Class UAS

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public rclcpp::Node

Class Documentation

class UAS : public rclcpp::Node

UAS Node.

This class implements main translation mode. It loads plugins to support various sub-protocols.

Also each plugin can use that node to create sub-nodes or other RCLCPP objects.

UAS Node provides:

  • FCU messaging link

  • FCU System & Component ID pair

  • Connection status (mavplugin::SystemStatusPlugin)

  • Autopilot type (mavplugin::SystemStatusPlugin)

  • Vehicle type (mavplugin::SystemStatusPlugin)

  • Additional data trough mavros::uas::Data class

Public Types

using ConnectionCb = std::function<void(bool)>
using CapabilitiesCb = std::function<void(MAV_CAP)>
using StrV = std::vector<std::string>

Public Functions

inline explicit UAS(const std::string &name_ = "mavros")
explicit UAS(const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options_ = rclcpp::NodeOptions(), const std::string &name_ = "mavros", const std::string &uas_url_ = "/uas1", uint8_t target_system_ = 1, uint8_t target_component_ = 1)
~UAS() = default
inline bool is_connected()

Return connection status.

void update_heartbeat(uint8_t type_, uint8_t autopilot_, uint8_t base_mode_)

Update autopilot type on every HEARTBEAT

void update_connection_status(bool conn_)

Update autopilot connection status (every HEARTBEAT/conn_timeout)

void add_connection_change_handler(ConnectionCb cb)

Add connection change handler callback.

inline MAV_TYPE get_type()

Returns vehicle type.

inline MAV_AUTOPILOT get_autopilot()

Returns autopilot type.

inline bool get_armed()

Returns arming status.


There may be race condition between SET_MODE and HEARTBEAT.

inline bool get_hil_state()

Returns HIL status.

inline uint8_t get_tgt_system()

Return communication target system.

inline uint8_t get_tgt_component()

Return communication target component.

inline void set_tgt(uint8_t sys, uint8_t comp)
void add_static_transform(const std::string &frame_id, const std::string &child_id, const Eigen::Affine3d &tr, std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped> &vector)

Add static transform. To publish all static transforms at once, we stack them in a std::vector.

  • frame_id – parent frame for transform

  • child_id – child frame for transform

  • tr – transform

  • vector – vector of transforms

void publish_static_transform(const std::string &frame_id, const std::string &child_id, const Eigen::Affine3d &tr)

Publishes static transform.

  • frame_id – parent frame for transform

  • child_id – child frame for transform

  • tr – transform

inline void set_time_offset(uint64_t offset_ns)
inline uint64_t get_time_offset(void)
inline void set_timesync_mode(timesync_mode mode)
inline timesync_mode get_timesync_mode(void)
rclcpp::Time synchronise_stamp(uint32_t time_boot_ms)

Compute FCU message time from time_boot_ms or time_usec field.

Uses time_offset for calculation


FCU time if it is known else current wall time.

rclcpp::Time synchronise_stamp(uint64_t time_usec)
template<typename T>
inline std_msgs::msg::Header synchronized_header(const std::string &frame_id, const T time_stamp)

Create message header from time_boot_ms or time_usec stamps and frame_id.

Setting frame_id and stamp are pretty common, this little helper should reduce LOC.

  • frame_id[in] frame for header

  • time_stamp[in] mavlink message time


Header with syncronized stamp and frame id

uint64_t get_capabilities()
template<typename T>
inline bool has_capability(T capability)

Function to check if the flight controller has a capability.


capabilities – can accept a multiple capability params either in enum or int from

template<typename ...Ts>
inline bool has_capabilities(Ts... capabilities)

Function to check if the flight controller has a set of capabilities.


capabilities – can accept a multiple capability params either in enum or int from

void update_capabilities(bool known, uint64_t caps = 0)

Update the capabilities if they’ve changed every VERSION/timeout.

void add_capabilities_change_handler(CapabilitiesCb cb)

Adds a function to the capabilities callback queue.


cb – A void function that takes a single mavlink::common::MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY(MAV_CAP) param

template<typename _T>
inline void msg_set_target(_T &msg)

Helper template to set target id’s of message.

inline bool is_my_target(uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid)

Check that sys/comp id’s is my target.

inline bool is_my_target(uint8_t sysid)

Check that system id is my target.

inline bool is_ardupilotmega()

Check that FCU is APM.

inline bool is_px4()

Check that FCU is PX4.

std::string str_mode_v10(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode)

Represent FCU mode as string.

Port pymavlink mavutil.mode_string_v10

Supported FCU’s:

  • APM:Plane

  • APM:Copter

  • PX4

  • base_mode[in] base mode

  • custom_mode[in] custom mode data

bool cmode_from_str(std::string cmode_str, uint32_t &custom_mode)

Lookup custom mode for given string.

Complimentary to str_mode_v10()

  • cmode_str[in] string representation of mode

  • custom_mode[out] decoded value


true if success

inline void send_message(const mavlink::Message &msg)

Send message to UAS.

void send_message(const mavlink::Message &msg, const uint8_t src_compid)

Send message to UAS with custom component id.

void set_protocol_version(mavconn::Protocol ver)

sets protocol version

Public Members

diagnostic_updater::Updater diagnostic_updater

Mavros diagnostic updater.

Data data

Data that can be useful to pass between plugins.

tf2_ros::Buffer tf2_buffer
tf2_ros::TransformListener tf2_listener
tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster tf2_broadcaster
tf2_ros::StaticTransformBroadcaster tf2_static_broadcaster