Class Feedback::Actuator

Nested Relationships

This class is a nested type of Class Feedback.

Class Documentation

class Actuator

Actuator-specific feedback.

Public Functions

inline Actuator(const HebiFeedbackRef &internal)
inline const FloatField &velocity() const

Velocity of the module output (post-spring), in radians/second.

inline const FloatField &effort() const

Effort at the module output; units vary (e.g., N * m for rotational joints and N for linear stages).

inline const FloatField &velocityCommand() const

Commanded velocity of the module output (post-spring), in radians/second.

inline const FloatField &effortCommand() const

Commanded effort at the module output; units vary (e.g., N * m for rotational joints and N for linear stages).

inline const FloatField &deflection() const

Difference (in radians) between the pre-spring and post-spring output position.

inline const FloatField &deflectionVelocity() const

Velocity (in radians/second) of the difference between the pre-spring and post-spring output position.

inline const FloatField &motorVelocity() const

The velocity (in radians/second) of the motor shaft.

inline const FloatField &motorCurrent() const

Current supplied to the motor.

inline const FloatField &motorSensorTemperature() const

The temperature from a sensor near the motor housing.

inline const FloatField &motorWindingCurrent() const

The estimated current in the motor windings.

inline const FloatField &motorWindingTemperature() const

The estimated temperature of the motor windings.

inline const FloatField &motorHousingTemperature() const

The estimated temperature of the motor housing.

inline const FloatField &pwmCommand() const

Commanded PWM signal sent to the motor; final output of PID controllers.

inline const FloatField &innerEffortCommand() const

In control strategies 2 and 4, this is the torque of force command going to the inner torque PID loop.

inline const HighResAngleField &position() const

Position of the module output (post-spring), in radians.

inline const HighResAngleField &positionCommand() const

Commanded position of the module output (post-spring), in radians.

inline const HighResAngleField &motorPosition() const

The position of an actuator’s internal motor before the gear reduction, in radians.

inline const EnumField<TemperatureState> &temperatureState() const

Describes how the temperature inside the module is limiting the output of the motor.

inline const EnumField<MstopState> &mstopState() const

Current status of the MStop.

inline const EnumField<PositionLimitState> &positionLimitState() const

Software-controlled bounds on the allowable position of the module; user settable.

inline const EnumField<VelocityLimitState> &velocityLimitState() const

Software-controlled bounds on the allowable velocity of the module.

inline const EnumField<EffortLimitState> &effortLimitState() const

Software-controlled bounds on the allowable effort of the module.

inline const EnumField<CommandLifetimeState> &commandLifetimeState() const

The state of the command lifetime safety controller, with respect to the current group.