Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
gnsstk Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

For Sinex::InputHistory.

This is a abstract base class for a clock model

This code is automatically generated.


Refer to the documenation in the toolkit_docs gitlab project.

This is one of four classes designed to contain GPS navigation message data. The classes are

EngEphemeris - Legacy GPS navigation message data from subframes 1,2,3 ( L1 C/A, L1 P(Y), L2 P(Y) )

CNAVEphemeris - GPS Civil navigation message data from Message Type 10/11 (L2C and L5)

CNAVClock - GPS Civil navigation message data from the "clock" portion of Message Types 30-37 (L2C and L5)

CNAV2EphClock - GPS Civil navigation message from subframe 2 of the L1C message

A utility class that contains a pair of CommonTime objects that specify the beginning and end of a time range.

Get rid of the stdio.h dependency if possible.


 Robust statistics.


class  AllanDeviation
 Compute the overlapping Allan variance of the phase data provided. More...
class  AlmOrbit
class  Angle
class  AngleReduced
class  ANSITime
class  AntennaStore
class  AntexBase
class  AntexData
class  AntexHeader
class  AntexStream
 This class reads an Antex files. More...
class  Arc
class  AshtechALB
class  AshtechData
class  AshtechEPB
class  AshtechMBEN
class  AshtechPBEN
class  AshtechStream
class  AtmLoadTides
class  BasicFramework
class  BasicStreamBuf
 This class easy implement the custom streambufs. More...
class  BasicTimeSystemConverter
class  BCIonoCorrector
class  BCISCorrector
class  BDSD1NavAlm
 Class containing data elements unique to BeiDou D1 almanac pages. More...
class  BDSD1NavData
class  BDSD1NavEph
class  BDSD1NavHealth
class  BDSD1NavIono
class  BDSD1NavISC
class  BDSD1NavTimeOffset
class  BDSD2NavAlm
 Class containing data elements unique to BeiDou D2 almanac pages. More...
class  BDSD2NavData
class  BDSD2NavEph
class  BDSD2NavHealth
class  BDSD2NavIono
class  BDSD2NavISC
class  BDSD2NavTimeOffset
class  BDSWeekSecond
class  BinexData
struct  BinexDataOperatorEquals
 Determine if two BinexData objects are equal. More...
class  BinexStream
class  BivarStats
class  BLQDataReader
class  BrcClockCorrection
class  BrcKeplerOrbit
class  CCIR
class  CGCS2000Ellipsoid
class  Cholesky
 Cholesky<double> Ch;. More...
class  CholeskyCrout
class  CivilTime
class  ClockModel
class  CNav2SanityFilter
class  CNavCookFilter
class  CNavCrossSourceFilter
class  CNavEmptyFilter
class  CNavFilterData
struct  CNavMsgSort
class  CNavParityFilter
class  CNavTOWFilter
class  CodeBuffer
class  Combinations
class  CommandLine
 list of Options More...
class  CommandOption
class  CommandOptionAllOf
class  CommandOptionDependent
class  CommandOptionGroupAnd
class  CommandOptionGroupOr
class  CommandOptionHelp
class  CommandOptionHelpSimple
class  CommandOptionHelpUsage
class  CommandOptionMutex
class  CommandOptionNavEnumHelp
class  CommandOptionNoArg
class  CommandOptionNOf
class  CommandOptionOneOf
class  CommandOptionParser
class  CommandOptionRest
 CommandOption to take the rest of the command line. More...
class  CommandOptionWithAnyArg
class  CommandOptionWithArg
class  CommandOptionWithCommonTimeArg
class  CommandOptionWithDecimalArg
class  CommandOptionWithNumberArg
class  CommandOptionWithPositionArg
class  CommandOptionWithSimpleTimeArg
class  CommandOptionWithStringArg
class  CommandOptionWithTimeArg
class  CommonTime
class  ConfDataReader
class  ConfDataWriter
class  ConfigureLOG
 class ConfigureLOG - inherits class Log with type ConfigureLOGstream More...
class  ConfigureLOGstream
class  ConstMatrixBase
class  ConstMatrixColSlice
class  ConstMatrixRowSlice
class  ConstMatrixSlice
class  ConstMatrixSliceBase
 Base class for an unmodifiable matrix slice. More...
class  ConstVectorBase
class  ConstVectorSlice
class  ConstVectorSliceBase
class  CorrectedEphemerisRange
class  CorrectionResult
class  CorrectionResults
class  CRC24Q
class  CRCDataStatus
class  CubicSpline
 Cubic spline interpolation. More...
class  DataStatus
class  DCBDataReader
class  DebugTrace
struct  DecodeBits
 DecodeBits . More...
struct  DecodeQuant
class  EarthOrientation
class  EllipsoidModel
class  EngAlmanac
class  EngEphemeris
class  EngNav
class  EnumIterator
class  ENUUtil
 A utility for converting from Cartesian in XZY to East-North-Up (ENU) More...
class  EOPPrediction
class  EOPStore
class  EphTime
class  Epoch
class  EpochClockModel
class  Exception
class  ExceptionLocation
class  Expression
struct  ExtraWaveFact
 RINEX 2 extra "WAVELENGTH FACT" lines. More...
class  FactoryControl
class  FDiffFilter
class  FFBinaryStream
class  FFData
class  FFStream
class  FFTextStream
class  FileFilter
class  FileFilterFrame
class  FileFilterFrameWithHeader
class  FileSpec
class  FileSpecFind
class  FileStore
class  FilterHit
class  FilterNearMiss
class  FirstDiffFilter
class  format
class  FormattedDouble
class  GalFNavAlm
 Class containing data elements unique to Galileo F/NAV almanacs. More...
class  GalFNavEph
 Class containing data elements unique to Galileo F/NAV ephemerides. More...
class  GalFNavHealth
class  GalFNavIono
 Class containing data elements unique to Galileo I/NAV iono data. More...
class  GalFNavISC
class  GalFNavTimeOffset
class  GalileoEllipsoid
class  GalileoIonoEllipsoid
class  GalINavAlm
 Class containing data elements unique to Galileo I/NAV almanacs. More...
class  GalINavEph
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS LNav ephemerides. More...
class  GalINavHealth
class  GalINavIono
 Class containing data elements unique to Galileo I/NAV iono data. More...
class  GalINavISC
class  GalINavTimeOffset
class  GALWeekSecond
class  GCATTropModel
class  gdc
class  GDCconfiguration
class  GDCreturn
class  GenericNavFilterData
class  GenXSequence
class  GGHeightTropModel
class  GGTropModel
class  GlobalTropModel
class  GLOCNavAlm
class  GLOCNavData
class  GLOCNavEph
class  GLOCNavHeader
class  GLOCNavHealth
class  GLOCNavIono
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS LNav ionospheric data. More...
class  GLOCNavUT1TimeOffset
class  GLOFNavAlm
class  GLOFNavData
class  GLOFNavEph
class  GLOFNavHealth
class  GLOFNavISC
class  GLOFNavTimeOffset
class  GLOFNavUT1TimeOffset
class  GLONASSTime
class  GNSSTKFormatInitializer
class  GPSCNav2Alm
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS CNav2 midi almanac. More...
class  GPSCNav2Eph
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS CNav2 ephemerides. More...
class  GPSCNav2Health
 Wrapper for the 1-bit health status in GPS CNav2 subframe 2 or 3. More...
class  GPSCNav2Iono
class  GPSCNav2ISC
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS CNAV2 ISC data. More...
class  GPSCNav2TimeOffset
class  GPSCNavAlm
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS CNav midi almanac. More...
class  GPSCNavData
class  GPSCNavEph
class  GPSCNavHealth
class  GPSCNavIono
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS CNav ionospheric data. More...
class  GPSCNavISC
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS CNAV ISC data. More...
class  GPSCNavRedAlm
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS CNav reduced almanac. More...
class  GPSCNavTimeOffset
class  GPSEllipsoid
class  GPSLNavAlm
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS LNav almanac pages. More...
class  GPSLNavData
class  GPSLNavEph
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS LNav ephemerides. More...
class  GPSLNavEphCEIComp
class  GPSLNavEphIODCComp
class  GPSLNavHealth
class  GPSLNavIono
 Class containing data elements unique to GPS LNav ionospheric data. More...
class  GPSLNavISC
class  GPSLNavTimeOffset
class  GPSWeek
class  GPSWeekSecond
class  GPSWeekZcount
class  GPSZcount
class  GroupPathCorr
class  GroupPathCorrector
class  GSatID
class  HealthGetter
class  HelmertTransform
class  HelmertTransformer
class  Householder
class  InOutFramework
class  InterSigCorr
class  IonexBase
class  IonexData
class  IonexHeader
class  IonexStore
class  IonexStream
class  IonoCorr
 Ionospheric Corrections. More...
class  IonoModel
class  IonoModelStore
class  IonoNavData
class  IRNWeekSecond
class  IterativeFDiffFilter
 forward declaration More...
class  JulianDate
class  KalmanFilter
class  KlobucharIonoNavData
 Class containing data elements unique to the Klobuchar iono model. More...
class  LabeledMatrix
class  LabeledVector
 forward declaration More...
class  LinearClockModel
struct  ListStats
 ListStats (i.e. Statistics on a list of numbers) More...
class  LNavAlmValFilter
class  LNavCookFilter
class  LNavCrossSourceFilter
class  LNavEmptyFilter
class  LNavEphMaker
struct  LNavEphMakerSort
class  LNavFilterData
struct  LNavMsgSort
 Sort LNavFilterData pointers by navigation message bits. More...
class  LNavOrderFilter
class  LNavParityFilter
struct  LNavTimeSort
class  LNavTLMHOWFilter
class  Log
class  LoopedFramework
class  LUDecomp
class  Matrix
class  MatrixColSlice
class  MatrixRowSlice
class  MatrixSlice
class  MatrixSliceBase
class  MetReader
class  MJD
class  MODIP
class  MOPSTropModel
class  MostCommonValue
class  msecHandler
class  MultiFormatNavDataFactory
class  Namelist
class  NavData
class  NavDataFactory
class  NavDataFactoryCallback
class  NavDataFactoryStoreCallback
class  NavDataFactoryWithStore
class  NavDataFactoryWithStoreFile
 Define an interface for loading nav data from a file. More...
class  NavFilter
class  NavFilterKey
class  NavFilterMgr
class  NavFit
class  NavHealthData
class  NavID
class  NavLibrary
class  NavLibraryHealthGetter
class  NavMessageID
 Class used to identify/categorize navigation message data. More...
class  NavMsgData
class  NavMsgDataBits
class  NavMsgDataPNB
class  NavMsgDataWords
class  NavOrderFilter
class  NavSatelliteID
class  NavSignalID
 Class used to identify navigation data signal types. More...
struct  NavTimeSort
class  NavTimeSystemConverter
class  NBTropModel
class  NDFUniqConstIterator
class  NDFUniqIterator
class  NEDUtil
 A utility for converting from Cartesian in XZY to North-East-Down (NED) More...
class  NeillTropModel
class  NeQuickIonoNavData
class  NewNavToRinex
class  NMCTMeta
class  ObsClockModel
class  ObsClockModel_Child
struct  ObsEpoch
class  ObsID
class  ObsRngDev
class  OceanLoading
class  OceanLoadTides
class  OneSampleStatsFilter
 A StatsFilter class for one-sample statistics that inherits StatsFilterBase. More...
class  OrbitData
class  OrbitDataBDS
 Base class for all BeiDou broadcast orbit data. More...
class  OrbitDataGal
 Base class for all Galileo broadcast orbit data. More...
class  OrbitDataGPS
 Base class for all GPS broadcast orbit data. More...
class  OrbitDataKepler
 Base class for orbit information that uses Keplerian parameters. More...
class  OrbitDataSP3
 Class for orbit information using SP3 data tables. More...
class  ORDEpoch
class  PackedNavBits
class  PNBBDSD1NavDataFactory
class  PNBBDSD2NavDataFactory
class  PNBGalFNavDataFactory
class  PNBGalINavDataFactory
class  PNBGLOCNavDataFactory
class  PNBGLOFNavDataFactory
class  PNBGPSCNav2DataFactory
class  PNBGPSCNavDataFactory
class  PNBGPSLNavDataFactory
class  PNBMultiGNSSNavDataFactory
class  PNBNavDataFactory
class  PoleTides
class  PolyFit
class  Position
class  PosixTime
class  PowerSum
class  PreciseRange
class  PRSolution
class  PZ90Ellipsoid
class  QZSWeekSecond
class  RACRotation
class  RawRange
class  RefFrame
class  RefMatrixBase
class  RefMatrixSliceBase
 Base class for a modifiable matrix slice. More...
class  RefVectorBase
class  RefVectorBaseHelper
class  RefVectorSliceBase
class  RequiredOption
class  Rinex3ClockBase
 This class is here to make readable inheritance diagrams. More...
class  Rinex3ClockData
class  Rinex3ClockHeader
class  Rinex3ClockStream
class  Rinex3NavBase
class  Rinex3NavData
struct  Rinex3NavDataFilterPRN
 Filter based on PRN ID. More...
struct  Rinex3NavDataOperatorEqualsFull
 This compares all elements of the Rinex3NavData with equals. More...
struct  Rinex3NavDataOperatorLessThanFull
 This compares all elements of the Rinex3NavData with less than. More...
struct  Rinex3NavDataOperatorLessThanSimple
 Only compares time. Suitable for sorting a Rinex3Nav file. More...
class  Rinex3NavHeader
struct  Rinex3NavHeaderTouchHeaderMerge
class  Rinex3NavStream
class  Rinex3ObsBase
class  Rinex3ObsData
struct  Rinex3ObsDataOperatorEqualsSimple
struct  Rinex3ObsDataOperatorLessThanFull
struct  Rinex3ObsDataOperatorLessThanSimple
class  Rinex3ObsFileLoader
class  Rinex3ObsHeader
struct  Rinex3ObsHeaderTouchHeaderMerge
class  Rinex3ObsStream
class  RinexClockBase
 Provide a base class for RinexClockData and RinexClockHeader. More...
class  RinexClockData
class  RinexClockHeader
class  RinexClockStream
class  RinexDatum
 Storage for single RINEX OBS data measurements. More...
class  RinexMetBase
class  RinexMetData
struct  RinexMetDataFilterTime
 This filter will return true for any data not within the specified time range. More...
struct  RinexMetDataOperatorEqualsSimple
 Compares only times. More...
struct  RinexMetDataOperatorLessThanFull
struct  RinexMetDataOperatorLessThanSimple
 Compares only times. More...
class  RinexMetHeader
struct  RinexMetHeaderTouchHeaderMerge
class  RinexMetStream
class  RinexNavBase
class  RinexNavData
class  RinexNavDataFactory
struct  RinexNavDataFilterPRN
 Filter based on PRN ID. More...
struct  RinexNavDataOperatorEqualsFull
 This compares all elements of the RinexNavData with equals. More...
struct  RinexNavDataOperatorLessThanFull
 This compares all elements of the RinexNavData with less than. More...
struct  RinexNavDataOperatorLessThanSimple
 Only compares time. Suitable for sorting a RinexNav file. More...
class  RinexNavHeader
struct  RinexNavHeaderTouchHeaderMerge
class  RinexNavStream
class  RinexObsBase
class  RinexObsData
struct  RinexObsDataOperatorEqualsSimple
struct  RinexObsDataOperatorLessThanFull
struct  RinexObsDataOperatorLessThanSimple
class  RinexObsHeader
struct  RinexObsHeaderTouchHeaderMerge
class  RinexObsID
class  RinexObsStream
struct  RinexObsType
 RINEX Observation Types. More...
class  RinexSatID
class  RinexTimeOffset
class  RNDouble
class  RTFileFrame
class  RTFileFrameHelper
class  RTFileFrameIterator
class  SaasTropModel
class  SatDataReader
class  SatID
class  SatMetaData
struct  SatMetaDataSort
class  SatMetaDataStore
class  SatPass
class  SatPassIterator
class  SEMBase
class  SEMData
class  SEMHeader
class  SEMNavDataFactory
class  SEMStream
class  SeqStats
class  SimpleTropModel
 A simple Black model of the troposphere. temp is in Kelvin. More...
class  Singleton
class  SMatProxy
 Proxy class for elements of the SparseMatrix (SM). More...
class  SolarSystem
class  SolarSystemEphemeris
class  SP3Base
 This class is here to make readable inheritance diagrams. More...
class  SP3Data
class  SP3Header
class  SP3NavDataFactory
class  SP3SatID
class  SP3Stream
class  SparseMatrix
class  SparseVector
 forward declarations More...
class  SRI
class  SRIFilter
class  SRIleastSquares
class  SSEDouble
 Class for the format used in this code. More...
class  Stats
class  StatsFilterBase
class  StdNavTimeOffset
class  StopIterator
 Class for StopIterator Python exception, used by Vector.i. More...
class  SVD
class  SVecProxy
class  SVNumXRef
struct  SvObsEpoch
 All the observations collected from a single SV at a single epoch. More...
class  SVPCodeGen
class  SystemTime
class  TestUtil
class  TimeNamedFileStream
class  TimeOffsetData
class  TimeRange
class  TimeSystemConverter
class  TimeSystemCorrection
class  TimeTag
class  Transformer
class  TransformLibrary
class  Triple
class  TropCorrector
class  TropModel
class  TwoSampleStats
class  TwoSampleStatsFilter
 A StatsFilter class for two-sample statistics that inherits StatsFilterBase. More...
class  UnixTime
class  ValidType
class  Vector
class  VectorSlice
class  VectorSliceBase
class  Week
class  WeekSecond
class  WGS84Ellipsoid
class  WindowFilter
class  WNJfilter
class  WtdAveStats
class  WtdStats
struct  WxObsData
 This is a time history weather data from a single site. More...
struct  WxObservation
 A Single Weather Observation. More...
class  X1Sequence
class  X2Sequence
class  XRefNode
class  Xvt
class  YDSTime
class  YumaBase
class  YumaData
class  YumaHeader
class  YumaNavDataFactory
class  YumaStream
class  ZeroTropModel
 The 'zero' trop model, meaning it always returns zero. More...


typedef std::map< SatID, AlmOrbitAlmOrbits
 Map from SatID to AlmOrbit. More...
typedef EnumIterator< AngleType, AngleType::Unknown, AngleType::LastAngleTypeIterator
typedef std::binary_function< BinexData, BinexData, bool > BinexDataBinaryOperator
typedef EnumIterator< CarrierBand, CarrierBand::Unknown, CarrierBand::LastCarrierBandIterator
typedef std::vector< CommandOption * > CommandOptionVec
typedef EnumIterator< CorrDupHandling, CorrDupHandling::Unknown, CorrDupHandling::LastCorrDupHandlingIterator
typedef std::set< CorrDupHandlingCorrDupHandlingSet
 Set of message types, used by NavLibrary and NavDataFactory. More...
typedef std::list< CorrectionResultCorrectionResultList
 Just an ordered list of group path correction results. More...
typedef EnumIterator< CorrectorType, CorrectorType::Unknown, CorrectorType::LastCorrectorTypeIterator
typedef std::set< CorrectorTypeCorrectorTypeSet
 Set of message types, used by NavLibrary and NavDataFactory. More...
typedef EnumIterator< DumpDetail, DumpDetail::Unknown, DumpDetail::LastDumpDetailIterator
typedef EnumIterator< GalDataValid, GalDataValid::Unknown, GalDataValid::LastGalDataValidIterator
typedef EnumIterator< GalHealthStatus, GalHealthStatus::Unknown, GalHealthStatus::LastGalHealthStatusIterator
typedef TropCorrector< GGHeightTropModelGGHeightTropCorrector
 Wrapper for the Goad and Goodman trop model with heights. More...
typedef TropCorrector< GGTropModelGGTropCorrector
 Wrapper for the Goad and Goodman trop model. More...
typedef TropCorrector< GlobalTropModelGlobalTropCorrector
 Wrapper for the global trop model (Boehm et al). More...
typedef EnumIterator< GLOFNavPCode, GLOFNavPCode::Unknown, GLOFNavPCode::LastGLOFNavPCodeIterator
typedef EnumIterator< GLOFNavSatType, GLOFNavSatType::Unknown, GLOFNavSatType::LastGLOFNavSatTypeIterator
typedef std::set< std::shared_ptr< GPSLNavEph >, GPSLNavEphCEICompGPSLNavCEIUniq
 Store GPSLNavEph shared_ptrs using GPSLNavEphCEIComp to sort. More...
typedef std::set< std::shared_ptr< GPSLNavEph >, GPSLNavEphIODCCompGPSLNavIODCUniq
 Store GPSLNavEph shared_ptrs using GPSLNavEphIODCComp to sort. More...
typedef EnumIterator< GPSLNavL2Codes, GPSLNavL2Codes::Unknown, GPSLNavL2Codes::LastGPSLNavL2CodesIterator
typedef std::list< GroupPathCorrectorPtrGroupPathCorrectorList
 Short-hand for container. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< GroupPathCorrectorGroupPathCorrectorPtr
 Short-hand for shared_ptr. More...
typedef EnumIterator< IonexStoreStrategy, IonexStoreStrategy::Unknown, IonexStoreStrategy::LastIonexStoreStrategyIterator
typedef std::multimap< NavSignalID, NavDataFactoryPtrNavDataFactoryMap
 Map signal to a factory. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< NavDataFactoryNavDataFactoryPtr
 Managed pointer to NavDataFactory. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< NavDataNavDataPtr
 Factories instantiate these in response to find() requests. More...
typedef std::list< NavDataPtrNavDataPtrList
typedef std::map< CommonTime, NavDataPtrNavMap
 Map nav message transmit time to nav message. More...
typedef std::set< NavMessageIDNavMessageIDSet
typedef std::map< NavMessageType, NavSatMapNavMessageMap
 Map nav message type to the rest of the storage. More...
typedef EnumIterator< NavMessageType, NavMessageType::Unknown, NavMessageType::LastNavMessageTypeIterator
typedef std::set< NavMessageTypeNavMessageTypeSet
 Set of message types, used by NavLibrary and NavDataFactory. More...
typedef std::map< CommonTime, NavDataPtrListNavNearMap
 Map from "nearest" time reference (e.g. toe) to list of NavDataPtr. More...
typedef std::map< NavMessageType, NavNearSatMapNavNearMessageMap
 Map nav message type to the rest of the storage. More...
typedef std::map< NavSatelliteID, NavNearMapNavNearSatMap
 Map satellite to nearest map. More...
typedef std::multimap< int, XRefNode >::const_iterator NAVNumXRefCI
typedef std::pair< NAVNumXRefCI, NAVNumXRefCINAVNumXRefPair
typedef std::set< NavSatelliteIDNavSatelliteIDSet
typedef std::map< NavSatelliteID, NavMapNavSatMap
 Map satellite to nav data. More...
typedef EnumIterator< NavSearchOrder, NavSearchOrder::Unknown, NavSearchOrder::LastNavSearchOrderIterator
typedef std::set< NavSignalIDNavSignalSet
 Set of nav data signal identifiers. More...
typedef EnumIterator< NavType, NavType::Unknown, NavType::LastNavTypeIterator
typedef EnumIterator< NavValidityType, NavValidityType::Unknown, NavValidityType::LastNavValidityTypeIterator
typedef TropCorrector< NBTropModelNBTropCorrector
 Wrapper for the Univeristy of New Brunswick trop model. More...
typedef TropCorrector< NeillTropModelNeillTropCorrector
 Wrapper for the A.E. Neill trop model. More...
typedef std::map< CommonTime, ObsEpochObsEpochMap
 A time history of the observations collected from a single receiver. More...
typedef EnumIterator< ObservationType, ObservationType::Unknown, ObservationType::LastObservationTypeIterator
typedef std::map< gnsstk::CommonTime, gnsstk::ORDEpochORDEpochMap
typedef std::shared_ptr< PackedNavBitsPackedNavBitsPtr
 Managed pointer for passing PackedNavBits around. More...
typedef std::map< NavType, PNBNavDataFactoryPtrPNBNavDataFactoryMap
 Map the navigation message type to a factory for producing that type. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< PNBNavDataFactoryPNBNavDataFactoryPtr
 Managed pointer to a PNBNavDataFactory. More...
typedef EnumIterator< ReferenceFrame, ReferenceFrame::Unknown, ReferenceFrame::LastReferenceFrameIterator
using RefFramePair = std::pair< RefFrame, RefFrame >
 A little something to use for TransformerMap. More...
typedef EnumIterator< RefFrameRlz, RefFrameRlz::Unknown, RefFrameRlz::LastRefFrameRlzIterator
typedef EnumIterator< RefFrameSys, RefFrameSys::Unknown, RefFrameSys::LastRefFrameSysIterator
typedef std::binary_function< RinexMetData, RinexMetData, bool > RinexMetDataBinaryOperator
typedef std::unary_function< RinexMetHeader, bool > RinexMetDataUnaryOperator
typedef TropCorrector< SaasTropModelSaasTropCorrector
 Wrapper for the Saastamoinen trop model. More...
typedef EnumIterator< SatelliteSystem, SatelliteSystem::Unknown, SatelliteSystem::LastSatelliteSystemIterator
typedef TropCorrector< SimpleTropModelSimpleTropCorrector
 Wrapper for the "simple" trop model. More...
typedef BasicStreamBuf< char, std::char_traits< char > > StreamBuf
typedef EnumIterator< SVHealth, SVHealth::Unknown, SVHealth::LastSVHealthIterator
typedef std::multimap< int, XRefNode >::const_iterator SVNumXRefListCI
typedef std::pair< SVNumXRefListCI, SVNumXRefListCISVNumXRefPair
typedef std::pair< TimeSystem, TimeSystemTimeCvtKey
typedef std::set< TimeCvtKeyTimeCvtSet
 Define a unique set of time system conversions. More...
typedef EnumIterator< TimeOffsetFilter, TimeOffsetFilter::Unknown, TimeOffsetFilter::LastTimeOffsetFilterIterator
typedef EnumIterator< TimeSystem, TimeSystem::Unknown, TimeSystem::LastTimeSystemIterator
typedef EnumIterator< TrackingCode, TrackingCode::Unknown, TrackingCode::LastTrackingCodeIterator
using TransformerHist = std::map< CommonTime, TransformerPtr >
 Transformers may change over time while maintaining the same RefFrames. More...
using TransformerMap = std::map< RefFramePair, TransformerHist >
 Container of transformers for management. More...
using TransformerPtr = std::shared_ptr< Transformer >
 Shared pointer to Transformer object. More...
typedef ValidType< char > vchar
typedef ValidType< double > vdouble
typedef ValidType< float > vfloat
typedef ValidType< int > vint
typedef ValidType< long > vlong
typedef ValidType< short > vshort
typedef ValidType< unsigned char > vuchar
typedef ValidType< unsigned int > vuint
typedef ValidType< unsigned long > vulong
typedef ValidType< unsigned short > vushort
typedef std::map< CommonTime, WxObservationWxObsMap
typedef EnumIterator< XmitAnt, XmitAnt::Unknown, XmitAnt::LastXmitAntIterator
typedef TropCorrector< ZeroTropModelZeroTropCorrector
 Somewhat pointless wrapper for zero trop correction model. More...


enum  AngleType {
  AngleType::Unknown, AngleType::Rad, AngleType::Deg, AngleType::SemiCircle,
  AngleType::Sin, AngleType::Cos, AngleType::Last
enum  CarrierBand {
  CarrierBand::Unknown, CarrierBand::Any, CarrierBand::L1L2, CarrierBand::L1,
  CarrierBand::L2, CarrierBand::L5, CarrierBand::G1, CarrierBand::G1a,
  CarrierBand::G2a, CarrierBand::G2, CarrierBand::G3, CarrierBand::E5b,
  CarrierBand::E5ab, CarrierBand::E6, CarrierBand::B1, CarrierBand::B2,
  CarrierBand::B3, CarrierBand::I9, CarrierBand::Undefined, CarrierBand::Last
enum  codeType { P_CODE, Y_CODE, BOTH }
enum  CorrDupHandling {
  CorrDupHandling::Unknown, CorrDupHandling::ComputeFirst, CorrDupHandling::ComputeLast, CorrDupHandling::UseFirst,
enum  CorrectorType {
  CorrectorType::Unknown, CorrectorType::Trop, CorrectorType::Iono, CorrectorType::ISC,
  CorrectorType::Multipath, CorrectorType::RxChlBias, CorrectorType::Last
 Identify different sources of pseudorange bias. More...
enum  DumpDetail {
  DumpDetail::Unknown, DumpDetail::OneLine, DumpDetail::Brief, DumpDetail::Terse,
  DumpDetail::Full, DumpDetail::Last
 Specify level of detail for dump output. More...
enum  GalDataValid { GalDataValid::Unknown = -1, GalDataValid::Valid = 0, GalDataValid::NoGuarantee = 1, GalDataValid::Last }
 Identify Galileo Data Validity Status (DVS) states. More...
enum  GalHealthStatus {
  GalHealthStatus::Unknown = -1, GalHealthStatus::OK = 0, GalHealthStatus::OutOfService = 1, GalHealthStatus::WillBeOOS = 2,
  GalHealthStatus::InTest = 3, GalHealthStatus::Last
 Identify different types of SV health states. More...
enum  GLOCOrbitType { GLOCOrbitType::Unknown = -1, GLOCOrbitType::Circ19100 = 0 }
 Values for Word TO in the almanac data. More...
enum  GLOCRegime { GLOCRegime::Unknown = -1, GLOCRegime::Relay = 1, GLOCRegime::Prediction = 2, GLOCRegime::Intersat = 3 }
 Regime for data generation (RjE, RjT, see ICD More...
enum  GLOCSatType {
  GLOCSatType::Unknown = -1, GLOCSatType::GLONASS_M = 0, GLOCSatType::GLONASS_K1 = 1, GLOCSatType::GLONASS_K2 = 2,
  GLOCSatType::GLONASS_K1b = 3
 Values for Word M in the ephemeris (immediate) and almanac data. More...
enum  GLOFNavPCode {
  GLOFNavPCode::Unknown =-1, GLOFNavPCode::CRelGPSRel = 0, GLOFNavPCode::CRelGPSCalc = 1, GLOFNavPCode::CCalcGPSRel = 2,
  GLOFNavPCode::CCalcGPSCalc = 3, GLOFNavPCode::Last
enum  GLOFNavSatType { GLOFNavSatType::Unknown = -1, GLOFNavSatType::GLONASS = 0, GLOFNavSatType::GLONASS_M = 1, GLOFNavSatType::Last }
 Values for GLONASS FDMA nav message, Word M. More...
enum  GPSLNavL2Codes {
  GPSLNavL2Codes::Unknown =-1, GPSLNavL2Codes::Invalid1 = 0, GPSLNavL2Codes::Pcode = 1, GPSLNavL2Codes::CAcode = 2,
  GPSLNavL2Codes::Invalid2 = 3, GPSLNavL2Codes::Last
 Codes on L2 channel, per IS-GPS-200 More...
enum  IERSConvention {
  IERSConvention::Unknown = 0, IERSConvention::IERS1996, IERSConvention::IERS2003, IERSConvention::IERS2010,
enum  IonexStoreStrategy {
  IonexStoreStrategy::Unknown, IonexStoreStrategy::Nearest, IonexStoreStrategy::Consecutive, IonexStoreStrategy::ConsRot,
  IonexStoreStrategy::Rotated, IonexStoreStrategy::Last
 Enumeration used for IonexStore::getIonexValue(). More...
enum  LogLevel {
enum  NavMessageType {
  NavMessageType::Unknown, NavMessageType::Almanac, NavMessageType::Ephemeris, NavMessageType::TimeOffset,
  NavMessageType::Health, NavMessageType::Clock, NavMessageType::Iono, NavMessageType::ISC,
 Identify different types of navigation message data. More...
enum  NavSearchOrder { NavSearchOrder::Unknown, NavSearchOrder::User, NavSearchOrder::Nearest, NavSearchOrder::Last }
 Specify the behavior of nav data searches in NavLibrary/NavDataFactory. More...
enum  NavType {
  NavType::Unknown, NavType::Any, NavType::GPSLNAV, NavType::GPSCNAVL2,
  NavType::GPSCNAVL5, NavType::GPSCNAV2, NavType::GPSMNAV, NavType::BeiDou_D1,
  NavType::BeiDou_D2, NavType::GloCivilF, NavType::GloCivilC, NavType::GalFNAV,
  NavType::GalINAV, NavType::IRNSS_SPS, NavType::Last
 Supported navigation types. More...
enum  NavValidityType {
  NavValidityType::Unknown, NavValidityType::ValidOnly, NavValidityType::InvalidOnly, NavValidityType::Any,
enum  ObservationType {
  ObservationType::Unknown, ObservationType::Any, ObservationType::Range, ObservationType::Phase,
  ObservationType::Doppler, ObservationType::SNR, ObservationType::Channel, ObservationType::DemodStat,
  ObservationType::Iono, ObservationType::SSI, ObservationType::LLI, ObservationType::TrackLen,
  ObservationType::NavMsg, ObservationType::RngStdDev, ObservationType::PhsStdDev, ObservationType::FreqIndx,
  ObservationType::Undefined, ObservationType::Last
 The type of observation, mostly used by ObsID. More...
enum  ReferenceFrame {
  ReferenceFrame::Unknown =0, ReferenceFrame::WGS84, ReferenceFrame::WGS84G730, ReferenceFrame::WGS84G873,
  ReferenceFrame::WGS84G1150, ReferenceFrame::WGS84G1674, ReferenceFrame::WGS84G1762, ReferenceFrame::ITRF,
  ReferenceFrame::ITRF94, ReferenceFrame::ITRF96, ReferenceFrame::ITRF97, ReferenceFrame::ITRF2000,
  ReferenceFrame::ITRF2005, ReferenceFrame::ITRF2008, ReferenceFrame::ITRF2014, ReferenceFrame::PZ90,
  ReferenceFrame::PZ90KGS, ReferenceFrame::CGCS2000, ReferenceFrame::Last
enum  RefFrameRlz {
  RefFrameRlz::Unknown, RefFrameRlz::WGS84G0, RefFrameRlz::WGS84G730, RefFrameRlz::WGS84G873,
  RefFrameRlz::WGS84G1150, RefFrameRlz::WGS84G1674, RefFrameRlz::WGS84G1762, RefFrameRlz::WGS84G2139,
  RefFrameRlz::ITRF94, RefFrameRlz::ITRF96, RefFrameRlz::ITRF97, RefFrameRlz::ITRF2000,
  RefFrameRlz::ITRF2005, RefFrameRlz::ITRF2008, RefFrameRlz::ITRF2014, RefFrameRlz::ITRF2020,
  RefFrameRlz::PZ90Y2007, RefFrameRlz::PZ90KGS, RefFrameRlz::CGCS2000Y2008, RefFrameRlz::Last
 Reference frame realizations. For general systems, see RefFrameSys. More...
enum  RefFrameSys {
  RefFrameSys::Unknown, RefFrameSys::WGS84, RefFrameSys::ITRF, RefFrameSys::PZ90,
  RefFrameSys::CGCS2000, RefFrameSys::Last
 Reference frame systems. For specific realizations, see RefFrameRlz. More...
enum  SatelliteSystem {
  SatelliteSystem::Unknown, SatelliteSystem::GPS, SatelliteSystem::Galileo, SatelliteSystem::Glonass,
  SatelliteSystem::Geosync, SatelliteSystem::LEO, SatelliteSystem::Transit, SatelliteSystem::BeiDou,
  SatelliteSystem::QZSS, SatelliteSystem::IRNSS, SatelliteSystem::Mixed, SatelliteSystem::UserDefined,
 Supported satellite systems. More...
enum  SVHealth {
  SVHealth::Unknown, SVHealth::Any, SVHealth::Healthy, SVHealth::Unhealthy,
  SVHealth::Degraded, SVHealth::Last
 Identify different types of SV health states. More...
enum  TableEntry {
  ZP =1, ZT, ZW, ZB,
  ZL, Mad, Mbd, Mcd,
  Maw, Mbw, Mcw
enum  TimeOffsetFilter {
  TimeOffsetFilter::Unknown, TimeOffsetFilter::NoFilt, TimeOffsetFilter::BySV, TimeOffsetFilter::BySignal,
enum  TimeSystem {
  TimeSystem::Unknown = 0, TimeSystem::Any, TimeSystem::GPS, TimeSystem::GLO,
  TimeSystem::GAL, TimeSystem::QZS, TimeSystem::BDT, TimeSystem::IRN,
  TimeSystem::UTC, TimeSystem::TAI, TimeSystem::TT, TimeSystem::TDB,
 Definition of various time systems. More...
enum  TrackingCode {
  TrackingCode::Unknown, TrackingCode::Any, TrackingCode::CA, TrackingCode::P,
  TrackingCode::Y, TrackingCode::Ztracking, TrackingCode::YCodeless, TrackingCode::Semicodeless,
  TrackingCode::MD, TrackingCode::MDP, TrackingCode::MP, TrackingCode::MPA,
  TrackingCode::MARL, TrackingCode::MARLD, TrackingCode::MARLP, TrackingCode::Mprime,
  TrackingCode::MprimePA, TrackingCode::L2CM, TrackingCode::L2CL, TrackingCode::L2CML,
  TrackingCode::L5I, TrackingCode::L5Q, TrackingCode::L5IQ, TrackingCode::L1CP,
  TrackingCode::L1CD, TrackingCode::L1CDP, TrackingCode::NSCA, TrackingCode::NSCD,
  TrackingCode::NSCL, TrackingCode::NSCM, TrackingCode::NSCMCL, TrackingCode::NSCP,
  TrackingCode::NSCPCD, TrackingCode::NSI5, TrackingCode::NSM, TrackingCode::NSMPA,
  TrackingCode::NSMprime, TrackingCode::NSMprimePA, TrackingCode::NSP, TrackingCode::NSQ5,
  TrackingCode::NSY, TrackingCode::Standard, TrackingCode::Precise, TrackingCode::L3OCD,
  TrackingCode::L3OCP, TrackingCode::L3OCDP, TrackingCode::L1OCD, TrackingCode::L1OCP,
  TrackingCode::L1OCDP, TrackingCode::L2CSIL2OCp, TrackingCode::L2CSI, TrackingCode::L2OCP,
  TrackingCode::G3TestData, TrackingCode::G3TestPilot, TrackingCode::L1SC, TrackingCode::L2SC,
  TrackingCode::E1A, TrackingCode::E1B, TrackingCode::E1C, TrackingCode::E1BC,
  TrackingCode::E1ABC, TrackingCode::E5abI, TrackingCode::E5abQ, TrackingCode::E5abIQ,
  TrackingCode::E5aI, TrackingCode::E5aQ, TrackingCode::E5aIQ, TrackingCode::E5bI,
  TrackingCode::E5bQ, TrackingCode::E5bIQ, TrackingCode::E6A, TrackingCode::E6B,
  TrackingCode::E6C, TrackingCode::E6BC, TrackingCode::E6ABC, TrackingCode::L1S,
  TrackingCode::L5SI, TrackingCode::L5SQ, TrackingCode::L5SIQ, TrackingCode::LEXS,
  TrackingCode::LEXL, TrackingCode::LEXSL, TrackingCode::L6D, TrackingCode::L6E,
  TrackingCode::L6DE, TrackingCode::B1I, TrackingCode::B1Q, TrackingCode::B1IQ,
  TrackingCode::B2I, TrackingCode::B2Q, TrackingCode::B2IQ, TrackingCode::B3I,
  TrackingCode::B3Q, TrackingCode::B3IQ, TrackingCode::B1A, TrackingCode::B1CD,
  TrackingCode::B1CDP, TrackingCode::B1CP, TrackingCode::B2abI, TrackingCode::B2abIQ,
  TrackingCode::B2abQ, TrackingCode::B2aI, TrackingCode::B2aIQ, TrackingCode::B2aQ,
  TrackingCode::B2bI, TrackingCode::B2bIQ, TrackingCode::B2bQ, TrackingCode::B3AQ,
  TrackingCode::BCodeless, TrackingCode::B3AI, TrackingCode::B3AIQ, TrackingCode::SPSL5,
  TrackingCode::RSL5D, TrackingCode::RSL5P, TrackingCode::RSL5DP, TrackingCode::SPSS,
  TrackingCode::RSSD, TrackingCode::RSSP, TrackingCode::RSSDP, TrackingCode::CW,
  TrackingCode::Undefined, TrackingCode::Last
enum  XmitAnt {
  XmitAnt::Unknown, XmitAnt::Any, XmitAnt::Standard, XmitAnt::Regional,


short accuracy2CNAVura (double acc) noexcept
short accuracy2ura (double acc) noexcept
double ADtest (double *xd, const int nd, double m, double s, bool save_flag=true)
double ARand (double low, double hi)
int ARand (int low, int hi)
double beta (double x, double y)
double binomialCoeff (int n, int k)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > blkdiag (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m1, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m2)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > blkdiag (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m1, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m2, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m3)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > blkdiag (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m1, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m2, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m3, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m4)
double cel2far (double c)
double cfIBeta (double x, double a, double b)
double ChisqCDF (double x, int n)
double ChisqPDF (double x, int n)
double compErrorFunc (double x)
double compIncompGamma (double a, double x)
static void computeFundamentalArgs (double T, double args[6])
Triple computePolarTides (const Position &site, const EphTime &ttag, double xp, double yp, const IERSConvention &iers)
Triple computeSolidEarthTides (const Position &site, const EphTime &ttag, const Position &Sun, const Position &Moon, double EMRAT, double SERAT, const IERSConvention &iers)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
condNum (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m) noexcept
template<class T , class BaseClass >
condNum (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m, T &bigNum, T &smallNum) noexcept
double contfracIncompGamma (double a, double x)
long convertCalendarToJD (int yy, int mm, int dd)
void convertJDtoCalendar (long jd, int &iyear, int &imonth, int &iday)
std::string convertNavTypeToString (NavType e)
std::string convertSatelliteSystemToString (SatelliteSystem s)
void convertSODtoTime (double sod, int &hh, int &mm, double &sec)
NavType convertStringToNavType (const std::string &s)
SatelliteSystem convertStringToSatelliteSystem (const std::string &s)
double convertTimeToSOD (int hh, int mm, double sec)
static void correctEarthRotationLibrations (const double args[6], double &dUT, double &dld)
static void correctEarthRotationZonalTides (const double args[6], double &dUT, double &dld, double &dom)
static void correctEarthRotationZonalTides2003 (const double args[6], double &dUT, double &dld, double &dom)
static void correctEOPOceanTides (double mjd, double &dxp, double &dyp, double &dUT)
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
cosVec (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass1 > &a, const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &b)
template<class T >
cosVec (const SparseVector< T > &S1, const SparseVector< T > &S2)
template<class T >
cosVec (const SparseVector< T > &SV, const Vector< T > &V)
template<class T >
cosVec (const Vector< T > &V, const SparseVector< T > &SV)
class BaseClass2 Vector< T > cross (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l, const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &r)
void crudeSolarPosition (const CommonTime &t, double &lat, double &lon)
double cycles2meters (double phase, double freq, EllipsoidModel &ellipsoid)
std::string demangle (const char *name)
 Demangle G++ class names. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
det (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > diag (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
int DiscontinuityCorrector (SatPass &SP, GDCconfiguration &config, std::vector< std::string > &EditCmds, std::string &retMsg, int GLOn=-99)
void DisplayExtendedRinexObsTypes (ostream &s)
void DisplayExtendedRinexObsTypes (std::ostream &s)
 Pretty print a list of registered extended Rinex observation types. More...
void DisplayStandardRinexObsTypes (ostream &s)
void DisplayStandardRinexObsTypes (std::ostream &s)
 Pretty print a list of standard Rinex observation types. More...
template<class T >
void DMsmootherUpdateWithControl (Matrix< double > &P, Vector< double > &X, Matrix< double > &Phinv, Matrix< double > &Rw, Matrix< double > &G, Vector< double > &Zw, Matrix< double > &Rwx, Vector< double > &U)
template<class T , class BaseClass , class BaseClass2 >
dot (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l, const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &r)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
dot (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l, const T r)
template<class T >
dot (const SparseVector< T > &SL, const SparseVector< T > &SR)
 dot (SparseVector, SparseVector) More...
template<class T >
dot (const SparseVector< T > &SL, const Vector< T > &R)
 dot (SparseVector, Vector) More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
dot (const T l, const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &r)
template<class T >
dot (const Vector< T > &L, const SparseVector< T > &SR)
 dot (Vector, SparseVector) More...
template<class T >
dot_lim (const SparseVector< T > &SL, const SparseVector< T > &SR, const unsigned int kb, const unsigned int ke)
 dot (SparseVector, SparseVector) but only use indexes k=kb, k<ke More...
void dump (std::vector< SatPass > &SatPassList, std::ostream &os, bool rev=false, bool dbug=false)
void dump (vector< SatPass > &SatPassList, ostream &os, bool rev, bool dbug)
void dumpAllRinex3ObsTypes (ostream &os)
void dumpAllRinex3ObsTypes (std::ostream &s)
template<typename T >
errfc (T x)
double errorFunc (double x)
void expand_args (vector< string > &oldvalues, vector< string > &newvalues, string &msg)
void expand_filename (std::string &filename)
void expand_filename (std::vector< std::string > &sarray)
void expand_filename (string &filename)
void expand_filename (vector< string > &sarray)
bool expand_list_file (std::string &filename, std::vector< std::string > &values)
bool expand_list_file (string &filename, vector< string > &values)
double factorial (int n)
double far2cel (double f)
double FDistCDF (double F, int n1, int n2)
double FDistPDF (double x, int n1, int n2)
int findMilliseconds (std::vector< SatPass > &SPList, msecHandler &msh)
int findMilliseconds (vector< SatPass > &SPList, msecHandler &msh)
double Gamma (double x)
double getAlpha (SatelliteSystem sys, int na, int nb) noexcept
double getBeta (SatelliteSystem sys, int na, int nb) noexcept
double getFrequency (CarrierBand band)
double getGamma (CarrierBand band1, CarrierBand band2)
double getLeapSeconds (const int year, const int month, const double day)
RefFrameRlz getRefFrameRlz (RefFrameSys sys, const CommonTime &when)
RefFrameSys getRefFrameSys (RefFrameRlz rlz) noexcept
double getTimeSystemCorrection (const TimeSystem inTS, const TimeSystem outTS, const int year, const int month, const double day)
double getWavelength (SatelliteSystem sys, int rinexBandNum, int gloChan=0) noexcept
static double GMST (const CommonTime &t)
double hg2mb (double hg)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
BaseClass & ident (RefMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
template<class T >
Matrix< T > ident (size_t dim)
bool identical (const Namelist &N1, const Namelist &N2)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > identSparse (const unsigned int dim)
void include_path (std::string path, std::string &file)
void include_path (std::string path, std::vector< std::string > &sarray)
void include_path (string path, string &file)
void include_path (string path, vector< string > &sarray)
double incompGamma (double a, double x)
double incompleteBeta (double x, double a, double b)
template<typename T >
void insert (T *sa, int na, int(*comp)(const T &, const T &)=gnsstk::Qsort_compare)
template<typename T , typename S >
void insert (T *sa, S *pa, int na, int(*comp)(const T &, const T &)=gnsstk::Qsort_compare)
string int2bin (unsigned int v, int len=8)
double invChisqCDF (double alpha, int n)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > inverse (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > inverse (const SparseMatrix< T > &A)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > inverseChol (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
template<class T >
Matrix< T > inverseCholesky (const Matrix< T > &A)
template<class T >
Matrix< T > inverseLT (const Matrix< T > &LT, T *ptrSmall=NULL, T *ptrBig=NULL)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > inverseLT (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, T *ptrSmall, T *ptrBig)
 Compute inverse of lower-triangular SparseMatrix. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > inverseLUD (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > inverseLUD (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m, T &determ)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > inverseSVD (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m, const T tol=T(1.e-8))
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > inverseSVD (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m, T &bigNum, T &smallNum, const T tol=T(1.e-8))
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > inverseSVD (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m, Vector< T > &sv, const T tol=T(1.e-8))
template<class T >
Matrix< T > inverseUT (const Matrix< T > &UT, T *ptrSmall=NULL, T *ptrBig=NULL)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > inverseViaCholesky (const SparseMatrix< T > &A)
double invFDistCDF (double prob, int n1, int n2)
double invNormalCDF (double prob, double mu, double sig)
double invStudentsCDF (double prob, int n)
bool isRinex3NavFile (const std::string &file)
bool isRinex3NavFile (const string &file)
bool isRinex3ObsFile (const std::string &file)
bool isRinex3ObsFile (const string &file)
bool isRinexNavFile (const std::string &file)
bool isRinexNavFile (const string &file)
bool isRinexObsFile (const std::string &file)
bool isRinexObsFile (const string &file)
bool isSP3File (const std::string &file)
bool isSP3File (const string &file)
bool isValidRinexObsID (const std::string &id, const char syschar)
 Determine if the given ObsID is valid, for the given system. More...
bool isValidRinexObsID (const std::string &strID)
template<class T >
LagrangeInterpolating2ndDerivative (const std::vector< T > &pos, const std::vector< T > &val, const T desiredPos)
 Returns the second derivative of Lagrange interpolation. More...
template<class T >
LagrangeInterpolation (const std::vector< T > &X, const std::vector< T > &Y, const T &x, T &err)
template<class T >
void LagrangeInterpolation (const std::vector< T > &X, const std::vector< T > &Y, const T &x, T &y, T &dydx)
template<class T >
Matrix< T > LDL (const Matrix< T > &A, Vector< T > &D)
double lnFactorial (int n)
double lnGamma (double x)
template<class T >
Matrix< T > lowerCholesky (const Matrix< T > &A, const T ztol=T(1.e-16))
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > lowerCholesky (const SparseMatrix< T > &A)
Position lunarPosition (const CommonTime &t, double &AR)
template<class T >
mad (const gnsstk::Vector< T > &v)
 median absolute deviation of a gnsstk::Vector More...
template<class T >
mad (const std::vector< T > &v)
 median absolute deviation of a std::vector More...
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > matrixTimesTranspose (const SparseMatrix< T > &M)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
max (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l)
template<class T >
max (const SparseMatrix< T > &SM)
 Maximum element - return 0 if empty. More...
template<class T >
max (const SparseVector< T > &SV)
template<class For >
For max (const std::list< For > &lst)
 A simple way to get the max value of a list of numbers. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
maxabs (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &a) noexcept
template<class T , class BaseClass >
maxabs (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l)
template<class T >
maxabs (const SparseMatrix< T > &SM)
 Maximum absolute value - return 0 if empty. More...
template<class T >
maxabs (const SparseVector< T > &SV)
double mb2hg (double mb)
template<class T >
median (const std::vector< T > &v)
 Compute the median of a std::vector. More...
template<class T >
median (const Vector< T > &v)
 Compute the median of a gnsstk::Vector. More...
double meters2cycles (double range, double freq, EllipsoidModel &ellipsoid)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
min (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l)
template<class T >
min (const SparseMatrix< T > &SM)
 Maximum element - return 0 if empty. More...
template<class T >
min (const SparseVector< T > &SV)
template<class For >
For min (const std::list< For > &lst)
 A simple way to get the minimum value of a list of numbers. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
minabs (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l)
template<class T >
minabs (const SparseMatrix< T > &SM)
 Minimum absolute value - return 0 if empty. More...
template<class T >
minabs (const SparseVector< T > &SV)
template<class T , class BaseClass , class BaseClass2 >
Minkowski (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &v, const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &w)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > minorMatrix (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &l, size_t row, size_t col)
void mixedScanTime (CommonTime &t, const std::string &str, const std::string &fmt)
void mixedScanTime (CommonTime &t, const string &str, const string &fmt)
static double NB_Interpolate (double lat, int doy, TableEntry entry)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (AccessError, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (AssertionFailure, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (ConfigurationException, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (EndOfFile, gnsstk::FFStreamError)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (ExpressionException, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (FFStreamError, gnsstk::Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (FileMissingException, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (FileSpecException, gnsstk::Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (GeometryException, gnsstk::Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (IndexOutOfBoundsException, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (InvalidArgumentException, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (InvalidParameter, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (InvalidRequest, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (InvalidTropModel, gnsstk::Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (InvalidValue, gnsstk::Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (MatrixException, Exception)
 Thrown when there are problems with the matrix operations. More...
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (NoNAVSTARNumberFound, gnsstk::Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (NoPRNNumberFound, gnsstk::Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (NullPointerException, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (ObjectNotFound, AccessError)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (OutOfMemory, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (SingularMatrixException, MatrixException)
 Thrown when an operation can't be performed on a singular matrix. More...
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (SVNotPresentException, gnsstk::InvalidRequest)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (SystemPipeException, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (SystemQueueException, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (SystemSemaphoreException, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (UnimplementedException, Exception)
 NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS (VectorException, gnsstk::Exception)
short nominalAccuracy2ura (double acc) noexcept
template<class T , class BaseClass >
norm (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &v)
template<class T >
norm (const SparseVector< T > &SV)
double NormalCDF (double x, double mu, double sig)
template<typename T >
normalCDF (T m, T s, T x)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Vector< T > normalize (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l)
double NormalPDF (double x, double mu, double sig)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
normCol (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
normF (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
Matrix< double > northEastUp (Position &pos, bool geocentric)
 Same as upEastNorth(), but with rows re-ordered. More...
Matrix< double > northEastUpGeocentric (Position &pos)
 Same as northEastUp(pos, true). More...
Matrix< double > northEastUpGeodetic (Position &pos)
 Same as northEastUp(pos, false). More...
bool operator!= (const IonexData::IonexValType &x, const IonexData::IonexValType &y)
 operator != for IonexData::IonexValType More...
bool operator!= (const Namelist &N1, const Namelist &N2)
Namelist operator& (const Namelist &N1, const Namelist &N2)
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix< T > operator&& (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &l, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &r)
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix< T > operator&& (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &t, const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &b)
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix< T > operator&& (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass1 > &t, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &b)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > operator* (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m, const T d)
 Multiplies all the elements of m by d. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix< T > operator* (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &l, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &r)
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Vector< T > operator* (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &m, const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &v)
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Vector< T > operator* (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass1 > &v, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &m)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator* (const Matrix< T > &L, const SparseMatrix< T > &R)
 Matrix multiply: SparseMatrix = Matrix * SparseMatrix. More...
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator* (const Matrix< T > &L, const SparseVector< T > &V)
 Matrix,Vector multiply: SparseVector = Matrix * SparseVector. More...
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator* (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, const Matrix< T > &R)
 Matrix multiply: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix * Matrix. More...
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator* (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, const SparseMatrix< T > &R)
 Matrix multiply: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix * SparseMatrix. More...
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator* (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, const SparseVector< T > &V)
 Matrix,Vector multiply: SparseVector = SparseMatrix * SparseVector. More...
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator* (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, const Vector< T > &V)
 Matrix,Vector multiply: SparseVector = SparseMatrix * Vector. More...
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator* (const SparseVector< T > &V, const Matrix< T > &R)
 Vector,Matrix multiply: SparseVector = SparseVector * Matrix. More...
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator* (const SparseVector< T > &V, const SparseMatrix< T > &R)
 Vector,Matrix multiply: SparseVector = SparseVector * SparseMatrix. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > operator* (const T d, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
 Multiplies all the elements of m by d. More...
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator* (const Vector< T > &V, const SparseMatrix< T > &R)
 Vector,Matrix multiply: SparseVector = Vector * SparseMatrix. More...
Triple operator* (double scale, const Triple &rhs)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > operator+ (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m, const T d)
 Adds all the elements of m by d. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix< T > operator+ (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &l, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &r)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator+ (const Matrix< T > &L, const SparseMatrix< T > &R)
Position operator+ (const Position &left, const Position &right) noexcept
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator+ (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, const Matrix< T > &R)
 Matrix addition: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix + Matrix : copy, += M. More...
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator+ (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, const SparseMatrix< T > &R)
 Matrix addition: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix + SparseMatrix : copy, += SM. More...
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator+ (const SparseVector< T > &L, const SparseVector< T > &R)
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator+ (const SparseVector< T > &L, const Vector< T > &R)
SRI operator+ (const SRI &Sleft, const SRI &Sright)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > operator+ (const T d, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
 Adds all the elements of m by d. More...
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator+ (const Vector< T > &L, const SparseVector< T > &R)
FileSpec::FileSpecTypeoperator++ (FileSpec::FileSpecType &fst, int)
 Operator++ for FileSpecType. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > operator- (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m, const T d)
 Subtracts all the elements of m by d. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix< T > operator- (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &l, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &r)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator- (const Matrix< T > &L, const SparseMatrix< T > &R)
 Matrix subtraction: SparseMatrix = Matrix - SparseMatrix. More...
Position operator- (const Position &left, const Position &right) noexcept
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator- (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, const Matrix< T > &R)
 Matrix subtraction: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix - Matrix. More...
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator- (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, const SparseMatrix< T > &R)
 Matrix subtraction: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix - SparseMatrix. More...
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator- (const SparseVector< T > &L, const SparseVector< T > &R)
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator- (const SparseVector< T > &L, const Vector< T > &R)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > operator- (const T d, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
 Subtracts all the elements of m by d. More...
template<class T >
SparseVector< T > operator- (const Vector< T > &L, const SparseVector< T > &R)
FileSpec::FileSpecTypeoperator-- (FileSpec::FileSpecType &fst, int)
 Operator– for FileSpecType. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > operator/ (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m, const T d)
 Divides all the elements of m by d. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > operator/ (const T d, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
 Divides all the elements of m by d. More...
bool operator< (const IonexData::IonexValType &x, const IonexData::IonexValType &y)
 operator < for IonexData::IonexValType More...
bool operator< (const RinexObsType &x, const RinexObsType &y)
 operator < for RinexObsType More...
std::ostream & operator<< (FFStream &o, const FFData &f)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const EarthOrientation &eo)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const EOPPrediction &eopp)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const format &f)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const LabeledVector &LV)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const Namelist &N)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const SRI &S)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const SRIleastSquares &srif)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const TimeSystem ts)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const WtdAveStats &was)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, CarrierBand cb)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const BrcClockCorrection &eph)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const BrcKeplerOrbit &eph)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const EngEphemeris &eph)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const Epoch &e)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const Exception &e)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const ExceptionLocation &e)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const gnsstk::SatelliteSystem sys)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const PackedNavBits &pnb)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const Position &p)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, GLOCOrbitType e)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, GLOCRegime e)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, GLOCSatType e)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, GLOFNavPCode e)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, GLOFNavSatType e)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, GPSLNavL2Codes e)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, ObservationType ot)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, SVHealth h)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, TrackingCode tc)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const CommonTime &ct)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const gnsstk::Xvt &xvt) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LabeledMatrix &lm)
 output ostream operator for LabeledMatrix More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LabeledVector &lv)
 output ostream operator for LabeledVector More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SparseMatrix< T > &SM)
 stream output operator More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SparseVector< T > &SV)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TimeSystem ts)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Xvt::HealthStatus &health) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, IERSConvention cv)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ReferenceFrame f)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, SatPass &sp)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, CarrierBand e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const AllanDeviation &a)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const AlmOrbit &ao)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Angle &a)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const AngleReduced &a)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const BivarStats< T > &BVS)
 Output operator for BivarStats class. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const CNavFilterData &nfd)
template<class T , class E >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ConstMatrixBase< T, E > &a)
 Output operator for ConstMatrixBase classes. More...
template<class T , class E >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ConstVectorBase< T, E > &a)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const EngAlmanac &alm)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Epoch &t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const FormattedDouble &d)
 Stream output for FormattedDouble. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const gnsstk::GPSZcount &z)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const gnsstk::NavMessageTypeSet &nmts)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const gnsstk::Triple &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const gnsstk::WxObservation &obs) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const GSatID &sat)
 stream output for GSatID More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const IonexData::IonexValType ivt)
 operator << for IonexData::IonexValType More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const LNavFilterData &nfd)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const NavFilterKey &nfk)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const NavID &p)
 stream output for NavID More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const NavMessageID &nmid)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const NavSatelliteID &nsid)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const NavSignalID &nsid)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ObsEpoch &oe) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ObsID &p)
 stream output for ObsID More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ObsRngDev &ord) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PackedNavBits &pnb)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const RefFrame &rf)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Rinex3ObsHeader::Fields &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const RinexObsType rot)
 operator << for RinexObsType More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const RinexSatID &sat)
 Stream output for RinexSatID. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SatelliteSystem sys)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SatID &p)
 stream output for SatID More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SatMetaData &smd)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SatMetaDataStore::SVNID &svn)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SatMetaDataStore::SystemBlock &sblk)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SeqStats< T > &ST)
 Output operator for SeqStats class. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SP3SatID &sat)
 stream output for SP3SatID More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Stats< T > &ST)
 Output operator for Stats class. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SvObsEpoch &obs) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Transformer &t)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const TwoSampleStats< T > &TSS)
 Output operator for TwoSampleStats class. More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ValidType< T > &r) noexcept
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const WtdStats< T > &ST)
 Output operator for WtdStats class. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, CorrectorType t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, GLOFNavPCode e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, GLOFNavSatType e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::AngleType e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::CorrDupHandling e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::GalDataValid e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::GalHealthStatus e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::GLOCOrbitType e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::GLOCRegime e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::GLOCSatType e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::GPSLNavL2Codes e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::IonexStoreStrategy e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::NavMessageType e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::NavType e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::NavValidityType e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::ObservationType e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::RefFrameRlz e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::RefFrameSys e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::SVHealth e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, gnsstk::TrackingCode e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, SatMetaData::ClockType ct)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, SatMetaData::Status status)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, XmitAnt e)
bool operator== (const IonexData::IonexValType &x, const IonexData::IonexValType &y)
 operator == for IonexData::IonexValType More...
bool operator== (const Namelist &N1, const Namelist &N2)
bool operator== (const RinexObsType &x, const RinexObsType &y)
 operator == for RinexObsType More...
std::istream & operator>> (FFStream &i, FFData &f)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &s, FormattedDouble &d)
Namelist operator^ (const Namelist &N1, const Namelist &N2)
Namelist operator| (const Namelist &N1, const Namelist &N2)
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix< T > operator|| (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &l, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &r)
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix< T > operator|| (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &l, const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &r)
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix< T > operator|| (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass1 > &l, const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &r)
template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix< T > operator|| (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass1 > &l, const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &r)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator|| (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, const SparseMatrix< T > &R)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > operator|| (const SparseMatrix< T > &L, const Vector< T > &V)
 Concatenation SparseMatrix || Vector TD the rest of them... More...
Matrix< double > orbitNormalAttitude (const Position &pos, const Position &vel)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > outer (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &v, const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &w)
template<class TimeTagType >
std::string printAs (const CommonTime &t, const std::string &fmt)
std::string printTime (const CommonTime &t, const std::string &fmt)
template<typename T >
void QSort (T *sa, int na, int(*comp)(const T &, const T &)=gnsstk::Qsort_compare)
template<typename T , typename S >
void QSort (T *sa, S *pa, int na, int(*comp)(const T &, const T &)=gnsstk::Qsort_compare)
template<typename T >
int Qsort_compare (const T &a, const T &b)
double Rand (long seed=0)
 Generate random numbers uniformly distributed from 0 to 1. More...
double RandExpCor (double dt, double sigma, double T, double xlast)
double RandNorm (double sigma)
double RandomWalk (double dt, double sigma, double xlast)
double range (const Position &A, const Position &B)
void reallyGetRecordVer2 (Rinex3ObsStream &strm, Rinex3ObsData &rod)
void reallyPutRecordVer2 (Rinex3ObsStream &strm, const Rinex3ObsData &rod)
int RegisterARLUTExtendedTypes (void)
int RegisterExtendedRinexObsType (std::string t, std::string d=std::string("(undefined)"), std::string u=std::string("undefined"), unsigned int dep=0)
 Function to allow user to define a new RINEX observation type. More...
int RegisterExtendedRinexObsType (string t, string d, string u, unsigned int dep)
double RelativityCorrection (const Xvt &svPosVel)
void removeMilliseconds (std::vector< SatPass > &SPList, msecHandler &msh)
void removeMilliseconds (vector< SatPass > &SPList, msecHandler &msh)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
RMS (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l)
template<class T >
Matrix< T > rotation (T angle, int axis)
double Round (double x)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
RSS (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l)
template<class T >
RSS (T aa, T bb)
 Perform the root sum square of aa, bb. More...
template<class T >
RSS (T aa, T bb, T cc)
 Perform the root sum square of aa, bb and cc. More...
template<class T >
RSS (T aa, T bb, T cc, T dd)
 Perform the root sum square of aa, bb, cc and dd. More...
Matrix< double > satelliteAttitude (const Position &sat, const Position &sun)
double satelliteEarthSunAngle (const Position &sat, const Position &sun)
void satelliteNadirAzimuthAngles (const Position &sv, const Position &rx, const Matrix< double > &rot, double &nadir, double &azimuth)
double satelliteYawAngle (const Position &pos, const Position &vel, const Position &sun, const bool &blkIIRF, double &yawrate)
int SatPassFromRinexFiles (std::vector< std::string > &filenames, std::vector< std::string > &obstypes, double dt, std::vector< SatPass > &SPList, std::vector< RinexSatID > exSats=std::vector< RinexSatID >(), bool lenient=true, gnsstk::Epoch beginTime=gnsstk::CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME, gnsstk::Epoch endTime=gnsstk::CommonTime::END_OF_TIME)
int SatPassFromRinexFiles (vector< string > &filenames, vector< string > &obstypes, double dtin, vector< SatPass > &SPList, vector< RinexSatID > exSats, bool lenient, Epoch beginTime, Epoch endTime)
int SatPassToRinex2File (const std::string &filename, RinexObsHeader &header, std::vector< SatPass > &SPList)
int SatPassToRinex2File (const string &filename, RinexObsHeader &header, vector< SatPass > &SPList)
int SatPassToRinex3File (const std::string &filename, const Rinex3ObsHeader &header, const std::map< char, std::vector< std::string >> &sysobs, std::vector< SatPass > &SPList)
int SatPassToRinex3File (const string &filename, const Rinex3ObsHeader &headerIn, const map< char, vector< string >> &sysobs, vector< SatPass > &SPList)
void scanTime (CommonTime &t, const std::string &str, const std::string &fmt)
void scanTime (CommonTime &t, const string &str, const string &fmt)
void scanTime (TimeTag &btime, const std::string &str, const std::string &fmt)
void scanTime (TimeTag &btime, const string &str, const string &fmt)
double seriesIncompGamma (double a, double x)
double shadowFactor (const Position &sv, const Position &sun)
double shadowFactor (double angRadEarth, double angRadSun, double angSeparation)
static void shortcut (ostream &os, const long HOW)
static void shortcut (ostream &os, const long HOW)
static void shortcut (ostream &os, const long HOW)
template<class T >
SimpleLagrangeInterpolation (const std::vector< T > &X, const std::vector< T > &Y, const T x)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
slowDet (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &l)
Position solarPosition (const CommonTime &t, double &AR)
double solarPositionShadowFactor (double Rearth, double Rsun, double dES)
std::string sortRinex3ObsFiles (std::vector< std::string > &files)
string sortRinex3ObsFiles (vector< string > &files)
std::string sortRinexObsFiles (std::vector< std::string > &files)
string sortRinexObsFiles (vector< string > &files)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > SparseHouseholder (const SparseMatrix< T > &A)
 Householder transformation of a matrix. More...
template<class T >
void SrifMU (Matrix< T > &R, Vector< T > &Z, const Matrix< T > &H, Vector< T > &D, unsigned int M=0)
template<class T >
void SrifMU (Matrix< T > &R, Vector< T > &Z, Matrix< T > &A, unsigned int M=0)
template<class T >
void SrifMU (Matrix< T > &R, Vector< T > &Z, SparseMatrix< T > &A, const unsigned int M)
template<class T >
void SrifMU (Matrix< T > &R, Vector< T > &Z, SparseMatrix< T > &P, Vector< T > &D, const unsigned int M)
template<class bt >
ListStats< bt > stats (const std::list< bt > &lst)
double StudentsCDF (double t, int n)
double StudentsPDF (double X, int n)
template<class T , class BaseClass >
sum (const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &l)
void sunOrbitAngles (const Position &pos, const Position &vel, const Position &sun, double &beta, double &phi)
long timeAdjust8BitWeekRollover (long toCorrectWeek, long &refWeek)
long timeAdjustWeekRollover (long toCorrectWeek, long &refWeek)
static void timeDisplay (ostream &os, const CommonTime &t)
static void timeDisplay (ostream &os, const CommonTime &t)
static void timeDisplay (ostream &os, const CommonTime &t)
gnsstk::Xvt::HealthStatus toXvtHealth (SVHealth e)
 Cast SVHealth to Xvt::HealthStatus. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
trace (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > transform (const SparseMatrix< T > &M, const SparseMatrix< T > &C)
template<class T >
Vector< T > transformDiag (const SparseMatrix< T > &P, const Matrix< T > &C)
 Compute diagonal of P*C*P^T, ie diagonal of transform of square Matrix C. More...
template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix< T > transpose (const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &m)
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > transpose (const SparseMatrix< T > &M)
 transpose More...
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > transposeTimesMatrix (const SparseMatrix< T > &M)
template<typename T >
std::string typeString ()
template<class T >
Matrix< T > UDU (const Matrix< T > &A, Vector< T > &D)
Matrix< double > upEastNorth (Position &pos, bool geocentric)
Matrix< double > upEastNorthGeocentric (Position &pos)
Matrix< double > upEastNorthGeodetic (Position &pos)
 Same as upEastNorth, but using geodetic coordinates. More...
template<class T >
Matrix< T > upperCholesky (const Matrix< T > &A, const T ztol=T(1.e-16))
template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > upperCholesky (const SparseMatrix< T > &A)
double ura2accuracy (short ura) noexcept
double ura2CNAVaccuracy (short ura)
double ura2CNAVNominalaccuracy (short ura)
double ura2nominalAccuracy (short ura) noexcept
template<class T >
Matrix< T > UTtimesTranspose (const Matrix< T > &UT)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > vec_intersect (const std::vector< T > &v1, const std::vector< T > &v2)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > vec_notintersect (const std::vector< T > &v1, const std::vector< T > &v2)
VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector< T > Vector< T > VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector< bool > Vector< bool > VecBaseNewBinaryOperator (!=, Vector< bool >) VecBaseNewBinaryOperator(<
VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector< T > VecBaseNewBinaryOperator (+, Vector< T >) VecBaseNewBinaryOperator(-
VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector VecBaseNewBinaryOperator (/, Vector< T >) VecBaseNewBinaryOperator(%
VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector< T > Vector< T > VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector< bool > VecBaseNewBinaryOperator (<, Vector< bool >) VecBaseNewBinaryOperator(>
VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector< T > Vector< T > VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector< bool > Vector< bool > Vector< bool > VecBaseNewBinaryOperator (>=, Vector< bool >) template< class T
VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector< T > Vector< T > VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector VecBaseNewBinaryOperator (|, Vector< T >) VecBaseNewBinaryOperator(
 VecShortwireComparisonOperator (eq,==) VecShortwireComparisonOperator(ne
template<class T >
int vectorindex (const std::vector< T > &vec, const T &value)
template<class TimeTagType >
bool willPrintAs (const std::string &fmt)


const GNSSTK_EXPORT NavMessageTypeSet allNavMessageTypes
const double BDS_EPOCH_JD = 2453736.5
 'Julian day' of BDS epoch (Jan. 1, 2006). More...
const long BDS_EPOCH_MJD = 53736L
 Modified Julian Date of BDS epoch (Jan. 1, 2006). More...
const long BDS_WEEK_PER_EPOCH = 8192L
 Weeks per BDS Epoch. More...
 Earliest representable Epoch. More...
static const double C2_FACT = 40.3e+16
static const std::ios_base::iostate crcbit = std::ios_base::iostate(0x01)
 Define additional/other bits are the data requires. More...
const double DAY_PER_MS = 1.0/MS_PER_DAY
 Days per milliseconds. More...
const double DAY_PER_SEC = 1.0/SEC_PER_DAY
 Days per second. More...
const double DAY_PER_ZCOUNT = 1.0/ZCOUNT_PER_DAY
 Days in a Zcount. More...
CommandOptionVec defaultCommandOptionList
const Epoch END_OF_TIME (CommonTime::END_OF_TIME)
 Latest Representable Epoch. More...
static const std::ios_base::iostate fmtbit = std::ios_base::iostate(0x02)
const double FREQ_BEIDOU_B1 = 1561.098e6
 BeiDou B1 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_BEIDOU_B1U = 1589.742e6
 BeiDou B1U carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_BEIDOU_B2 = 1191.795e6
 BeiDou B2 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_BEIDOU_B2a = 1176.45e6
 BeiDou B2a carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_BEIDOU_B2b = 1207.14e6
 BeiDou B2b carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_BEIDOU_B3 = 1268.52e6
 BeiDou B3 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_BEIDOU_L1 = 1575.42e6
 BeiDou L1 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GALILEO_E1 = 1575.42e6
 Galileo E1 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GALILEO_E5 = 1191.795e6
 Galileo E5 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GALILEO_E5a = 1176.45e6
 Galileo E5a carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GALILEO_E5b = 1207.14e6
 Galileo E5b carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GALILEO_E6 = 1278.75e6
 Galileo E6 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GLONASS_G1 = 1602e6
 GLONASS G1 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GLONASS_G1a = 1600.995e6
 GLONASS G1a carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GLONASS_G2 = 1246e6
 GLONASS G2 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GLONASS_G2a = 1248.06e6
 GLONASS G2a carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GLONASS_G2c = 1242e6
 GLONASS G2c carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GLONASS_G3 = 1202.025e6
 GLONASS G3 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GLONASS_G5 = 1207.14e6
 GLONASS G5 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GPS_L1 = 1575.42e6
 GPS L1 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GPS_L2 = 1227.6e6
 GPS L2 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_GPS_L5 = 1176.45e6
 GPS L5 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_NAVIC_L5 = 1176.45e6
 NavIC L5 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_NAVIC_S = 2492.028e6
 NavIC S carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_QZSS_L1 = 1575.42e6
 QZSS L1 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_QZSS_L2 = 1227.6e6
 QZSS L2 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_QZSS_L5 = 1176.45e6
 QZSS L5 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_QZSS_L6 = 1278.75e6
 QZSS L6 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_SBAS_L1 = 1575.42e6
 SBAS L1 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_SBAS_L5 = 1176.45e6
 SBAS L5 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_STEP_GLONASS_G1 = 562.5e3
 GLONASS G1 carrier frequency step size in Hz. More...
const double FREQ_STEP_GLONASS_G2 = 437.5e3
 GLONASS G2 carrier frequency step size in Hz. More...
const long FULLWEEK = 604800L
 Seconds per whole week. More...
const double GAL_EPOCH_JD = 2451412.5
 'Julian day' of GAL epoch (Aug 22 1999) More...
const long GAL_EPOCH_MJD = 51412L
 Modified Julian Date of GAL epoch (Aug 22 1999) More...
const long GAL_WEEK_PER_EPOCH = 4096L
 Weeks per GAL Epoch. More...
static const double GGdryscale = 8594.777388436570600
static const double GGwetscale = 2540.042008403690900
const double GLO_EPOCH_JD = 2450082.5
 'Julian day' of GLONASS epoch (Jan. 1, 1996). More...
const long GLO_EPOCH_MJD = 50083
 Modified Julian Date of GLONASS epoch (Jan. 1, 1996). More...
static GNSSTKFormatInitializer gnsstkMFNDFI
const double GPS_EPOCH_JD = 2444244.5
 'Julian day' of GPS epoch (Jan. 6, 1980). More...
const long GPS_EPOCH_MJD = 44244L
 Modified Julian Date of GPS epoch (Jan. 6, 1980). More...
const long GPS_WEEK_PER_EPOCH = 1024L
 Weeks per GPS Epoch. More...
const long HALFWEEK = 302400L
 Seconds per half week. More...
const double IRN_EPOCH_JD = 2451412.5
 'Julian day' of IRN epoch (Aug 22, 1999). More...
const long IRN_EPOCH_MJD = 51412L
 Modified Julian Date of BDS epoch (Aug 22, 1999). More...
const long IRN_WEEK_PER_EPOCH = 1024L
 Weeks per BDS Epoch. More...
const double L1_FREQ_BDS = 1561.098e6
 BDS L1 (B1) carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L1_FREQ_GAL = L1_FREQ_GPS
 GAL L1 (E1) carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L1_FREQ_GEO = L1_FREQ_GPS
 GEO L1 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L1_FREQ_GLO = 1602.0e6
 GLO L1 carrier base frequency in Hz. More...
const double L1_FREQ_GPS = 1575.42e6
 GPS L1 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L1_FREQ_QZS = L1_FREQ_GPS
 QZS L1 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L1_FREQ_STEP_GLO = 562.5e3
 GLO L1 carrier frequency step size in Hz. More...
const double L1_WAVELENGTH_BDS = 0.192039486310276
 BDS L1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 GAL L1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 GEO L1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L1_WAVELENGTH_GLO = 0.187136365793
 GLO L1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L1_WAVELENGTH_GPS = 0.190293672798
 GPS L1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 QZS L1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L2_FREQ_BDS = L7_FREQ_GAL
 BDS L2 (B2) carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L2_FREQ_GLO = 1246.0e6
 GLO L2 carrier base frequency in Hz. More...
const double L2_FREQ_GPS = 1227.60e6
 GPS L2 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L2_FREQ_QZS = L2_FREQ_GPS
 QZS L2 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L2_FREQ_STEP_GLO = 437.5e3
 GLO L2 carrier frequency step size in Hz. More...
 BDS L2 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L2_WAVELENGTH_GLO = 0.240603898876
 GLO L2 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L2_WAVELENGTH_GPS = 0.244210213425
 GPS L2 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 QZS L2 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L3_FREQ_BDS = 1268.52e6
 BDS L3 (B3) carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L3_FREQ_GLO = 1202.025e6
 GLO L3 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L3_WAVELENGTH_BDS = 0.236332464604421
 BDS L3 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L3_WAVELENGTH_GLO = 0.249406175412
 GLO L3 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L5_FREQ_GAL = L5_FREQ_GPS
 GAL L5 (E5a) carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L5_FREQ_GEO = L5_FREQ_GPS
 GEO L5 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L5_FREQ_GPS = 1176.45e6
 GPS L5 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L5_FREQ_QZS = L5_FREQ_GPS
 QZS L5 carrier frequency in Hz. More...
 GAL L5 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 GEO L5 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L5_WAVELENGTH_GPS = 0.254828049
 GPS L5 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 QZS L5 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L6_FREQ_GAL = 1278.75e6
 GAL L6 (E6) carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L6_FREQ_QZS = L6_FREQ_GAL
 QZS LEX(6) carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L6_WAVELENGTH_GAL = 0.234441805
 GAL L6 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 QZS LEX(6) carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L7_FREQ_GAL = 1207.140e6
 GAL L7 (E5b) carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L7_WAVELENGTH_GAL = 0.24834937
 GAL L7 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double L8_FREQ_GAL = 1191.795e6
 GAL L8 (E5a+E5b) carrier frequency in Hz. More...
const double L8_WAVELENGTH_GAL = 0.251547001
 GAL L8 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const long LAST_6SEC_ZCOUNT_OF_WEEK = 403200 - 4
static const std::ios_base::iostate lenbit = std::ios_base::iostate(0x04)
const long LENGTH_OF_EOW_OVERLAP = 34
static short LIMIT [] = { 127, 511 }
const int MAX_BIT = 32
 Number of bits assumed to be in a unsigned long int. More...
const long MAX_PRN = 32
const int MAX_PRN_CODE = 210
 Maximum PRN Code number (1-n) More...
const long MAX_PRN_GPS = 32
const int MAX_WORD = 140
const long MAX_X2_TEST = 4 * ((XA_COUNT * XA_MAX_EPOCH) + X2A_EPOCH_DELAY)
const double maxBias = 999999.0
 A clock bias >= this is considered bad. More...
const long MJD_JDAY = 2400001L
 'Julian day' offset from MJD More...
const double MJD_TO_JD = 2400000.5
 Add this offset to convert Modified Julian Date to Julian Date. More...
static const double MOPSg =9.80665
static const double MOPSgm =9.784
static const double MOPSk1 =77.604
static const double MOPSk2 =382000.0
static const double MOPSRd =287.054
 Milliseconds in a day. More...
const long MS_PER_SEC = 1000L
 Milliseconds in a second. More...
static const double NBg =9.80665
static const double NBk1 =77.604
static const double NBk3p =382000
static const double NBLat [5] ={ 15.0, 30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 75.0}
static const double NBMaa [5]
static const double NBMad [5]
static const double NBMaw [5]
static const double NBMba [5]
static const double NBMbd [5]
static const double NBMbw [5]
static const double NBMca [5]
static const double NBMcd [5]
static const double NBMcw [5]
static const double NBRd =287.054
static const double NBZB0 [5] ={6.30e-3,6.05e-3,5.58e-3,5.39e-3,4.53e-3}
static const double NBZBa [5] ={ 0.0,0.25e-3,0.32e-3,0.81e-3,0.62e-3}
static const double NBZL0 [5] ={ 2.77, 3.15, 2.57, 1.81, 1.55}
static const double NBZLa [5] ={ 0.0, 0.33, 0.46, 0.74, 0.30}
static const double NBZP0 [5] ={1013.25,1017.25,1015.75,1011.75,1013.00}
static const double NBZPa [5] ={ 0.0, -3.75, -2.25, -1.75, -0.50}
static const double NBZT0 [5] ={ 299.65, 294.15, 283.15, 272.15, 263.65}
static const double NBZTa [5] ={ 0.0, 7.0, 11.0, 15.0, 14.5}
static const double NBZW0 [5] ={ 26.31, 21.79, 11.66, 6.78, 4.11}
static const double NBZWa [5] ={ 0.0, 8.85, 7.24, 5.36, 3.39}
static const double NeillDryA [5]
static const double NeillDryA1 [5]
static const double NeillDryB [5]
static const double NeillDryB1 [5]
static const double NeillDryC [5]
static const double NeillDryC1 [5]
static const double NeillWetA [5]
static const double NeillWetB [5]
static const double NeillWetC [5]
const long NUM_6SEC_WORDS = 1918125
 Number of 4 byte unsigned ints necessary to hold 6 sec of P-code. More...
const long NUM_X2_WORDS = 1918131
 Number of 4 byte unsigned ints necessary to hold an X2 sequence (with leading delay) More...
const long OVERLAP_WORD_POSITION = 1451897
static const std::ios_base::iostate parbit = std::ios_base::iostate(0x08)
static double PItab [7]
 Table of powers of PI, initialized in EngNav(). More...
const double QZS_EPOCH_JD = 2444244.5
 'Julian day' of QZS epoch (Jan. 1, 1980). More...
const long QZS_EPOCH_MJD = 44244L
 Modified Julian Date of QZS epoch (Jan. 1, 1980). More...
const long QZS_WEEK_PER_EPOCH = 65535L
 Weeks per QZS Epoch. More...
static short RANGE [] = { 256, 1024 }
static const double SaasDryA [5]
static const double SaasDryA1 [5]
static const double SaasDryB [5]
static const double SaasDryB1 [5]
static const double SaasDryC [5]
static const double SaasDryC1 [5]
static const double SaasWetA [5]
static const double SaasWetB [5]
static const double SaasWetC [5]
const long SEC_PER_DAY = 86400L
 Seconds per day. More...
const double SEC_PER_MS = 1.0/MS_PER_SEC
 Seconds per millisecond. More...
RinexObsType sot [29]
const Matrix< double > SRINullMatrix
 constant (empty) Matrix used for default input arguments More...
const SparseMatrix< double > SRINullSparseMatrix
 constant (empty) SparseMatrix used for default input arguments More...
static std::vector< std::vector< DecodeQuant > > subframeListFoo
 map from SV accuracy/URA flag to maximum accuracy values in m More...
 constant for the max array index in sv accuracy table More...
 map from SV accuracy/URA flag to minimum accuracy values in m More...
 map from SV accuracy/URA flag to maximum accuracy values in m More...
 constant for the max array index in sv accuracy table More...
 map from SV accuracy/URA flag to minimum accuracy values in m More...
const int SV_CNAV_INDEX_OFFSET = 15
 constant for gps nom index table offset More...
 constant for max array index in gps nom index table More...
static const char * SystemNames []
const long UNIX_MJD = 40587L
 Modified Julian Date of UNIX epoch (Jan. 1, 1970). More...
 BeiDou B1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 BeiDou B1U carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 BeiDou B2 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 BeiDou B2a carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 BeiDou B2b carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 BeiDou B3 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 BeiDou L1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 Galileo E1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 Galileo E5 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 Galileo E5a carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 Galileo E5b carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 Galileo E6 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 GLONASS G1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 GLONASS G1a carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 GLONASS G2 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 GLONASS G2a carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 GLONASS G2c carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 GLONASS G3 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 GLONASS G5 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double WAVELENGTH_GPS_L1 = C_MPS / FREQ_GPS_L1
 GPS L1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double WAVELENGTH_GPS_L2 = C_MPS / FREQ_GPS_L2
 GPS L2 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
const double WAVELENGTH_GPS_L5 = C_MPS / FREQ_GPS_L5
 GPS L5 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 NavIC L5 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 NavIC S carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 QZSS L1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 QZSS L2 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 QZSS L5 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 QZSS L6 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 SBAS L1 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 SBAS L5 carrier wavelength in meters. More...
 Weeks in a Zcount. More...
static const char * weekday []
static const char * weekdayAbbr []
const int X1_PER_DAY = 57600
 Number of X1 epochs in one day. More...
const unsigned int X1A_INIT = 0x0248
 INIT variables are starting conditions of 12-bit registers (IS-GPS-200) More...
const unsigned int X1A_TAPS = 0x0CA0
 TAPS variables denote which stages of 12-bit registers are XOR'd. More...
const unsigned int X1B_INIT = 0x0554
const unsigned int X1B_TAPS = 0x0F93
const long X2A_EPOCH_DELAY = 37
 The 37 chip delay at the end of every X2A epoch. More...
const unsigned int X2A_INIT = 0x0925
const unsigned int X2A_TAPS = 0x0FDD
const unsigned int X2B_INIT = 0x0554
const unsigned int X2B_TAPS = 0x098E
const int XA_COUNT = 4092
 X?_COUNT is the number of bits in an epoch. More...
const long XA_EPOCH_DELAY = 0
const int XA_MAX_EPOCH = 3750
 X?_MAX_EPOCH is the maximum number of epochs in a sequence. More...
const int XB_COUNT = 4093
const long XB_EPOCH_DELAY = 343
const int XB_MAX_EPOCH = 3749
const long ZCOUNT_PER_DAY = 57600L
 Zcounts in a day. More...
const long ZCOUNT_PER_HOUR = 2400
 Z-counts per hour. More...
const long ZCOUNT_PER_MINUTE = 40
 Z-counts per minute. More...
const long ZCOUNT_PER_WEEK = 403200L
 Zcounts in a week. More...

GNSS Constants

Time constants are in TimeConstants.hpp

const double PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383280
 GPS value of PI; also specified by GAL. More...
const double DEG2RAD = PI / 180.0
 Multiply degrees by DEG2RAD to get radians. More...
const double RAD2DEG = 180.0 / PI
 Multiply radians by RAD2DEG to get degrees. More...
const double TWO_PI = 6.283185307179586476925286766559
 GPS value of PI*2. More...
const double SQRT_PI = 1.772453850905516027298167483341
 GPS value of PI**0.5. More...
const double REL_CONST = -4.442807633e-10
 relativity constant (sec/sqrt(m)) More...
const double C_MPS = 2.99792458e8
 m/s, speed of light; this value defined by GPS but applies to GAL and GLO. More...
static const double DEG_TO_RAD = 1.7453292519943e-2
 Conversion Factor from degrees to radians (units: degrees^-1) More...
static const double RAD_TO_DEG = 57.295779513082
 Conversion Factor from radians to degrees (units: degrees) More...
static const double DEG_PER_MAS = 2.77777777777e-7
 degrees per milliarcsecond (1e-3/3600.) More...
static const double RAD_PER_MAS = 4.84813681e-9
 radians per milliarcsecond More...
static const double PPB = 1.e-9
 parts per billion More...
const double OSC_FREQ_GPS = 10.23e6
 Hz, GPS Oscillator or chip frequency. More...
 Hz, GPS chip rate of the P & Y codes. More...
const double CA_CHIP_FREQ_GPS = OSC_FREQ_GPS / 10.0
 Hz, GPS chip rate of the C/A code. More...
const double RSVCLK_GPS = 10.22999999543e6
 Hz, GPS Base freq w/o relativisitic effects. More...
const double L1_MULT_GPS = 154.0
 GPS L1 frequency in units of oscillator frequency. More...
const double L2_MULT_GPS = 120.0
 GPS L2 frequency in units of oscillator frequency. More...
const double L5_MULT_GPS = 115.0
 GPS L5 frequency in units of oscillator frequency. More...
const double GAMMA_GPS_12 = (L1_MULT_GPS/L2_MULT_GPS) * (L1_MULT_GPS/L2_MULT_GPS)
 GPS Gamma constants. More...
const double GAMMA_GPS_15 = (L1_MULT_GPS/L5_MULT_GPS) * (L1_MULT_GPS/L5_MULT_GPS)
const double GAMMA_GPS = 1.646944444
const double A_REF_GPS = 26559710.0
 Reference Semi-major axis. From IS-GPS-800 Table 3.5-2 in meters. More...
const double OMEGADOT_REF_GPS = -2.6e-9 * PI
 Omega reference value from Table 30-I converted to radians. More...
const double OSC_FREQ_GLO = 5.11e6
 GLO Fundamental chip rate in Hz. More...
 GLO Chip rate of the P & Y codes in Hz. More...
const double CA_CHIP_FREQ_GLO = OSC_FREQ_GLO / 10.0
 GLO Chip rate of the C/A code in Hz. More...
const double PSC_FREQ_GLO = 5.00e6
 GLO Fundamental oscillator freq in Hz. More...
const double RSVCLK_GLO = 4.99999999782e6
 GLO Base freq w/o relativisitic effects in Hz. More...
const double L1_MULT_GLO = 320.4
 GLO L1 multiplier. More...
const double L2_MULT_GLO = 249.2
 GLO L2 multiplier. More...
 Constant for the max array index in SV accuracy table. More...
const double SV_ACCURACY_GLO_INDEX []
const long MAX_PRN_COM = 63
 The maximum number of active satellites in the Compass constellation. More...
const long MIN_GEO_BDS_II = 1
 The first ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase II satellites. More...
const long MAX_GEO_BDS_II = 5
 The last ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase II satellites. More...
const long MIN_MEO_BDS = 6
 The first ranging code number for BeiDou MEO/IGSO satellites. More...
const long MAX_MEO_BDS = 58
 The last ranging code number for BeiDou MEO/IGSO satellites. More...
const long MIN_GEO_BDS_III = 59
 The first ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase III satellites. More...
const long MAX_GEO_BDS_III = 63
 The last ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase III satellites. More...
const int MIN_PRN_QZS = 193
 First assigned PRN in QZSS. More...
const int MAX_PRN_QZS = 206
 Last assigned PRN in QZSS (all signals) More...
const int MAX_PRN_QZS_LNAV = 202
 Last assigned PRN in QZSS (LNAV only) More...
short getLegacyFitInterval (const short iodc, const short fiti)
bool isBeiDouGEO (const SatID &sat)
 Return true if the given SatID is BeiDou GEO (expecting D2 nav). More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ AlmOrbits

typedef std::map<SatID, AlmOrbit> gnsstk::AlmOrbits

Map from SatID to AlmOrbit.

Definition at line 123 of file AlmOrbit.hpp.

◆ AngleTypeIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (AngleType i : AngleTypeIterator())

Definition at line 67 of file AngleType.hpp.

◆ CarrierBandIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (CarrierBand i : CarrierBandIterator())

Definition at line 80 of file CarrierBand.hpp.

◆ CommandOptionVec

typedef std::vector<CommandOption*> gnsstk::CommandOptionVec

Definition at line 66 of file CommandOption.hpp.

◆ CorrDupHandlingIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (CorrDupHandling i : CorrDupHandlingIterator())

Definition at line 71 of file CorrDupHandling.hpp.

◆ CorrDupHandlingSet

Set of message types, used by NavLibrary and NavDataFactory.

Definition at line 73 of file CorrDupHandling.hpp.

◆ CorrectionResultList

Just an ordered list of group path correction results.

Definition at line 73 of file CorrectionResult.hpp.

◆ CorrectorTypeIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (CorrectorType i : CorrectorTypeIterator())

Definition at line 65 of file CorrectorType.hpp.

◆ CorrectorTypeSet

Set of message types, used by NavLibrary and NavDataFactory.

Definition at line 67 of file CorrectorType.hpp.

◆ DumpDetailIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (DumpDetail i : DumpDetailIterator())

Definition at line 63 of file DumpDetail.hpp.

◆ GalDataValidIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (GalDataValid i : GalDataValidIterator())

Definition at line 61 of file GalDataValid.hpp.

◆ GalHealthStatusIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (GalHealthStatus i : GalHealthStatusIterator())

Definition at line 63 of file GalHealthStatus.hpp.

◆ GGHeightTropCorrector

Wrapper for the Goad and Goodman trop model with heights.

Definition at line 145 of file TropCorrector.hpp.

◆ GGTropCorrector

Wrapper for the Goad and Goodman trop model.

Definition at line 143 of file TropCorrector.hpp.

◆ GlobalTropCorrector

Wrapper for the global trop model (Boehm et al).

Definition at line 149 of file TropCorrector.hpp.

◆ GLOFNavPCodeIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (GLOFNavPCode i : GLOFNavPCodeIterator())

Definition at line 68 of file GLOFNavPCode.hpp.

◆ GLOFNavSatTypeIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (GLOFNavSatType i : GLOFNavSatTypeIterator())

Definition at line 61 of file GLOFNavSatType.hpp.


typedef std::set<std::shared_ptr<GPSLNavEph>,GPSLNavEphCEIComp> gnsstk::GPSLNavCEIUniq

Store GPSLNavEph shared_ptrs using GPSLNavEphCEIComp to sort.

Definition at line 147 of file GPSLNavEph.hpp.


typedef std::set<std::shared_ptr<GPSLNavEph>, GPSLNavEphIODCComp> gnsstk::GPSLNavIODCUniq

Store GPSLNavEph shared_ptrs using GPSLNavEphIODCComp to sort.

Definition at line 132 of file GPSLNavEph.hpp.

◆ GPSLNavL2CodesIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (GPSLNavL2Codes i : GPSLNavL2CodesIterator())

Definition at line 63 of file GPSLNavL2Codes.hpp.

◆ GroupPathCorrectorList

Short-hand for container.

Definition at line 93 of file GroupPathCorrector.hpp.

◆ GroupPathCorrectorPtr

Short-hand for shared_ptr.

Definition at line 91 of file GroupPathCorrector.hpp.

◆ IonexStoreStrategyIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (IonexStoreStrategy i : IonexStoreStrategyIterator())

Definition at line 63 of file IonexStoreStrategy.hpp.

◆ NavDataFactoryMap

Map signal to a factory.

Definition at line 400 of file NavDataFactory.hpp.

◆ NavDataFactoryPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<NavDataFactory> gnsstk::NavDataFactoryPtr

Managed pointer to NavDataFactory.

Definition at line 398 of file NavDataFactory.hpp.

◆ NavDataPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<NavData> gnsstk::NavDataPtr

Factories instantiate these in response to find() requests.

Definition at line 62 of file NavData.hpp.

◆ NavDataPtrList

typedef std::list<NavDataPtr> gnsstk::NavDataPtrList

List of NavDataPtr, typically used when converting from source data to NavDataPtr when multiple objects can be created from a single input.

Definition at line 75 of file NavData.hpp.

◆ NavMap

typedef std::map<CommonTime, NavDataPtr> gnsstk::NavMap

Map nav message transmit time to nav message.

Definition at line 67 of file NavData.hpp.

◆ NavMessageIDSet

Definition at line 101 of file NavMessageID.hpp.

◆ NavMessageMap

Map nav message type to the rest of the storage.

Definition at line 71 of file NavData.hpp.

◆ NavMessageTypeIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (NavMessageType i : NavMessageTypeIterator())

Definition at line 74 of file NavMessageType.hpp.

◆ NavMessageTypeSet

Set of message types, used by NavLibrary and NavDataFactory.

Definition at line 76 of file NavMessageType.hpp.

◆ NavNearMap

Map from "nearest" time reference (e.g. toe) to list of NavDataPtr.

Definition at line 77 of file NavData.hpp.

◆ NavNearMessageMap

Map nav message type to the rest of the storage.

Definition at line 81 of file NavData.hpp.

◆ NavNearSatMap

Map satellite to nearest map.

Definition at line 79 of file NavData.hpp.


typedef std::multimap<int, XRefNode>::const_iterator gnsstk::NAVNumXRefCI

Definition at line 138 of file SVNumXRef.hpp.

◆ NAVNumXRefPair

Definition at line 139 of file SVNumXRef.hpp.

◆ NavSatelliteIDSet

Definition at line 174 of file NavSatelliteID.hpp.

◆ NavSatMap

Map satellite to nav data.

Definition at line 69 of file NavData.hpp.

◆ NavSearchOrderIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (NavSearchOrder i : NavSearchOrderIterator())

Definition at line 61 of file NavSearchOrder.hpp.

◆ NavSignalSet

typedef std::set<NavSignalID> gnsstk::NavSignalSet

Set of nav data signal identifiers.

Definition at line 107 of file NavSignalID.hpp.

◆ NavTypeIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (NavType i : NavTypeIterator())

Definition at line 79 of file NavType.hpp.

◆ NavValidityTypeIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (NavValidityType i : NavValidityTypeIterator())

Definition at line 64 of file NavValidityType.hpp.

◆ NBTropCorrector

Wrapper for the Univeristy of New Brunswick trop model.

Definition at line 141 of file TropCorrector.hpp.

◆ NeillTropCorrector

Wrapper for the A.E. Neill trop model.

Definition at line 147 of file TropCorrector.hpp.

◆ ObsEpochMap

A time history of the observations collected from a single receiver.

Definition at line 67 of file ObsEpochMap.hpp.

◆ ObservationTypeIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (ObservationType i : ObservationTypeIterator())

Definition at line 79 of file ObservationType.hpp.

◆ ORDEpochMap

Definition at line 114 of file ORDEpoch.hpp.

◆ PackedNavBitsPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<PackedNavBits> gnsstk::PackedNavBitsPtr

Managed pointer for passing PackedNavBits around.

Definition at line 66 of file PackedNavBits.hpp.

◆ PNBNavDataFactoryMap

Map the navigation message type to a factory for producing that type.

Definition at line 140 of file PNBNavDataFactory.hpp.

◆ PNBNavDataFactoryPtr

Managed pointer to a PNBNavDataFactory.

Definition at line 138 of file PNBNavDataFactory.hpp.

◆ ReferenceFrameIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (ReferenceFrame i : ReferenceFrameIterator())

Definition at line 83 of file ReferenceFrame.hpp.

◆ RefFramePair

using gnsstk::RefFramePair = typedef std::pair<RefFrame, RefFrame>

A little something to use for TransformerMap.

Definition at line 117 of file RefFrame.hpp.

◆ RefFrameRlzIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (RefFrameRlz i : RefFrameRlzIterator())

Definition at line 77 of file RefFrameRlz.hpp.

◆ RefFrameSysIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (RefFrameSys i : RefFrameSysIterator())

Definition at line 63 of file RefFrameSys.hpp.

◆ RinexMetDataBinaryOperator

typedef std::binary_function<RinexMetData, RinexMetData, bool> gnsstk::RinexMetDataBinaryOperator

Definition at line 60 of file RinexMetFilterOperators.hpp.

◆ SaasTropCorrector

Wrapper for the Saastamoinen trop model.

Definition at line 139 of file TropCorrector.hpp.

◆ SatelliteSystemIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (SatelliteSystem i : SatelliteSystemIterator())

Definition at line 74 of file SatelliteSystem.hpp.

◆ SimpleTropCorrector

Wrapper for the "simple" trop model.

Definition at line 137 of file TropCorrector.hpp.

◆ StreamBuf

typedef BasicStreamBuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > gnsstk::StreamBuf

Definition at line 175 of file StreamBuf.hpp.

◆ SVHealthIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (SVHealth i : SVHealthIterator())

Definition at line 67 of file SVHealth.hpp.

◆ SVNumXRefListCI

typedef std::multimap<int, XRefNode>::const_iterator gnsstk::SVNumXRefListCI

Definition at line 136 of file SVNumXRef.hpp.

◆ SVNumXRefPair

Definition at line 137 of file SVNumXRef.hpp.

◆ TimeCvtSet

typedef std::set<TimeCvtKey> gnsstk::TimeCvtSet

Define a unique set of time system conversions.

Definition at line 55 of file TimeOffsetData.hpp.

◆ TimeOffsetFilterIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (TimeOffsetFilter i : TimeOffsetFilterIterator())

Definition at line 63 of file TimeOffsetFilter.hpp.

◆ TimeSystemIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (TimeSystem i : TimeSystemIterator())

Definition at line 76 of file TimeSystem.hpp.

◆ TrackingCodeIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (TrackingCode i : TrackingCodeIterator())

Definition at line 192 of file TrackingCode.hpp.

◆ TransformerHist

Transformers may change over time while maintaining the same RefFrames.

Definition at line 165 of file Transformer.hpp.

◆ TransformerMap

Container of transformers for management.

Definition at line 167 of file Transformer.hpp.

◆ TransformerPtr

using gnsstk::TransformerPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<Transformer>

Shared pointer to Transformer object.

Definition at line 163 of file Transformer.hpp.

◆ vchar

typedef ValidType<char> gnsstk::vchar

Definition at line 109 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ vdouble

typedef ValidType<double> gnsstk::vdouble

Definition at line 108 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ vfloat

typedef ValidType<float> gnsstk::vfloat

Definition at line 107 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ vint

typedef ValidType<int> gnsstk::vint

Definition at line 111 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ vlong

typedef ValidType<long> gnsstk::vlong

Definition at line 112 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ vshort

typedef ValidType<short> gnsstk::vshort

Definition at line 110 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ vuchar

typedef ValidType<unsigned char> gnsstk::vuchar

Definition at line 113 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ vuint

typedef ValidType<unsigned int> gnsstk::vuint

Definition at line 115 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ vulong

typedef ValidType<unsigned long> gnsstk::vulong

Definition at line 116 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ vushort

typedef ValidType<unsigned short> gnsstk::vushort

Definition at line 114 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ WxObsMap

This is a map of weather observations over time. The key should be the same time as the time of the epoch.

Definition at line 115 of file WxObsMap.hpp.

◆ XmitAntIterator

Define an iterator so C++11 can do things like for (XmitAnt i : XmitAntIterator())

Definition at line 64 of file XmitAnt.hpp.

◆ ZeroTropCorrector

Somewhat pointless wrapper for zero trop correction model.

Definition at line 135 of file TropCorrector.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CarrierBand

enum gnsstk::CarrierBand

Uninitialized value.


Used to match any carrier band.


GPS L1+L2.


GPS L1, Galileo E1, SBAS L1, QZSS L1, BeiDou L1.




GPS L5, Galileo E5a, SBAS L5, QZSS L5, BeiDou B2a, NavIC L5.












Galileo E5b.


Galileo E5, BeiDou B2.


Galileo E6, QZSS L6.


BeiDou B1.


BeiDou B2b.


BeiDou B3.


NavIC S.


Code is known to be undefined (as opposed to unknown)


Used to verify that all items are described at compile time.

Definition at line 54 of file CarrierBand.hpp.

◆ GLOCOrbitType

enum gnsstk::GLOCOrbitType

Values for Word TO in the almanac data.


Unknown/Uninitialized value.


Circular orbit of 19,100km.

Definition at line 47 of file GLOCOrbitType.hpp.

◆ GLOCRegime

enum gnsstk::GLOCRegime

Regime for data generation (RjE, RjT, see ICD


Unknown/Uninitialized value.


Definition at line 47 of file GLOCRegime.hpp.

◆ GLOCSatType

enum gnsstk::GLOCSatType

Values for Word M in the ephemeris (immediate) and almanac data.


Unknown/Uninitialized value.


GLONASS-M with L3 nav payload transmits L3 CDMA.


GLONASS-K1 transmits L3 CDMA.


GLONASS-K2 transmits L1, L2 and L3 CDMA.


GLONASS-K1 transmits L2 and L3 CDMA.

Definition at line 47 of file GLOCSatType.hpp.

◆ IERSConvention

This enum encapsulates the choice of IERS Convention, which applies directly to the operation of class EarthOrientation, and is used in class SolarSystem and in the functions defined in SolidEarthTides.cpp. The IERS convention determines the precise form of frame transformations between the conventional terrestrial frame and the conventional inertial frame, as well as the solid earth tides.

References: IERS1996: IERS Technical Note 21, "IERS Conventions (1996)," Dennis D. McCarthy, U.S. Naval Observatory, 1996. IERS2003: IERS Technical Note 32, "IERS Conventions (2003)," Dennis D. McCarthy and Gerard Petit eds., U.S. Naval Observatory and Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, 2004. IERS2010: IERS Technical Note 36, "IERS Conventions (2010)," Gerard Petit and Brian Luzum eds., Bureau International des Poids et Mesures and U.S. Naval Observatory, 2010.


Definition at line 69 of file IERSConvention.hpp.

◆ LogLevel

levels that the user may give the log stream output in the output statement, e.g. LOG(ERROR) << "This is an error message"; DEBUGn levels appear indented by 2*n spaces in the log stream. Default level is INFO.


Definition at line 57 of file logstream.hpp.

◆ NavType

enum gnsstk::NavType

Supported navigation types.


Uninitialized value.


Used to match any nav code.


Used to verify that all items are described at compile time.

Definition at line 58 of file NavType.hpp.

◆ ObservationType

The type of observation, mostly used by ObsID.


Used to match any observation type.


pseudorange, in meters


accumulated phase, in cycles


Doppler, in Hz.


Signal strength, in dB-Hz.


Channel number.


Demodulator status.


Ionospheric delay.


Signal Strength Indicator (RINEX)


Loss of Lock Indicator (RINEX)


Number of continuous epochs of 'good' tracking.


Navigation Message data.


pseudorange standard deviation, in meters


phase standard deviation, in cycles


GLONASS frequency offset index.


Observation type is known to be undefined (as opposed to unknown)


Used to verify that all items are described at compile time.

Definition at line 55 of file ObservationType.hpp.

◆ ReferenceFrame

ECEF reference systems or frames.

This enum is deprecated as of Dec 2022 and should not be used. Use RefFrame instead.

unknown frame


WGS84, assumed to be the latest version.


WGS84, GPS week 730 version.


WGS84, GPS week 873 version.


WGS84, GPS week 1150 version.


WGS84, GPS week 1674 version.


WGS84, GPS week 1762 version.


ITRF, assumed to be the latest version.


ITRF, 1994 version.


ITRF, 1996 version.


ITRF, 1997 version.


ITRF, 2000 version.


ITRF, 2005 version.


ITRF, 2008 version.


ITRF, 2014 version.




PZ90 the "original".




Used to verify that all items are described at compile time.

Definition at line 52 of file ReferenceFrame.hpp.

◆ SatelliteSystem

Supported satellite systems.


aka Compass


Official name changed from IRNSS to NavIC.


Used to verify that all items are described at compile time.

Definition at line 55 of file SatelliteSystem.hpp.

◆ TableEntry


Definition at line 98 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ TimeSystem

enum gnsstk::TimeSystem

Definition of various time systems.


unknown time frame; for legacy code compatibility


wildcard; allows comparison with any other type


GPS system time.


GLONASS system time (aka UTC(SU))


Galileo system time.


QZSS system Time.


BeiDou system Time.


IRNSS system Time.


Coordinated Universal Time (e.g., from NTP)


International Atomic Time.


Terrestrial time (used in IERS conventions)


Barycentric dynamical time (JPL ephemeris); very near TT.


Used to verify that all items are described at compile time.

Definition at line 51 of file TimeSystem.hpp.

◆ TrackingCode

enum gnsstk::TrackingCode

The code used to collect the observation. Each of these should uniquely identify a code that was correlated against to track the signal. While the notation generally follows section 5.1 of RINEX 3, due to ambiguities in that specification some extensions are made. Note that as concrete specifications for the codes are released, this list may need to be adjusted. Specifically, this lists assumes that the same I & Q codes will be used on all three of the Galileo carriers. If that is not true, more identifiers need to be allocated


Uninitialized value.


Used to match any tracking code.


Legacy GPS civil code.

Legacy GPS precise code.

Encrypted legacy GPS precise code.


Encrypted legacy GPS precise code, codeless Z tracking.


Encrypted legacy GPS precise code, squaring codeless tracking.


Encrypted legacy GPS precise code, other codeless tracking.


Modernized GPS military unique code.


Modernized GPS L2 civil M code.


Modernized GPS L2 civil L code.


Modernized GPS L2 civil M+L combined tracking.


Modernized GPS L5 civil in-phase.


Modernized GPS L5 civil quadrature.


Modernized GPS L5 civil I+Q combined tracking.


Modernized GPS L1C civil code tracking (pilot)


Modernized GPS L1C civil code tracking (data)


Modernized GPS L1C civil code tracking (pilot + data)


Legacy Glonass civil signal.


Legacy Glonass precise signal.


Glonass L3 I code.


Glonass L3 Q code.


Glonass L3 I+Q combined tracking.


GLONASS L1 OCd code.


GLONASS L1 OCp code.


GLONASS L1 OCd+OCp combined tracking.


GLONASS L2 CSI+OCp combined tracking.




GLONASS L2 OCp code.


GLONASS L1SC in-phase signal.


GLONASS L2SC in-phase signal.


Galileo L1 PRS code.


Galileo E1-B signal, supporting OS/HAS/SoL.


Galileo E1 Dataless code.


Galileo E1 B+C combined tracking.


Galileo E1 A+B+C combined tracking.


Galileo E5 I code.


Galileo E5 Q code.


Galileo E5 I+Q combined tracking.


Galileo E5a I code.


Galileo E5a Q code.


Galileo E5a I+Q combined tracking.


Galileo E5b I code.


Galileo E5b Q code.


Galileo E5b I+Q combined tracking.


Galileo E6 PRS code.


Galileo E6-b signal.


Galileo E6 Dataless code.


Galileo E6 B+C combined tracking.


Galileo E6 A+B+C combined tracking.




QZSS L5S in-phase.


QZSS L5S I+Q combined tracking.


QZSS L5S quadrature.


QZSS LEX(6) short.


QZSS LEX(6) long.


QZSS LEX(6) combined tracking.


QZSS L6 Block II D code.


QZSS L6 Block II E code.


QZSS L6 Block II D+E combined tracking.


BeiDou B1 I code.


BeiDou B1 Q code.


BeiDou B1 I+Q code.


BeiDou B2 I code.


BeiDou B2 Q code.


BeiDou B2 I+Q code.


BeiDou B3 I code.


BeiDou B3 Q code.


BeiDou B3 I+Q code.


BeiDou B1A code.


BeiDou B1C D code.


BeiDou B1C D+P code.


BeiDou B1C P code.


BeiDou B2a+b I code.


BeiDou B2a+B I+Q code.


BeiDou B2a+B Q code.


BeiDou B2a I code.


BeiDou B2a I+Q code.


BeiDou B2a Q code.


BeiDou B2b I code.


BeiDou B2b I+Q code.


BeiDou B2b Q code.


BeiDou B3A Q code.


BeiDou codeless tracking.


BeiDou B3A I code.


BeiDou B3A I+Q code.












IRNSS S-band RS(D)


INRSS S-band RS(P)


IRNSS S-band B+C.


Continuous Wave, i.e. no chipping sequence.


Code is known to be undefined (as opposed to unknown)


Used to verify that all items are described at compile time.

Definition at line 64 of file TrackingCode.hpp.

◆ XmitAnt

enum gnsstk::XmitAnt

Enumerate satellite (pseudolite, etc.) transmitting antenna types. Most will be "Standard", while a few satellites will have secondary "Regional" transmitters. The secondary, "Regional" transmitter should NOT be confused with the primary transmitter for a regional system such as QZSS or NavIC.


Unitialized value. Should always be first.


When making comparisons in ObsID, matches any enumeration.


Transmitting antenna is the primary for that signal.


Transmitting antenna is secondary, regional coverage.


Used to verify that all items are described at compile time.

Definition at line 53 of file XmitAnt.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ accuracy2CNAVura()

short gnsstk::accuracy2CNAVura ( double  acc)

Definition at line 156 of file GPS_URA.hpp.

◆ accuracy2ura()

short gnsstk::accuracy2ura ( double  acc)

Definition at line 112 of file GPS_URA.hpp.

◆ ADtest()

double gnsstk::ADtest ( double *  xd,
const int  nd,
double  m,
double  s,
bool  save_flag = true 

Anderson-Darling test statistic, which is a variant of the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test, comparing the distribution of data with mean m and standard deviation s to the normal distribution.

If ADtest > 0.752 then normality hypothesis is rejected for 5% level test.
xdarray of data.
ndlength of array xd.
mmean of the data.
sstandard deviation of the data.
save_flagif true (default) array xd will NOT be changed, otherwise it will be sorted.

Definition at line 561 of file RobustStats.cpp.

◆ ARand() [1/2]

double gnsstk::ARand ( double  low,
double  hi 

Return random doubles between low and hi. Seed the generator by calling Rand(seed) before this call.

Definition at line 178 of file random.cpp.

◆ ARand() [2/2]

int gnsstk::ARand ( int  low,
int  hi 

Return random integers between low and hi. Seed the generator by calling Rand(seed) before this call.

Definition at line 163 of file random.cpp.

◆ beta()

double gnsstk::beta ( double  x,
double  y 

Beta function. Beta(x,y)=Beta(y,x)=integral(0 to 1) {t^(x-1)*(1-t)^(y-1) dt}. Also, Beta(x,y) = gamma(x)*gamma(y)/gamma(x+y).

xfirst argument
ysecond argument
Exceptionif either input argument is <= 0

Definition at line 204 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ binomialCoeff()

double gnsstk::binomialCoeff ( int  n,
int  k 

Binomial coefficient (n k) = n!/[k!(n-k)!], 0 <= k <= n. (n k) is the number of combinations of n things taken k at a time. NB. (n+1 k) = [ (n+1)/(n-k+1) ] (n k) = (n k) + (n k-1) NB. (n k+1) = [ (n-k)/(k+1) ] (n k)

nint n must be >= 0
kint k must be >= 0 and <= n
(n k), the binomial coefficient
Exceptionif the input argument do not satisfy 0 <= k <= n

Definition at line 177 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ blkdiag() [1/3]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::blkdiag ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m1,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m2 

Block diagonal concatenation of matrix input.


Definition at line 436 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ blkdiag() [2/3]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::blkdiag ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m1,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m2,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m3 

Definition at line 472 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ blkdiag() [3/3]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::blkdiag ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m1,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m2,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m3,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m4 

Definition at line 481 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ cel2far()

double gnsstk::cel2far ( double  c)

Convert a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit

cTemperature in degrees Celsius
Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
See also

Definition at line 86 of file convhelp.hpp.

◆ cfIBeta()

double gnsstk::cfIBeta ( double  x,
double  a,
double  b 

Routine used internally for Incomplete beta function I_x(a,b)

ExceptionOn overflow of temp arrays

Definition at line 434 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ ChisqCDF()

double gnsstk::ChisqCDF ( double  x,
int  n 

Cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the Chi-square-distribution. Ref

xinput statistic value, the RSS of variances, X >= 0
ndegrees of freedom of sample, n > 0
probability that the sample variance is less than X.
Exceptionif x < 0 or n <= 0, or math throws

Definition at line 760 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ ChisqPDF()

double gnsstk::ChisqPDF ( double  x,
int  n 

Probability density function (PDF) of the Chi-square distribution. The chi-square distribution results when n independent variables with standard normal distributions are squared and summed; x=RSS(variables).

A chi-square test (Snedecor and Cochran, 1983) can be used to test if the standard deviation of a population is equal to a specified value. This test can be either a two-sided test or a one-sided test. The two-sided version tests against the alternative that the true standard deviation is either less than or greater than the specified value. The one-sided version only tests in one direction. The chi-square hypothesis test is defined as: H0: sigma = sigma0 Ha: sigma < sigma0 for a lower one-tailed test sigma > sigma0 for an upper one-tailed test sigma <>sigma0 for a two-tailed test Test Statistic: T = T = (N-1)*(s/sigma0)**2 where N is the sample size and s is the sample standard deviation. The key element of this formula is the ratio s/sigma0 which compares the ratio of the sample standard deviation to the target standard deviation. As this ratio deviates from 1, the more likely is rejection of the null hypothesis. Significance Level: alpha. Critical Region: Reject the null hypothesis that the standard deviation is a specified value, sigma0, if T > chisquare(alpha,N-1) for an upper one-tailed alternative T < chisquare(1-alpha,N-1) for a lower one-tailed alternative T < chisquare(1-alpha,N-1) for a two-tailed test or T < chisquare(1-alpha,N-1) where chi-square(p,N-1) is the critical value or inverseCDF of the chi-square distribution with N-1 degrees of freedom.

xinput statistic, equal to an RSS(); x >= 0
ninput value for number of degrees of freedom, n > 0
probability Chi-square probability (xsq,n)
Exceptionif x < 0 or n <= 0, or math throws

Definition at line 732 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ compErrorFunc()

double gnsstk::compErrorFunc ( double  x)

Complementary error function erfc(x). erfc(x) = 1-erf(x)

xinput argument
Exceptionif input argument < 0

Definition at line 415 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ compIncompGamma()

double gnsstk::compIncompGamma ( double  a,
double  x 

Complement of incomplete gamma function Q(a,x), a > 0, x >= 0. Q(a,x) = (1/gamma(a)) integral (x to inf) { exp(-t) t^(a-1) dt }

afirst argument, a > 0
xsecond argument, x >= 0
Exceptionif input arguments have a <= 0 or x < 0

Definition at line 366 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ computeFundamentalArgs()

void gnsstk::computeFundamentalArgs ( double  T,
double  args[6] 

Definition at line 274 of file EarthOrientation.cpp.

◆ computePolarTides()

Triple gnsstk::computePolarTides ( const Position site,
const EphTime ttag,
double  xp,
double  yp,
const IERSConvention iers = IERSConvention::IERS2010 

Compute the site displacement due to rotational deformation due to polar motion for the given Position (assumed to fixed to the solid Earth) at the given time, given the polar motion angles at time (cf.EarthOrientation) and the IERS convention to use. Return a Triple containing the site displacement in ECEF XYZ coordinates with units meters. Reference IERS Conventions (1996) found in IERS Technical Note 21, ch. 7 pg 67.

siteNominal position of the site of interest.
ttagTime of interest.
xp,ypPolar motion angles in arcsec (cf. EarthOrientation)
iersIERS convention to use (default IERS2010)
Displacement vector, ECEF XYZ in meters.

Definition at line 711 of file SolidEarthTides.cpp.

◆ computeSolidEarthTides()

Triple gnsstk::computeSolidEarthTides ( const Position site,
const EphTime ttag,
const Position Sun,
const Position Moon,
double  EMRAT = 81.30056,
double  SERAT = 332946.050894783285912,
const IERSConvention iers = IERSConvention::IERS2010 

Compute the site displacement due to solid Earth tides for the given Position (assumed to be fixed to the solid Earth) at the given time, given the position of the site of interest, positions and mass ratios of the sun and moon. Return a Triple containing the site displacement in ECEF XYZ coordinates with units meters. Reference IERS Conventions (1996) found in IERS Technical Note 21 and IERS Conventions (2003) found in IERS Technical Note 32 and IERS Conventions (2010) found in IERS Technical Note 36. NB. Currently only the largest terms are implemented, yielding a result accurate to the millimeter level. Specifically, TN21 pg 61 eq 8 and TN21 pg 65 eq 17.

siteNominal position of the site of interest.
ttagTime of interest.
SunPosition of the Sun at time
MoonPosition of the Moon at time
EMRATEarth-to-Moon mass ratio (default to DE405 value)
SERATSun-to-Earth mass ratio (default to DE405 value)
iersIERS convention to use (default IERS2010)
Displacement vector, ECEF XYZ in meters.

Definition at line 80 of file SolidEarthTides.cpp.

◆ condNum() [1/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::condNum ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

returns the condition number of the matrix, doesnt require bigNum or smallNum.

Definition at line 383 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ condNum() [2/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::condNum ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m,
T &  bigNum,
T &  smallNum 

returns the condition number of the matrix

Definition at line 364 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ contfracIncompGamma()

double gnsstk::contfracIncompGamma ( double  a,
double  x 

Incomplete gamma function Q(a,x), evaluated using continued fractions. Q(a,x) = (1/gamma(a)) integral (x to inf) { exp(-t) t^(a-1) dt }

afirst argument, a > 0
xsecond argument, x >= 0
Exceptionif input arguments have a <= 0 or x < 0

Definition at line 268 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ convertCalendarToJD()

long gnsstk::convertCalendarToJD ( int  iyear,
int  imonth,
int  iday 

Fundamental routine to convert from calendar day to "Julian day" (= JD + 0.5)

iyearreference to integer year
imonthreference to integer month (January == 1)
idayreference to integer day of month (1st day of month == 1)
jd long integer "Julian day" = JD+0.5
range of applicability of this routine is from 0JD (4713BC) to approx 3442448JD (4713AD). Algorithm references: Sinnott, R. W. "Bits and Bytes," Sky & Telescope Magazine, Vol 82, p. 183, August 1991, and The Astronomical Almanac, published by the U.S. Naval Observatory.

Definition at line 100 of file TimeConverters.cpp.

◆ convertNavTypeToString()

std::string gnsstk::convertNavTypeToString ( NavType  e)

Translate nav type enumeration to its string representation.

The string representation is being used in file formats, e.g. RawNavCSVHeader. The string values should not be changed if at all possible, as that would break the ability to read older files.
Any new nav codes should not contain spaces in the string values.
[in]sThe nav type to get the string name of.
A space-free string containing the name of the nav code.

Definition at line 98 of file NavType.hpp.

◆ convertSatelliteSystemToString()

std::string gnsstk::convertSatelliteSystemToString ( SatelliteSystem  s)

Translate system enumeration to its string representation.

The string representation is being used in file formats, e.g. RawNavCSVHeader. The string values should not be changed if at all possible, as that would break the ability to read older files.
Any new systems should not contain spaces in the string values.
The translations here should precisely match those in convertStringToSatelliteSystem.
[in]sThe system to get the string name of.
A space-free string containing the name of the GNSS.

Definition at line 96 of file SatelliteSystem.hpp.

◆ convertSODtoTime()

void gnsstk::convertSODtoTime ( double  sod,
int &  hh,
int &  mm,
double &  sec 

Fundamental routine to convert seconds of day to H:M:S

sodseconds of day (input)
hhreference to integer hour (0 <= hh < 24) (output)
mmreference to integer minutes (0 <= mm < 60) (output)
secreference to double seconds (0 <= sec < 60.0) (output)

Definition at line 149 of file TimeConverters.cpp.

◆ convertStringToNavType()

NavType gnsstk::convertStringToNavType ( const std::string &  s)

Translate nav type names as strings into enumeration equivalents.

See also
[in]sThe nav type name to convert to enumeration.
An enumeration equivalent of the given string. Unknown is returned for any names that do not exactly match known values.

Definition at line 109 of file NavType.hpp.

◆ convertStringToSatelliteSystem()

SatelliteSystem gnsstk::convertStringToSatelliteSystem ( const std::string &  s)

Translate GNSS names as strings into system enumeration equivalents.

See also
[in]sThe GNSS name to convert to enumeration.
An enumeration equivalent of the given string. Unknown is returned for any names that do not exactly match known values.

Definition at line 107 of file SatelliteSystem.hpp.

◆ convertTimeToSOD()

double gnsstk::convertTimeToSOD ( int  hh,
int  mm,
double  sec 

Fundamental routine to convert H:M:S to seconds of day

hhinteger hour (0 <= hh < 24) (input)
mminteger minutes (0 <= mm < 60) (input)
secdouble seconds (0 <= sec < 60.0) (input)
sod seconds of day (input)

Definition at line 175 of file TimeConverters.cpp.

◆ correctEarthRotationLibrations()

void gnsstk::correctEarthRotationLibrations ( const double  args[6],
double &  dUT,
double &  dld 

Definition at line 742 of file EarthOrientation.cpp.

◆ correctEarthRotationZonalTides()

void gnsstk::correctEarthRotationZonalTides ( const double  args[6],
double &  dUT,
double &  dld,
double &  dom 

Definition at line 516 of file EarthOrientation.cpp.

◆ correctEarthRotationZonalTides2003()

void gnsstk::correctEarthRotationZonalTides2003 ( const double  args[6],
double &  dUT,
double &  dld,
double &  dom 

Definition at line 629 of file EarthOrientation.cpp.

◆ correctEOPOceanTides()

void gnsstk::correctEOPOceanTides ( double  mjd,
double &  dxp,
double &  dyp,
double &  dUT 

Definition at line 327 of file EarthOrientation.cpp.

◆ cosVec() [1/4]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
T gnsstk::cosVec ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  a,
const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  b 

finds the cosine between the two vectors

Definition at line 238 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ cosVec() [2/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::cosVec ( const SparseVector< T > &  S1,
const SparseVector< T > &  S2 

Definition at line 736 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ cosVec() [3/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::cosVec ( const SparseVector< T > &  SV,
const Vector< T > &  V 

Definition at line 758 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ cosVec() [4/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::cosVec ( const Vector< T > &  V,
const SparseVector< T > &  SV 

Definition at line 780 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ cross()

class BaseClass2 Vector<T> gnsstk::cross ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l,
const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  r 

Definition at line 170 of file VectorOperators.hpp.

◆ crudeSolarPosition()

void gnsstk::crudeSolarPosition ( const CommonTime t,
double &  lat,
double &  lon 

Compute the latitude and longitude of the Sun using a very simple algorithm. Adapted from sunpos by D. Coco ARL:UT 12/15/94

tInput epoch of interest
latOutput latitude of the Sun at t
lonOutput longitude of the Sun at t

Definition at line 159 of file SolarPosition.cpp.

◆ cycles2meters()

double gnsstk::cycles2meters ( double  phase,
double  freq,
EllipsoidModel ellipsoid 

Convert a phase and frequency to meters

phasePhase in cycles (radians?)
freqFrequency in Hertz
ellipsoidgeodetic parameters (for c)
Range in meters
See also

Definition at line 62 of file convhelp.hpp.

◆ demangle()

std::string gnsstk::demangle ( const char *  name)

Demangle G++ class names.

Definition at line 47 of file demangle.cpp.

◆ det()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::det ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

Uses an LU Decomposition to calculate the determinate of m.


Definition at line 345 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ diag()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::diag ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

Returns the diagonal matrix of m .


Definition at line 414 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ DiscontinuityCorrector()

int gnsstk::DiscontinuityCorrector ( SatPass SP,
GDCconfiguration config,
std::vector< std::string > &  EditCmds,
std::string &  retMsg,
int  GLOn = -99 

GNSSTK Discontinuity Corrector. Find, and fix if possible, discontinuities in the GPS or GLONASS carrier phase data, given dual-frequency pseudorange and phase data for an entire satellite pass. Input is the SatPass object holding the data, and a GDCconfiguration object giving the parameter values for the corrector. Output is in the form of a list of strings - editing commands - that can be parsed and applied using the GNSSTK Rinex Editor (see Prgm EditRinex and the RinexEditor class). Also, the L1 and L2 arrays in the input SatPass are corrected. The routine will mark bad points in the input data using the SatPass flag. Glonass satellites require a frequency channel integer; the caller may pass this in, or let the GDC compute it from the data - if it fails it returns -6.

SPSatPass object containing the input data.
configGDCconfiguration object.
EditCmdsvector<string> (output) containing RinexEditor commands.
retMsgstring summary of results: see 'GDC' in output, class GDCreturn if retMsg is not empty on call, replace 'GDC' with retMsg.
GLOnGLONASS frequency channel (-7<=n<7), -99 means UNKNOWN
0 for success, otherwise return an Error code;

codes are defined as follows. const int GLOfail = -6 failed to find the Glonass frequency channel const int BadInput = -5 input data does not have the required obs types const int NoData = -4 insufficient input data, or all data is bad const int FatalProblem = -3 DT is not set, or memory problem const int Singularity = -1 polynomial fit fails const int ReturnOK = 0 normal return


Definition at line 698 of file DiscCorr.cpp.

◆ DisplayExtendedRinexObsTypes() [1/2]

void gnsstk::DisplayExtendedRinexObsTypes ( ostream &  s)

Definition at line 1002 of file RinexObsHeader.cpp.

◆ DisplayExtendedRinexObsTypes() [2/2]

void gnsstk::DisplayExtendedRinexObsTypes ( std::ostream &  s)

Pretty print a list of registered extended Rinex observation types.

◆ DisplayStandardRinexObsTypes() [1/2]

void gnsstk::DisplayStandardRinexObsTypes ( ostream &  s)

Definition at line 987 of file RinexObsHeader.cpp.

◆ DisplayStandardRinexObsTypes() [2/2]

void gnsstk::DisplayStandardRinexObsTypes ( std::ostream &  s)

Pretty print a list of standard Rinex observation types.

◆ DMsmootherUpdateWithControl()

template<class T >
void gnsstk::DMsmootherUpdateWithControl ( Matrix< double > &  P,
Vector< double > &  X,
Matrix< double > &  Phinv,
Matrix< double > &  Rw,
Matrix< double > &  G,
Vector< double > &  Zw,
Matrix< double > &  Rwx,
Vector< double > &  U 

Definition at line 959 of file SRIFilter.cpp.

◆ dot() [1/6]

template<class T , class BaseClass , class BaseClass2 >
T gnsstk::dot ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l,
const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  r 

returns the dot product of the two vectors

Definition at line 167 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ dot() [2/6]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::dot ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l,
const r 

returns the dot product of a vector and a scalar

Definition at line 181 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ dot() [3/6]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::dot ( const SparseVector< T > &  SL,
const SparseVector< T > &  SR 

dot (SparseVector, SparseVector)

Definition at line 789 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ dot() [4/6]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::dot ( const SparseVector< T > &  SL,
const Vector< T > &  SR 

dot (SparseVector, Vector)

Definition at line 858 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ dot() [5/6]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::dot ( const l,
const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  r 

returns the dot product of a scalar and a vector

Definition at line 194 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ dot() [6/6]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::dot ( const Vector< T > &  SL,
const SparseVector< T > &  SR 

dot (Vector, SparseVector)

Definition at line 874 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ dot_lim()

template<class T >
T gnsstk::dot_lim ( const SparseVector< T > &  SL,
const SparseVector< T > &  SR,
const unsigned int  kb,
const unsigned int  ke 

dot (SparseVector, SparseVector) but only use indexes k=kb, k<ke

Definition at line 820 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ dump() [1/2]

void gnsstk::dump ( std::vector< SatPass > &  SatPassList,
std::ostream &  os,
bool  rev = false,
bool  dbug = false 

Dump an entire list of SatPass, in time order

SatPassListinput SatPass list for dump
osostream to write to
boolrev reverse order
booldbug turn on extra output

◆ dump() [2/2]

void gnsstk::dump ( vector< SatPass > &  SatPassList,
ostream &  os,
bool  rev,
bool  dbug 

Definition at line 59 of file SatPassUtilities.cpp.

◆ dumpAllRinex3ObsTypes() [1/2]

void gnsstk::dumpAllRinex3ObsTypes ( ostream &  os)

Definition at line 764 of file Rinex3ObsFileLoader.cpp.

◆ dumpAllRinex3ObsTypes() [2/2]

void gnsstk::dumpAllRinex3ObsTypes ( std::ostream &  s)

Utility to dump a table of all valid RinexObsIDs for all systems and frequencies

sto which to write the data

◆ errfc()

template<typename T >
T gnsstk::errfc ( x)

Approximation to complimentary error function with fractional error everywhere less than 1.2e-7. Ref. Numerical Recipes part 6.2. NB. error function erf = 1-erfc

xinput argument.
complimentary error function of x

Definition at line 292 of file RobustStats.hpp.

◆ errorFunc()

double gnsstk::errorFunc ( double  x)

Error function erf(x). erf(x) = 2/sqrt(pi) * integral (0 to x) { exp(-t^2) dt }

xinput argument
Exceptionif input argument < 0

Definition at line 396 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ expand_args()

void gnsstk::expand_args ( vector< string > &  oldvalues,
vector< string > &  newvalues,
string &  msg 

Definition at line 639 of file CommandLine.cpp.

◆ expand_filename() [1/4]

void gnsstk::expand_filename ( std::string &  filename)

◆ expand_filename() [2/4]

void gnsstk::expand_filename ( std::vector< std::string > &  sarray)

◆ expand_filename() [3/4]

void gnsstk::expand_filename ( string &  filename)

Definition at line 51 of file expandtilde.cpp.

◆ expand_filename() [4/4]

void gnsstk::expand_filename ( vector< string > &  sarray)

Definition at line 70 of file expandtilde.cpp.

◆ expand_list_file() [1/2]

bool gnsstk::expand_list_file ( std::string &  filename,
std::vector< std::string > &  values 

◆ expand_list_file() [2/2]

bool gnsstk::expand_list_file ( string &  filename,
vector< string > &  values 

Definition at line 95 of file expandtilde.cpp.

◆ factorial()

double gnsstk::factorial ( int  n)

Factorial of an integer, returned as a double.

nargument, n must be >= 0
n! or factorial(n), as a double
Exceptionif the input argument is < 0

Definition at line 114 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ far2cel()

double gnsstk::far2cel ( double  f)

Convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius

fTemperature in degrees Fahrenheit
Temperature in degrees Celsius
See also

Definition at line 97 of file convhelp.hpp.

◆ FDistCDF()

double gnsstk::FDistCDF ( double  F,
int  n1,
int  n2 

F-distribution cumulative distribution function FDistCDF(F,n1,n2) F>=0 n1,n2>0. This function occurs in the statistical test of whether two observed samples have the same variance. If F is the ratio of the observed dispersion (variance) of the first sample to that of the second, where the first sample has n1 degrees of freedom and the second has n2 degrees of freedom, then this function returns the probability that F would be as large as it is if the first sample's distribution has smaller variance than the second's. In other words, FDistCDF(f,n1,n2) is the significance level at which the hypothesis "sample 1 has smaller variance than sample 2" can be rejected. A small numerical value implies a significant rejection, in turn implying high confidence in the hypothesis "sample 1 has variance greater than or equal to that of sample 2". Ref

Finput statistic value, the ratio variance1/variance2, F >= 0
n1degrees of freedom of first sample, n1 > 0
n2degrees of freedom of second sample, n2 > 0
probability that the sample is less than F.
Exceptionif F<0 or n1 <=0 or n2 <= 0 or math throws

Definition at line 1050 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ FDistPDF()

double gnsstk::FDistPDF ( double  x,
int  n1,
int  n2 

Probability density function for F distribution The F distribution is the ratio of two chi-square distributions with degrees of freedom N1 and N2, respectively, where each chi-square has first been divided by its degrees of freedom. An F-test (Snedecor and Cochran, 1983) is used to test if the standard deviations of two populations are equal. This test can be a two-tailed test or a one-tailed test. The F hypothesis test is defined as: H0: s1 = s2 (sN is sigma or std deviation) Ha: s1 < s2 for a lower one tailed test s1 > s2 for an upper one tailed test s1 != s2 for a two tailed test Test Statistic: F = s1^2/s2^2 where s1^2 and s2^2 are the sample variances. The more this ratio deviates from 1, the stronger the evidence for unequal population variances. Significance Level is alpha, a probability (0<=alpha<=1). The hypothesis that the two standard deviations are equal is rejected if F > PP(alpha,N1-1,N2-1) for an upper one-tailed test F < PP(1-alpha,N1-1,N2-1) for a lower one-tailed test F < PP(1-alpha/2,N1-1,N2-1) for a two-tailed test F > PP(alpha/2,N1-1,N2-1) where PP(alpha,k-1,N-1) is the percent point function of the F distribution [PPfunc is inverse of the CDF : PP(alpha,N1,N2) == F where alpha=CDF(F,N1,N2)] with N1 and N2 degrees of freedom and a significance level of alpha.


xprobability or significance level of the test, >=0 and < 1
n1degrees of freedom of first sample, n1 > 0
n2degrees of freedom of second sample, n2 > 0
the statistic (a ratio variance1/variance2) at this prob
Exceptionif math or Gamms() throw

Definition at line 1103 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ findMilliseconds() [1/2]

int gnsstk::findMilliseconds ( std::vector< SatPass > &  SPList,
msecHandler msh 

Find millisecond adjusts of the time tag, pseudoranges C1 C2 P1 P2, phases L1 L2. User the handler to print messages, etc.

SPListinput SatPass list for analysis
mshmillisecond handler
number of ms adjusts found

◆ findMilliseconds() [2/2]

int gnsstk::findMilliseconds ( vector< SatPass > &  SPList,
msecHandler msh 

Definition at line 135 of file SatPassUtilities.cpp.

◆ Gamma()

double gnsstk::Gamma ( double  x)

Gamma(x) the gamma function for positive argument. Gamma(x) = integral(0 to inf) { t^(x-1) exp(-t) dt }

xargument, x must be > 0
double Gamma(x), the gamma function of x.
Exceptionif the input argument is <= 0

Definition at line 98 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ getAlpha()

double gnsstk::getAlpha ( SatelliteSystem  sys,
int  na,
int  nb 

Compute alpha (also called gamma) = (beta^2-1) = ((fa/fb)^2-1) for 2 frequencies fa,fb for the given satellite system ( is ignored).

0 if either of the input n's are not valid RINEX bands for the satellite system.

Definition at line 286 of file FreqConsts.hpp.

◆ getBeta()

double gnsstk::getBeta ( SatelliteSystem  sys,
int  na,
int  nb 

Compute beta(a,b), the ratio of 2 frequencies fb/fa for the given satellite system.

0 if either of the input n's are not valid RINEX bands for the system.

Definition at line 271 of file FreqConsts.hpp.

◆ getFrequency()

double gnsstk::getFrequency ( CarrierBand  band)

Get the carrier frequency in Hz for a given carrier band enumeration.

[in]bandThe carrier band whose carrier frequency is needed.
The carrier frequency, or 0 if not known.

Definition at line 43 of file FreqConv.cpp.

◆ getGamma()

double gnsstk::getGamma ( CarrierBand  band1,
CarrierBand  band2 

Get the gamma value relative to two carrier bands, which is (f1/f2)^2.

[in]band1The primary carrier band in a dual-frequency observation.
[in]band2The secondary carrier band in a dual-frequency observation.
The nominal center frequency, gamma, between band1 and band2.

Definition at line 67 of file FreqConv.cpp.

◆ getLeapSeconds()

double gnsstk::getLeapSeconds ( const int  yr,
const int  mon,
const double  day 

Return the number of leap seconds between UTC and TAI, that is the difference in time scales UTC-TAI, at an epoch defined by year/month/day.

Input day in a floating quantity and thus any epoch may be represented; this is relevant the period 1960 to 1972, when UTC-TAI was not integral.
GPS = TAI-19sec and so GPS-UTC = getLeapSeconds()-19 == dtLS.
GLO is actually UTC(SU)
GAL = GPS = UTC + dtLS this does not incl. RINEX::TIME SYSTEM CORR::GAUT
BDT = GPS - 15 but this does not include RINEX::TIME SYSTEM CORR::BDUT
BDT is actually UTC(NTSC) China
The table 'leaps' must be modified when a new leap second is announced.
[in]yryear of interest
[in]monmonth of interest
[in]dayday of interest

Definition at line 53 of file TimeSystem.cpp.

◆ getLegacyFitInterval()

short gnsstk::getLegacyFitInterval ( const short  iodc,
const short  fiti 

Definition at line 111 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.

◆ getRefFrameRlz()

RefFrameRlz gnsstk::getRefFrameRlz ( RefFrameSys  sys,
const CommonTime when 

Return the realization for a given reference frame system and time.

[in]sysThe reference frame system whose realization is requested.
[in]whenThe time at which the reference frame realization would have been in use. Expected to be in UTC time system.
InvalidRequestif when is not in UTC.
the matching RefFrameRlz (or Unknown if for some reason there isn't one).
fix these dates up, I wasn't able to quickly find actual publication dates.
fix these dates up, I wasn't able to quickly find actual publication dates.

Definition at line 77 of file RefFrameRlz.cpp.

◆ getRefFrameSys()

RefFrameSys gnsstk::getRefFrameSys ( RefFrameRlz  rlz)

Return the system for a given reference frame realization.

[in]rlzThe reference frame realization whose system is requested.
the matching RefFrameSys (or Unknown if for some reason there isn't one).

Definition at line 48 of file RefFrameRlz.cpp.

◆ getTimeSystemCorrection()

double gnsstk::getTimeSystemCorrection ( const TimeSystem  inTS,
const TimeSystem  outTS,
const int  year,
const int  month,
const double  day 

Compute the conversion (in seconds) from one time system (inTS) to another (outTS), given the year and month of the time to be converted. Result is to be added to the first time (inTS) to yield the second (outTS), that is t(outTS) = t(inTS) + correction(inTS,outTS).

caller must not forget to change to outTS after adding this correction.
[in]inTSinput system
[in]outTSoutput system
[in]yearyear of the time to be converted.
[in]monthmonth (1-12) of the time to be converted.
correction (sec) to be added to t(in) to yield t(out).
ifinput system(s) are invalid or Unknown.

Definition at line 181 of file TimeSystem.cpp.

◆ getWavelength()

double gnsstk::getWavelength ( SatelliteSystem  sys,
int  rinexBandNum,
int  gloChan = 0 

Compute wavelength for the given satellite system ( is ignored) at the given RINEX frequency band.

[in]sysThe satellite system whose wavelength is desired.
[in]rinexBandNumThe number used by RINEX 3 to represent the desired band.
[in]gloChanThe GLONASS frequency channel number, when getting the wavelength for a GLONASS FDMA channel. Ignored for GLONASS CDMA and all other systems.
0 if rinexBandNum is not a valid band for the given system, otherwise the wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 191 of file FreqConsts.hpp.

◆ GMST()

static double gnsstk::GMST ( const CommonTime t)

Definition at line 58 of file SolarPosition.cpp.

◆ hg2mb()

double gnsstk::hg2mb ( double  hg)

Convert pressure from inches of mercury to millibars

hgPressure in inches of mercury
Pressure in millibars
See also

Definition at line 119 of file convhelp.hpp.

◆ ident() [1/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
BaseClass& gnsstk::ident ( RefMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

Turns the square RefMatrixBase matrix into an identity matrix


Definition at line 80 of file MatrixBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ ident() [2/2]

template<class T >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::ident ( size_t  dim)

Returns a new dim * dim matrix that's an identity matrix.


Definition at line 395 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ identical()

bool gnsstk::identical ( const Namelist N1,
const Namelist N2 

Definition at line 331 of file Namelist.cpp.

◆ identSparse()

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::identSparse ( const unsigned int  dim)

Compute the identity matrix of dimension dim x dim

dimdimension of desired identity matrix (dim x dim)
identity matrix

Definition at line 1776 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ include_path() [1/4]

void gnsstk::include_path ( std::string  path,
std::string &  file 

◆ include_path() [2/4]

void gnsstk::include_path ( std::string  path,
std::vector< std::string > &  sarray 

◆ include_path() [3/4]

void gnsstk::include_path ( string  path,
string &  file 

Definition at line 75 of file expandtilde.cpp.

◆ include_path() [4/4]

void gnsstk::include_path ( string  path,
vector< string > &  sarray 

Definition at line 84 of file expandtilde.cpp.

◆ incompGamma()

double gnsstk::incompGamma ( double  a,
double  x 

Incomplete gamma function P(a,x), a,x > 0. P(a,x) = (1/gamma(a)) integral (0 to x) { exp(-t) t^(a-1) dt }; a > 0, x >= 0

afirst argument, a > 0
xsecond argument, x >= 0
Exceptionif input arguments have a <= 0 or x < 0

Definition at line 332 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ incompleteBeta()

double gnsstk::incompleteBeta ( double  x,
double  a,
double  b 

Incomplete beta function I_x(a,b), 0<=x<=1, a,b>0 I_x (a,b) = (1/beta(a,b)) integral (0 to x) { t^(a-1)*(1-t)^(b-1)dt }

xinput value, 0 <= x <= 1
ainput value, a > 0
binput value, b > 0
Incomplete beta function I_x(a,b)
ExceptionOn overflow of temp arrays in cfIBeta

Definition at line 499 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void gnsstk::insert ( T *  sa,
int  na,
int(*)(const T &, const T &)  comp = gnsstk::Qsort_compare 

Insert sort. operator>() and operator<() must be defined for T, and a user comparison function comp(T,T) may be passed to override the default Qsort_compare().

sais the array of type T to be sorted.
nalength of the array to be sorted.
comp(optional) the comparison function to be used.

Definition at line 111 of file RobustStats.hpp.

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename S >
void gnsstk::insert ( T *  sa,
S *  pa,
int  na,
int(*)(const T &, const T &)  comp = gnsstk::Qsort_compare 

Insert sort one vector, keeping a second parallel. See the single-vector version of insert.

sais the array of type T to be sorted.
pais the array of type S to be kept parallel to the first.
nalength of the array to be sorted.

Definition at line 198 of file RobustStats.hpp.

◆ int2bin()

string gnsstk::int2bin ( unsigned int  v,
int  len = 8 

Definition at line 423 of file EngAlmanac.cpp.

◆ invChisqCDF()

double gnsstk::invChisqCDF ( double  alpha,
int  n 

Chi-square-distribution percent point function, or inverse of the Chisq CDF. This function(alpha,N) == Y where alpha = ChisqCDF(Y,N). Ref

alphaprobability or significance level of the test, >=0 and < 1
ndegrees of freedom of sample, n > 0
X the statistic (an RSS of variances) at this probability
Exceptionif alpha < 0 || >= 1, 1-alpha < eps, or fails to converge

Definition at line 789 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ inverse() [1/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::inverse ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

Inverts the matrix M by Gaussian elimination. Throws on non-square and singular matricies.


Definition at line 519 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ inverse() [2/2]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::inverse ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  A)

inverse (via Gauss-Jordan)

Exceptioninverse via Gauss-Jordan; NB GJ involves only row operations. NB not the best numerically; for high condition number, use inverseViaCholesky, or cast to Matrix, use either LUD or SVD, then cast back to SparseMatrix.

Definition at line 1890 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ inverseChol()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::inverseChol ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

Inverts the square symmetric positive definite matrix M using Cholesky-Crout algorithm. Very fast and useful when M comes from using a Least Mean-Square (LMS) or Weighted Least Mean-Square (WLMS) method.


Definition at line 782 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ inverseCholesky()

template<class T >
Matrix< T > gnsstk::inverseCholesky ( const Matrix< T > &  A)

Compute inverse of a symmetric positive definite matrix using Cholesky decomposition.

AMatrix to be inverted; symmetric and positive definite, unchanged
Matrix inverse of input matrix
MatrixExceptionif input Matrix is not square
SingularMatrixExceptionif input Matrix is singular

Definition at line 601 of file SRIMatrix.hpp.

◆ inverseLT() [1/2]

template<class T >
Matrix< T > gnsstk::inverseLT ( const Matrix< T > &  LT,
T *  ptrSmall = NULL,
T *  ptrBig = NULL 

Compute inverse of lower triangular matrix, returning smallest and largest eigenvalues.

LTlower triangular matrix to be inverted
ptrSmallpointer to <T> small, on output *ptrSmall contains smallest eigenvalue.
ptrBigpointer to <T> big, on output *ptrBig contains largest eigenvalue.
inverse of input matrix.
MatrixExceptionif input is not square (assumed lower triangular also).
SingularMatrixExceptionif input is singular.

Definition at line 773 of file SRIMatrix.hpp.

◆ inverseLT() [2/2]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::inverseLT ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  LT,
T *  ptrSmall,
T *  ptrBig 

Compute inverse of lower-triangular SparseMatrix.



Definition at line 2154 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ inverseLUD() [1/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::inverseLUD ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

Inverts the matrix M by LU decomposition. Throws on non-square and singular matricies.


Definition at line 591 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ inverseLUD() [2/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::inverseLUD ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m,
T &  determ 

Inverts the matrix M by LU decomposition, and returns determinant as well Throws on non-square and singular matricies.


Definition at line 620 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ inverseSVD() [1/3]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::inverseSVD ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m,
const tol = T(1.e-8) 

Inverts the square matrix M by SVD, editing the singular values using tolerance tol. Throws only on input of the zero matrix.


Definition at line 652 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ inverseSVD() [2/3]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::inverseSVD ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m,
T &  bigNum,
T &  smallNum,
const tol = T(1.e-8) 

Invert the square matrix M by SVD, editing the singular values with tolerance tol, and return the largest and smallest singular values (before any editing). Throws only on input of the zero matrix.


Definition at line 691 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ inverseSVD() [3/3]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::inverseSVD ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m,
Vector< T > &  sv,
const tol = T(1.e-8) 

Invert the square matrix M by SVD, editing the singular values using tolerance tol, and return the singular values (before any editing). Throws only on input of the zero matrix.


Definition at line 736 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ inverseUT()

template<class T >
Matrix< T > gnsstk::inverseUT ( const Matrix< T > &  UT,
T *  ptrSmall = NULL,
T *  ptrBig = NULL 

Compute inverse of upper triangular matrix, returning smallest and largest eigenvalues.

UTupper triangular matrix to be inverted
ptrSmallpointer to <T> small, on output *ptrSmall contains smallest eigenvalue.
ptrBigpointer to <T> big, on output *ptrBig contains largest eigenvalue.
inverse of input matrix.
MatrixExceptionif input is not square (assumed upper triangular also).
SingularMatrixExceptionif input is singular.

Definition at line 636 of file SRIMatrix.hpp.

◆ inverseViaCholesky()

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::inverseViaCholesky ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  A)
ExceptionCompute inverse of a symmetric positive definite matrix using Cholesky decomposition.
ASparseMatrix to be inverted; symmetric and positive definite, const
SparseMatrix inverse of input matrix
Exceptionif input SparseMatrix is not square, not positive definite, or singular

Definition at line 2277 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ invFDistCDF()

double gnsstk::invFDistCDF ( double  prob,
int  n1,
int  n2 

F-distribution percent point function, or inverse of the F-dist CDF. this function(prob,N1,N2) == F where prob = FDistCDF(F,N1,N2). Ref

probprobability or significance level of the test, >=0 and < 1
n1degrees of freedom of first sample, n1 > 0
n2degrees of freedom of second sample, n2 > 0
F the statistic (a ratio variance1/variance2) at this prob
Exceptionif prob < 0 || >=1 or n1<=0 or n2<=0 or 1-prob<eps

Definition at line 1127 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ invNormalCDF()

double gnsstk::invNormalCDF ( double  prob,
double  mu,
double  sig 

Normal-distribution percent point function, or inverse of the Normal CDF. This function(prob,mu,sig) == X where prob = NormalCDF(X,mu,sig). Ref

probprobability or significance level of the test, >=0 and < 1
mumean of the sample (location parameter of the distribution)
sigstd dev of the sample (scale parameter of the distribution)
X the statistic at this probability
Exceptionif prob < 0 || >= 1, if sig <= 0, if 1-prob < eps

Definition at line 615 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ invStudentsCDF()

double gnsstk::invStudentsCDF ( double  prob,
int  n 

Students-t-distribution percent point function, or inverse of the Student CDF. This function(prob,n) == Y where prob = StudentsCDF(Y,n). Ref

probprobability or significance level of the test, >=0 and < 1
ndegrees of freedom of sample, n > 0
t the statistic at this probability
Exceptionif prob < 0 || >= 1, n<=0 or 1-prob < eps

Definition at line 950 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ isBeiDouGEO()

bool gnsstk::isBeiDouGEO ( const SatID sat)

Return true if the given SatID is BeiDou GEO (expecting D2 nav).

Definition at line 222 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.

◆ isRinex3NavFile() [1/2]

bool gnsstk::isRinex3NavFile ( const std::string &  file)

Determine if the given file is a RINEX 3 navigation file. Open the file, read the header, and test its validity.

filethe filename
true if the file is a valid Rinex navigation file.

◆ isRinex3NavFile() [2/2]

bool gnsstk::isRinex3NavFile ( const string &  file)

Definition at line 235 of file RinexUtilities.cpp.

◆ isRinex3ObsFile() [1/2]

bool gnsstk::isRinex3ObsFile ( const std::string &  file)

Determine if the given file is a RINEX 3 observation file. Open the file, read the header, and test its validity.

filethe filename
true if the file is a valid Rinex observation file.

◆ isRinex3ObsFile() [2/2]

bool gnsstk::isRinex3ObsFile ( const string &  file)

Definition at line 311 of file RinexUtilities.cpp.

◆ isRinexNavFile() [1/2]

bool gnsstk::isRinexNavFile ( const std::string &  file)

Determine if the given file is a RINEX clock format file.

filethe filename
true if the file is RINEX clock format. Determine if the given file is a RINEX navigation file. Open the file, read the header, and test its validity.
filethe filename
true if the file is a valid Rinex navigation file.

◆ isRinexNavFile() [2/2]

bool gnsstk::isRinexNavFile ( const string &  file)

Definition at line 200 of file RinexUtilities.cpp.

◆ isRinexObsFile() [1/2]

bool gnsstk::isRinexObsFile ( const std::string &  file)

Determine if the given file is a RINEX observation file. Open the file, read the header, and test its validity.

filethe filename
true if the file is a valid Rinex observation file.

◆ isRinexObsFile() [2/2]

bool gnsstk::isRinexObsFile ( const string &  file)

Definition at line 275 of file RinexUtilities.cpp.

◆ isSP3File() [1/2]

bool gnsstk::isSP3File ( const std::string &  file)

Determine if the given file is an SP3 format file.

filethe filename
true if the file is SP3 format.

◆ isSP3File() [2/2]

bool gnsstk::isSP3File ( const string &  file)

Definition at line 165 of file RinexUtilities.cpp.

◆ isValidRinexObsID()

bool gnsstk::isValidRinexObsID ( const std::string &  strID,
const char  sys 

Determine if the given ObsID is valid, for the given system.

Definition at line 255 of file RinexObsID.cpp.

◆ LagrangeInterpolating2ndDerivative()

template<class T >
T gnsstk::LagrangeInterpolating2ndDerivative ( const std::vector< T > &  pos,
const std::vector< T > &  val,
const desiredPos 

Returns the second derivative of Lagrange interpolation.

Definition at line 193 of file MiscMath.hpp.

◆ LagrangeInterpolation() [1/2]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::LagrangeInterpolation ( const std::vector< T > &  X,
const std::vector< T > &  Y,
const T &  x,
T &  err 

Lagrange interpolation on data (X[i],Y[i]), i=0,N-1 to compute Y(x). Also return an estimate of the estimation error in 'err'. This routine assumes that N=X.size() is even and that x is centered on the interval, that is X[N/2-1] <= x <= X[N/2].

This routine will work for N as small as 4, however tests with satellite ephemerides have shown that N=4 yields m-level errors, N=6 cm-level, N=8 ~0.1mm level and N=10 ~numerical noise errors; best to use N>=8.

Definition at line 98 of file MiscMath.hpp.

◆ LagrangeInterpolation() [2/2]

template<class T >
void gnsstk::LagrangeInterpolation ( const std::vector< T > &  X,
const std::vector< T > &  Y,
const T &  x,
T &  y,
T &  dydx 

Perform Lagrange interpolation on the data (X[i],Y[i]), i=1,N (N=X.size()), returning the value of Y(x) and dY(x)/dX. Assumes that x is between X[k-1] and X[k], where k=N/2 and N > 2;

for use with the precise (SP3) ephemeris only when velocity is not available; estimates of velocity, and especially clock drift, not as accurate.

Definition at line 154 of file MiscMath.hpp.

◆ LDL()

template<class T >
Matrix< T > gnsstk::LDL ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
Vector< T > &  D 

Compute LDL (lower-diagonal-lower) decomposition of a square positive definite matrix. Return the lower triangular matrix L and the diagonal as a Vector<T>. The decomposition is such that A = L*diag(D)*transpose(L).

AMatrix<T> to be decomposed, must be square and positive definite
DVector<T> output diagonal matrix stored as a Vector
Matrix<T> lower triangular matrix L
MatrixExceptionif input is not square,
SingularMatrixExceptionif input is not positive definite

Definition at line 860 of file SRIMatrix.hpp.

◆ lnFactorial()

double gnsstk::lnFactorial ( int  n)

ln of Factorial of an integer, returned as a double.

nargument, n must be >= 0
ln(n!) or natural log of factorial(n), as a double
Exceptionif the input argument is < 0

Definition at line 149 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ lnGamma()

double gnsstk::lnGamma ( double  x)

Natural log of the gamma function for positive argument. Gamma(x) = integral(0 to inf) { t^(x-1) exp(-t) dt }

xargument, x must be > 0
double ln(gamma(x)), the natural log of the gamma function of x.
Exceptionif the input argument is <= 0

Definition at line 64 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ lowerCholesky() [1/2]

template<class T >
Matrix< T > gnsstk::lowerCholesky ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
const ztol = T(1.e-16) 

Compute lower triangular square root of a symmetric positive definite matrix (Cholesky decomposition) Crout algorithm.

AMatrix to be decomposed; symmetric and positive definite, unchanged
ztolzero tolerance, defaults to 1.e-16
Matrix lower triangular square root of input matrix
MatrixExceptionif input Matrix is not square
SingularMatrixExceptionif input Matrix is not positive definite

Definition at line 497 of file SRIMatrix.hpp.

◆ lowerCholesky() [2/2]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::lowerCholesky ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  A)


ExceptionCompute lower triangular square root of a symmetric positive definite matrix (Cholesky decomposition) Crout algorithm.
ASparseMatrix to be decomposed; symmetric and positive definite, const
SparseMatrix lower triangular square root of input matrix
ifinput SparseMatrix is not square
ifinput SparseMatrix is not positive definite

Definition at line 2065 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ lunarPosition()

Position gnsstk::lunarPosition ( const CommonTime t,
double &  AR 

Compute the Position of the Moon in WGS84 ECEF coordinates. Ref. Astronomical Almanac 1990 D46

tInput epoch of interest
AROutput apparent angular radius of moon as seen at Earth (deg)
Position (ECEF) of the Moon at t

Definition at line 249 of file SolarPosition.cpp.

◆ mad() [1/2]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::mad ( const gnsstk::Vector< T > &  v)

median absolute deviation of a gnsstk::Vector

Definition at line 85 of file Stats.hpp.

◆ mad() [2/2]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::mad ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

median absolute deviation of a std::vector

Definition at line 111 of file Stats.hpp.

◆ matrixTimesTranspose()

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::matrixTimesTranspose ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  M)

M * MT


Definition at line 1802 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ max() [1/4]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::max ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l)

Returns the largest element of the vector

Definition at line 150 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ max() [2/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::max ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  SM)

Maximum element - return 0 if empty.

Definition at line 881 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ max() [3/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::max ( const SparseVector< T > &  SV)

Definition at line 895 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ max() [4/4]

template<class For >
For gnsstk::max ( const std::list< For > &  lst)

A simple way to get the max value of a list of numbers.

Definition at line 58 of file stl_helpers.hpp.

◆ maxabs() [1/4]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::maxabs ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  a)

find the maximum magnitude in a matrix

Definition at line 951 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ maxabs() [2/4]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::maxabs ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l)

Return the element with largest absolute value in the vector

Definition at line 133 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ maxabs() [3/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::maxabs ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  SM)

Maximum absolute value - return 0 if empty.

Definition at line 927 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ maxabs() [4/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::maxabs ( const SparseVector< T > &  SV)

Definition at line 927 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ mb2hg()

double gnsstk::mb2hg ( double  mb)

Convert pressure from millibars to inches of mercury

mbPressure in millibars
Pressure in inches of mercury
See also

Definition at line 108 of file convhelp.hpp.

◆ median()

template<class T >
T gnsstk::median ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

Compute the median of a std::vector.

Definition at line 98 of file Stats.hpp.

◆ meters2cycles()

double gnsstk::meters2cycles ( double  range,
double  freq,
EllipsoidModel ellipsoid 

Convert a range and frequency to cycles

rangeDistance in meters
freqFrequency in Hertz
ellipsoidgeodetic parameters (for c)
Phase in cycles (radians?)
See also

Definition at line 75 of file convhelp.hpp.

◆ min() [1/4]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::min ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l)

Returns the smallest element of the vector


Definition at line 116 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ min() [2/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::min ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  SM)

Maximum element - return 0 if empty.

Definition at line 858 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ min() [3/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::min ( const SparseVector< T > &  SV)

Definition at line 879 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ min() [4/4]

template<class For >
For gnsstk::min ( const std::list< For > &  lst)

A simple way to get the minimum value of a list of numbers.

Definition at line 64 of file stl_helpers.hpp.

◆ minabs() [1/3]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::minabs ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l)

Return the element with smallest absolute value in the vector


Definition at line 97 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ minabs() [2/3]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::minabs ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  SM)

Minimum absolute value - return 0 if empty.

Definition at line 904 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ minabs() [3/3]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::minabs ( const SparseVector< T > &  SV)

Definition at line 911 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ Minkowski()

template<class T , class BaseClass , class BaseClass2 >
T gnsstk::Minkowski ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  v,
const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  w 

return the Minkowski product of two vectors of length 4.

Definition at line 225 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ minorMatrix()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::minorMatrix ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  l,
size_t  row,
size_t  col 

Returns the minor matrix of l at element (row, col). A minor matrix is the same matrix as l but with row row and col col removed.


Definition at line 266 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ mixedScanTime() [1/2]

void gnsstk::mixedScanTime ( CommonTime t,
const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  fmt 

This function is like the other scanTime functions except that it allows mixed time formats. i.e. Year / 10-bit GPS week / seconds-of-week The time formats are filled in the following order: GPS Epoch, year, month, GPS Full Week, GPS 10-bit Week, day-of-week, day-of-month, day-of-year, 29-bit Zcount, 19-bit Zcount, hour, minute, second-of-week, second-of-day, second-of-minute.

MJD, Julian Date, ANSI time, Unix time, and 32-bit Zcount are treated as stand-alone types and are not mixed with others if detected.

◆ mixedScanTime() [2/2]

void gnsstk::mixedScanTime ( CommonTime t,
const string &  str,
const string &  fmt 
use a more appropriate exception class
use a more appropriate exception class
use a more appropriate exception class

Definition at line 432 of file TimeString.cpp.

◆ NB_Interpolate()

static double gnsstk::NB_Interpolate ( double  lat,
int  doy,
TableEntry  entry 

Definition at line 101 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


gnsstk::NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS ( EndOfFile  ,

This gets thrown if a valid EOF occurs on formattedGetLine.


gnsstk::NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS ( InvalidValue  ,




gnsstk::NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS ( NoPRNNumberFound  ,


gnsstk::NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS ( SingularMatrixException  ,

Thrown when an operation can't be performed on a singular matrix.

◆ nominalAccuracy2ura()

short gnsstk::nominalAccuracy2ura ( double  acc)

Definition at line 134 of file GPS_URA.hpp.

◆ norm() [1/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::norm ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  v)

returns the norm of the vector

Definition at line 207 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ norm() [2/2]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::norm ( const SparseVector< T > &  SV)

Definition at line 705 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ NormalCDF()

double gnsstk::NormalCDF ( double  x,
double  mu,
double  sig 

Cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the Normal-distribution. Ref

xinput statistic
mumean of the sample (location parameter of the distribution)
sigstd dev of the sample (scale parameter of the distribution)
Normal distribution probability
Exceptionif sig <= 0

Definition at line 588 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ normalCDF()

template<typename T >
T gnsstk::normalCDF ( m,

Cumulative distribution function CDF for the normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation s (square root of variance). Return 0 if s is zero.

mmean of the distribution
sstandard deviation (sqrt of variance) of the distribution, > 0.
xvalue at which to compute the CDF.
cumulative normal distribution(m,s) evaluated at x

Definition at line 321 of file RobustStats.hpp.

◆ normalize()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Vector<T> gnsstk::normalize ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l)

returns a new vector with the normalized version of l

Definition at line 187 of file VectorOperators.hpp.

◆ NormalPDF()

double gnsstk::NormalPDF ( double  x,
double  mu,
double  sig 

Normal distribution of sample mean mu and sample std deviation sig (location and scale parameters, resp.).

NormalPDF(x,mu,sig) = exp(-(x-mu)*(x-mu)/(2*sig*sig));
NormalCDF(x,mu,sig) = 0.5*(1+erf((x-mu)/(::sqrt(2)*sig));

For both theoretical and practical reasons, the normal distribution is probably the most important distribution in statistics. Many classical statistical tests are based on the assumption that the data follow a normal distribution. (This assumption should be tested before applying these tests.) In modeling applications, such as linear and non-linear regression, the error term is often assumed to follow a normal distribution with fixed location (mu) and scale (sig). The normal distribution is widely used. Part of its appeal is that it is well behaved and mathematically tractable. However, the central limit theorem provides a theoretical basis for why it has wide applicability. The central limit theorem states that as the sample size n becomes large, the following occur: The sampling distribution of the mean becomes approximately normal regardless of the distribution of the original variable. The sampling distribution of the mean is centered at the population mean, mu, of the original variable. In addition, the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean approaches sig/sqrt(n). Probability density function (PDF) of the Normal distribution. Ref

xinput statistic
mumean of the sample (location parameter of the distribution)
sigstd dev of the sample (scale parameter of the distribution)
Normal distribution probability density
Exceptionif math throws

Definition at line 570 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ normCol()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::normCol ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

returns the column sum norm of the matrix

Definition at line 132 of file MatrixBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ normF()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::normF ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

returns the frobenius norm or RSS of the matrix

Definition at line 118 of file MatrixBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ northEastUp()

Matrix< double > gnsstk::northEastUp ( Position pos,
bool  geoc = false 

Same as upEastNorth(), but with rows re-ordered.

Given a Position, compute unit vectors in ECEF coordinates in the North, East and Up directions at that position. Use either geodetic coordinates, i.e. so that 'up' is perpendicular to the geoid, not from center of Earth; or geocentric coordinates, so that the vertical meets the center of the Earth. Return the vectors in the form of a 3x3 Matrix<double>. This is in fact the rotation matrix that will take an ECEF (XYZ) vector into North,East,Up. Individual unit vectors can be defined from this rotation matrix R by

Vector<double> N = R.rowCopy(0);
Vector<double> E = R.rowCopy(1);
Vector<double> U = R.rowCopy(2);
[in]posPosition at which the rotation matrix will be defined.
[in]geocIf true, use geocentric, else geodetic coordinates (default false).
3x3 rotation matrix that will transform an ECEF vector into the local topocentric or North,East,Up frame at the position pos.

rad N

rad E

Definition at line 57 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ northEastUpGeocentric()

Matrix< double > gnsstk::northEastUpGeocentric ( Position pos)

Same as northEastUp(pos, true).

Same as northEastUp(pos, true).

[in]posPosition at which the rotation matrix will be defined.
3x3 rotation matrix that will transform an ECEF vector into the local topocentric or North,East,Up frame at the position pos.

Definition at line 97 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ northEastUpGeodetic()

Matrix< double > gnsstk::northEastUpGeodetic ( Position pos)

Same as northEastUp(pos, false).

Same as northEastUp(pos, false).

[in]posPosition at which the rotation matrix will be defined.
3x3 rotation matrix that will transform an ECEF vector into the local topocentric or North,East,Up frame at the position pos.

Definition at line 101 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [1/2]

bool gnsstk::operator!= ( const IonexData::IonexValType x,
const IonexData::IonexValType y 

operator != for IonexData::IonexValType

Definition at line 259 of file IonexData.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

bool gnsstk::operator!= ( const Namelist N1,
const Namelist N2 

Definition at line 318 of file Namelist.cpp.

◆ operator&()

Namelist gnsstk::operator& ( const Namelist N1,
const Namelist N2 

Definition at line 357 of file Namelist.cpp.

◆ operator&&() [1/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator&& ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  t,
const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  b 

Returns the top to bottom concatenation of Matrix t and Vector b only if they have the same number of columns.


Definition at line 92 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator&&() [2/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator&& ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  t,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  b 

Returns the top to bottom concatenation of Vector t and Matrix b only if they have the same number of columns.


Definition at line 121 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator*() [1/15]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator* ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m,
const d 

Multiplies all the elements of m by d.

Definition at line 970 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator*() [2/15]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator* ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  l,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  r 

Matrix * Matrix : row by column multiplication of two matricies.


Definition at line 814 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator*() [3/15]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Vector<T> gnsstk::operator* ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  m,
const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  v 

Matrix times vector multiplication, returning a vector.


Definition at line 838 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator*() [4/15]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Vector<T> gnsstk::operator* ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  v,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  m 

Vector times matrix multiplication, returning a vector.


Definition at line 862 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator*() [5/15]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator* ( const Matrix< T > &  L,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  R 

Matrix multiply: SparseMatrix = Matrix * SparseMatrix.

Definition at line 1270 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [6/15]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator* ( const Matrix< T > &  L,
const SparseVector< T > &  V 

Matrix,Vector multiply: SparseVector = Matrix * SparseVector.

Definition at line 1023 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [7/15]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator* ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  L,
const Matrix< T > &  R 

Matrix multiply: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix * Matrix.

Definition at line 1225 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [8/15]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator* ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  L,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  R 

Matrix multiply: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix * SparseMatrix.

Definition at line 1186 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [9/15]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator* ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  L,
const SparseVector< T > &  V 

Matrix,Vector multiply: SparseVector = SparseMatrix * SparseVector.

Definition at line 996 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [10/15]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator* ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  L,
const Vector< T > &  V 

Matrix,Vector multiply: SparseVector = SparseMatrix * Vector.

Definition at line 1056 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [11/15]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator* ( const SparseVector< T > &  V,
const Matrix< T > &  R 

Vector,Matrix multiply: SparseVector = SparseVector * Matrix.

Definition at line 1119 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [12/15]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator* ( const SparseVector< T > &  V,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  R 

Vector,Matrix multiply: SparseVector = SparseVector * SparseMatrix.

Definition at line 1083 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [13/15]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator* ( const d,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m 

Multiplies all the elements of m by d.

Definition at line 978 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator*() [14/15]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator* ( const Vector< T > &  V,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  R 

Vector,Matrix multiply: SparseVector = Vector * SparseMatrix.

Definition at line 1153 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [15/15]

Triple gnsstk::operator* ( double  scale,
const Triple rhs 

Multiplication Operator.

scalethe scale by which to multiply a Triple
rhsthe Triple to scale
a Triple containing the scaled result

Definition at line 318 of file Triple.cpp.

◆ operator+() [1/11]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator+ ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m,
const d 

Adds all the elements of m by d.

Definition at line 1002 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator+() [2/11]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator+ ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  l,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  r 

Compute sum of two matricies.


Definition at line 887 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator+() [3/11]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator+ ( const Matrix< T > &  L,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  R 

Matrix addition: SparseMatrix = Matrix + SparseMatrix : copy, += M in rev order

Definition at line 1643 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator+() [4/11]

Position gnsstk::operator+ ( const Position left,
const Position right 

Add two Positions, returning result as a Position in Cartesian coordinates, the only system in which a position sum makes sense.

rightPosition to add to this one.
The new Position.

Definition at line 204 of file Position.cpp.

◆ operator+() [5/11]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator+ ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  L,
const Matrix< T > &  R 

Matrix addition: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix + Matrix : copy, += M.

Definition at line 1624 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator+() [6/11]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator+ ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  L,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  R 

Matrix addition: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix + SparseMatrix : copy, += SM.

Definition at line 1608 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator+() [7/11]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator+ ( const SparseVector< T > &  L,
const SparseVector< T > &  R 

Definition at line 1182 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ operator+() [8/11]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator+ ( const SparseVector< T > &  L,
const Vector< T > &  R 

Definition at line 1198 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ operator+() [9/11]

SRI gnsstk::operator+ ( const SRI Sleft,
const SRI Sright 

merge two SRIs to produce a third. ? should this be operator&() ?

Sleftfirst SRI to be merged
Srightsecond SRI to be merged

Definition at line 519 of file SRI.cpp.

◆ operator+() [10/11]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator+ ( const d,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m 

Adds all the elements of m by d.

Definition at line 1010 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator+() [11/11]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator+ ( const Vector< T > &  L,
const SparseVector< T > &  R 

Definition at line 1214 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ operator++()

FileSpec::FileSpecType & gnsstk::operator++ ( FileSpec::FileSpecType fst,

Operator++ for FileSpecType.

Definition at line 64 of file FileSpec.cpp.

◆ operator-() [1/10]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator- ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m,
const d 

Subtracts all the elements of m by d.

Definition at line 1018 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator-() [2/10]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator- ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  l,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  r 

Compute difference of two matricies.


Definition at line 910 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator-() [3/10]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator- ( const Matrix< T > &  L,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  R 

Matrix subtraction: SparseMatrix = Matrix - SparseMatrix.

Definition at line 1483 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator-() [4/10]

Position gnsstk::operator- ( const Position left,
const Position right 

Difference two Positions, returning result as a Position in Cartesian coordinates, the only system in which a position difference makes sense.

rightPosition to subtract from this one.
difference as Position.

Definition at line 190 of file Position.cpp.

◆ operator-() [5/10]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator- ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  L,
const Matrix< T > &  R 

Matrix subtraction: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix - Matrix.

Definition at line 1467 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator-() [6/10]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator- ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  L,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  R 

Matrix subtraction: SparseMatrix = SparseMatrix - SparseMatrix.

Definition at line 1451 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator-() [7/10]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator- ( const SparseVector< T > &  L,
const SparseVector< T > &  R 

Definition at line 1133 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ operator-() [8/10]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator- ( const SparseVector< T > &  L,
const Vector< T > &  R 

Definition at line 1149 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ operator-() [9/10]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator- ( const d,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m 

Subtracts all the elements of m by d.

Definition at line 1026 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator-() [10/10]

template<class T >
SparseVector< T > gnsstk::operator- ( const Vector< T > &  L,
const SparseVector< T > &  R 

Definition at line 1165 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ operator--()

FileSpec::FileSpecType & gnsstk::operator-- ( FileSpec::FileSpecType fst,

Operator– for FileSpecType.

Definition at line 57 of file FileSpec.cpp.

◆ operator/() [1/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator/ ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m,
const d 

Divides all the elements of m by d.

Definition at line 986 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator/() [2/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator/ ( const d,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m 

Divides all the elements of m by d.

Definition at line 994 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator<() [1/2]

bool gnsstk::operator< ( const IonexData::IonexValType x,
const IonexData::IonexValType y 

operator < for IonexData::IonexValType

Definition at line 265 of file IonexData.hpp.

◆ operator<() [2/2]

bool gnsstk::operator< ( const RinexObsType x,
const RinexObsType y 

operator < for RinexObsType

Definition at line 374 of file RinexObsHeader.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( FFStream o,
const FFData f 

Our generic formatted output operator This function provides compatibility with the ostream_iterator class.

othe stream to write to
fthe data to write
a reference to o

Definition at line 59 of file FFData.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const EarthOrientation eo 

Definition at line 86 of file EarthOrientation.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const EOPPrediction eopp 

Definition at line 295 of file EOPPrediction.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const format f 

Definition at line 48 of file format.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [5/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const LabeledVector LV 

Definition at line 570 of file Namelist.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [6/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const Namelist N 

Definition at line 550 of file Namelist.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [7/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const SRI S 

Definition at line 1181 of file SRI.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [8/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const SRIleastSquares srif 

Definition at line 601 of file SRIleastSquares.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [9/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const TimeSystem  ts 

Definition at line 48 of file TimeSystem.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [10/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const WtdAveStats was 

Definition at line 60 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [11/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
CarrierBand  cb 

Definition at line 48 of file RinexObsID_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [12/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const BrcClockCorrection eph 

Definition at line 451 of file BrcClockCorrection.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [13/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const BrcKeplerOrbit eph 

Definition at line 873 of file BrcKeplerOrbit.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [14/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const EngEphemeris eph 

Definition at line 1635 of file EngEphemeris.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [15/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const Epoch e 

Definition at line 449 of file Epoch.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [16/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const Exception e 

Definition at line 200 of file Exception.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [17/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const ExceptionLocation e 

Definition at line 207 of file Exception.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [18/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const gnsstk::SatelliteSystem  sys 

Definition at line 48 of file SatMetaDataStore_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [19/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const PackedNavBits pnb 

Definition at line 1223 of file PackedNavBits.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [20/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const Position p 

Definition at line 1252 of file Position.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [21/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
GLOCOrbitType  e 

Definition at line 89 of file PNBGLOCNavDataFactory_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [22/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
GLOCRegime  e 

Definition at line 84 of file PNBGLOCNavDataFactory_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [23/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
GLOCSatType  e 

Definition at line 79 of file PNBGLOCNavDataFactory_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [24/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
GLOFNavPCode  e 

Definition at line 74 of file PNBGLOFNavDataFactory_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [25/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
GLOFNavSatType  e 

Definition at line 69 of file PNBGLOFNavDataFactory_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [26/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
GPSLNavL2Codes  e 

Definition at line 58 of file PNBGPSLNavDataFactory_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [27/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
ObservationType  ot 

Definition at line 58 of file RinexObsID_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [28/106]

ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
SVHealth  h 

Definition at line 74 of file PNBGLOCNavDataFactory_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [29/106]

ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( ostream &  s,
TrackingCode  tc 

Definition at line 53 of file RinexObsID_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [30/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const CommonTime ct 

Definition at line 509 of file CommonTime.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [31/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Xvt xvt 

Output operator for Xvt

[in,out]osoutput stream to which xvt is sent
[in]xvtXvt that is sent to os

Definition at line 52 of file Xvt.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [32/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const LabeledMatrix LM 

output ostream operator for LabeledMatrix

Definition at line 637 of file Namelist.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [33/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const LabeledVector lv 

output ostream operator for LabeledVector

◆ operator<<() [34/106]

template<class T >
std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  SM 

stream output operator

Definition at line 952 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [35/106]

template<class T >
std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SparseVector< T > &  SV 

Definition at line 675 of file SparseVector.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [36/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const TimeSystem  ts 

Write name (asString()) of a TimeSystem to an output stream.

[in,out]osThe output stream
[in]tsThe TimeSystem to be written
reference to the output stream

◆ operator<<() [37/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Xvt::HealthStatus health 

Output operator for Xvt health status.

[in,out]osoutput stream to which health is sent
[in]healthHealth status that is sent to os

Definition at line 64 of file Xvt.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [38/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
IERSConvention  cv 

Write name (asString()) of a Convention to an output stream.

[in,out]osThe output stream
[in]cvThe Convention to be written
reference to the output stream

Definition at line 90 of file IERSConvention.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [39/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ReferenceFrame  f 

Write name (asString()) of a ReferenceFrame to an output stream.

[in,out]osthe output stream
[in]fthe ReferenceFrame to be written
The reference to the ostream passed to this operator.

Definition at line 97 of file ReferenceFrame.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [40/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
gnsstk::SatPass sp 

Stream output for SatPass.

osoutput stream to write to
spSatPass to write
reference to os.

Definition at line 1378 of file SatPass.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [41/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::CarrierBand  e 

Definition at line 56 of file ObsID_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [42/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const AllanDeviation a 

Definition at line 116 of file AllanDeviation.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [43/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const AlmOrbit ao 

Definition at line 278 of file AlmOrbit.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [44/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Angle a 

Definition at line 130 of file Angle.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [45/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const AngleReduced a 

Definition at line 110 of file AngleReduced.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [46/106]

template<class T >
std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const BivarStats< T > &  BVS 

Output operator for BivarStats class.

Definition at line 150 of file BivarStats.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [47/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const CNavFilterData nfd 

Definition at line 78 of file CNavFilterData.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [48/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const EngAlmanac alm 

Definition at line 548 of file EngAlmanac.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [49/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Epoch t 

Stream output for Epoch objects. Typically used for debugging.

sstream to append formatted Epoch to.
tEpoch to append to stream s.
reference to s.

◆ operator<<() [50/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const FormattedDouble d 

Stream output for FormattedDouble.

Definition at line 104 of file FormattedDouble.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [51/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const gnsstk::GPSZcount z 

Stream output operator for GPSZcount objects.

sstream to append formatted GPSZcount to.
zGPSZcount to append to stream s.
a reference to s.

Definition at line 381 of file GPSZcount.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [52/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const gnsstk::NavMessageTypeSet nmts 

Definition at line 86 of file MultiFormatNavDataFactory_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [53/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const gnsstk::Triple v 

Output operator for dvec

soutput stream to which v is sent
vdvec that is sent to s

Definition at line 325 of file Triple.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [54/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const gnsstk::WxObservation obs 

Friendly Output Operator.

sthe output stream to which data is sent
obsthe WxObservation from which the data comes
a reference to the modified ostream

Definition at line 232 of file WxObsMap.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [55/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const GSatID sat 

stream output for GSatID

Definition at line 311 of file GSatID.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [56/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const IonexData::IonexValType  ivt 

operator << for IonexData::IonexValType

Definition at line 271 of file IonexData.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [57/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const LNavFilterData nfd 

Definition at line 64 of file LNavFilterData.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [58/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const NavFilterKey nfk 

Definition at line 66 of file NavFilterKey.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [59/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const NavID p 

stream output for NavID

Definition at line 116 of file NavID.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [60/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const NavMessageID nmid 

Definition at line 103 of file NavMessageID.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [61/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const NavSatelliteID nsid 

Definition at line 176 of file NavSatelliteID.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [62/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const NavSignalID nsid 

Definition at line 110 of file NavSignalID.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [63/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const ObsEpoch oe 

Definition at line 54 of file ObsEpochMap.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [64/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const ObsID p 

stream output for ObsID

Definition at line 183 of file ObsID.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [65/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const ObsRngDev ord 

Definition at line 284 of file ObsRngDev.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [66/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PackedNavBits pnb 

◆ operator<<() [67/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const RefFrame rf 

Stream output operator for RefFrame, obviously.

[in,out]sThe stream to write to.
[in]rfThe RefFrame object to write.
the reference s, after writing.

Definition at line 124 of file RefFrame.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [68/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Rinex3ObsHeader::Fields v 

Definition at line 2844 of file Rinex3ObsHeader.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [69/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const RinexObsType  rot 

operator << for RinexObsType

Definition at line 378 of file RinexObsHeader.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [70/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const RinexSatID sat 

Stream output for RinexSatID.

Definition at line 143 of file RinexSatID.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [71/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const SatelliteSystem  sys 

Definition at line 50 of file SatID_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [72/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const SatID p 

stream output for SatID

Definition at line 161 of file SatID.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [73/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const SatMetaData smd 

Stream output for SatMetaData

not expected to be consistent between releases, don't use for purposes other than debugging.

Definition at line 141 of file SatMetaData.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [74/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const SatMetaDataStore::SVNID svn 

Definition at line 503 of file SatMetaDataStore.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [75/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const SatMetaDataStore::SystemBlock sblk 

Definition at line 495 of file SatMetaDataStore.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [76/106]

template<class T >
std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const SeqStats< T > &  ST 

Output operator for SeqStats class.

Definition at line 603 of file Stats.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [77/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const SP3SatID sat 

stream output for SP3SatID

Definition at line 162 of file SP3SatID.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [78/106]

template<class T >
std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Stats< T > &  ST 

Output operator for Stats class.

Definition at line 366 of file Stats.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [79/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const SvObsEpoch obs 

Definition at line 48 of file SvObsEpoch.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [80/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Transformer t 

Definition at line 47 of file TransformLibrary_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [81/106]

template<class T >
std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const TwoSampleStats< T > &  TSS 

Output operator for TwoSampleStats class.

Definition at line 1136 of file Stats.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [82/106]

template<class T >
std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const ValidType< T > &  r 

Definition at line 120 of file ValidType.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [83/106]

template<class T >
std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const WtdStats< T > &  ST 

Output operator for WtdStats class.

Definition at line 831 of file Stats.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [84/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::CorrectorType  e 

Definition at line 47 of file BCIonoCorrector_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [85/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
GLOFNavPCode  e 

Definition at line 47 of file GLOFNavEph_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [86/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
GLOFNavSatType  e 

Definition at line 44 of file GLOFNavData_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [87/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::AngleType  e 

Definition at line 44 of file AngleType_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [88/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::CorrDupHandling  e 

Definition at line 44 of file CorrDupHandling_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [89/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::GalDataValid  e 

Definition at line 44 of file GalDataValid_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [90/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::GalHealthStatus  e 

Definition at line 52 of file GalFNavAlm_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [91/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::GLOCOrbitType  e 

Definition at line 61 of file GLOCNavAlm_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [92/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::GLOCRegime  e 

Definition at line 65 of file GLOCNavEph_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [93/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::GLOCSatType  e 

Definition at line 56 of file GLOCNavAlm_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [94/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::GPSLNavL2Codes  e 

Definition at line 51 of file GPSLNavEph_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [95/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::IonexStoreStrategy  e 

Definition at line 44 of file IonexStoreStrategy_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [96/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::NavMessageType  e 

Definition at line 46 of file BDSD1NavAlm_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [97/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::NavType  e 

Definition at line 55 of file NavID_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [98/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::NavValidityType  e 

Definition at line 50 of file MultiFormatNavDataFactory_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [99/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::ObservationType  e 

Definition at line 51 of file ObsID_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [100/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::RefFrameRlz  e 

Definition at line 47 of file RefFrameRlz_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [101/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::RefFrameSys  e 

Definition at line 52 of file RefFrameRlz_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [102/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::SVHealth  e 

Definition at line 50 of file BDSD1NavHealth_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [103/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::TrackingCode  e 

Definition at line 61 of file ObsID_T.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [104/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
SatMetaData::ClockType  ct 

Definition at line 121 of file SatMetaData.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [105/106]

std::ostream& gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
SatMetaData::Status  status 

Definition at line 115 of file SatMetaData.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [106/106]

std::ostream & gnsstk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
gnsstk::XmitAnt  e 

Definition at line 56 of file Rinex3Obs_T.cpp.

◆ operator==() [1/3]

bool gnsstk::operator== ( const IonexData::IonexValType x,
const IonexData::IonexValType y 

operator == for IonexData::IonexValType

Definition at line 253 of file IonexData.hpp.

◆ operator==() [2/3]

bool gnsstk::operator== ( const Namelist N1,
const Namelist N2 

Definition at line 282 of file Namelist.cpp.

◆ operator==() [3/3]

bool gnsstk::operator== ( const RinexObsType x,
const RinexObsType y 

operator == for RinexObsType

Definition at line 370 of file RinexObsHeader.hpp.

◆ operator>>() [1/2]

std::istream& gnsstk::operator>> ( FFStream i,
FFData f 

Generic formatted input operator. This should throw the same exceptions as FFData::getRecord(). Please read that for more info.

See also
see FFData::getRecord() for more info on exceptions
fformatted file data record.
ithe stream to read from
FFStreamErrorif the file being read is formatted incorrectly or some other file error occurs
StringUtils::StringExceptionwhen StringUtils messes up.
read the notes for getRecord() for whatever class you'll be using this with.
a reference to i. This function provides compatibility with the istream_iterator class.

Definition at line 65 of file FFData.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [2/2]

std::istream & gnsstk::operator>> ( std::istream &  s,
FormattedDouble d 

Stream input for FormattedDouble.

While the stream input operator does take into account the value of totalLen, don't make the mistake of thinking that C++ stream input will only read that many characters. That is, if you have something like "1.2345e+001234" and a width of 10, you won't get 1.2345. The lack of the delimiter between "1.2345e+00" and "1234" will cause C++ to attempt to interpret the 1234 as part of the exponent. This is a limitation of C++. If you need to work around this limitation, you should probably process substrings instead.

Definition at line 113 of file FormattedDouble.cpp.

◆ operator^()

Namelist gnsstk::operator^ ( const Namelist N1,
const Namelist N2 

Definition at line 387 of file Namelist.cpp.

◆ operator|()

Namelist gnsstk::operator| ( const Namelist N1,
const Namelist N2 

Definition at line 372 of file Namelist.cpp.

◆ operator||() [1/6]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator|| ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  l,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  r 

Returns the left to right concatenation of l and r only if they have the same number of rows.


Definition at line 150 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator||() [2/6]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator|| ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  l,
const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  r 

Returns the left to right concatenation of Matrix l and Vector r only if they have the same number of rows.


Definition at line 180 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator||() [3/6]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator|| ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  l,
const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  r 

Returns the left to right concatenation of Vector l and Matrix r only if they have the same number of rows.


Definition at line 209 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator||() [4/6]

template<class T , class BaseClass1 , class BaseClass2 >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::operator|| ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass1 > &  l,
const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass2 > &  r 

Returns the left to right concatenation of Vector l and Vector r only if they have the same number of rows.


Definition at line 238 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ operator||() [5/6]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator|| ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  L,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  R 

Definition at line 1343 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ operator||() [6/6]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::operator|| ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  L,
const Vector< T > &  V 

Concatenation SparseMatrix || Vector TD the rest of them...

Definition at line 1313 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ orbitNormalAttitude()

Matrix< double > gnsstk::orbitNormalAttitude ( const Position pos,
const Position vel 

Compute the satellite attitude, given its position pos and velocity vel, assuming an orbit-normal attitude. Return a 3x3 Matrix which contains, as rows, the unit (ECEF) vectors X,Y,Z in the satellite body frame.

Compute the satellite attitude, given the satellite position pos and velocity vel, assuming an orbit-normal attitude. Return a 3x3 Matrix which contains, as rows, the unit (ECEF) vectors X,Y,Z in the body frame of the satellite, namely Z = along the boresight (i.e. towards Earth center), Y = perpendicular to orbital plane, pointing opposite the angular momentum vector, X = along-track (same direction as velocity vector for circular orbit). Thus this rotation matrix R transforms an ECEF XYZ vector into the body frame of the satellite, so R * (ECEF XYZ vector) = components in body frame. Also, R.transpose() * (sat. body. frame vector) = ECEF XYZ components.

[in]posSatellite position.
[in]velSatellite velocity.
3x3 rotation matrix from XYZ to Satellite body frame.

reverse and normalize Y

Definition at line 330 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ outer()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::outer ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  v,
const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  w 

Compute the outer product of two vectors.


Definition at line 933 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ printAs()

template<class TimeTagType >
std::string gnsstk::printAs ( const CommonTime t,
const std::string &  fmt 

This function converts the given CommonTime into the templatized TimeTag object, before calling the TimeTag's printf(fmt). If there's an error in conversion, it instead calls printf(fmt, true) to signal a conversion error.

Definition at line 135 of file TimeString.hpp.

◆ QSort() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void gnsstk::QSort ( T *  sa,
int  na,
int(*)(const T &, const T &)  comp = gnsstk::Qsort_compare 

Quick sort in memory, with insert sort for small arrays. operator>() and operator<() must be defined for T, and a user comparison function comp(T,T) may be passed to override the default Qsort_compare().

sais the array of type T to be sorted.
nalength of the array to be sorted.
comp(optional) the comparison function to be used.

Definition at line 139 of file RobustStats.hpp.

◆ QSort() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename S >
void gnsstk::QSort ( T *  sa,
S *  pa,
int  na,
int(*)(const T &, const T &)  comp = gnsstk::Qsort_compare 

Quick sort of one vector, keeping another parallel. See the single-vector version of QSort.

sais the array of type T to be sorted.
pais the array of type S to be kept parallel to the first.
nalength of the array to be sorted.
comp(optional) the comparison function to be used.

Definition at line 229 of file RobustStats.hpp.

◆ Rand()

double gnsstk::Rand ( long  seed)

Generate random numbers uniformly distributed from 0 to 1.

Definition at line 56 of file random.cpp.

◆ RandExpCor()

double gnsstk::RandExpCor ( double  dt,
double  sigma,
double  T,
double  xlast 

Generate exponentially correlated random numbers, given sqrt variance sigma, time step dt, time constant T, and previous point xlast.

Definition at line 200 of file random.cpp.

◆ RandNorm()

double gnsstk::RandNorm ( double  sigma)

Generate normally distributed random numbers, zero mean and sqrt of variance sigma. Uses Box-Muller and Rand().

Definition at line 126 of file random.cpp.

◆ RandomWalk()

double gnsstk::RandomWalk ( double  dt,
double  sigma,
double  xlast 

Generate a random walk sequence, given sqrt variance sigma, time step dt and previous point xlast.

Definition at line 192 of file random.cpp.

◆ range()

double gnsstk::range ( const Position A,
const Position B 

Definition at line 1273 of file Position.cpp.

◆ reallyGetRecordVer2()

void gnsstk::reallyGetRecordVer2 ( Rinex3ObsStream strm,
Rinex3ObsData rod 

Definition at line 390 of file Rinex3ObsData.cpp.

◆ reallyPutRecordVer2()

void gnsstk::reallyPutRecordVer2 ( Rinex3ObsStream strm,
const Rinex3ObsData rod 

Definition at line 56 of file Rinex3ObsData.cpp.

◆ RegisterExtendedRinexObsType() [1/2]

int gnsstk::RegisterExtendedRinexObsType ( std::string  t,
std::string  d = std::string("(undefined)"),
std::string  u = std::string("undefined"),
unsigned int  dep = 0 

Function to allow user to define a new RINEX observation type.

◆ RegisterExtendedRinexObsType() [2/2]

int gnsstk::RegisterExtendedRinexObsType ( string  t,
string  d,
string  u,
unsigned int  dep 

Definition at line 969 of file RinexObsHeader.cpp.

◆ RelativityCorrection()

double gnsstk::RelativityCorrection ( const Xvt svPosVel)

Compute relativity correction (sec.s) from the satellite position and velocity

Definition at line 218 of file EphemerisRange.cpp.

◆ removeMilliseconds() [1/2]

void gnsstk::removeMilliseconds ( std::vector< SatPass > &  SPList,
msecHandler msh 

remove millisecond adjusts of the time tags and pseudoranges (C1 C2 P1 P2) and phases (L1 L2), given handler passed to earlier call to FindMilliseconds(). User the handler to print messages, etc.

SPListinput SatPass list for modification
mshmessage returned from FindMilliseconds()

◆ removeMilliseconds() [2/2]

void gnsstk::removeMilliseconds ( vector< SatPass > &  SPList,
msecHandler msh 

Definition at line 190 of file SatPassUtilities.cpp.

◆ RMS()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::RMS ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l)

returns the root-mean-square of the elements of l

Definition at line 197 of file VectorOperators.hpp.

◆ rotation()

template<class T >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::rotation ( angle,
int  axis 

Return a rotation matrix [dimensioned 3x3, inverse() = transpose()] for the rotation through angle radians about axis number (= 1, 2 or 3).


Definition at line 495 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ Round()

double gnsstk::Round ( double  x)

Definition at line 277 of file MiscMath.hpp.

◆ RSS() [1/4]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::RSS ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l)

returns the root-sum-square of the elements of l

Definition at line 192 of file VectorOperators.hpp.

◆ RSS() [2/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::RSS ( aa,

Perform the root sum square of aa, bb.

Definition at line 257 of file MiscMath.hpp.

◆ RSS() [3/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::RSS ( aa,

Perform the root sum square of aa, bb and cc.

Definition at line 246 of file MiscMath.hpp.

◆ RSS() [4/4]

template<class T >
T gnsstk::RSS ( aa,

Perform the root sum square of aa, bb, cc and dd.

Definition at line 264 of file MiscMath.hpp.

◆ satelliteAttitude()

Matrix< double > gnsstk::satelliteAttitude ( const Position sat,
const Position sun 

Compute the satellite attitude, given the time and position sv. Use either class SolarSystem (high accuracy) or module SolarPosition (low accuracy) to get the Sun position. Return a 3x3 Matrix that contains, as rows, the unit (ECEF) vectors X,Y,Z in the satellite body frame.

[in]satSatellite position.
[in]sunSun position.
Matrix<double>(3,3) Rotation matrix from XYZ to Satellite body frame.

Compute the satellite attitude, given the time, the satellite position pos, and a Sun position. Use either class SolarSystem (high accuracy) or module SolarPosition (low accuracy) to get the Sun position; however note that SolarSystem::SatelliteAttitude(tt, sv, shadow, sunSVangle) makes both calls. Return a 3x3 Matrix that contains, as rows, the unit (ECEF) vectors X,Y,Z in the body frame of the satellite, namely Z = along the boresight (i.e. towards Earth center), Y = perpendicular to both Z and the satellite-Sun direction, and X = completing the orthonormal triad. X will generally point toward the Sun. Thus this rotation matrix R transforms an ECEF XYZ vector into the body frame of the satellite, so R * (ECEF XYZ vector) = components in body frame. Also, transpose(R) * (sat. body. frame vector) = ECEF XYZ components. Also return the shadow factor, which is the fraction of the Sun's area not visible to satellite; thus sf == 1 means the satellite is in eclipse.

[in]posSatellite position at tt.
[in]sunSun position at tt.
3x3 rotation matrix from XYZ to satellite body frame.

Definition at line 266 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ satelliteEarthSunAngle()

double gnsstk::satelliteEarthSunAngle ( const Position sat,
const Position sun 

Compute the angle from satellite to Earth to Sun; that is the angular separation of the satellite and the Sun, as seen from the center of Earth.

[in]satSatellite position
[in]sunSun position
angle Angle (rad) for satellite-Earth-Sun.

Compute the angle from satellite to Earth to Sun; that is the angular separation of the satellite and the Sun, as seen from the center of Earth. This angle lies between zero and pi, and it reaches zero (pi) only when the Sun lies exactly in the orbit plane at noon (midnight). Use either class SolarSystem (high accuracy) or module SolarPosition (low accuracy) to get the Sun position. Return the angle in radians.

[in]svSatellite position.
[in]sunSun position at tt.
Angle in radians satellite-Earth-Sun.

Definition at line 426 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ satelliteNadirAzimuthAngles()

void gnsstk::satelliteNadirAzimuthAngles ( const Position sv,
const Position rx,
const Matrix< double > &  rot,
double &  nadir,
double &  azimuth 

Compute the azimuth and nadir angle, in the satellite body frame, of receiver Position RX as seen at the satellite Position SV. The nadir angle is measured from the Z axis, which points to Earth center, and azimuth is measured from the X axis.

[in]svSatellite position.
[in]rxReceiver position.
[in]rotRotation matrix (3,3), output of satelliteAttitude.
[out]nadirNadir angle in degrees.
[out]azimuthAzimuth angle in degrees.

Compute the azimuth and nadir angle, in the satellite body frame, of receiver Position rx as seen at the satellite Position sv. The nadir angle is measured from the Z axis, which points to Earth center, and azimuth is measured from the X axis.

[in]svSatellite position.
[in]rxReceiver position.
[in]rotRotation matrix (3,3), output of satelliteAttitude.
[out]nadirNadir angle in degrees.
[out]azimuthAzimuth angle in degrees.
Exceptionif rotation matrix has wrong dimensions.

Definition at line 377 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ satelliteYawAngle()

double gnsstk::satelliteYawAngle ( const Position pos,
const Position vel,
const Position sun,
const bool &  blkIIRF,
double &  yawrate 

Compute the nominal yaw angle of the satellite given the satellite position and velocity and the Sun position at the given time, plus a flag for GPS Block IIR and IIF satellites. Return the nominal yaw angle in radians, and the yaw rate in radians/second.

[in]Positionpos Satellite position at time of interest.
[in]Positionvel Satellite velocity at time of interest (Cartesian, m/s).
[in]Positionsun Sun position at time of interest.
[in]boolblkIIRF True if the satellite is GPS block IIR or IIF.
[out]doubleyawrate Yaw rate in rad/s.
double yaw Satellite yaw angle (rad).

Compute the nominal yaw angle of the satellite given the satellite position and velocity and the Sun position at the given time, plus a flag for GPS Block IIR and IIF satellites. Return the nominal yaw angle in radians, and the yaw rate in radians/second.

[in]posSatellite position at time of interest.
[in]velSatellite velocity at time of interest (Cartesian, m/s).
[in]sunSun position at time of interest.
[in]blkIIRFTrue if the satellite is GPS block IIR or IIF.
[out]yawrateReturn yaw rate in rad/second.
Satellite yaw angle in radians

Definition at line 534 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ SatPassFromRinexFiles() [1/2]

int gnsstk::SatPassFromRinexFiles ( std::vector< std::string > &  filenames,
std::vector< std::string > &  obstypes,
double  dt,
std::vector< SatPass > &  SPList,
std::vector< RinexSatID exSats = std::vector< RinexSatID >(),
bool  lenient = true,
gnsstk::Epoch  beginTime = gnsstk::CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME,
gnsstk::Epoch  endTime = gnsstk::CommonTime::END_OF_TIME 

Read a set of RINEX observation files, filling a vector of SatPass objects. Create the SatPass objects using the input list of observation types and timestep. If there are no obs types given (vector obstypes has size 0), then use the obs types in the header of the first file read. The files are sorted on their begin time before processing, and the resulting list of SatPass objects is in time order. Data before the begin time, and after the end time, is ignored. The list of SatPass objects need not be empty on input; however if not empty, then the list must be consistent with the input timestep and obs type list, and it will be sorted to be in time order. If a file cannot be opened, or it is not RINEX observation, simply skip it. NB. ngood for this SPL reflects # epochs with ALL obstypes != 0

filenamesvector of input RINEX observation file names
obstypesvector of observation types to include in SatPass (may be empty: include all)
dtdata interval of existing SPList and input files
SPListvector of SatPass objects to fill, need not be empty, but if not empty, must have consistent obs types and dt.
exSatsvector of satellites to exclude
lenientif true (default), be lenient in reading the RINEX format
beginTimereject data before this time (BEGINNING_OF_TIME)
endTimereject data after this time (END_OF TIME)
-1 if the filenames list is empty, otherwise return the number of files successfully read (may be less than the number input).
gnsstk::Exceptionif there are exceptions while reading, if the data in the file is out of time order.

◆ SatPassFromRinexFiles() [2/2]

int gnsstk::SatPassFromRinexFiles ( vector< string > &  filenames,
vector< string > &  obstypes,
double  dtin,
vector< SatPass > &  SPList,
vector< RinexSatID exSats,
bool  lenient,
Epoch  beginTime,
Epoch  endTime 

Definition at line 251 of file SatPassUtilities.cpp.

◆ SatPassToRinex2File() [1/2]

int gnsstk::SatPassToRinex2File ( const std::string &  filename,
RinexObsHeader header,
std::vector< SatPass > &  SPList 

deprecated - use SatPassToRinex3File for both 3 and 2. Iterate over the input vector of SatPass objects (sorted to be in time order) and write them, with the given header, to a RINEX v.2 observation file of the given filename.

-1 if the file could not be opened, otherwise return 0.

◆ SatPassToRinex2File() [2/2]

int gnsstk::SatPassToRinex2File ( const string &  filename,
RinexObsHeader header,
vector< SatPass > &  SPList 

Definition at line 645 of file SatPassUtilities.cpp.

◆ SatPassToRinex3File() [1/2]

int gnsstk::SatPassToRinex3File ( const std::string &  filename,
const Rinex3ObsHeader header,
const std::map< char, std::vector< std::string >> &  sysobs,
std::vector< SatPass > &  SPList 

Iterate over the input vector of SatPass objects (sorted to be in time order) and write them, with the given header, to a RINEX VER 3 observation file of the given filename.

filenameRINEX ver 3 file to be written
headerRINEX header to write
sysobsmap of system-char and vector of obs types (strings)
SPListvector of SatPass over which to iterate
-1 if the file could not be opened, otherwise return 0.

◆ SatPassToRinex3File() [2/2]

int gnsstk::SatPassToRinex3File ( const string &  filename,
const Rinex3ObsHeader headerIn,
const map< char, vector< string >> &  sysobs,
vector< SatPass > &  SPList 

Definition at line 795 of file SatPassUtilities.cpp.

◆ scanTime() [1/4]

void gnsstk::scanTime ( CommonTime t,
const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  fmt 

◆ scanTime() [2/4]

void gnsstk::scanTime ( CommonTime t,
const string &  str,
const string &  fmt 

Definition at line 125 of file TimeString.cpp.

◆ scanTime() [3/4]

void gnsstk::scanTime ( TimeTag btime,
const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  fmt 

Fill the TimeTag object btime with time information found in string str formatted according to string fmt.

◆ scanTime() [4/4]

void gnsstk::scanTime ( TimeTag btime,
const string &  str,
const string &  fmt 

Fill the TimeTag object btime with time information found in string str formatted according to string fmt.

Definition at line 93 of file TimeString.cpp.

◆ seriesIncompGamma()

double gnsstk::seriesIncompGamma ( double  a,
double  x 

Incomplete gamma function P(a,x), evaluated using series representation. P(a,x) = (1/gamma(a)) integral (0 to x) { exp(-t) t^(a-1) dt }

afirst argument, a > 0
xsecond argument, x >= 0
Exceptionif input arguments have a <= 0 or x < 0

Definition at line 222 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ shadowFactor() [1/2]

double gnsstk::shadowFactor ( const Position sv,
const Position sun 

Compute the fraction of the Sun covered by Earth as seen from a satellite, given Sun and satellite positions. Cf. the other version of this function.

[in]svSatellite position.
[in]sunSun position.
Fraction (0 <= f <= 1) of area of sun covered by Earth.

Definition at line 222 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ shadowFactor() [2/2]

double gnsstk::shadowFactor ( double  angRadEarth,
double  angRadSun,
double  angSeparation 

Compute the fraction of the Sun covered by the earth as seen from a satellite, given the angular radii of both, and their angular separation.

Compute the fraction of the Sun covered by the earth as seen from a satellite, given the angular radii of both, and their angular separation. See code for more documentation, including derivations.

[in]angRadEarthAngular radius of the earth as seen at the satellite.
[in]angRadSunAngular radius of the sun as seen at the satellite.
[in]angSeparationAngular distance of the sun from the Earth.
Fraction (0 <= f <= 1) of area of Sun covered by Earth.
Units only need be consistent.

Definition at line 185 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ shortcut() [1/3]

static void gnsstk::shortcut ( ostream &  os,
const long  HOW 

Definition at line 377 of file BrcClockCorrection.cpp.

◆ shortcut() [2/3]

static void gnsstk::shortcut ( ostream &  os,
const long  HOW 

Definition at line 780 of file BrcKeplerOrbit.cpp.

◆ shortcut() [3/3]

static void gnsstk::shortcut ( ostream &  os,
const long  HOW 

Definition at line 1363 of file EngEphemeris.cpp.

◆ slowDet()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::slowDet ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  l)

Uses the sum of minor determinates to calculate the whole det. Slow for large matricies, but it works.


Definition at line 153 of file MatrixBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ solarPosition()

Position gnsstk::solarPosition ( const CommonTime t,
double &  AR 

Compute the Position of the Sun in WGS84 ECEF coordinates. Ref. Astronomical Almanac pg C24, as presented on USNO web site; claimed accuracy is about 1 arcminute, when t is within 2 centuries of 2000.

tInput epoch of interest
AROutput apparent angular radius of sun as seen at Earth (deg)
Position (ECEF) of the Sun at t

Definition at line 96 of file SolarPosition.cpp.

◆ solarPositionShadowFactor()

double gnsstk::solarPositionShadowFactor ( double  Rearth,
double  Rsun,
double  dES 

Compute the fraction of the area of the Sun covered by the Earth as seen from another body (e.g. satellite).

RearthApparent angular radius of Earth.
RsunApparent angular radius of Sun.
dESAngular separation of Sun and Earth.
Fraction (0 <= factor <= 1) of Sun area covered by Earth

Definition at line 218 of file SolarPosition.cpp.

◆ sortRinex3ObsFiles() [1/2]

std::string gnsstk::sortRinex3ObsFiles ( std::vector< std::string > &  files)

Sort a vector of RINEX 3 obs file names on the time of the first observation as found in the header. Return the sorted list in the calling argument. Do not include files that are found not to be RINEX 3 obs files, or that have invalid headers.

filesvector<string> containing filenames, with path
string containing error messages, if any

◆ sortRinex3ObsFiles() [2/2]

string gnsstk::sortRinex3ObsFiles ( vector< string > &  files)

Definition at line 399 of file RinexUtilities.cpp.

◆ sortRinexObsFiles() [1/2]

std::string gnsstk::sortRinexObsFiles ( std::vector< std::string > &  files)

Sort a vector of RINEX obs file names on the time of the first observation as found in the header. Return the sorted list in the calling argument. Do not include files that are found not to be RINEX obs files, or that have invalid headers.

filesvector<string> containing filenames, with path
string containing error messages, if any

◆ sortRinexObsFiles() [2/2]

string gnsstk::sortRinexObsFiles ( vector< string > &  files)

Definition at line 347 of file RinexUtilities.cpp.

◆ SparseHouseholder()

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::SparseHouseholder ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  A)

Householder transformation of a matrix.



Definition at line 2297 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ SrifMU() [1/4]

template<class T >
void gnsstk::SrifMU ( Matrix< T > &  R,
Vector< T > &  Z,
const Matrix< T > &  H,
Vector< T > &  D,
unsigned int  M = 0 

Square root information filter (Srif) measurement update (MU). Use the Householder transformation to combine the information stored in the square root information (SRI) covariance matrix R and state Z with new information in the given partials matrix and data vector to produce an updated SRI {R,Z}. Measurement noise associated with the new information (H and D) is assumed to be white with unit covariance. If necessary, the data may be 'whitened' by multiplying H and D by the inverse of the lower triangular square root of the covariance matrix; that is, compute L = Cholesky(Measurement covariance) and let H = L*H, D = L*D.

RUpper triangluar apriori SRI covariance matrix of dimension N
ZA priori SRI state vector of length N
HPartials matrix of dimension MxN, unchanged on output.
DData vector of length M; on output contains the residuals of fit.
MIf H and D have dimension M' > M, then call with M = data length; otherwise M = 0 (the default) and is ignored.
MatrixExceptionif the input has inconsistent dimensions.

Definition at line 449 of file SRIMatrix.hpp.

◆ SrifMU() [2/4]

template<class T >
void gnsstk::SrifMU ( Matrix< T > &  R,
Vector< T > &  Z,
Matrix< T > &  A,
unsigned int  M = 0 

Square root information measurement update, with new data in the form of a single matrix concatenation of H and D: A = H || D. See doc for the overloaded SrifMU().


Definition at line 341 of file SRIMatrix.hpp.

◆ SrifMU() [3/4]

template<class T >
void gnsstk::SrifMU ( Matrix< T > &  R,
Vector< T > &  Z,
SparseMatrix< T > &  A,
const unsigned int  M 
ExceptionSquare root information measurement update, with new data in the form of a single SparseMatrix concatenation of H and D: A = H || D. See doc for the overloaded SrifMU().

Definition at line 2467 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ SrifMU() [4/4]

template<class T >
void gnsstk::SrifMU ( Matrix< T > &  R,
Vector< T > &  Z,
SparseMatrix< T > &  P,
Vector< T > &  D,
const unsigned int  M 

Definition at line 2627 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ stats()

template<class bt >
ListStats<bt> gnsstk::stats ( const std::list< bt > &  lst)

Compute the statistics for a list of numbers. This algorithm is written to be stable in computing the standard deviation for sequences of number with a large mean value. (i.e. it doesn't accumulate sum of the value squared.)

Definition at line 85 of file stl_helpers.hpp.

◆ StudentsCDF()

double gnsstk::StudentsCDF ( double  t,
int  n 

Cumulative Distribution Function CDF() for Student-t-distribution CDF. If X is a random variable following a normal distribution with mean zero and variance unity, and chisq is a random variable following an independent chi-square distribution with n degrees of freedom, then the distribution of the ratio X/sqrt(chisq/n) is called Student's t-distribution with n degrees of freedom. The probability that |X/sqrt(chisq/n)| will be less than a fixed constant t is StudentCDF(t,n); Ref Abramowitz and Stegun 26.7.1

tinput statistic value
ndegrees of freedom of first sample, n > 0
probability that the sample is less than X.
Exceptionif n <= 0 or math throws

Definition at line 921 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ StudentsPDF()

double gnsstk::StudentsPDF ( double  X,
int  n 

Probability density function (PDF) of the Student t distribution. The null hypotheses that test the true mean, mu, against the standard or assumed mean, mu0 are: H0: mu = mu0 H0: mu <= mu0 H0: mu >= mu0 The basic statistics for the test are the sample mean and the standard deviation. The form of the test statistic depends on whether the poulation standard deviation, sigma, is known or is estimated from the data at hand. The more typical case is where the standard deviation must be estimated from the data, and the test statistic is t = (Ybar - mu0/(s/SQRT(N)) where the sample mean is Ybar = (1/N)*SUM[i=1 to N]Y(i) and the sample standard deviation is s = SQRT{(1/(N-1))*SUM[i=1 to N][Y(i) - Ybar)**2} with N - 1 degrees of freedom. For a test at significance level (probability) alpha, where alpha is chosen to be small, typically .01, .05 or .10, the hypothesis associated with each case enumerated above is rejected if: |t| >= t(alpha/2,N-1) t >= t(alpha,N-1) t <= -t(alpha,N-1) where t(alpha/2,N-1) is the upper alpha/2 critical value (inverse CDF) from the t distribution with N-1 degrees of freedom.

Xinput statistic
ninput value for number of degrees of freedom, n > 0
probability density
Exceptionif n <= 0 or math throws

Definition at line 890 of file SpecialFuncs.cpp.

◆ sum()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::sum ( const ConstVectorBase< T, BaseClass > &  l)

Returns the sum of the elements of the vector

Definition at line 84 of file VectorBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ sunOrbitAngles()

void gnsstk::sunOrbitAngles ( const Position pos,
const Position vel,
const Position sun,
double &  beta,
double &  phi 

Compute the angle between the Sun and the satellite orbit plane. Return the angle in radians; domain +-pi/2 and with the sign of RxV. That is, the angle is positive if the Sun is out of the orbit plane in the direction of R cross V; then Sun "sees" the orbit motion as counter-clockwise. Also return, in phi, the angle, in the plane of the orbit, from midnight to the satellite; domain 0 to 2pi, increasing in the direction of Vel. Use either class SolarSystem (high accuracy) or module SolarPosition (lower accuracy) to get the Sun position.

[in]Positionpos Satellite position at time of interest.
[in]Positionvel Satellite velocity at time of interest.
[in]Positionsun Sun position at time of interest.
[out]doublebeta Angle sun to plane of satellite orbit (rad).
[out]doublephi Angle in orbit plane, midn to satellite (rad).
phi, beta and sesa – the sat-Earth-Sun angle – form a right spherical triangle with sesa opposite the right angle. Thus, cos(sesa)=cos(beta)*cos(phi).

Compute the angle between the Sun and the satellite orbit plane, given the satellite position and velocity and Sun position. Return the angle in radians; domain +-Pi/2 and with the sign of RxV. That is, the angle is positive if the Sun is out of the orbit plane in the direction of R cross V; then Sun "sees" the orbit motion as counter-clockwise. Also return phi, the angle, in the orbit plane, from midnight to the satellite; domain 0 to 2Pi, increasing in the direction of vel. Use either class SolarSystem (high accuracy) or module SolarPosition (lower accuracy) to get the Sun position.

[in]posSatellite position at time of interest.
[in]velSatellite velocity at time of interest.
[in]sunSun position at time of interest.
[out]phiReturn angle in orbit plane, midnight to satellite (rad).
[out]betaReturn angle sun to plane of satellite orbit (rad).
phi, beta and sesa, the satellite-earth-sun angle, form a right spherical triangle with sesa opposite the right angle. Thus, cos(sesa)=cos(beta)*cos(phi).

Compute phi, angle in orbit plane between Sun and sat. Zero at midnight, increasing with satellite motion. w = sSun - u*sin(beta) lies in the orbit plane but ~points to Sun, but if beta==pi/2, u==sSun and w==zero, phi is indeterminate.

Definition at line 465 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ timeAdjust8BitWeekRollover()

long gnsstk::timeAdjust8BitWeekRollover ( long  toCorrectWeek,
long &  refWeek 

This function is the same as timeAdjustWeekRollover, except that it is designed for 8-bit weeks (e.g. WNa) as opposed to 10-bit weeks.

[in]toCorrectWeekThe suspect week from data that might be off by 256 weeks.
[in,out]refWeekThe known full week that will be used as a reference. If this value is zero (the default), the local system clock will be consulted to obtain a reference week.
The value of toCorrectWeek having been adjusted by as many epochs as necessary to bring it to within 128 weeks of the reference time.

Definition at line 77 of file TimeCorrection.cpp.

◆ timeDisplay() [1/3]

static void gnsstk::timeDisplay ( ostream &  os,
const CommonTime t 

Definition at line 352 of file BrcClockCorrection.cpp.

◆ timeDisplay() [2/3]

static void gnsstk::timeDisplay ( ostream &  os,
const CommonTime t 

Definition at line 755 of file BrcKeplerOrbit.cpp.

◆ timeDisplay() [3/3]

static void gnsstk::timeDisplay ( ostream &  os,
const CommonTime t 

Definition at line 1339 of file EngEphemeris.cpp.

◆ toXvtHealth()

gnsstk::Xvt::HealthStatus gnsstk::toXvtHealth ( SVHealth  e)

Cast SVHealth to Xvt::HealthStatus.

Definition at line 43 of file SVHealth.cpp.

◆ trace()

template<class T , class BaseClass >
T gnsstk::trace ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

Returns the trace of the matrix


Definition at line 100 of file MatrixBaseOperators.hpp.

◆ transform()

template<class T >
SparseMatrix<T> gnsstk::transform ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  M,
const SparseMatrix< T > &  C 

◆ transformDiag()

template<class T >
Vector< T > gnsstk::transformDiag ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  P,
const Matrix< T > &  C 

Compute diagonal of P*C*P^T, ie diagonal of transform of square Matrix C.

diag of P * C * PT


Definition at line 1836 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ transpose() [1/2]

template<class T , class BaseClass >
Matrix<T> gnsstk::transpose ( const ConstMatrixBase< T, BaseClass > &  m)

Returns a matrix that is m transposed.

Definition at line 330 of file MatrixOperators.hpp.

◆ transpose() [2/2]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::transpose ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  M)


Definition at line 829 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ transposeTimesMatrix()

template<class T >
SparseMatrix<T> gnsstk::transposeTimesMatrix ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  M)

products MT*M, M*MT, M*C*MT etc MT * M


◆ typeString()

template<typename T >
std::string gnsstk::typeString ( )
a string with the name of the type

Definition at line 238 of file TestUtil.hpp.

◆ UDU()

template<class T >
Matrix< T > gnsstk::UDU ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
Vector< T > &  D 

Compute UDU (upper-diagonal-upper) decomposition of a square positive definite matrix. Return the upper triangular matrix U and the diagonal as a Vector<T>. The decomposition is such that A = U*diag(D)*transpose(U).

AMatrix<T> to be decomposed, must be square and positive definite
DVector<T> output diagonal matrix stored as a Vector
Matrix<T> upper triangular matrix U
MatrixExceptionif input is not square,
SingularMatrixExceptionif input is not positive definite

Definition at line 917 of file SRIMatrix.hpp.

◆ upEastNorth()

Matrix< double > gnsstk::upEastNorth ( Position pos,
bool  geocentric 

Given a Position, compute unit (ECEF) vectors in the topocentric Up, East, North directions at that position. Use geodetic coordinates, i.e. 'up' is perpendicular to the geoid. Return the vectors in the form of a 3x3 Matrix<double>, this is in fact the rotation matrix that will take an ECEF vector into a local topocentric or 'up-east-north' vector.

Given a Position, compute unit vectors in ECEF coordinates in the Up, East and North directions at that position. Use either geodetic coordinates, i.e. so that 'up' is perpendicular to the geoid, not from center of Earth; or geocentric coordinates, so that the vertical meets the center of the Earth. Return the vectors in the form of a 3x3 Matrix<double>. This is in fact the rotation matrix that will take an ECEF (XYZ) vector into 'up,east,north'. Individual unit vectors can be defined from this rotation matrix R by

Vector<double> U = R.rowCopy(0);
Vector<double> E = R.rowCopy(1);
Vector<double> N = R.rowCopy(2);
[in]posPosition at which the rotation matrix will be defined.
[in]geocIf true, use geocentric, else geodetic coordinates (default).
3x3 rotation matrix that will transform an ECEF vector into the local topocentric or North,East,Up frame at the position pos.

Definition at line 111 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ upEastNorthGeocentric()

Matrix< double > gnsstk::upEastNorthGeocentric ( Position pos)

Same as upEastNorth, but using geocentric coordinates, so that the Up direction will meet the center of Earth.

Same as upEastNorth, but using geocentric coordinates, so that the Up direction will meet the center of Earth.

posPosition at which the rotation matrix will be defined.
3x3 rotation matrix that will transform an ECEF vector into the local topocentric or North,East,Up frame at the position pos.

Definition at line 130 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ upEastNorthGeodetic()

Matrix< double > gnsstk::upEastNorthGeodetic ( Position pos)

Same as upEastNorth, but using geodetic coordinates.

Same as UpEastNorth, but using geodetic coordinates.

[in]posPosition at which the rotation matrix will be defined.
3x3 rotation matrix that will transform an ECEF vector into the local topocentric or North,East,Up frame at the position pos.

Definition at line 134 of file SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp.

◆ upperCholesky() [1/2]

template<class T >
Matrix< T > gnsstk::upperCholesky ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
const ztol = T(1.e-16) 

Compute upper triangular square root of a symmetric positive definite matrix, the Cholesky decomposition; that is A = U*UT = U*transpose(U).

AMatrix to be decomposed; symmetric and positive definite, unchanged
Matrix U upper triangular square root of input matrix, A=U*UT
MatrixExceptionif input Matrix is not square
SingularMatrixExceptionif input Matrix is not positive definite

Definition at line 546 of file SRIMatrix.hpp.

◆ upperCholesky() [2/2]

template<class T >
SparseMatrix< T > gnsstk::upperCholesky ( const SparseMatrix< T > &  A)
ExceptionCompute upper triangular square root of a symmetric positive definite matrix (Cholesky decomposition) Crout algorithm; that is A = transpose(U)*U. Note that this result will be equal to transpose(lowerCholesky(A)) == transpose(Ch.L from class Cholesky), NOT Ch.U; class Cholesky computes L,U where A = L*LT = U*UT [while A=UT*U here].
ASparseMatrix to be decomposed; symmetric and positive definite, const
SparseMatrix upper triangular square root of input matrix
Exceptionif input SparseMatrix is not square
Exceptionif input SparseMatrix is not positive definite

Definition at line 2262 of file SparseMatrix.hpp.

◆ ura2accuracy()

double gnsstk::ura2accuracy ( short  ura)

Definition at line 124 of file GPS_URA.hpp.

◆ ura2CNAVaccuracy()

double gnsstk::ura2CNAVaccuracy ( short  ura)

Definition at line 168 of file GPS_URA.hpp.

◆ ura2CNAVNominalaccuracy()

double gnsstk::ura2CNAVNominalaccuracy ( short  ura)

Definition at line 180 of file GPS_URA.hpp.

◆ ura2nominalAccuracy()

double gnsstk::ura2nominalAccuracy ( short  ura)

Definition at line 146 of file GPS_URA.hpp.

◆ UTtimesTranspose()

template<class T >
Matrix< T > gnsstk::UTtimesTranspose ( const Matrix< T > &  UT)

Compute the product of an upper triangular matrix and its transpose.

UTupper triangular matrix
product UT * transpose(UT)
MatrixExceptionif input is not square (assumed upper triangular also).

Definition at line 725 of file SRIMatrix.hpp.

◆ vec_intersect()

template<class T >
std::vector<T> gnsstk::vec_intersect ( const std::vector< T > &  v1,
const std::vector< T > &  v2 

find the intersection of two vectors - elements common to both vectors NB STL algorithms require sorting

v1first vector to consider
v2second vector to consider
vector<T> of elements common to v1 and v2

Definition at line 136 of file stl_helpers.hpp.

◆ vec_notintersect()

template<class T >
std::vector<T> gnsstk::vec_notintersect ( const std::vector< T > &  v1,
const std::vector< T > &  v2 

find the union minus the intersection of two vectors, that is, elements that appear in either one of the two vectors but not both. NB STL algorithms require sorting

v1first vector to consider
v2second vector to consider
vector<T> of elements not common to v1 and v2

Definition at line 154 of file stl_helpers.hpp.

◆ VecBaseNewBinaryOperator() [1/6]

VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector<T> Vector<T> VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector<bool> Vector<bool> gnsstk::VecBaseNewBinaryOperator ( ,
Vector< bool >   

◆ VecBaseNewBinaryOperator() [2/6]

VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector<T> gnsstk::VecBaseNewBinaryOperator ( ,
Vector< T >   

◆ VecBaseNewBinaryOperator() [3/6]

VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector gnsstk::VecBaseNewBinaryOperator ( ,
Vector< T >   

◆ VecBaseNewBinaryOperator() [4/6]

VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector<T> Vector<T> VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector<bool> gnsstk::VecBaseNewBinaryOperator ( )

◆ VecBaseNewBinaryOperator() [5/6]

VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector<T> Vector<T> VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector<bool> Vector<bool> Vector<bool> gnsstk::VecBaseNewBinaryOperator ( >=  ,
Vector< bool >   

finds the cross product between l and r


◆ VecBaseNewBinaryOperator() [6/6]

VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector Vector<T> Vector<T> VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector VecBaseNewBinaryOperator Vector gnsstk::VecBaseNewBinaryOperator ( ,
Vector< T >   

◆ VecShortwireComparisonOperator()

gnsstk::VecShortwireComparisonOperator ( eq  )

◆ vectorindex()

template<class T >
int gnsstk::vectorindex ( const std::vector< T > &  vec,
const T &  value 

find the index of the first element of a vector with a given value

vecvector<T> in which to look for value
valueT value to search for in vector
-1 if value is not found, else index in vector of value

Definition at line 123 of file stl_helpers.hpp.

◆ willPrintAs()

template<class TimeTagType >
bool gnsstk::willPrintAs ( const std::string &  fmt)

This function determines if the given format includes items that would be printed by the TimeTag's printf(fmt); NB except 'P' (system). In other words, determine if printAs<T>(t,fmt) will not modify the string.

Definition at line 155 of file TimeString.hpp.

Variable Documentation


const double gnsstk::A_REF_GPS = 26559710.0

Reference Semi-major axis. From IS-GPS-800 Table 3.5-2 in meters.

Definition at line 106 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.

◆ allNavMessageTypes

const NavMessageTypeSet gnsstk::allNavMessageTypes
Initial value:
{ NavMessageType::Almanac,
NavMessageType::ISC }

Convenient set of all valid (non-meta) message types.

This is defined in NavStatic.cpp
This must be initialized before instantiating factories and adding them to MultiFormatNavDataFactory.

Definition at line 64 of file NavStatic.cpp.


const double gnsstk::BDS_EPOCH_JD = 2453736.5

'Julian day' of BDS epoch (Jan. 1, 2006).

Definition at line 118 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::BDS_EPOCH_MJD = 53736L

Modified Julian Date of BDS epoch (Jan. 1, 2006).

Definition at line 120 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::BDS_WEEK_PER_EPOCH = 8192L

Weeks per BDS Epoch.

Definition at line 122 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const Epoch gnsstk::BEGINNING_OF_TIME(CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME)

Earliest representable Epoch.


const double gnsstk::C2_FACT = 40.3e+16

Definition at line 57 of file IonexStore.cpp.


const double gnsstk::C_MPS = 2.99792458e8

m/s, speed of light; this value defined by GPS but applies to GAL and GLO.

Definition at line 74 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::CA_CHIP_FREQ_GLO = OSC_FREQ_GLO / 10.0

GLO Chip rate of the C/A code in Hz.

Definition at line 184 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::CA_CHIP_FREQ_GPS = OSC_FREQ_GPS / 10.0

Hz, GPS chip rate of the C/A code.

Definition at line 92 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.

◆ crcbit

const std::ios_base::iostate gnsstk::crcbit = std::ios_base::iostate(0x01)

Define additional/other bits are the data requires.

Definition at line 86 of file DataStatus.hpp.


const double gnsstk::DAY_PER_MS = 1.0/MS_PER_DAY

Days per milliseconds.

Definition at line 75 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::DAY_PER_SEC = 1.0/SEC_PER_DAY

Days per second.

Definition at line 65 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::DAY_PER_ZCOUNT = 1.0/ZCOUNT_PER_DAY

Days in a Zcount.

Definition at line 90 of file TimeConstants.hpp.

◆ defaultCommandOptionList

GNSSTK_EXPORT CommandOptionVec gnsstk::defaultCommandOptionList

The default command option list used by CommandOption and gnsstk::CommandOptionParser

Definition at line 55 of file CommandOption.cpp.


const double gnsstk::DEG2RAD = PI / 180.0

Multiply degrees by DEG2RAD to get radians.

Definition at line 64 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::DEG_PER_MAS = 2.77777777777e-7

degrees per milliarcsecond (1e-3/3600.)

Definition at line 80 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::DEG_TO_RAD = 1.7453292519943e-2

Conversion Factor from degrees to radians (units: degrees^-1)

Definition at line 76 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const Epoch gnsstk::END_OF_TIME(CommonTime::END_OF_TIME)

Latest Representable Epoch.

◆ fmtbit

const std::ios_base::iostate gnsstk::fmtbit = std::ios_base::iostate(0x02)

Definition at line 87 of file DataStatus.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_BEIDOU_B1 = 1561.098e6

BeiDou B1 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 148 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_BEIDOU_B1U = 1589.742e6

BeiDou B1U carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 140 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_BEIDOU_B2 = 1191.795e6

BeiDou B2 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 160 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_BEIDOU_B2a = 1176.45e6

BeiDou B2a carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 164 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_BEIDOU_B2b = 1207.14e6

BeiDou B2b carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 152 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_BEIDOU_B3 = 1268.52e6

BeiDou B3 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 156 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_BEIDOU_L1 = 1575.42e6

BeiDou L1 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 144 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GALILEO_E1 = 1575.42e6

Galileo E1 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 96 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GALILEO_E5 = 1191.795e6

Galileo E5 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 104 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GALILEO_E5a = 1176.45e6

Galileo E5a carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 108 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GALILEO_E5b = 1207.14e6

Galileo E5b carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 100 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GALILEO_E6 = 1278.75e6

Galileo E6 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 112 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GLONASS_G1 = 1602e6

GLONASS G1 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 68 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GLONASS_G1a = 1600.995e6

GLONASS G1a carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 72 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GLONASS_G2 = 1246e6

GLONASS G2 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 80 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GLONASS_G2a = 1248.06e6

GLONASS G2a carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 76 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GLONASS_G2c = 1242e6

GLONASS G2c carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 84 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GLONASS_G3 = 1202.025e6

GLONASS G3 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 92 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GLONASS_G5 = 1207.14e6

GLONASS G5 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 88 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GPS_L1 = 1575.42e6

GPS L1 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 56 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GPS_L2 = 1227.6e6

GPS L2 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 60 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_GPS_L5 = 1176.45e6

GPS L5 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 64 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_NAVIC_L5 = 1176.45e6

NavIC L5 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 172 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_NAVIC_S = 2492.028e6

NavIC S carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 168 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_QZSS_L1 = 1575.42e6

QZSS L1 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 124 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_QZSS_L2 = 1227.6e6

QZSS L2 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 128 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_QZSS_L5 = 1176.45e6

QZSS L5 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 132 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_QZSS_L6 = 1278.75e6

QZSS L6 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 136 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_SBAS_L1 = 1575.42e6

SBAS L1 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 116 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_SBAS_L5 = 1176.45e6

SBAS L5 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 120 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_STEP_GLONASS_G1 = 562.5e3

GLONASS G1 carrier frequency step size in Hz.

Definition at line 176 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::FREQ_STEP_GLONASS_G2 = 437.5e3

GLONASS G2 carrier frequency step size in Hz.

Definition at line 178 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const long gnsstk::FULLWEEK = 604800L

Seconds per whole week.

Definition at line 60 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::GAL_EPOCH_JD = 2451412.5

'Julian day' of GAL epoch (Aug 22 1999)

Definition at line 102 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::GAL_EPOCH_MJD = 51412L

Modified Julian Date of GAL epoch (Aug 22 1999)

Definition at line 104 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::GAL_WEEK_PER_EPOCH = 4096L

Weeks per GAL Epoch.

Definition at line 106 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::GAMMA_GPS = 1.646944444

Definition at line 104 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::GAMMA_GPS_12 = (L1_MULT_GPS/L2_MULT_GPS) * (L1_MULT_GPS/L2_MULT_GPS)

GPS Gamma constants.

Definition at line 102 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::GAMMA_GPS_15 = (L1_MULT_GPS/L5_MULT_GPS) * (L1_MULT_GPS/L5_MULT_GPS)

Definition at line 103 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.

◆ GGdryscale

const double gnsstk::GGdryscale = 8594.777388436570600

Definition at line 51 of file GGTropModel.cpp.

◆ GGwetscale

const double gnsstk::GGwetscale = 2540.042008403690900

Definition at line 52 of file GGTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::GLO_EPOCH_JD = 2450082.5

'Julian day' of GLONASS epoch (Jan. 1, 1996).

Definition at line 134 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::GLO_EPOCH_MJD = 50083

Modified Julian Date of GLONASS epoch (Jan. 1, 1996).

Definition at line 136 of file TimeConstants.hpp.

◆ gnsstkMFNDFI

GNSSTKFormatInitializer gnsstk::gnsstkMFNDFI

Definition at line 149 of file NavStatic.cpp.


const double gnsstk::GPS_EPOCH_JD = 2444244.5

'Julian day' of GPS epoch (Jan. 6, 1980).

Definition at line 81 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::GPS_EPOCH_MJD = 44244L

Modified Julian Date of GPS epoch (Jan. 6, 1980).

Definition at line 83 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::GPS_WEEK_PER_EPOCH = 1024L

Weeks per GPS Epoch.

Definition at line 85 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::HALFWEEK = 302400L

Seconds per half week.

Definition at line 58 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::IRN_EPOCH_JD = 2451412.5

'Julian day' of IRN epoch (Aug 22, 1999).

Definition at line 126 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::IRN_EPOCH_MJD = 51412L

Modified Julian Date of BDS epoch (Aug 22, 1999).

Definition at line 128 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::IRN_WEEK_PER_EPOCH = 1024L

Weeks per BDS Epoch.

Definition at line 130 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_FREQ_BDS = 1561.098e6

BDS L1 (B1) carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 119 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_FREQ_GAL = L1_FREQ_GPS

GAL L1 (E1) carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 85 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_FREQ_GEO = L1_FREQ_GPS

GEO L1 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 108 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_FREQ_GLO = 1602.0e6

GLO L1 carrier base frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 68 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_FREQ_GPS = 1575.42e6

GPS L1 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 51 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_FREQ_QZS = L1_FREQ_GPS

QZS L1 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 134 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_FREQ_STEP_GLO = 562.5e3

GLO L1 carrier frequency step size in Hz.

Definition at line 70 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_MULT_GLO = 320.4

GLO L1 multiplier.

Definition at line 192 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_MULT_GPS = 154.0

GPS L1 frequency in units of oscillator frequency.

Definition at line 96 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_WAVELENGTH_BDS = 0.192039486310276

BDS L1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 126 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_WAVELENGTH_GAL = L1_WAVELENGTH_GPS

GAL L1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 96 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_WAVELENGTH_GEO = L1_WAVELENGTH_GPS

GEO L1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 113 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_WAVELENGTH_GLO = 0.187136365793

GLO L1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 72 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_WAVELENGTH_GPS = 0.190293672798

GPS L1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 57 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L1_WAVELENGTH_QZS = L1_WAVELENGTH_GPS

QZS L1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 143 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_FREQ_BDS = L7_FREQ_GAL

BDS L2 (B2) carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 121 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_FREQ_GLO = 1246.0e6

GLO L2 carrier base frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 74 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_FREQ_GPS = 1227.60e6

GPS L2 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 53 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_FREQ_QZS = L2_FREQ_GPS

QZS L2 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 136 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_FREQ_STEP_GLO = 437.5e3

GLO L2 carrier frequency step size in Hz.

Definition at line 76 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_MULT_GLO = 249.2

GLO L2 multiplier.

Definition at line 194 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_MULT_GPS = 120.0

GPS L2 frequency in units of oscillator frequency.

Definition at line 98 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_WAVELENGTH_BDS = L7_WAVELENGTH_GAL

BDS L2 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 128 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_WAVELENGTH_GLO = 0.240603898876

GLO L2 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 78 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_WAVELENGTH_GPS = 0.244210213425

GPS L2 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 59 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L2_WAVELENGTH_QZS = L2_WAVELENGTH_GPS

QZS L2 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 145 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L3_FREQ_BDS = 1268.52e6

BDS L3 (B3) carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 123 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L3_FREQ_GLO = 1202.025e6

GLO L3 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 80 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L3_WAVELENGTH_BDS = 0.236332464604421

BDS L3 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 130 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L3_WAVELENGTH_GLO = 0.249406175412

GLO L3 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 82 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L5_FREQ_GAL = L5_FREQ_GPS

GAL L5 (E5a) carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 87 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L5_FREQ_GEO = L5_FREQ_GPS

GEO L5 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 110 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L5_FREQ_GPS = 1176.45e6

GPS L5 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 55 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L5_FREQ_QZS = L5_FREQ_GPS

QZS L5 carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 138 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L5_MULT_GPS = 115.0

GPS L5 frequency in units of oscillator frequency.

Definition at line 100 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L5_WAVELENGTH_GAL = L5_WAVELENGTH_GPS

GAL L5 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 98 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L5_WAVELENGTH_GEO = L5_WAVELENGTH_GPS

GEO L5 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 115 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L5_WAVELENGTH_GPS = 0.254828049

GPS L5 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 61 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L5_WAVELENGTH_QZS = L5_WAVELENGTH_GPS

QZS L5 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 147 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L6_FREQ_GAL = 1278.75e6

GAL L6 (E6) carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 89 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L6_FREQ_QZS = L6_FREQ_GAL

QZS LEX(6) carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 140 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L6_WAVELENGTH_GAL = 0.234441805

GAL L6 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 100 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L6_WAVELENGTH_QZS = L6_WAVELENGTH_GAL

QZS LEX(6) carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 149 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L7_FREQ_GAL = 1207.140e6

GAL L7 (E5b) carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 91 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L7_WAVELENGTH_GAL = 0.24834937

GAL L7 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 102 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L8_FREQ_GAL = 1191.795e6

GAL L8 (E5a+E5b) carrier frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 93 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::L8_WAVELENGTH_GAL = 0.251547001

GAL L8 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 104 of file DeprecatedConsts.hpp.


const long gnsstk::LAST_6SEC_ZCOUNT_OF_WEEK = 403200 - 4

Definition at line 47 of file SVPCodeGen.cpp.

◆ lenbit

const std::ios_base::iostate gnsstk::lenbit = std::ios_base::iostate(0x04)

Definition at line 88 of file DataStatus.hpp.


short gnsstk::LIMIT[] = { 127, 511 }

Definition at line 458 of file EngNav.cpp.


const int gnsstk::MAX_BIT = 32

Number of bits assumed to be in a unsigned long int.

Definition at line 55 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MAX_GEO_BDS_II = 5

The last ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase II satellites.

Definition at line 211 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MAX_GEO_BDS_III = 63

The last ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase III satellites.

Definition at line 219 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MAX_MEO_BDS = 58

The last ranging code number for BeiDou MEO/IGSO satellites.

Definition at line 215 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MAX_PRN = 32

The maximum number of active satellites in the GPS constellation.(Old version of MAX_PRN_GPS)

Definition at line 55 of file gps_constants.hpp.


const int gnsstk::MAX_PRN_CODE = 210

Maximum PRN Code number (1-n)

Definition at line 58 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MAX_PRN_COM = 63

The maximum number of active satellites in the Compass constellation.

Definition at line 207 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MAX_PRN_GPS = 32

The maximum number of active satellites in the GPS constellation.

Definition at line 59 of file gps_constants.hpp.


const int gnsstk::MAX_PRN_QZS = 206

Last assigned PRN in QZSS (all signals)

Definition at line 242 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const int gnsstk::MAX_PRN_QZS_LNAV = 202

Last assigned PRN in QZSS (LNAV only)

Definition at line 244 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MAX_X2_COUNT = X2A_EPOCH_DELAY + MAX_X2_TEST

Definition at line 63 of file X2Sequence.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MAX_X2_TEST = 4 * ((XA_COUNT * XA_MAX_EPOCH) + X2A_EPOCH_DELAY)

Definition at line 61 of file X2Sequence.hpp.

◆ maxBias

const double gnsstk::maxBias = 999999.0

A clock bias >= this is considered bad.

Definition at line 80 of file SP3NavDataFactory.cpp.


const long gnsstk::MIN_GEO_BDS_II = 1

The first ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase II satellites.

Definition at line 209 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MIN_GEO_BDS_III = 59

The first ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase III satellites.

Definition at line 217 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MIN_MEO_BDS = 6

The first ranging code number for BeiDou MEO/IGSO satellites.

Definition at line 213 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const int gnsstk::MIN_PRN_QZS = 193

First assigned PRN in QZSS.

Definition at line 240 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MJD_JDAY = 2400001L

'Julian day' offset from MJD

Definition at line 53 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::MOPSg =9.80665

Definition at line 53 of file MOPSTropModel.cpp.

◆ MOPSgm

const double gnsstk::MOPSgm =9.784

Definition at line 54 of file MOPSTropModel.cpp.

◆ MOPSk1

const double gnsstk::MOPSk1 =77.604

Definition at line 55 of file MOPSTropModel.cpp.

◆ MOPSk2

const double gnsstk::MOPSk2 =382000.0

Definition at line 56 of file MOPSTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::MOPSRd =287.054

Definition at line 57 of file MOPSTropModel.cpp.


const long gnsstk::MS_PER_DAY = MS_PER_SEC * SEC_PER_DAY

Milliseconds in a day.

Definition at line 73 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::MS_PER_SEC = 1000L

Milliseconds in a second.

Definition at line 68 of file TimeConstants.hpp.

◆ NBg

const double gnsstk::NBg =9.80665

Definition at line 53 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBk1

const double gnsstk::NBk1 =77.604

Definition at line 54 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBk3p

const double gnsstk::NBk3p =382000

Definition at line 55 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBLat

const double gnsstk::NBLat[5] ={ 15.0, 30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 75.0}

Definition at line 57 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBMaa

const double gnsstk::NBMaa[5]
Initial value:

Definition at line 82 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBMad

const double gnsstk::NBMad[5]
Initial value:

Definition at line 74 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBMaw

const double gnsstk::NBMaw[5]
Initial value:

Definition at line 90 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBMba

const double gnsstk::NBMba[5]
Initial value:

Definition at line 84 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBMbd

const double gnsstk::NBMbd[5]
Initial value:

Definition at line 76 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBMbw

const double gnsstk::NBMbw[5]
Initial value:

Definition at line 92 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBMca

const double gnsstk::NBMca[5]
Initial value:

Definition at line 86 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBMcd

const double gnsstk::NBMcd[5]
Initial value:

Definition at line 78 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBMcw

const double gnsstk::NBMcw[5]
Initial value:

Definition at line 94 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NBRd

const double gnsstk::NBRd =287.054

Definition at line 52 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::NBZB0[5] ={6.30e-3,6.05e-3,5.58e-3,5.39e-3,4.53e-3}

Definition at line 63 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::NBZBa[5] ={ 0.0,0.25e-3,0.32e-3,0.81e-3,0.62e-3}

Definition at line 70 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::NBZL0[5] ={ 2.77, 3.15, 2.57, 1.81, 1.55}

Definition at line 64 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::NBZLa[5] ={ 0.0, 0.33, 0.46, 0.74, 0.30}

Definition at line 71 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::NBZP0[5] ={1013.25,1017.25,1015.75,1011.75,1013.00}

Definition at line 60 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::NBZPa[5] ={ 0.0, -3.75, -2.25, -1.75, -0.50}

Definition at line 67 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::NBZT0[5] ={ 299.65, 294.15, 283.15, 272.15, 263.65}

Definition at line 61 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::NBZTa[5] ={ 0.0, 7.0, 11.0, 15.0, 14.5}

Definition at line 68 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::NBZW0[5] ={ 26.31, 21.79, 11.66, 6.78, 4.11}

Definition at line 62 of file NBTropModel.cpp.


const double gnsstk::NBZWa[5] ={ 0.0, 8.85, 7.24, 5.36, 3.39}

Definition at line 69 of file NBTropModel.cpp.

◆ NeillDryA

const double gnsstk::NeillDryA[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0012769934, 0.0012683230, 0.0012465397,
0.0012196049, 0.0012045996 }

Definition at line 76 of file NeillTropModel.cpp.

◆ NeillDryA1

const double gnsstk::NeillDryA1[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0, 0.000012709626, 0.000026523662,
0.000034000452, 0.000041202191 }

Definition at line 86 of file NeillTropModel.cpp.

◆ NeillDryB

const double gnsstk::NeillDryB[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0029153695, 0.0029152299, 0.0029288445,
0.0029022565, 0.0029024912 }

Definition at line 79 of file NeillTropModel.cpp.

◆ NeillDryB1

const double gnsstk::NeillDryB1[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0, 0.000021414979, 0.000030160779,
0.000072562722, 0.00011723375 }

Definition at line 89 of file NeillTropModel.cpp.

◆ NeillDryC

const double gnsstk::NeillDryC[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.062610505, 0.062837393, 0.063721774,
0.063824265, 0.064258455 }

Definition at line 82 of file NeillTropModel.cpp.

◆ NeillDryC1

const double gnsstk::NeillDryC1[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0, 0.000090128400, 0.000043497037,
0.00084795348, 0.0017037206 }

Definition at line 92 of file NeillTropModel.cpp.

◆ NeillWetA

const double gnsstk::NeillWetA[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.00058021897, 0.00056794847, 0.00058118019,
0.00059727542, 0.00061641693 }

Definition at line 65 of file NeillTropModel.cpp.

◆ NeillWetB

const double gnsstk::NeillWetB[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0014275268, 0.0015138625, 0.0014572752,
0.0015007428, 0.0017599082 }

Definition at line 68 of file NeillTropModel.cpp.

◆ NeillWetC

const double gnsstk::NeillWetC[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.043472961, 0.046729510, 0.043908931,
0.044626982, 0.054736038 }

Definition at line 71 of file NeillTropModel.cpp.


const long gnsstk::NUM_6SEC_WORDS = 1918125

Number of 4 byte unsigned ints necessary to hold 6 sec of P-code.

Definition at line 64 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const long gnsstk::NUM_X2_WORDS = 1918131

Number of 4 byte unsigned ints necessary to hold an X2 sequence (with leading delay)

Definition at line 67 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const double gnsstk::OMEGADOT_REF_GPS = -2.6e-9 * PI

Omega reference value from Table 30-I converted to radians.

Definition at line 108 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::OSC_FREQ_GLO = 5.11e6

GLO Fundamental chip rate in Hz.

Definition at line 180 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::OSC_FREQ_GPS = 10.23e6

Hz, GPS Oscillator or chip frequency.

Definition at line 88 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::OVERLAP_WORD_POSITION = 1451897

Definition at line 59 of file X2Sequence.hpp.

◆ parbit

const std::ios_base::iostate gnsstk::parbit = std::ios_base::iostate(0x08)

Definition at line 89 of file DataStatus.hpp.

◆ PI

const double gnsstk::PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383280

GPS value of PI; also specified by GAL.

Definition at line 62 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.

◆ PItab

double gnsstk::PItab[7]
Initial value:
{ 1/(PI*PI*PI),

Table of powers of PI, initialized in EngNav().

Definition at line 359 of file EngNav.cpp.


const double gnsstk::PPB = 1.e-9

parts per billion

Definition at line 84 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::PSC_FREQ_GLO = 5.00e6

GLO Fundamental oscillator freq in Hz.

Definition at line 187 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::PY_CHIP_FREQ_GLO = OSC_FREQ_GLO

GLO Chip rate of the P & Y codes in Hz.

Definition at line 182 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::PY_CHIP_FREQ_GPS = OSC_FREQ_GPS

Hz, GPS chip rate of the P & Y codes.

Definition at line 90 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::QZS_EPOCH_JD = 2444244.5

'Julian day' of QZS epoch (Jan. 1, 1980).

Definition at line 110 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::QZS_EPOCH_MJD = 44244L

Modified Julian Date of QZS epoch (Jan. 1, 1980).

Definition at line 112 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::QZS_WEEK_PER_EPOCH = 65535L

Weeks per QZS Epoch.

Definition at line 114 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::RAD2DEG = 180.0 / PI

Multiply radians by RAD2DEG to get degrees.

Definition at line 66 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::RAD_PER_MAS = 4.84813681e-9

radians per milliarcsecond

Definition at line 82 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::RAD_TO_DEG = 57.295779513082

Conversion Factor from radians to degrees (units: degrees)

Definition at line 78 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


short gnsstk::RANGE[] = { 256, 1024 }

Definition at line 459 of file EngNav.cpp.


const double gnsstk::REL_CONST = -4.442807633e-10

relativity constant (sec/sqrt(m))

Definition at line 72 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::RSVCLK_GLO = 4.99999999782e6

GLO Base freq w/o relativisitic effects in Hz.

Definition at line 189 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::RSVCLK_GPS = 10.22999999543e6

Hz, GPS Base freq w/o relativisitic effects.

Definition at line 94 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.

◆ SaasDryA

const double gnsstk::SaasDryA[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0012769934, 0.0012683230, 0.0012465397, 0.0012196049, 0.0012045996 }

Definition at line 62 of file SaasTropModel.cpp.

◆ SaasDryA1

const double gnsstk::SaasDryA1[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0, 0.000012709626, 0.000026523662, 0.000034000452, 0.000041202191 }

Definition at line 69 of file SaasTropModel.cpp.

◆ SaasDryB

const double gnsstk::SaasDryB[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0029153695, 0.0029152299, 0.0029288445, 0.0029022565, 0.0029024912 }

Definition at line 64 of file SaasTropModel.cpp.

◆ SaasDryB1

const double gnsstk::SaasDryB1[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0, 0.000021414979, 0.000030160779, 0.000072562722, 0.00011723375 }

Definition at line 71 of file SaasTropModel.cpp.

◆ SaasDryC

const double gnsstk::SaasDryC[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.062610505, 0.062837393, 0.063721774, 0.063824265, 0.064258455 }

Definition at line 66 of file SaasTropModel.cpp.

◆ SaasDryC1

const double gnsstk::SaasDryC1[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0, 0.000090128400, 0.000043497037, 0.00084795348, 0.0017037206 }

Definition at line 73 of file SaasTropModel.cpp.

◆ SaasWetA

const double gnsstk::SaasWetA[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.00058021897, 0.00056794847, 0.00058118019, 0.00059727542, 0.00061641693 }

Definition at line 54 of file SaasTropModel.cpp.

◆ SaasWetB

const double gnsstk::SaasWetB[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.0014275268, 0.0015138625, 0.0014572752, 0.0015007428, 0.0017599082 }

Definition at line 56 of file SaasTropModel.cpp.

◆ SaasWetC

const double gnsstk::SaasWetC[5]
Initial value:
{ 0.043472961, 0.046729510, 0.043908931, 0.044626982, 0.054736038 }

Definition at line 58 of file SaasTropModel.cpp.


const long gnsstk::SEC_PER_DAY = 86400L

Seconds per day.

Definition at line 63 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::SEC_PER_MS = 1.0/MS_PER_SEC

Seconds per millisecond.

Definition at line 70 of file TimeConstants.hpp.

◆ sot

RinexObsType gnsstk::sot[29]
Initial value:
RinexObsHeader::C1, RinexObsHeader::C2,
RinexObsHeader::D1, RinexObsHeader::D2,
RinexObsHeader::S1, RinexObsHeader::S2,
RinexObsHeader::T1, RinexObsHeader::T2,
RinexObsHeader::C5, RinexObsHeader::L5, RinexObsHeader::D5, RinexObsHeader::S5,
RinexObsHeader::C6, RinexObsHeader::L6, RinexObsHeader::D6, RinexObsHeader::S6,
RinexObsHeader::C7, RinexObsHeader::L7, RinexObsHeader::D7, RinexObsHeader::S7,
RinexObsHeader::C8, RinexObsHeader::L8, RinexObsHeader::D8, RinexObsHeader::S8

Definition at line 123 of file RinexObsHeader.cpp.


const double gnsstk::SQRT_PI = 1.772453850905516027298167483341

GPS value of PI**0.5.

Definition at line 70 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.

◆ SRINullMatrix

const Matrix< double > gnsstk::SRINullMatrix

constant (empty) Matrix used for default input arguments

Definition at line 69 of file SRI.cpp.

◆ SRINullSparseMatrix

const SparseMatrix< double > gnsstk::SRINullSparseMatrix

constant (empty) SparseMatrix used for default input arguments

Definition at line 70 of file SRI.cpp.

◆ subframeListFoo

std::vector<std::vector<DecodeQuant> > gnsstk::subframeListFoo

This array defines how to decode GPS LNav messages for subframeConvert and convertQuant.

This vector corresponds to a proprietary file format and should not be changed.

Definition at line 84 of file EngNav.cpp.


const double gnsstk::SV_ACCURACY_GLO_INDEX[]
Initial value:
= { 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0,
7.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0,
32.0, 64.0, 128.0, 256.0, 512.0,
9.999999999999e99 }

Map from SV accuracy/URA flag to NOMINAL accuracy values in m. Further details in ICD-GLO-v5.0, Table 4.4 in Section 4.4.

Definition at line 200 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const int gnsstk::SV_ACCURACY_GLO_INDEX_MAX = 15

Constant for the max array index in SV accuracy table.

Definition at line 197 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::SV_ACCURACY_GPS_MAX_INDEX[]
Initial value:
= {2.4, 3.4, 4.85, 6.85, 9.65,
13.65, 24.0, 48.0, 96.0, 192.0,
384.0, 768.0, 1536.0, 3072.0,
6144.0, 9.999999999999e99}

map from SV accuracy/URA flag to maximum accuracy values in m

Definition at line 70 of file GPS_URA.hpp.


const int gnsstk::SV_ACCURACY_GPS_MAX_INDEX_VALUE = 15

constant for the max array index in sv accuracy table

Definition at line 57 of file GPS_URA.hpp.


const double gnsstk::SV_ACCURACY_GPS_MIN_INDEX[]
Initial value:
= {0.0, 2.4, 3.4, 4.85, 6.85, 9.65,
13.65, 24.0, 48.0, 96.0, 192.0,
384.0, 768.0, 1536.0, 3072.0,

map from SV accuracy/URA flag to minimum accuracy values in m

Definition at line 59 of file GPS_URA.hpp.


const double gnsstk::SV_ACCURACY_GPS_NOMINAL_INDEX[]
Initial value:
= {2.0, 2.8, 4.0, 5.7, 8.0,
11.3, 16.0, 32.0, 64.0, 128.0,
256.0, 512.0, 1024.0, 2048.0,
4096.0, 9.999999999999e99}

Map from SV accuracy/URA flag to NOMINAL accuracy values in m Further details in ICD-GPS-200C, section

Definition at line 65 of file GPS_URA.hpp.


const double gnsstk::SV_CNAV_ACCURACY_GPS_MAX_INDEX[]
Initial value:
= {0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.06,
0.08, 0.11, 0.15, 0.21, 0.30,
0.43, 0.60, 0.85, 1.20, 1.7,
2.4, 3.4, 4.85, 6.85, 9.65,
13.65, 24.0, 48.0, 96.0, 192.0,
384.0, 768.0, 1536.0, 3072.0,
6144.0, 9.999999999999e99}

map from SV accuracy/URA flag to maximum accuracy values in m

Definition at line 102 of file GPS_URA.hpp.



constant for the max array index in sv accuracy table

Definition at line 75 of file GPS_URA.hpp.


const double gnsstk::SV_CNAV_ACCURACY_GPS_MIN_INDEX[]
Initial value:
= {0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.06,
0.08, 0.11, 0.15, 0.21, 0.30,
0.43, 0.60, 0.85, 1.2, 1.7,
2.4, 3.4, 4.85, 6.85, 9.65,
13.65, 24.0, 48.0, 96.0, 192.0,
384.0, 768.0, 1536.0, 3072.0,

map from SV accuracy/URA flag to minimum accuracy values in m

Definition at line 78 of file GPS_URA.hpp.


const double gnsstk::SV_CNAV_ACCURACY_GPS_NOM_INDEX[]
Initial value:
= {0.011049, 0.015625, 0.022097, 0.03125,
0.044194, 0.0625, 0.088388, 0.125, 0.176777,
0.25, 0.353553, 0.5, 0.707107, 1, 1.414214, 2,
2.8, 4, 5.7, 8, 11.3, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512,
1024, 2048, 4096}

map for SV accuracy/Nominal URA indices Further details in IS-GPS-200 IS-GPS-705 IS_GPS-800

Definition at line 90 of file GPS_URA.hpp.


const int gnsstk::SV_CNAV_INDEX_OFFSET = 15

constant for gps nom index table offset

Definition at line 99 of file GPS_URA.hpp.


const int gnsstk::SV_CNAV_NOMINAL_MAX_INDEX = 30

constant for max array index in gps nom index table

Definition at line 96 of file GPS_URA.hpp.

◆ SystemNames

const char* gnsstk::SystemNames[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 55 of file Position.cpp.


const double gnsstk::TWO_PI = 6.283185307179586476925286766559

GPS value of PI*2.

Definition at line 68 of file GNSSconstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::UNIX_MJD = 40587L

Modified Julian Date of UNIX epoch (Jan. 1, 1970).

Definition at line 55 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_BEIDOU_B1 = C_MPS / FREQ_BEIDOU_B1

BeiDou B1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 150 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_BEIDOU_B1U = C_MPS / FREQ_BEIDOU_B1U

BeiDou B1U carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 142 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_BEIDOU_B2 = C_MPS / FREQ_BEIDOU_B2

BeiDou B2 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 162 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_BEIDOU_B2a = C_MPS / FREQ_BEIDOU_B2a

BeiDou B2a carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 166 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_BEIDOU_B2b = C_MPS / FREQ_BEIDOU_B2b

BeiDou B2b carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 154 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_BEIDOU_B3 = C_MPS / FREQ_BEIDOU_B3

BeiDou B3 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 158 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_BEIDOU_L1 = C_MPS / FREQ_BEIDOU_L1

BeiDou L1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 146 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GALILEO_E1 = C_MPS / FREQ_GALILEO_E1

Galileo E1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 98 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GALILEO_E5 = C_MPS / FREQ_GALILEO_E5

Galileo E5 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 106 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GALILEO_E5a = C_MPS / FREQ_GALILEO_E5a

Galileo E5a carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 110 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GALILEO_E5b = C_MPS / FREQ_GALILEO_E5b

Galileo E5b carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 102 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GALILEO_E6 = C_MPS / FREQ_GALILEO_E6

Galileo E6 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 114 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GLONASS_G1 = C_MPS / FREQ_GLONASS_G1

GLONASS G1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 70 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GLONASS_G1a = C_MPS / FREQ_GLONASS_G1a

GLONASS G1a carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 74 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GLONASS_G2 = C_MPS / FREQ_GLONASS_G2

GLONASS G2 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 82 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GLONASS_G2a = C_MPS / FREQ_GLONASS_G2a

GLONASS G2a carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 78 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GLONASS_G2c = C_MPS / FREQ_GLONASS_G2c

GLONASS G2c carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 86 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GLONASS_G3 = C_MPS / FREQ_GLONASS_G3

GLONASS G3 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 94 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GLONASS_G5 = C_MPS / FREQ_GLONASS_G5

GLONASS G5 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 90 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GPS_L1 = C_MPS / FREQ_GPS_L1

GPS L1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 58 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GPS_L2 = C_MPS / FREQ_GPS_L2

GPS L2 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 62 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_GPS_L5 = C_MPS / FREQ_GPS_L5

GPS L5 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 66 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_NAVIC_L5 = C_MPS / FREQ_NAVIC_L5

NavIC L5 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 174 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_NAVIC_S = C_MPS / FREQ_NAVIC_S

NavIC S carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 170 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_QZSS_L1 = C_MPS / FREQ_QZSS_L1

QZSS L1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 126 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_QZSS_L2 = C_MPS / FREQ_QZSS_L2

QZSS L2 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 130 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_QZSS_L5 = C_MPS / FREQ_QZSS_L5

QZSS L5 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 134 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_QZSS_L6 = C_MPS / FREQ_QZSS_L6

QZSS L6 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 138 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_SBAS_L1 = C_MPS / FREQ_SBAS_L1

SBAS L1 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 118 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WAVELENGTH_SBAS_L5 = C_MPS / FREQ_SBAS_L5

SBAS L5 carrier wavelength in meters.

Definition at line 122 of file FreqConsts.hpp.


const double gnsstk::WEEK_PER_ZCOUNT = 1.0/ZCOUNT_PER_WEEK

Weeks in a Zcount.

Definition at line 94 of file TimeConstants.hpp.

◆ weekday

const char* gnsstk::weekday[]
Initial value:
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday",

Definition at line 55 of file GPSWeekZcount.cpp.

◆ weekdayAbbr

const char* gnsstk::weekdayAbbr[]
Initial value:
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"

Definition at line 51 of file GPSWeekZcount.cpp.


const int gnsstk::X1_PER_DAY = 57600

Number of X1 epochs in one day.

Definition at line 61 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const unsigned int gnsstk::X1A_INIT = 0x0248

INIT variables are starting conditions of 12-bit registers (IS-GPS-200)

Definition at line 70 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const unsigned int gnsstk::X1A_TAPS = 0x0CA0

TAPS variables denote which stages of 12-bit registers are XOR'd.

Definition at line 76 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const unsigned int gnsstk::X1B_INIT = 0x0554

Definition at line 71 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const unsigned int gnsstk::X1B_TAPS = 0x0F93

Definition at line 77 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const long gnsstk::X2A_EPOCH_DELAY = 37

The 37 chip delay at the end of every X2A epoch.

Definition at line 97 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const unsigned int gnsstk::X2A_INIT = 0x0925

Definition at line 72 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const unsigned int gnsstk::X2A_TAPS = 0x0FDD

Definition at line 78 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const unsigned int gnsstk::X2B_INIT = 0x0554

Definition at line 73 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const unsigned int gnsstk::X2B_TAPS = 0x098E

Definition at line 79 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const int gnsstk::XA_COUNT = 4092

X?_COUNT is the number of bits in an epoch.

Definition at line 86 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const long gnsstk::XA_EPOCH_DELAY = 0

XA_EPOCH_DELAY and XB_EPOCH_DELAY allow for precession of X1B and X2B wrt to X1A and X2A at the end of each X1A epoch and X2A epoch. End of week delays are handled elsewhere.

Definition at line 93 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const int gnsstk::XA_MAX_EPOCH = 3750

X?_MAX_EPOCH is the maximum number of epochs in a sequence.

Definition at line 82 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const int gnsstk::XB_COUNT = 4093

Definition at line 87 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const long gnsstk::XB_EPOCH_DELAY = 343

Definition at line 94 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const int gnsstk::XB_MAX_EPOCH = 3749

Definition at line 83 of file PCodeConst.hpp.


const long gnsstk::ZCOUNT_PER_DAY = 57600L

Zcounts in a day.

Definition at line 88 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::ZCOUNT_PER_HOUR = 2400

Z-counts per hour.

Definition at line 98 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::ZCOUNT_PER_MINUTE = 40

Z-counts per minute.

Definition at line 96 of file TimeConstants.hpp.


const long gnsstk::ZCOUNT_PER_WEEK = 403200L

Zcounts in a week.

Definition at line 92 of file TimeConstants.hpp.

gnsstk::Matrix< double > L1
Definition: Matrix_LUDecomp_T.cpp:46
double NormalCDF(double x, double mu, double sig)
Definition: SpecialFuncs.cpp:588
const double PI
GPS value of PI; also specified by GAL.
Definition: GNSSconstants.hpp:62
gnsstk::Matrix< double > P1
Definition: Matrix_LUDecomp_T.cpp:49
gnsstk::Matrix< double > P2
Definition: Matrix_LUDecomp_T.cpp:49
int mu
gnsstk::Matrix< double > L2
Definition: Matrix_LUDecomp_T.cpp:46
double NormalPDF(double x, double mu, double sig)
Definition: SpecialFuncs.cpp:570

autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:44