00001 00005 #ifndef _RECONSTRUCTION_H_ 00006 #define _RECONSTRUCTION_H_ 00007 00008 #include "general_resources.hpp" 00009 #include "opencv_resources.hpp" 00010 #include "camera.hpp" 00011 #include "geometry.hpp" 00012 #include "tracks.hpp" 00013 00014 #include <pcl/ros/conversions.h> 00015 #include <pcl/point_cloud.h> 00016 #include <pcl/point_types.h> 00017 //#include <pcl_ros/point_cloud.h> 00018 //#include <pcl_ros/publisher.h> 00019 // #include <point_cloud_redesign/publisher.h> 00020 //#include <pcl/ros/publisher.h> 00021 //#include <pcl/ros/publisher.h> 00022 //#include <pcl/ros/subscriber.h> 00023 #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h> 00024 #include <pcl/point_types.h> 00025 00026 #include <visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.h> 00027 00028 // SBA Includes 00029 #include <sba/sba.h> 00030 #include <sba/sba_file_io.h> 00031 #include <sba/visualization.h> 00032 00033 #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES 00034 #include <math.h> 00035 00036 using namespace sba; 00037 00038 // #include <pcl/visualization/cloud_viewer.h> 00039 00040 #define POSITION_LIMIT 1000 00041 00042 00043 #define EPSILON 0.00001 00044 // #define __SFM__DEBUG__ 00045 00046 00047 void getTranslationBetweenCameras(Mat& C1, Mat& C2, double *translations); 00048 00049 void triangulateTracks(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<unsigned int>& indices, cameraParameters& cameraData, Mat *cameras, unsigned int earliest_index, unsigned int latest_index); 00050 00051 unsigned int putativelyTriangulateNewTracks(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<unsigned int>& indices, cameraParameters& cameraData, Mat *cameras, unsigned int earliest_index, unsigned int latest_index); 00052 unsigned int addNewPoints(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<unsigned int>& indices, cameraParameters& cameraData, Mat *cameras, unsigned int earliest_index, unsigned int latest_index); 00053 00054 void findTriangulatableTracks(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<unsigned int>& indices, unsigned int latest_index, unsigned int min_length = 10); 00055 00056 00057 void findP1Matrix(Mat& P1, const Mat& R, const Mat& t); 00058 00059 void reduceVectorsToTrackedPoints(const vector<Point2f>& points1, vector<Point2f>& trackedPoints1, const vector<Point2f>& points2, vector<Point2f>& trackedPoints2, vector<uchar>& statusVec); 00060 00061 int TriangulateNewTracks(vector<featureTrack>& trackVector, const int index1, const int index2, const Mat& K, const Mat& K_inv, const Mat& P0, const Mat& P1, bool initializeOnFocalPlane = false); 00062 void ExtractPointCloud(vector<Point3d>& cloud, vector<featureTrack>& trackVector); 00063 void Triangulate(const Point2f& pt1, const Point2f& pt2, const Mat& K, const Mat& Kinv, const Mat& P1, const Mat& P2, Point3d& xyzPoint, bool debug = false); 00064 void LinearLSTriangulation(Mat& dst, const Point3d& u, const Mat& P, const Point3d& u1, const Mat& P1); 00065 void IterativeLinearLSTriangulation(Mat& dst, const Point3d& u, const Mat& P, const Point3d& u1, const Mat& P1); 00066 void TriangulatePoints(const vector<Point2f>& pt_set1, 00067 const vector<Point2f>& pt_set2, 00068 const Mat& K, 00069 const Mat& Kinv, 00070 const Mat& P, 00071 const Mat& P1, 00072 vector<Point3d>& pointcloud, 00073 vector<Point2f>& correspImg1Pt); 00074 00075 void initializeP0(Mat& P); 00076 void getWandZ(Mat& W, Mat& Winv, Mat& Z); 00077 00078 bool findBestReconstruction(const Mat& P0, Mat& P1, Mat& R, Mat& t, const SVD& svd, const Mat& K, const vector<Point2f>& pts1, const vector<Point2f>& pts2, bool useDefault = false); 00079 00080 int addToTracks(SysSBA& sys, int im1, vector<Point2f>& pts1, int im2, vector<Point2f>& pts2); 00081 00082 void addFixedCamera(SysSBA& sys, cameraParameters& cameraData, const Mat& C); 00083 void addNewCamera(SysSBA& sys, cameraParameters& cameraData, const Mat& C); 00084 void updateCameraNode_2(SysSBA& sys, const Mat& R, const Mat& t, int image_index); 00085 void updateCameraNode_2(SysSBA& sys, const Mat& C, int image_index); 00086 void addBlankCamera(SysSBA& sys, cameraParameters& cameraData, bool isFixed = false); 00087 00088 void retrieveCamera(Mat& camera, const SysSBA& sys, unsigned int idx); 00089 void retrieveAllCameras(Mat *allCameraPoses, const SysSBA& sys); 00090 void retrieveAllPoints(vector<Point3d>& pts, const SysSBA& sys); 00091 void updateTracks(vector<featureTrack>& trackVector, const SysSBA& sys); 00092 00093 void updateCameraNode(SysSBA& sys, Mat R, Mat t, int img1, int img2); 00094 void printSystemSummary(SysSBA& sys); 00095 00096 void matrixToQuaternion(const Mat& mat, Quaterniond& quat); 00097 void quaternionToMatrix(const Quaterniond& quat, Mat& mat); 00098 00099 float ReciprocalSqrt( float x ); 00100 00101 void transformationToProjection(const Mat& trans, Mat& proj); 00102 void projectionToTransformation(const Mat& proj, Mat& trans); 00103 00104 void projectionToRotation(const Mat& src, Mat& dst); 00105 void rotationToProjection(const Mat& src, Mat& dst); 00106 00107 // maxIndex says what's the latest frame for which tracks should be included 00108 void assignTracksToSBA(SysSBA& sys, vector<featureTrack>& trackVector, int maxIndex); 00109 00110 void transfer3dPoint(const Point3d& src, Point3d& dst, const Mat& C); 00111 00112 void transfer3DPoints(const vector<Point3d>& src, vector<Point3d>& dst, const Mat& C); 00113 00114 void addNewPoints(SysSBA& sys, const vector<Point3d>& pc); 00115 00116 double getRotationInDegrees(const Mat& R); 00117 double getDistanceInUnits(const Mat& t); 00118 00119 double getQuaternionAngle(const Quaterniond& q1, const Quaterniond& q2); 00120 00121 void convertPoint3dToMat(const Point3d& src, Mat& dst); 00122 00123 Quaterniond defaultQuaternion(); 00124 00125 void convertProjectionMatCVToEigen(const Mat& mat, Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 4 > m); 00126 void convertProjectionMatEigenToCV(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 4 > m, Mat& mat); 00127 00128 double dotProduct(const Mat& vec1, const Mat& vec2); 00129 double dotProduct(const Quaterniond& q1, const Quaterniond& q2); 00130 00131 void constrainDodgyPoints(SysSBA& sys); 00132 00133 //void convertFromMatToQuaternion(const Mat& mat, Quaterniond& quat); 00134 00135 void convertVec4dToMat(const Vector4d& vec4, Mat& mat); 00136 00137 void findFourTransformations(Mat *C, const Mat& E, const Mat& K, const vector<Point2f>& pts1, const vector<Point2f>& pts2); 00138 00139 // I think these are known as a cheirality test? 00140 int pointsInFront(const Mat& C1, const Mat& C2, const vector<Point3d>& pts); 00141 int pointsInFront(const Mat& C1, const Mat& K, const vector<Point2f>& pts1, const vector<Point2f>& pts2); 00142 00143 void compileTransform(Mat& c, const Mat& R, const Mat& t); 00144 void combineTransforms(Mat& CN, const Mat& C0, const Mat& C1); 00145 void decomposeTransform(const Mat& c, Mat& R, Mat& t); 00146 00147 double calcFrameScore(double geomScore, int numFeatures, int numTracks); 00148 00149 //double calcGeometryScore(vector<Point2f>& points1, vector<Point2f>& points2, Mat& F, Mat& Fmask, Mat& H, Mat& Hmask); 00150 double calcGeometryScore(int numInliers_H, int numInliers_F, double sampsonError_H, double sampsonError_F); 00151 00152 double calcSampsonError(vector<Point2f>& points1, vector<Point2f>& points2, Mat& H, Mat& Hmask); 00153 00154 double calcSampsonDistance(Point2f& pt1, Point2f& pt2, Mat& F); 00155 00156 double calcInlierGeometryDistance(vector<Point2f>& points1, vector<Point2f>& points2, Mat& mat, Mat& mask, int distMethod = SAMPSON_DISTANCE); 00157 00158 void assignIntrinsicsToP0(Mat& P0, const Mat& K); 00159 00160 // I think this will give you all of the points that were successfully tracked from idx1 to idx2 00161 void getPointsFromTracks(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<Point2f>& pts1, vector<Point2f>& pts2, int idx1, int idx2); 00162 void getPoints3dFromTracks(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<Point3d>& cloud, int idx1, int idx2); 00163 00164 // Gets the 2d locations of points that have been tracked 00165 void getCorrespondingPoints(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, const vector<Point2f>& pts1, vector<Point2f>& pts2, int idx0, int idx1); 00166 00167 // Given some 3D co-ordinates and two image indices, find the corresponding image points that show as many of 00168 // these as possible (actually it should be all of them if this is an intermediate point) 00169 void findFeaturesForPoints(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<Point2f>& pts1, vector<Point2f>& pts2, vector<Point3d>& pts3d, int idx1, int idx2); 00170 00171 void retrieveCameraPose(SysSBA& sys, Mat& camPose, int idx); 00172 00173 void estimateNewPose(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, Mat& K, int idx, Mat& pose); 00174 00175 void obtainAppropriateBaseTransformation(Mat& C0, vector<featureTrack>& tracks); 00176 00177 void findCentroidAndSpread(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, Point3d& centroid, Point3d& deviations); 00178 00179 void filterToCompleteTracks(vector<unsigned int>& dst, vector<unsigned int>& src, vector<featureTrack>& tracks, int idx1, int idx2); 00180 void getActiveTracks(vector<unsigned int>& indices, vector<featureTrack>& tracks, int idx1, int idx2); 00181 00182 int countActiveTriangulatedTracks(vector<unsigned int>& indices, vector<featureTrack>& tracks); 00183 00184 void updateTriangulatedPoints(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<unsigned int>& indices, vector<Point3d>& cloud); 00185 00186 void getActive3dPoints(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<unsigned int>& indices, vector<Point3d>& cloud); 00187 00188 // Gets 2D locations of active tracks into simple vectors 00189 void filterToActivePoints(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<Point2f>& pts1, vector<Point2f>& pts2, vector<unsigned int>& indices, int idx1, int idx2); 00190 00191 void reduceActiveToTriangulated(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<unsigned int>& indices, vector<unsigned int>& untriangulated); 00192 00193 void updateSystemTracks(SysSBA& sys, vector<featureTrack>& tracks, unsigned int start_index); 00194 00195 int findBestCandidate(const Mat *CX, const Mat& K, const vector<Point2f>& pts1, const vector<Point2f>& pts2, Mat& C); 00196 00197 void summarizeTransformation(const Mat& C, char *summary); 00198 00199 void reverseTranslation(Mat& C); 00200 00201 void removeShortTracks(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, int idx1, int idx2); 00202 00203 bool pointIsInFront(const Mat& C, const Point3d& pt); 00204 00205 void getIndicesForTriangulation(vector<unsigned int>& dst, vector<unsigned int>& src, vector<unsigned int>& already_triangulated); 00206 00207 void reconstructSubsequence(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<Point3d>& ptCloud, int idx1, int idx2); 00208 00209 00210 00211 void findCentroid(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, Point3d& centroid, Point3d& stdDeviation); 00212 00213 // Between two images, gets all 2D point locations and 3D locations needed for BA 00214 void getTriangulatedFullSpanPoints(vector<featureTrack>& tracks, vector<Point2f>& pts1, vector<Point2f>& pts2, int idx1, int idx2, vector<Point3f>& points3); 00215 00216 bool estimatePoseFromKnownPoints(Mat& dst, cameraParameters camData, vector<featureTrack>& tracks, unsigned int index, const Mat& guide); 00217 00218 #endif