
File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
calibration.cpp [code]Definitions for generic geometric calibration
calibration.hpp [code]Declarations for generic geometric calibration
calibrator.cpp [code]Definitions for the CALIBRATOR node
calibrator.hpp [code]Declarations for the CALIBRATOR node
camera.cpp [code]Definitions for geometric camera parameters
camera.hpp [code]Declarations for geometric camera parameters
clahe.cpp [code]Definitions for Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
clahe.h [code]Declarations for Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
depth.cpp [code]Definitions for the DEPTH node
depth.hpp [code]Declarations for the DEPTH node
extractor.cpp [code]Definitions for extraction of data from bagfile
extractor.hpp [code]Declarations for extraction of data from bagfile
extrinsics.cpp [code]Definitions for extrinsic (geometric) calibration
extrinsics.hpp [code]Declarations for extrinsic (geometric) calibration
features.cpp [code]Definitions for local feature detection, description and matching
features.hpp [code]Declarations for local feature detection, description and matching
ffmpeg_resources.hpp [code]For including FFMPEG related requirements
flags.hpp [code]Used to activate or deactive optional features
flow.cpp [code]Definitions for the FLOW node
flow.hpp [code]Declarations for the FLOW node
general_resources.hpp [code]For generic requirements of all (or most) nodes
geometry.cpp [code]
geometry.hpp [code]Declarations for geometry-related calculations
improc.cpp [code]Definitions for image processing
improc.hpp [code]Declarations for image processing
initialization.cpp [code](probably an obsolete file)
initialization.hpp [code](probably an obsolete file)
intrinsics.cpp [code]Definitions for intrinsic (geometric) calibration
intrinsics.hpp [code]Declarations for intrinsic (geometric) calibration
keyframes.cpp [code]Definitions for calculations and management relating to keyframes (for loop closure)
keyframes.hpp [code]Declarations for calculations and management relating to keyframes (for loop closure)
listener.cpp [code]Definitions for the LISTENER node
listener.hpp [code]Declarations for the LISTENER node
monoslam.cpp [code]Definitions for the MONOSLAM node
monoslam.hpp [code]Declarations for the MONOSLAM node
opencv_resources.hpp [code]For OpenCV inclusion requirements
pcl_resources.hpp [code]For PCL inclusion requirements
pose.cpp [code](should be integrated into another file...)
pose.hpp [code](should be integrated into another file...)
reconstruction.cpp [code]Definitions for triangulation and other recovery-of-3D structure functions
reconstruction.hpp [code]Declarations for triangulation and other recovery-of-3D structure functions
ros_resources.cpp [code]Definitions for ROS inclusion requirements and ROS-related tools
ros_resources.hpp [code]Declarations for ROS inclusion requirements and ROS-related tools
sba.cpp [code]Definitions for sparse bundle adjustment related functions
sba.hpp [code]Declarations for sparse bundle adjustment related functions
stereo.cpp [code]Definitions for depth from stereo related functions
stereo.hpp [code]Declarations for depth from stereo related functions
streamer.cpp [code]Definitions for the STREAMER node
streamer.hpp [code]Declarations for the STREAMER node
tools.cpp [code]Definitions for generic tools not depending on libraries such as OpenCV, PCL and ROS
tools.hpp [code]Declarations for generic tools not depending on libraries such as OpenCV, PCL and ROS
tracks.cpp [code]Definitions for managing local feature tracks across video sequences
tracks.hpp [code]Declarations for managing local feature tracks across video sequences
video.cpp [code]Definitions for managing video sources and formats
video.hpp [code]Declarations for managing video sources and formats
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Stephen Vidas
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 12:25:49 2013