Class SolarSystemEphemeris encapsulates the information in the JPL ephemeris file, header and data, reading and writing of both ASCII and binary files, as well as the computation of position and velocity of the sun, moon and planets, plus nutations and lunar librations and their rates. The user of this class should not have to read or write new files except either when the class is initially installed on a platform, or when a new ephemeris is obtained from JPL. Then procedure is first to download ASCII files for the desired ephemeris from the JPL ftp site at This consists of an ASCII header file (e.g. header.403) plus one or more ephemeris data files for the same ephemeris (e.g. ascp1975.403, ascp2000.403 and ascp2025.403 - these files contain the complete "DE403" ephemeris covering years 1975 to 2025). The user should then use a conversion program (such as convertEphemeris in the gnsstk) to read these files and write out a single binary file for use in applications. Writing the binary file on the platform on which it is going to be used avoids potential problems with platform dependencies. The gnsstk also includes a test program, testEphemeris, which will read a test file (also at the JPL ftp site) and compute several states, comparing them with JPL-generated 'truth' values; this will validate the generated binary file. To make use of this class and the generated binary file, the programmer simply instantiates a SolarSystemEphemeris object, calls initializeWithBinaryFile(file) once, passing it the name of the binary file, then calling relativeInertialPositionVelocity() any number of times, passing it the time and Planet of interest. Time for this class is always Barycentric Dynamic Time (TDB), always as MJD.
Definition at line 96 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
#include <SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp>
Public Types | |
enum | Planet { idNone = 0, idMercury, idVenus, idEarth, idMars, idJupiter, idSaturn, idUranus, idNeptune, idPluto, idMoon, idSun, idSolarSystemBarycenter, idEarthMoonBarycenter, idNutations, idLibrations } |
These are indexes used by the caller of inertialPositionVelocity(). More... | |
enum | ReturnValue { retOK = 0, retEarly = -1, retLate = -2, retStrm = -3, retEphN = -4 } |
Return values. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
double | AU () |
void | clearStorage () |
double | endTimeMJD () const |
Return the MJD of end time of the data (system TDB) More... | |
int | EphNumber () const |
double | getConstant (const std::string &name) |
int | initializeWithBinaryFile (const std::string &filename) |
double | ratioEarthToMoonMass () |
Return the Earth-to-Moon mass ratio. More... | |
double | ratioSunToEarthMass () |
Return the Sun-to-Earth mass ratio. More... | |
int | readASCIIdata (const std::string &filename) |
int | readASCIIdata (std::vector< std::string > &filenames) |
void | readASCIIheader (const std::string &filename) |
int | readBinaryFile (const std::string &filename) |
void | relativeInertialPositionVelocity (double MJD, Planet target, Planet center, double PV[6], bool kilometers=true) |
SolarSystemEphemeris () | |
double | startTimeMJD () const |
Return the MJD of start time of the data (system TDB) More... | |
int | writeASCIIdata (std::ostream &os) |
int | writeASCIIheader (std::ostream &os) |
int | writeBinaryFile (const std::string &filename) |
Private Types | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | inertialPositionVelocity (double MJD, computeID which, double PV[6]) |
void | readBinary (char *ptr, size_t size) |
int | readBinaryData (bool save) |
void | readBinaryHeader (const std::string &filename) |
int | readBinaryRecord (std::vector< double > &data_vector) |
int | seekToJD (double JD) |
void | writeBinary (std::ofstream &strm, const char *ptr, size_t size) |
Private Attributes | |
int | c_ncoeff [13] |
number of coefficients per component for each planet More... | |
int | c_nsets [13] |
number of sets of coefficients for each planet More... | |
int | c_offset [13] |
std::vector< double > | coefficients |
std::map< std::string, double > | constants |
double | endJD |
JD of the end of the last record in the file. More... | |
int | EphemerisNumber |
std::map< double, long > | fileposMap |
double | interval |
number of days covered by each block of coeff.s More... | |
std::ifstream | istrm |
input stream for binary files More... | |
std::string | label [3] |
lines under group 1010 More... | |
int | Ncoeff |
int | Nconst |
number of constants in the header (see map constants) More... | |
double | startJD |
JD of the start of the first record in the file. More... | |
std::map< double, std::vector< double > > | store |
private |
These are indexes used in the actual computation, and correspond to indexes in the ephemeris file; for example computation for the SUN is done using c_offset[SUN], c_ncoeff[SUN] and c_nsets[SUN].
Definition at line 412 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
These are indexes used by the caller of inertialPositionVelocity().
Definition at line 110 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
Return values.
Definition at line 100 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
inline |
Constructor. Set EphemerisNumber to -1 to indicate that nothing has been read yet.
Definition at line 136 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
inline |
Return the value of 1 AU (Astronomical Unit) in km. If the file header has not been read, return -1.0.
Definition at line 289 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
inline |
clear the store map containing all the data read by readASCIIdata() or readBinaryData(true).
Definition at line 217 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
inline |
Return the MJD of end time of the data (system TDB)
Definition at line 342 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
inline |
Return the ephemeris number.
Definition at line 303 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 310 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
Compute inertial position and velocity of given body at given time, relative to the solar system barycenter, using the current coefficient array. NB caller MUST call seekToJD(time) BEFORE calling this. On successful return, PV[0-2] contains the three position components, in km, and PV[3-5] the velocity components in km/day (for regular bodies), relative to the solar system barycenter, except for the moon, which is relative to Earth. For nutations and librations the units are radians and radians/day; nutations (components 0-3 only) are longitude and obliquity, and librations are the three euler angles.
MJD | time (Modified Julian Date) of interest (system TDB). |
which | computeID of the body of interest. |
PV | double(6) array containing the inertial position and velocity relative to the solar system barycenter. |
Definition at line 1563 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
int gnsstk::SolarSystemEphemeris::initializeWithBinaryFile | ( | const std::string & | filename | ) |
Open the given binary file, read the header and prepare for reading data records at random using seekToJD() and computing positions and velocities with inertialPositionVelocity(). Does not store the data.
filename | name of binary file to be read. |
Exception | if a gap in time is found between consecutive records. |
Definition at line 874 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
inline |
Return the Earth-to-Moon mass ratio.
Definition at line 324 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
inline |
Return the Sun-to-Earth mass ratio.
Definition at line 330 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
int gnsstk::SolarSystemEphemeris::readASCIIdata | ( | const std::string & | filename | ) |
Read only one ASCII data file. Also see the documentation for the other version of this routine.
filename | name of an ASCII data files (downloaded from JPL) |
int gnsstk::SolarSystemEphemeris::readASCIIdata | ( | std::vector< std::string > & | filenames | ) |
Read one or more ASCII data files. Call only after having read the header, and call only with data files for the same ephemeris as the header (the JPL files are named 'header.NNN' and 'ascSYYYY.NNN' where NNN is the ephemeris number (appears inside the header file, but not inside the data files), S is either 'p' or 'n' as the year is positive or negative (AD or BC), and YYYY is the year of the first record in the file.
filenames | vector containting the names of the ASCII data files (downloaded from JPL), in any order. |
void gnsstk::SolarSystemEphemeris::readASCIIheader | ( | const std::string & | filename | ) |
Read the header from a JPL ASCII planetary ephemeris file. Note that this routine clears the 'store' map and defines the 'constants' hash. It also sets EphemerisNumber to the constant "DENUM" if successful.
filename | the name of the ASCII header file. |
Exception | if the file cannot be opened. |
Exception | if the header ends prematurely or if it is not properly formatted. |
Exception | if any stream error occurs. |
Definition at line 86 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
private |
Helper routine for binary reading.
Exception | if there is any error or if EOF is found. |
Definition at line 1131 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
private |
Read data from a binary file, already opened by readBinaryHeader. Build the file position map, and store the first set of coefficients. If calling argument is true, save all the coefficient data in a map.
save | if true, save all the data in store, else clear the store. |
Exception | if a gap in time is found between consecutive records. |
Definition at line 1340 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
int gnsstk::SolarSystemEphemeris::readBinaryFile | ( | const std::string & | filename | ) |
Read header and data from a binary file, storing ALL the data in store. For use with copying, merging or editing data files. Closes the stream before returning.
filename | name of binary file to be read. |
Exception | if a gap in time is found between consecutive records. |
Definition at line 844 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
private |
Read header from a binary file.
filename | name of binary file, probably written by writeBinaryFile(). |
Exception | if read error or premature EOF if found. |
Definition at line 1160 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
private |
Read a single binary record (not a header record) at the current file position, into the given vector. For use by readBinaryData() and seekToJD().
data_vector | vector<double> to hold coefficients. |
Definition at line 1427 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
void gnsstk::SolarSystemEphemeris::relativeInertialPositionVelocity | ( | double | MJD, |
SolarSystemEphemeris::Planet | target, | ||
SolarSystemEphemeris::Planet | center, | ||
double | PV[6], | ||
bool | kilometers = true |
) |
Compute inertial frame position and velocity of given 'target' body, relative to the 'center' body, at the given time. On successful return, PV contains position (in components 0-2) and velocity (components 3-5) (units: cf param km) for regular bodies; for nutations and librations the units are radians and radians/day; nutations (components 0-3 only) are longitude or psi (component 0) and obliquity or epsilon (component 1) and their rates (components 2,3); librations (components 0-5) are the 3 euler angles in radians and their rates in radians/day.
MJD | time (Modified Julian Date) of interest, in TDB system. |
target | Body for which position and velocity are to be computed. |
center | Body relative to which the results apply. However, center may == SolarSystemEphemeris::None, in which case the results are relative to the solar system barycenter. If target == Nutations or Librations, center is ignored. |
PV | Double array of length 6 containing output position and velocity components of target relative to center, in the order X,Y,Z,Vx,Vy,Vz. Units are determined by parameter km. If target == Nutations, PV contains 4 results, psi, eps, psi dot, eps dot in units radians and radians/day. If target == Librations, PV contains 3 euler angles in radians and their rates in radians/day. |
kilometers | boolean: if true (default), units are km, km/day; else AU, AU/day (but not Nutations or Librations - see above). |
Exception | if given time is before the first record in the file, the given time is after the last record, or in a gap between records, the input stream is not open or not valid, or EOF was found prematurely, or the ephemeris is not initialized; most likely the last two happen because initializeWithBinaryFile() has not been called, or reading failed. |
Definition at line 916 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
private |
Search the data records of the file opened by initializeWithBinaryFile() and read the one whose time limits include the given time. May be called only after initializeWithBinaryFile().
JD | the time (Julian Date) of interest |
Definition at line 1489 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
inline |
Return the MJD of start time of the data (system TDB)
Definition at line 339 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
int gnsstk::SolarSystemEphemeris::writeASCIIdata | ( | std::ostream & | os | ) |
Write the stored data (ASCII) to an output stream NB. This routine does NOT clear the store - use clearStorage()
Exception | if any stream error occurs |
Definition at line 625 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
int gnsstk::SolarSystemEphemeris::writeASCIIheader | ( | std::ostream & | os | ) |
Write the header (ASCII) to an output stream
Exception | if any stream error occurs |
Definition at line 499 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
private |
Helper routine for binary writing.
Exception | if there is any stream error. |
Definition at line 1101 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
int gnsstk::SolarSystemEphemeris::writeBinaryFile | ( | const std::string & | filename | ) |
Write the header and the stored data to a binary output file. NB. This routine does NOT clear the store - use clearStorage()
filename | name of binary file to be read. |
Exception | if any stream error occurs. |
Definition at line 689 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.cpp.
private |
number of coefficients per component for each planet
Definition at line 480 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
number of sets of coefficients for each planet
Definition at line 481 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
starting index in the coefficients array for each planet
Definition at line 477 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
One complete data record (Ncoeff doubles) consisting of times and coefficients. seekToJD() stores the current record here, and inertialPositionVelocity() uses it.
Definition at line 534 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
Hash of labels and values of constants read from the header. This is taken directly from the JPL documentation:
The following is a partial list of constants found on the ephemeris file: DENUM Planetary ephemeris number. LENUM Lunar ephemeris number. TDATEF, TDATEB Dates of the Forward and Backward Integrations CLIGHT Speed of light (km/s). AU Number of kilometers per astronomical unit. EMRAT Earth-Moon mass ratio. GMi GM for ith planet [au**3/day**2]. GMB GM for the Earth-Moon Barycenter [au**3/day**2]. GMS Sun (= k**2) [au**3/day**2]. X1, ..., ZD9 Initial conditions for the numerical integration, given at "JDEPOC", with respect to "CENTER". JDEPOC Epoch (JED) of initial conditions, normally JED 2440400.5. CENTER Reference center for the initial conditions. (Sun: 11, Solar System Barycenter: 12) RADi Radius of ith planet [km]. MA0001...MA0324 GM's of asteroid number 0001 ... 0234 [au**3/day**2]. PHASE The phase angle of the moon's rotation. LOVENO The Love Number, k2, for the moon. PHI, THT, PSI Euler angles of the orientation of the lunar mantle. OMEGAX, ... Rotational velocities of the lunar mantle. PHIC,THTC,PSIC Euler angles of the orientation of the lunar core. OMGCX, ... Rotational velocities of the lunar core.
Definition at line 512 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
JD of the end of the last record in the file.
Definition at line 475 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
-1 if the header has not been filled; also, for binary file input, 0 if the file position map has not yet been filled; otherwise it equals the number JPL assigns the ephemeris, e.g. 403, 405, which is identical to constants["DENUM"].
Definition at line 464 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
Hash of start times (JD) and file positions. This object is filled by readBinaryData(), which is called by initializeWithBinaryFile(), and is used by seekToJD() to read records in random order.
Definition at line 527 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
number of days covered by each block of coeff.s
Definition at line 476 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
input stream for binary files
Definition at line 453 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
lines under group 1010
Definition at line 473 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
The number of coefficients in a single record. This will determine the binary record size
Definition at line 470 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
number of constants in the header (see map constants)
Definition at line 472 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
JD of the start of the first record in the file.
Definition at line 474 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.
private |
Hash of start times (JD) and coefficient arrays. This object is not intended to store the entire dataset, except temporarily for the purpose of reading/writing files, NOT for ephemeris computation.
Definition at line 520 of file SolarSystemEphemeris.hpp.