Definitions for generic tools not depending on libraries such as OpenCV, PCL and ROS.
Functions |
void | addUniqueToVector (vector< unsigned int > &dst, vector< unsigned int > &src) |
double | asymmetricGaussianValue (double score, double mean, double loVar, double hiVar) |
double | calcLinePerpDistance (double *line1, double *line2) |
| Calculates perpendicular distance between two "parallel" lines.
void | convert_byte_to_binary_string (void *src, char *dst) |
| Converts a raw byte as an 8-bit character array of 1s and 0s.
void | convertUcharToBinary (unsigned char val, int *binaryArray) |
int | countElementsInFolder (const char *folderName, vector< string > &elementNames, int elementType) |
| Counts and returns a list of all specified elements within a folder.
long long int | factorial (int num) |
| Calculates Factorial of an integer.
double | findEquivalentProbabilityScore (double *values, int quantity, double prob) |
| Selects the score which is minimally better than a specified proportion of all scores.
double | getInterpolatedVal (const Mat &img, Point2f &coord) |
void | getNextCombo (vector< unsigned int > ¤tIndices, int r, int n) |
| Gets next possible combination for an exhaustive combinatorial search.
Scalar | getRandomColour () |
double | lookupValue (double xi, double yi, double maxVal, const Mat &lookupMat) |
bool | matricesAreEqual (Mat &mat1, Mat &mat2) |
void | randomSelection (vector< unsigned int > &src, vector< unsigned int > &dst, unsigned int max) |
void | readPoints (const char *filename, vector< Point2f > &pts) |
void | redistortPoints (const vector< Point2f > &src, vector< Point2f > &dst, const Mat &cameraMatrix, const Mat &distCoeffs, const Mat &newCamMat) |
| Redistorts points using an established distortion model.
double | timeElapsedMS (struct timeval &timer, bool reset) |
| Calculates time elapsed since the last time the timer was reset.
void | writePoints (const char *filename, const vector< Point2f > &pts) |
Definitions for generic tools not depending on libraries such as OpenCV, PCL and ROS.