Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
exotica Namespace Reference




class  AbstractDynamicsSolver
class  AbstractTimeIndexedProblem
class  AllowedCollisionMatrix
struct  AttachedObject
class  AvoidLookAtSphere
 Avoids pointing end-effector at a given spherical object. More...
class  BoundedEndPoseProblem
class  BoundedTimeIndexedProblem
struct  BoxQPSolution
class  CenterOfMass
class  CollisionCheck
class  CollisionDistance
struct  CollisionProxy
class  CollisionScene
struct  ContinuousCollisionProxy
class  ContinuousJointPose
class  ControlRegularization
class  Distance
class  DistanceToLine2D
class  DynamicTimeIndexedShootingProblem
class  EffAxisAlignment
class  EffBox
 Limits every given end-effector motion to a box in some reference frame. More...
class  EffFrame
class  EffOrientation
class  EffPosition
class  EffPositionXY
class  EffVelocity
class  EndPoseProblem
struct  EndPoseTask
class  Exception
class  Factory
class  FeedbackMotionSolver
struct  FunctorBase
class  GazeAtConstraint
 Keeps a given point within field of view of the end-effector. More...
class  Initializer
class  InitializerBase
class  Instantiable
class  InstantiableBase
class  InteractionMesh
class  JointAccelerationBackwardDifference
 Time-derivative estimation by backward differencing. JointAccelerationBackwardDifference uses backward differencing to estimate the second time derivative of the joint state. More...
class  JointJerkBackwardDifference
 Time-derivative estimation by backward differencing. JointJerkBackwardDifference uses backward differencing to estimate the third time derivative of the joint state. More...
class  JointLimit
 Implementation of joint limits task map. Note: we dont want to always stay at the centre of the joint range, be lazy as long as the joint is not too close to the low/high limits. More...
class  JointPose
class  JointTorqueMinimizationProxy
class  JointVelocityBackwardDifference
 Time-derivative estimation by backward differencing. JointVelocityBackwardDifference uses backward differencing to estimate the first time derivative of the joint state. More...
class  JointVelocityLimit
 Joint Velocity Limit taskmap for time-indexed problems. Penalisations of joint velocity limit violation within a specified percentage of the velocity limit. More...
class  JointVelocityLimitConstraint
 Joint velocity limit task map for non time-indexed problems. More...
class  KinematicElement
struct  KinematicFrame
struct  KinematicFrameRequest
struct  KinematicResponse
class  KinematicSolution
struct  KinematicsRequest
class  KinematicTree
class  LookAt
 Points end-effector to look at a given target by aligning end-effector z-axis with the target. Looks at a target point by penalizing the vector which defines the orthogonal projection onto a defined line in the end-effector frame. More...
class  Manipulability
 Manipulability measure. The manipulability measure for a robot at a given joint configuration indicates dexterity, that is, how isotropic the robot's motion is with respect to the task space motion. The measure is high when the manipulator is capable of equal motion in all directions and low when the manipulator is close to a singularity. This task map implements Yoshikawa's manipulability measure

\[ m(x) = \sqrt{J(x)J(x)^T} \]

that is based on the shape of the velocity ellipsoid where $J(x)$ is the manipulator Jacobian matrix.. The task map is expressed by

\[ \phi(x) := -m(x). \]

. More...

class  MotionSolver
class  Object
class  PlanningProblem
class  PointToLine
class  PointToPlane
class  Printable
class  Property
class  QuasiStatic
class  Registrar
class  RosNode
class  SamplingProblem
struct  SamplingTask
class  Scene
class  Server
class  Setup
class  SmoothCollisionDistance
class  SolveException
class  SphereCollision
class  SumOfPenetrations
struct  Task
struct  TaskIndexing
class  TaskMap
struct  TaskSpaceVector
struct  TaskVectorEntry
class  TestCout
class  TimeIndexedProblem
class  TimeIndexedSamplingProblem
struct  TimeIndexedTask
class  Timer
class  Trajectory
class  UnconstrainedEndPoseProblem
class  UnconstrainedTimeIndexedProblem
class  Uncopyable
class  VariableSizeCollisionDistance
class  VisualElement
class  VisualizationMeshcat
class  VisualizationMoveIt
class  XMLLoader


typedef Eigen::Array< KDL::Frame, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayFrame
typedef Eigen::Ref< ArrayFrameArrayFrameRef
typedef Eigen::internal::ref_selector< ArrayFrame >::type ArrayFrameRefConst
typedef Eigen::Array< Eigen::Array< Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 >, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayHessian
typedef Eigen::Ref< ArrayHessianArrayHessianRef
typedef Eigen::internal::ref_selector< ArrayHessian >::type ArrayHessianRefConst
typedef Eigen::Array< KDL::Jacobian, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayJacobian
typedef Eigen::Ref< ArrayJacobianArrayJacobianRef
typedef Eigen::internal::ref_selector< ArrayJacobian >::type ArrayJacobianRefConst
typedef Eigen::Array< KDL::Twist, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayTwist
typedef Eigen::Ref< ArrayTwistArrayTwistRef
typedef Eigen::internal::ref_selector< ArrayTwist >::type ArrayTwistRefConst
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::BoundedEndPoseProblemBoundedEndPoseProblemPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::BoundedTimeIndexedProblemBoundedTimeIndexedProblemPtr
typedef struct exotica::BoxQPSolution BoxQPSolution
typedef std::shared_ptr< CollisionSceneCollisionScenePtr
typedef AbstractDynamicsSolver< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > DynamicsSolver
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::DynamicsSolverDynamicsSolverPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::DynamicTimeIndexedShootingProblemDynamicTimeIndexedShootingProblemPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::EndPoseProblemEndPoseProblemPtr
typedef FunctorBase< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > Functor
typedef Eigen::Array< Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > Hessian
typedef Eigen::Ref< HessianHessianRef
typedef Eigen::internal::ref_selector< Hessian >::type HessianRefConst
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::MotionSolverMotionSolverPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< const PlanningProblemPlanningProblemConstPtr
typedef Factory< PlanningProblemPlanningProblemFac
typedef std::shared_ptr< PlanningProblemPlanningProblemPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::SamplingProblemSamplingProblemPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< SceneScenePtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< ServerServerPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< SetupSetupPtr
typedef std::map< std::string, TaskMapPtrTaskMapMap
typedef std::shared_ptr< TaskMapTaskMapPtr
typedef std::vector< TaskMapPtrTaskMapVec
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::TimeIndexedProblemTimeIndexedProblemPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::TimeIndexedSamplingProblemTimeIndexedSamplingProblemPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::UnconstrainedEndPoseProblemUnconstrainedEndPoseProblemPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< exotica::UnconstrainedTimeIndexedProblemUnconstrainedTimeIndexedProblemPtr


enum  ArgumentPosition
enum  BaseType
enum  ControlCostLossTermType
enum  Integrator
enum  JointLimitType
enum  KinematicRequestFlags
enum  RotationType {
  RotationType::QUATERNION, RotationType::RPY, RotationType::ZYX, RotationType::ZYZ,
  RotationType::ANGLE_AXIS, RotationType::MATRIX
enum  TerminationCriterion {
  TerminationCriterion::NotStarted, TerminationCriterion::IterationLimit, TerminationCriterion::BacktrackIterationLimit, TerminationCriterion::StepTolerance,
  TerminationCriterion::FunctionTolerance, TerminationCriterion::GradientTolerance, TerminationCriterion::Divergence, TerminationCriterion::UserDefined,


void appendChildXML (Initializer &parent, std::string &name, bool isAttribute, tinyxml2::XMLHandle &tag, const std::string &prefix)
void AppendInitializer (std::shared_ptr< InstantiableBase > it, std::vector< Initializer > &ret)
void AppendMap (std::map< Key, Val > &orig, const std::map< Key, Val > &extra)
void AppendVector (std::vector< Val > &orig, const std::vector< Val > &extra)
BoxQPSolution BoxQP (const Eigen::MatrixXd &H, const Eigen::VectorXd &q, const Eigen::VectorXd &b_low, const Eigen::VectorXd &b_high, const Eigen::VectorXd &x_init, const double th_acceptstep, const int max_iterations, const double th_gradient_tolerance, const double lambda, bool use_polynomial_linesearch=true, bool use_cholesky_factorization=true)
BoxQPSolution BoxQP (const Eigen::MatrixXd &H, const Eigen::VectorXd &q, const Eigen::VectorXd &b_low, const Eigen::VectorXd &b_high, const Eigen::VectorXd &x_init)
std::list< int > ConvexHull2D (Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst points)
double cross (Eigen::VectorXdRefConst a, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst b)
 cross 2D cross product (z coordinate of a 3D cross product of 2 vectors on a xy plane). More...
double DetDiff2D (Eigen::VectorXdRefConst p1, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst p2, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst p)
 DetDiff2D Computes the 2D determinant (analogous to a 2D cross product) of a two vectors defined by P_1P_2 and P_1P. More...
BoxQPSolution ExoticaBoxQP (const Eigen::MatrixXd &H, const Eigen::VectorXd &q, const Eigen::VectorXd &b_low, const Eigen::VectorXd &b_high, const Eigen::VectorXd &x_init)
BoxQPSolution ExoticaBoxQP (const Eigen::MatrixXd &H, const Eigen::VectorXd &q, const Eigen::VectorXd &b_low, const Eigen::VectorXd &b_high, const Eigen::VectorXd &x_init, const double gamma, const int max_iterations, const double epsilon, const double lambda, bool use_polynomial_linesearch=false, bool use_cholesky_factorization=false)
std_msgs::ColorRGBA GetColor (double r, double g, double b, double a=1.0)
std_msgs::ColorRGBA GetColor (const Eigen::Vector4d &rgba)
KDL::Frame GetFrame (Eigen::VectorXdRefConst val)
Eigen::MatrixXd GetFrame (const KDL::Frame &val)
Eigen::VectorXd GetFrameAsVector (const KDL::Frame &val, RotationType type=RotationType::RPY)
KDL::Frame GetFrameFromMatrix (Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst val)
std::vector< std::string > GetKeys (std::map< std::string, T > map)
std::vector< Key > GetKeysFromMap (const std::map< Key, Val > &map)
KDL::Rotation GetRotation (Eigen::VectorXdRefConst data, RotationType type)
Eigen::VectorXd GetRotationAsVector (const KDL::Frame &val, RotationType type)
RotationType GetRotationTypeFromString (const std::string &rotation_type)
int GetRotationTypeLength (const RotationType &type)
std::string GetTypeName (const std::type_info &type)
std::vector< Val > GetValuesFromMap (const std::map< Key, Val > &map)
double huber_cost (double x, double beta)
double huber_hessian (double x, double beta)
double huber_jacobian (double x, double beta)
bool IsContainerType (std::string type)
bool IsRobotLink (std::shared_ptr< KinematicElement > e)
bool IsVectorContainerType (std::string type)
bool IsVectorType (std::string type)
std::string LoadFile (const std::string &path)
robot_model::RobotModelPtr LoadModelImpl (const std::string &urdf, const std::string &srdf)
void LoadOBJ (const std::string &data, Eigen::VectorXi &tri, Eigen::VectorXd &vert)
std::shared_ptr< octomap::OcTreeLoadOctree (const std::string &file_path)
std::shared_ptr< shapes::ShapeLoadOctreeAsShape (const std::string &file_path)
std::vector< Val > MapToVec (const std::map< Key, Val > &map)
void NormalizeQuaternionInConfigurationVector (Eigen::Ref< Eigen::VectorXd > q)
KinematicRequestFlags operator& (KinematicRequestFlags a, KinematicRequestFlags b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Printable &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< T > &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::map< I, T > &s)
Exception::ReportingType operator| (Exception::ReportingType a, Exception::ReportingType b) noexcept
KinematicRequestFlags operator| (KinematicRequestFlags a, KinematicRequestFlags b)
bool ParseBool (const std::string value)
std::vector< bool > ParseBoolList (const std::string value)
double ParseDouble (const std::string value)
int ParseInt (const std::string value)
std::vector< int > ParseIntList (const std::string value)
std::vector< std::string > ParseList (const std::string &value, char token= ',')
std::string ParsePath (const std::string &path)
Eigen::Matrix< T, S, 1 > ParseVector (const std::string value)
bool parseXML (tinyxml2::XMLHandle &tag, Initializer &parent, const std::string &prefix)
bool PathExists (const std::string &path)
void PointToLineDistance (const Eigen::Vector2d &P1, const Eigen::Vector2d &P2, const Eigen::Vector2d &P3, double &d)
 Computes the signed distance between a point and a line defined by two points in 2D. More...
void PointToLineDistanceDerivative (const Eigen::Vector2d &P1, const Eigen::Vector2d &P2, const Eigen::Vector2d &P3, const Eigen::MatrixXd &dP1_dq, const Eigen::MatrixXd &dP2_dq, const Eigen::MatrixXd &dP3_dq, Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXd > &derivative)
 Derivative of signed distance between a point and a line defined by two points in 2D. More...
void potential (double &phi, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst A, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst B, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst P)
 potential Calculates electrostatic potential at pont P induced by a uniformly charged line AB. More...
void potential (double &phi, Eigen::VectorXdRef jacobian, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst A, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst B, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst P, Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst A_, Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst B_, Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst P_)
 potential Calculates electrostatic potential at pont P induced by a uniformly charged line AB. More...
void PrintDimensions (const std::string &name, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > m)
double pseudo_huber_cost (double x, double beta)
double pseudo_huber_hessian (double x, double beta)
double pseudo_huber_jacobian (double x, double beta)
std::list< int > QuickHull (Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst points, std::list< int > &half_points, int p1, int p2)
std_msgs::ColorRGBA RandomColor ()
void SaveMatrix (std::string file_name, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > mat)
void SetDefaultQuaternionInConfigurationVector (Eigen::Ref< Eigen::VectorXd > q)
Eigen::VectorXd SetRotation (const KDL::Rotation &data, RotationType type)
void Sleep (double t)
double smooth_l1_cost (double x, double beta)
double smooth_l1_hessian (double x, double beta)
double smooth_l1_jacobian (double x, double beta)
ToNumber (const std::string &val)
double ToNumber< double > (const std::string &val)
float ToNumber< float > (const std::string &val)
int ToNumber< int > (const std::string &val)
std::string ToString (const Eigen::Isometry3d &s)
std::string ToString (const KDL::Frame &s)
std::string Trim (const std::string &s)
void winding (double &phi, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst A, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst B, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst P)
 winding Calculates the winding number around pont P w.r.t. thw line AB. More...
void winding (double &phi, Eigen::VectorXdRef jacobian, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst A, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst B, Eigen::VectorXdRefConst P, Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst A_, Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst B_, Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst P_)
 winding Calculates the winding number around pont P w.r.t. thw line AB. More...


const char branch []
constexpr double eps = 1e-8
constexpr double inf
constexpr double pi
const char version []

Function Documentation

std::list<int> exotica::ConvexHull2D ( Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst  points)

Definition at line 78 of file convex_hull.h.

double exotica::cross ( Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  a,
Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  b 

cross 2D cross product (z coordinate of a 3D cross product of 2 vectors on a xy plane).

a2D Vector.
b2D Vector.
2D cross product.

Definition at line 51 of file quasi_static.cpp.

double exotica::DetDiff2D ( Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  p1,
Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  p2,
Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  p 

DetDiff2D Computes the 2D determinant (analogous to a 2D cross product) of a two vectors defined by P_1P_2 and P_1P.

Definition at line 40 of file convex_hull.h.

void exotica::PointToLineDistance ( const Eigen::Vector2d &  P1,
const Eigen::Vector2d &  P2,
const Eigen::Vector2d &  P3,
double &  d 

Computes the signed distance between a point and a line defined by two points in 2D.

P1First point defining the line
P2Second point defining the line
P3Query point
dSigned distance

Definition at line 49 of file distance_to_line_2d.h.

void exotica::PointToLineDistanceDerivative ( const Eigen::Vector2d &  P1,
const Eigen::Vector2d &  P2,
const Eigen::Vector2d &  P3,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  dP1_dq,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  dP2_dq,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  dP3_dq,
Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXd > &  derivative 

Derivative of signed distance between a point and a line defined by two points in 2D.

Definition at line 57 of file distance_to_line_2d.h.

void exotica::potential ( double &  phi,
Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  A,
Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  B,
Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  P 

potential Calculates electrostatic potential at pont P induced by a uniformly charged line AB.

A1st point on the line.
B2nd point on the line.
PQuery point.

Definition at line 63 of file quasi_static.cpp.

potential Calculates electrostatic potential at pont P induced by a uniformly charged line AB.

jacobianGradient of the potential.
A1st point on the line.
B2nd point on the line.
PQuery point.
A_Derivative of 1st point on the line.
B_Derivative of 2nd point on the line.
P_Derivative of query point.

Definition at line 89 of file quasi_static.cpp.

std::list<int> exotica::QuickHull ( Eigen::MatrixXdRefConst  points,
std::list< int > &  half_points,
int  p1,
int  p2 

Definition at line 45 of file convex_hull.h.

void exotica::winding ( double &  phi,
Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  A,
Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  B,
Eigen::VectorXdRefConst  P 

winding Calculates the winding number around pont P w.r.t. thw line AB.

phiWinding number.
A1st point on the line.
B2nd point on the line.
PQuery point.

Definition at line 119 of file quasi_static.cpp.

winding Calculates the winding number around pont P w.r.t. thw line AB.

phiWinding number.
jacobianGradient of the Winding number.
A1st point on the line.
B2nd point on the line.
PQuery point.
A_Derivative of 1st point on the line.
B_Derivative of 2nd point on the line.
P_Derivative of query point.

Definition at line 137 of file quasi_static.cpp.

Variable Documentation

constexpr double exotica::eps = 1e-8

Definition at line 40 of file quasi_static.cpp.

Author(s): Yiming Yang, Michael Camilleri
autogenerated on Sat Apr 10 2021 02:36:09