Class Command::Settings
Defined in File command.hpp
Nested Relationships
This class is a nested type of Class Command.
Nested Types
Class Documentation
class Settings
Module settings that are typically changed at a slower rate.
Public Functions
inline Settings(HebiCommandPtr internal_ptr, HebiCommandRef &internal)
inline Actuator &actuator()
Actuator-specific settings, such as controller gains.
inline const Actuator &actuator() const
Actuator-specific settings, such as controller gains.
inline Imu &imu()
IMU-specific settings.
inline const Imu &imu() const
IMU-specific settings.
inline StringField &name()
Sets the name for this module. Name must be null-terminated character string for the name; must be <= 20 characters.
inline const StringField &name() const
Sets the name for this module. Name must be null-terminated character string for the name; must be <= 20 characters.
inline StringField &family()
Sets the family for this module. Name must be null-terminated character string for the family; must be <= 20 characters.
inline const StringField &family() const
Sets the family for this module. Name must be null-terminated character string for the family; must be <= 20 characters.
inline StringField &userSettingsBytes(size_t number)
Sets the given byte array user setting; valid for entry number 1-8. Throws out of range if given an invalid index
inline const StringField &userSettingsBytes(size_t number) const
Sets the given byte array user setting; valid for entry number 1-8. Throws out of range if given an invalid index
inline FloatField &userSettingsFloat(size_t number)
Sets the given float user setting; valid for entry number 1-8. Throws out of range if given an invalid index
inline const FloatField &userSettingsFloat(size_t number) const
Sets the given float user setting; valid for entry number 1-8. Throws out of range if given an invalid index
inline IpAddressField &ipAddress()
Sets the static IP address for this module; must be set in conjunction with the subnet mask. Can be set to to reset to DHCP.
inline const IpAddressField &ipAddress() const
Sets the static IP address for this module; must be set in conjunction with the subnet mask. Can be set to to reset to DHCP.
inline IpAddressField &subnetMask()
Sets the subnet mask for this module; must be used with IP Address if setting a static IP address.
inline const IpAddressField &subnetMask() const
Sets the subnet mask for this module; must be used with IP Address if setting a static IP address.
inline FlagField &saveCurrentSettings()
Indicates if the module should save the current values of all of its settings.
inline const FlagField &saveCurrentSettings() const
Indicates if the module should save the current values of all of its settings.
class Actuator
Actuator-specific settings, such as controller gains.
Public Functions
inline Actuator(HebiCommandRef &internal)
inline CommandGains &positionGains()
Controller gains for the position PID loop.
inline const CommandGains &positionGains() const
Controller gains for the position PID loop.
inline CommandGains &velocityGains()
Controller gains for the velocity PID loop.
inline const CommandGains &velocityGains() const
Controller gains for the velocity PID loop.
inline CommandGains &effortGains()
Controller gains for the effort PID loop.
inline const CommandGains &effortGains() const
Controller gains for the effort PID loop.
inline FloatField &springConstant()
The spring constant of the module.
inline const FloatField &springConstant() const
The spring constant of the module.
inline FloatField &referencePosition()
The internal encoder reference offset (setting this matches the current position to the given reference command)
inline const FloatField &referencePosition() const
The internal encoder reference offset (setting this matches the current position to the given reference command)
inline FloatField &referenceEffort()
The internal effort reference offset (setting this matches the current effort to the given reference command)
inline const FloatField &referenceEffort() const
The internal effort reference offset (setting this matches the current effort to the given reference command)
inline FloatField &velocityLimitMin()
The firmware safety limit for the minimum allowed velocity.
inline const FloatField &velocityLimitMin() const
The firmware safety limit for the minimum allowed velocity.
inline FloatField &velocityLimitMax()
The firmware safety limit for the maximum allowed velocity.
inline const FloatField &velocityLimitMax() const
The firmware safety limit for the maximum allowed velocity.
inline FloatField &effortLimitMin()
The firmware safety limit for the minimum allowed effort.
inline const FloatField &effortLimitMin() const
The firmware safety limit for the minimum allowed effort.
inline FloatField &effortLimitMax()
The firmware safety limit for the maximum allowed effort.
inline const FloatField &effortLimitMax() const
The firmware safety limit for the maximum allowed effort.
inline FloatField &offsetReferencePosition()
The internal encoder reference offset (setting this offsets the current position by the given reference command)
inline const FloatField &offsetReferencePosition() const
The internal encoder reference offset (setting this offsets the current position by the given reference command)
inline HighResAngleField &positionLimitMin()
The firmware safety limit for the minimum allowed position.
inline const HighResAngleField &positionLimitMin() const
The firmware safety limit for the minimum allowed position.
inline HighResAngleField &positionLimitMax()
The firmware safety limit for the maximum allowed position.
inline const HighResAngleField &positionLimitMax() const
The firmware safety limit for the maximum allowed position.
inline EnumField<ControlStrategy> &controlStrategy()
How the position, velocity, and effort PID loops are connected in order to control motor PWM.
inline const EnumField<ControlStrategy> &controlStrategy() const
How the position, velocity, and effort PID loops are connected in order to control motor PWM.
inline EnumField<MstopStrategy> &mstopStrategy()
The motion stop strategy for the actuator.
inline const EnumField<MstopStrategy> &mstopStrategy() const
The motion stop strategy for the actuator.
inline EnumField<PositionLimitStrategy> &minPositionLimitStrategy()
The position limit strategy (at the minimum position) for the actuator.
inline const EnumField<PositionLimitStrategy> &minPositionLimitStrategy() const
The position limit strategy (at the minimum position) for the actuator.
inline EnumField<PositionLimitStrategy> &maxPositionLimitStrategy()
The position limit strategy (at the maximum position) for the actuator.
inline const EnumField<PositionLimitStrategy> &maxPositionLimitStrategy() const
The position limit strategy (at the maximum position) for the actuator.
inline Actuator(HebiCommandRef &internal)
class Imu
IMU-specific settings.
inline Settings(HebiCommandPtr internal_ptr, HebiCommandRef &internal)