BagSubscriber< M > | Inherits from message_filters::SimpleFilter<M>Class to use protected signalMessage function |
calibratorData | Stores configuration information for the calibration routines |
calibratorNode | Manages the calibration procedures |
camData_ | Stores some basic camera information in OpenCV format |
cameraParameters | Stores camera calibration information in OpenCV format |
camExtrinsicsData_ | Stores some basic extrinsic camera information in OpenCV format |
connection | Describes a link between two keyframes in terms of matched features |
cScheme | For configuring and applying false-colormapping or modality-fusion schemes |
extractor | For enabling the offline reading and processing of camera and image data from a ros bagfile |
featureTrack | Stores all spatial and temporal locations of a single feature in a video stream, along with its 3D estimate |
featureTrackerNode | Manages the optical flow procedure |
indexedFeature | Stores the spatial and temporal location of a single feature occurence in the video stream |
initializationData | (probably obsolete..) |
keyframe | Contains feature information corresponding to a keyframe which may eventually be used for loop closure |
keyframeStore | Stores information linking keyframes within a SLAM sequence |
listenerData | Stores configuration information for the rosbag listener routine |
listenerNode | Manages the listener procedure |
mserPatch | Class enables for storing an MSER feature beyond simply its bounding points |
slamData | Stores configuration information for the SLAM routine |
slamNode | Manages the SLAM procedure |
stereoData | Stores configuration information for the stereo routine |
stereoDepthNode | Manages the stereo procedure |
streamerData | Stores configuration information for the camera driver / streamer |
streamerNode | Manages the driver / streamer |
streamerSource | Interacts with LIBAV and other relevant libraries to read video data from USB |
timeAnalyzer | Used to analyze chokepoints in processing time |
trackerData | Stores configuration information for the sparse optical flow routine |
usb_buffer | Buffer for storing USB video data |
usb_cam_camera_image_t | Stores critical USB camera information |
validPattern | Critical frame data regarding whether it contains a pattern valid for use in calibration |