Class MetadataBase
Defined in File robot_model.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
public hebi::robot_model::ActuatorMetadata
(Class ActuatorMetadata)public hebi::robot_model::BracketMetadata
(Class BracketMetadata)public hebi::robot_model::JointMetadata
(Class JointMetadata)public hebi::robot_model::LinkMetadata
(Class LinkMetadata)public hebi::robot_model::RigidBodyMetadata
(Class RigidBodyMetadata)
Class Documentation
class MetadataBase
Base class for all metadata. Do not instantiate directly.
Subclassed by hebi::robot_model::ActuatorMetadata, hebi::robot_model::BracketMetadata, hebi::robot_model::JointMetadata, hebi::robot_model::LinkMetadata, hebi::robot_model::RigidBodyMetadata
Public Functions
MetadataBase() = default
MetadataBase(const MetadataBase&) = delete
MetadataBase &operator=(const MetadataBase&) = delete
MetadataBase(MetadataBase&&) = default
MetadataBase &operator=(MetadataBase&&) = default
inline ElementType elementType() const
inline const ActuatorMetadata *asActuator() const
View the actuator specific fields, if this metadata describes an actuator.
Note: This will return
if this metadata does not describe an actuator.
inline const BracketMetadata *asBracket() const
View the bracket specific fields, if this metadata describes a bracket.
Note: This will return
if this metadata does not describe a bracket.
inline const JointMetadata *asJoint() const
View the joint specific fields, if this metadata describes a joint.
Note: This will return
if this metadata does not describe a joint.
inline const LinkMetadata *asLink() const
View the link specific fields, if this metadata describes a link.
Note: This will return
if this metadata does not describe a link.
inline const RigidBodyMetadata *asRigidBody() const
View the rigid body specific fields, if this metadata describes a rigid body.
Note: This will return
if this metadata does not describe a rigid body.
Protected Functions
inline const HebiRobotModelElementMetadata &metadata() const
MetadataBase() = default