dInterpPose);
333  typename Base::Camera camera(
334  w_P_cam, make_shared<typename CAMERA::CalibrationType>(
335  camera_i.calibration()));
337  // get jacobians and error vector for current measurement
338  Point2 reprojectionError_i = camera.reprojectionError(
339  *this->result_, this->, dProject_dPoseCam, Ei);
341  J.block(0, 0, ZDim, 6) =
342  dProject_dPoseCam * dPoseCam_dInterpPose *
343  dInterpPose_dPoseBody1; // (2x6) * (6x6) * (6x6)
344  J.block(0, 6, ZDim, 6) =
345  dProject_dPoseCam * dPoseCam_dInterpPose *
346  dInterpPose_dPoseBody2; // (2x6) * (6x6) * (6x6)
348  // fit into the output structures
349  Fs.push_back(J);
350  size_t row = 2 * i;
351  b.segment<ZDim>(row) = -reprojectionError_i;
352  E.block<ZDim, 3>(row, 0) = Ei;
353  }
354  }
355  }
358  std::shared_ptr<RegularHessianFactor<DimPose>> createHessianFactor(
359  const Values& values, const double& lambda = 0.0,
360  bool diagonalDamping = false) const {
361  // we may have multiple observation sharing the same keys (due to the
362  // rolling shutter interpolation), hence the number of unique keys may be
363  // smaller than 2 * nrMeasurements
364  size_t nrUniqueKeys =
365  this->keys_
366  .size(); // note: by construction, keys_ only contains unique keys
368  typename Base::Cameras cameras = this->cameras(values);
370  // Create structures for Hessian Factors
371  KeyVector js;
372  std::vector<Matrix> Gs(nrUniqueKeys * (nrUniqueKeys + 1) / 2);
373  std::vector<Vector> gs(nrUniqueKeys);
375  if (this->measured_.size() !=
376  cameras.size()) // 1 observation per interpolated camera
377  throw std::runtime_error(
378  "SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter: "
379  "measured_.size() inconsistent with input");
381  // triangulate 3D point at given linearization point
382  this->triangulateSafe(cameras);
384  if (!this->result_) { // failed: return "empty/zero" Hessian
385  if (this->params_.degeneracyMode == ZERO_ON_DEGENERACY) {
386  for (Matrix& m : Gs) m = Matrix::Zero(DimPose, DimPose);
387  for (Vector& v : gs) v = Vector::Zero(DimPose);
388  return std::make_shared<RegularHessianFactor<DimPose>>(this->keys_,
389  Gs, gs, 0.0);
390  } else {
391  throw std::runtime_error(
392  "SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter: "
393  "only supported degeneracy mode is ZERO_ON_DEGENERACY");
394  }
395  }
396  // compute Jacobian given triangulated 3D Point
397  FBlocks Fs;
398  Matrix E;
399  Vector b;
400  this->computeJacobiansWithTriangulatedPoint(Fs, E, b, values);
402  // Whiten using noise model
403  this->noiseModel_->WhitenSystem(E, b);
404  for (size_t i = 0; i < Fs.size(); i++)
405  Fs[i] = this->noiseModel_->Whiten(Fs[i]);
407  Matrix3 P = Cameras::PointCov(E, lambda, diagonalDamping);
409  // Collect all the key pairs: these are the keys that correspond to the
410  // blocks in Fs (on which we apply the Schur Complement)
411  KeyVector nonuniqueKeys;
412  for (size_t i = 0; i < world_P_body_key_pairs_.size(); i++) {
413  nonuniqueKeys.push_back(;
414  nonuniqueKeys.push_back(;
415  }
417  // Build augmented Hessian (with last row/column being the information
418  // vector) Note: we need to get the augumented hessian wrt the unique keys
419  // in key_
420  SymmetricBlockMatrix augmentedHessianUniqueKeys =
421  Base::Cameras::template SchurComplementAndRearrangeBlocks<3, 12, 6>(
422  Fs, E, P, b, nonuniqueKeys, this->keys_);
424  return std::make_shared<RegularHessianFactor<DimPose>>(
425  this->keys_, augmentedHessianUniqueKeys);
426  }
435  std::shared_ptr<GaussianFactor> linearizeDamped(
436  const Values& values, const double& lambda = 0.0) const {
437  // depending on flag set on construction we may linearize to different
438  // linear factors
439  switch (this->params_.linearizationMode) {
440  case HESSIAN:
441  return this->createHessianFactor(values, lambda);
442  default:
443  throw std::runtime_error(
444  "SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter: "
445  "unknown linearization mode");
446  }
447  }
450  std::shared_ptr<GaussianFactor> linearize(
451  const Values& values) const override {
452  return this->linearizeDamped(values);
453  }
455  private:
457  friend class boost::serialization::access;
459  template <class ARCHIVE>
460  void serialize(ARCHIVE& ar, const unsigned int /*version*/) {
462  }
463 #endif
464 };
465 // end of class declaration
468 template <class CAMERA>
470  : public Testable<SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter<CAMERA>> {};
472 } // namespace gtsam
Point2 measured(-17, 30)
Matrix3f m
static const int ZDim
Measurement dimension (Point2)
std::shared_ptr< GaussianFactor > linearizeDamped(const Values &values, const double &lambda=0.0) const
const MATRIX::ConstRowXpr row(const MATRIX &A, size_t j)
Definition: base/Matrix.h:221
std::string serialize(const T &input)
serializes to a string
const FastVector< size_t > & cameraIds() const
return the calibration object
const ValueType at(Key j) const
Definition: Values-inl.h:204
Base class to create smart factors on poses or cameras.
Vector2 Point2
Definition: Point2.h:32
std::vector< T, typename internal::FastDefaultVectorAllocator< T >::type > FastVector
Definition: FastVector.h:34
CameraSet< Camera > Cameras
Eigen::MatrixXd Matrix
Definition: base/Matrix.h:39
std::vector< MatrixZD, Eigen::aligned_allocator< MatrixZD > > FBlocks
leaf::MyValues values
Definition: Memory.h:841
std::vector< MatrixZD, Eigen::aligned_allocator< MatrixZD > > FBlocks
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet4f print(const Packet4f &a)
void computeJacobiansWithTriangulatedPoint(FBlocks &Fs, Matrix &E, Vector &b, const Values &values) const
void print(const std::string &s="", const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const override
A set of cameras, all with their own calibration.
Definition: CameraSet.h:36
static const KeyFormatter DefaultKeyFormatter
Definition: Key.h:43
static const SmartProjectionParams params
SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter< CAMERA > This
Smart factor on cameras (pose + calibration)
void add(const MEASUREMENT &measured, const Key &world_P_body_key1, const Key &world_P_body_key2, const double &alpha, const size_t &cameraId=0)
Eigen::VectorXd Vector
Definition: Vector.h:38
const std::shared_ptr< Cameras > & cameraRig() const
return the calibration object
void add(const MEASUREMENTS &measurements, const std::vector< std::pair< Key, Key >> &world_P_body_key_pairs, const std::vector< double > &alphas, const FastVector< size_t > &cameraIds=FastVector< size_t >())
GenericMeasurement< Point2, Point2 > Measurement
Definition: simulated2D.h:278
std::shared_ptr< GaussianFactor > linearize(const Values &values) const override
Array< int, Dynamic, 1 > v
RealScalar alpha
Array< double, 1, 3 > e(1./3., 0.5, 2.)
RealScalar s
TriangulationResult triangulateSafe(const CameraSet< CAMERA > &cameras, const typename CAMERA::MeasurementVector &measured, const TriangulationParameters &params)
triangulateSafe: extensive checking of the outcome
JacobiRotation< float > J
bool equals(const NonlinearFactor &p, double tol=1e-9) const override
const std::vector< std::pair< Key, Key > > & world_P_body_key_pairs() const
Class compose(const Class &g) const
Definition: Lie.h:48
std::function< std::string(Key)> KeyFormatter
Typedef for a function to format a key, i.e. to convert it to a string.
Definition: Key.h:35
const G & b
Definition: Group.h:86
cout<< "The eigenvalues of A are:"<< endl<< ces.eigenvalues()<< endl;cout<< "The matrix of eigenvectors, V, is:"<< endl<< ces.eigenvectors()<< endl<< endl;complex< float > lambda
Definition: chartTesting.h:28
Base::Cameras cameras(const Values &values) const override
Default constructor, only for serialization.
const std::vector< double > & alphas() const
return the interpolation factors alphas
DiscreteKey E(5, 2)
std::shared_ptr< This > shared_ptr
shorthand for a smart pointer to a factor
float * p
graph add(PriorFactor< Pose2 >(1, priorMean, priorNoise))
PinholePose< Cal3_S2 > Camera
const G double tol
Definition: Group.h:86
FastVector< Key > KeyVector
Define collection type once and for all - also used in wrappers.
Definition: Key.h:86
The matrix class, also used for vectors and row-vectors.
static const CalibratedCamera camera(kDefaultPose)
bool equal(const T &obj1, const T &obj2, double tol)
Definition: Testable.h:85
std::uint64_t Key
Integer nonlinear key type.
Definition: types.h:102
SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter(const SharedNoiseModel &sharedNoiseModel, const std::shared_ptr< Cameras > &cameraRig, const SmartProjectionParams &params=SmartProjectionParams())
std::shared_ptr< RegularHessianFactor< DimPose > > createHessianFactor(const Values &values, const double &lambda=0.0, bool diagonalDamping=false) const
linearize and return a Hessianfactor that is an approximation of error(p)
noiseModel::Base::shared_ptr SharedNoiseModel
Definition: NoiseModel.h:741

autogenerated on Tue Jul 4 2023 02:35:52