Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes | List of all members
gnsstk::PRSolution Class Reference

Detailed Description

This class defines an interface to routines which compute a position and time solution from pseudorange data, with a data editing algorithm based on Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) concepts. RAIM ref. "A Baseline GPS RAIM Scheme and a Note on the Equivalence of Three RAIM Methods," by R. Grover Brown, Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Vol. 39, No. 3, Fall 1992, pg 301.

The main point of entry is RAIMCompute(); it will compute a solution given the pseudoranges from a number of satellites, using a RAIM-based algorithm to detect and exclude 'bad' data from the solution. Alternately, the user may compute a straightforward solution using all the input data, without the RAIM algorithm; this is done by first calling PreparePRSolution() and then SimplePRSolution().

The class is able to use satellite data from any GNSS (defined in SatID.hpp). The user MUST specify allowed GNSS in the vector allowedGNSS before processing. The algorithm estimates a separate clock bias for each system; the state vector (Solution) thus has components X,Y,Z,clk1,clk2,clk3... where the clocks are in the order given by the vector allowedGNSS. The time system of the clocks will be determined by the input ephemerides; usually IGS SP3 ephemerides use GPS time for all the systems (but there is still a system time offset relative to GPS for each other GNSS).

Note that at any epoch it may happen that no satellites from some system are available (either in the data or after the RAIM algorithm), in this case the clock bias for that system is undefined and set to zero.

Definition at line 216 of file PRSolution.hpp.

#include <PRSolution.hpp>

Public Member Functions

void addToMemory (const Vector< double > &Sol, const Matrix< double > &Cov, const Vector< double > &PreFitResid, const Matrix< double > &Partials, const Matrix< double > &invMeasCov)
std::string configString (std::string tag)
 A convenience for printing the current configuarion. More...
int DOPCompute (void)
void dumpSolution (std::ostream &os, std::string msg="PRS")
std::string errorCodeString (int iret)
 A convenience for printing the error code (return value) More...
void fixAPSolution (const double &X, const double &Y, const double &Z)
double getAPV (void)
bool isValid () const
 Return the status of solution. More...
std::string outputCLKString (std::string tag, int iret=-99)
 return string of {SYS clock} for all systems, error code and V/NV More...
std::string outputNAVString (std::string tag, int iret=-99, const Vector< double > &Vec=PRSNullVector)
 return string of info in POS and CLK More...
std::string outputPOSString (std::string tag, int iret=-99, const Vector< double > &Vec=PRSNullVector)
std::string outputRMSString (std::string tag, int iret=-99)
std::string outputString (std::string tag, int iret=-99, const Vector< double > &Vec=PRSNullVector)
 return string of NAV and RMS strings More...
std::string outputStringHeader (std::string tag)
 return string of the form "#tag label etc" which is header for data strings More...
std::string outputValidString (int iret=-99)
int PreparePRSolution (const CommonTime &Tr, std::vector< SatID > &Sats, const std::vector< double > &Pseudorange, NavLibrary &eph, Matrix< double > &SVP, NavSearchOrder order=NavSearchOrder::User) const
 PRSolution ()
 Constructor. More...
int RAIMCompute (const CommonTime &Tr, std::vector< SatID > &Satellites, const std::vector< double > &Pseudorange, const Matrix< double > &invMC, NavLibrary &eph, TropModel *pTropModel, NavSearchOrder order=NavSearchOrder::User)
int RAIMComputeUnweighted (const CommonTime &Tr, std::vector< SatID > &Satellites, const std::vector< double > &Pseudorange, NavLibrary &eph, TropModel *pTropModel, NavSearchOrder order=NavSearchOrder::User)
int SimplePRSolution (const CommonTime &Tr, const std::vector< SatID > &Sats, const Matrix< double > &SVP, const Matrix< double > &invMC, TropModel *pTropModel, const int &niterLimit, const double &convLimit, Vector< double > &Resids, Vector< double > &Slopes)
void updateAPSolution (const Vector< double > &Sol)

Public Attributes

std::vector< SatelliteSystemallowedGNSS
Vector< double > APSolution
double APV
double Convergence
 the RSS change in solution at the end of iterations. More...
double ConvergenceLimit
Matrix< double > Covariance
std::vector< SatelliteSystemdataGNSS
bool fixedAPriori
Triple fixedAPrioriPos
double GDOP
bool hasMemory
Matrix< double > invMeasCov
int MaxNIterations
double MaxSlope
int ndata
int ndof
int NIterations
 the actual number of iterations used More...
int NSatsReject
int nsol
int Nsvs
 the number of good satellites used in the final computation More...
Matrix< double > Partials
 Matrix<double> containing the partials matrix used in the final solution. More...
double PDOP
Vector< double > PreFitResidual
bool RMSFlag
double RMSLimit
 RMS limit (m) on residual of fit. More...
double RMSResidual
std::vector< SatIDSatelliteIDs
bool SlopeFlag
double SlopeLimit
 Slope limit (dimensionless). More...
Vector< double > Solution
double TDOP
 DOPs computed in a call to DOPCompute() or outputString() More...
bool TropFlag
WtdAveStats was
 The "memory" of this object, used only when hasMemory is true. More...

Private Attributes

CommonTime currTime
 time tag of the current solution More...
bool Valid
 flag: output content is valid. More...

Static Private Attributes

static const std::string calfmt = string("%04Y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%02S %P")
 time formats used in prints More...
static const std::string gpsfmt = string("%4F %10.3g")
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT Vector< double > PRSNullVector
 empty vector used to detect default More...
static const std::string timfmt = gpsfmt + string(" ") + calfmt

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PRSolution()

gnsstk::PRSolution::PRSolution ( )


Definition at line 220 of file PRSolution.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addToMemory()

void gnsstk::PRSolution::addToMemory ( const Vector< double > &  Sol,
const Matrix< double > &  Cov,
const Vector< double > &  PreFitResid,
const Matrix< double > &  Partials,
const Matrix< double > &  invMeasCov 

add newly computed solution (must be valid); update counts, APV and apriori. input parameters are from PRSolution after computing a solution.

Definition at line 606 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ configString()

string gnsstk::PRSolution::configString ( std::string  tag)

A convenience for printing the current configuarion.

Definition at line 1053 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ DOPCompute()

int gnsstk::PRSolution::DOPCompute ( void  )

Compute DOPs using the partials matrix from the last successful solution. RAIMCompute(), if successful, calls this before returning. Results stored in PRSolution::TDOP,PDOP,GDOP.

Definition at line 842 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ dumpSolution()

void gnsstk::PRSolution::dumpSolution ( std::ostream &  os,
std::string  msg = "PRS" 

Definition at line 544 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ errorCodeString()

string gnsstk::PRSolution::errorCodeString ( int  iret)

A convenience for printing the error code (return value)

Definition at line 1041 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ fixAPSolution()

void gnsstk::PRSolution::fixAPSolution ( const double &  X,
const double &  Y,
const double &  Z 

Fix the apriori solution to the given constant value (XYZ,m) and initialize the

Definition at line 521 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ getAPV()

double gnsstk::PRSolution::getAPV ( void  )

get the aposteriori variance of unit weight; return zero if not enough data has been collected.

Definition at line 538 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ isValid()

bool gnsstk::PRSolution::isValid ( ) const

Return the status of solution.

Definition at line 235 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ outputCLKString()

string gnsstk::PRSolution::outputCLKString ( std::string  tag,
int  iret = -99 

return string of {SYS clock} for all systems, error code and V/NV

Definition at line 937 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ outputNAVString()

string gnsstk::PRSolution::outputNAVString ( std::string  tag,
int  iret = -99,
const Vector< double > &  Vec = PRSNullVector 

return string of info in POS and CLK

Definition at line 875 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ outputPOSString()

string gnsstk::PRSolution::outputPOSString ( std::string  tag,
int  iret = -99,
const Vector< double > &  Vec = PRSNullVector 

conveniences for printing the results of the pseudorange solution algorithm return string of position, error code and V/NV

Definition at line 908 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ outputRMSString()

string gnsstk::PRSolution::outputRMSString ( std::string  tag,
int  iret = -99 

return string of Nsvs, RMS residual, TDOP, PDOP, GDOP, Slope, niter, conv, satellites, error code and V/NV

Definition at line 967 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ outputString()

string gnsstk::PRSolution::outputString ( std::string  tag,
int  iret = -99,
const Vector< double > &  Vec = PRSNullVector 

return string of NAV and RMS strings

Definition at line 1031 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ outputStringHeader()

std::string gnsstk::PRSolution::outputStringHeader ( std::string  tag)

return string of the form "#tag label etc" which is header for data strings

Definition at line 509 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ outputValidString()

string gnsstk::PRSolution::outputValidString ( int  iret = -99)

Definition at line 859 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ PreparePRSolution()

int gnsstk::PRSolution::PreparePRSolution ( const CommonTime Tr,
std::vector< SatID > &  Sats,
const std::vector< double > &  Pseudorange,
NavLibrary eph,
Matrix< double > &  SVP,
NavSearchOrder  order = NavSearchOrder::User 
) const

Compute the satellite position / corrected range matrix (SVP) which is used by SimplePRSolution(). SVP is output, dimensioned (N,4) where N is the number of satellites and the length of both Satellite and Pseudorange. Data is ignored whenever Sats[i].id is < 0 and when system is not in allowedGNSS. NB caller should verify that the number of good entries (Satellite[.] > 0) is > 4 before proceeding. Even though this is a member function, it changes none of the member data.

Trinput Measured time of reception of the data.
Satsinput std::vector<SatID> of satellites; satellites that are to be excluded by the algorithm are marked by a negative 'id' member; this call will mark satellites for which there is no ephemeris.
Pseudorangeinput std::vector<double> of raw pseudoranges (parallel to Sats), in meters
eph[in]NavLibrary to be used
SVPoutput gnsstk::Matrix<double> of dimension (N,4), N is the number of satellites in Sats[] (marked or not), on output this contains the satellite positions at transmit time (cols 0-2), the corrected pseudorange (1).
[in]orderHow NavLibrary searches are performed.
Return values: >= 0 number of good satellites found -4 ephemeris not found for all the satellites
getXvt was expected to throw an exception on failure in the past. This assert more or less mimics that behavior. Refactoring is needed.
getXvt was expected to throw an exception on failure in the past. This assert more or less mimics that behavior. Refactoring is needed.

Definition at line 66 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ RAIMCompute()

int gnsstk::PRSolution::RAIMCompute ( const CommonTime Tr,
std::vector< SatID > &  Satellites,
const std::vector< double > &  Pseudorange,
const Matrix< double > &  invMC,
NavLibrary eph,
TropModel pTropModel,
NavSearchOrder  order = NavSearchOrder::User 

Compute a position/time solution, given satellite PRNs and pseudoranges using a RAIM algorithm. This is the main computation done by this class. Before this call, allowedGNSS must be defined.

TrMeasured time of reception of the data.
Satellitesstd::vector<SatID> of satellites; on successful return, satellites that were excluded by the algorithm are marked by a negative 'id' member. Also systems not in allowedGNSS are ignored.
Pseudorangestd::vector<double> of raw pseudoranges (parallel to Satellite), in meters.
invMCgnsstk::Matrix<double> NXN measurement covariance matrix inverse (meter^-2) of the pseudorange data (for N see Sats). If this matrix has dimension 0, no weighting of the data is done.
ephNavLibrary to be used in the algorithm.
pTropModelpointer to gnsstk::TropModel for trop correction.
Return values: 1 solution is ok, but may be degraded; check TropFlag, RMSFlag, SlopeFlag 0 ok -1 algorithm failed to converge -2 singular problem, no solution is possible -3 not enough good data (> 4) to form a (RAIM) solution (the 4 satellite solution might be ok) -4 ephemeris not found for all the satellites

Definition at line 541 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ RAIMComputeUnweighted()

int gnsstk::PRSolution::RAIMComputeUnweighted ( const CommonTime Tr,
std::vector< SatID > &  Satellites,
const std::vector< double > &  Pseudorange,
NavLibrary eph,
TropModel pTropModel,
NavSearchOrder  order = NavSearchOrder::User 

Compute a RAIM solution without the measurement covariance matrix, i.e. without measurement weighting.

Definition at line 521 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ SimplePRSolution()

int gnsstk::PRSolution::SimplePRSolution ( const CommonTime Tr,
const std::vector< SatID > &  Sats,
const Matrix< double > &  SVP,
const Matrix< double > &  invMC,
TropModel pTropModel,
const int &  niterLimit,
const double &  convLimit,
Vector< double > &  Resids,
Vector< double > &  Slopes 

Compute a single autonomous pseudorange solution, after calling PreparePRSolution(). On output, all the member data is filled with results.

Input only (first 3 should be just as returned from PreparePRSolution()):

Trconst. Measured time of reception of the data. On output member currTime set to this.
Satsconst std::vector<SatID> of satellites. Satellites that are to be excluded by the algorithm are marked by a negative 'id' member. Length N. Also systems not in allowedGNSS are ignored. On output member SatelliteIDs set to this.
SVPconst Matrix<double> of dimension (N,5) contains sat. direction cosines and corrected pseudorange data.
invMCconst gnsstk::Matrix<double> NXN measurement covariance matrix inverse (meter^-2) of the pseudorange data (for N see Sats). If this matrix has dimension 0, no weighting of the data is done.
pTropModelpointer to a gnsstk::TropModel for trop correction.

Input and output:

niterLimitinteger limit on the number of iterations. On output, member NIterations = number of iterations actually used.
convLimitdouble convergence criterion, = RSS change in solution, in meters. On output, member Convergence = final value.

Output: (these will be resized within the function)

Residsgnsstk::Vector<double> post-fit range residuals for each satellite (m), the length of this Vector is the number of satellites actually used (see Sats).
Slopesgnsstk::Vector<double> slope value used in RAIM for each good satellite, length m.
Return values: 0 ok (but check TropFlag to see if trop. correction was not applied) -1 failed to converge -2 singular problem -3 not enough good data to form a solution (at least 4 satellites required)

Definition at line 188 of file PRSolution.cpp.

◆ updateAPSolution()

void gnsstk::PRSolution::updateAPSolution ( const Vector< double > &  Sol)

update apriori solution with a known solution; this is done at the end of both SimplePRSolution() and RAIMCompute()

Definition at line 576 of file PRSolution.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ allowedGNSS

std::vector<SatelliteSystem> gnsstk::PRSolution::allowedGNSS

vector<SatelliteSystem> containing the satellite systems allowed in the solution. This vector MUST be defined before computing solutions. It is used to determine which clock biases are included in the solution, as well as the apriori state vector (see hasMemory below)

Definition at line 263 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ APSolution

Vector<double> gnsstk::PRSolution::APSolution

Caller is responsible for setting APSolution before first call, if desired; after that SimplePRSolution() and RAIMCompute() will update it.

Definition at line 323 of file PRSolution.hpp.


double gnsstk::PRSolution::APV

Definition at line 315 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ calfmt

const string gnsstk::PRSolution::calfmt = string("%04Y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%02S %P")

time formats used in prints

Definition at line 646 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ Convergence

double gnsstk::PRSolution::Convergence

the RSS change in solution at the end of iterations.

Definition at line 347 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ ConvergenceLimit

double gnsstk::PRSolution::ConvergenceLimit

Convergence limit (m): continue iteration loop while RSS change in solution exceeds this.

Definition at line 257 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ Covariance

Matrix<double> gnsstk::PRSolution::Covariance

Matrix<double> containing the computed solution covariance (meter^2); see doc. for Solution for the components; valid only when isValid() is true.

Definition at line 299 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ currTime

CommonTime gnsstk::PRSolution::currTime

time tag of the current solution

Definition at line 643 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ dataGNSS

std::vector<SatelliteSystem> gnsstk::PRSolution::dataGNSS

vector<SatelliteSystem> containing the satellite systems found in the data at each epoch, after calls to SimplePRSolution and RAIMCompute. See also allowedGNSS.

Definition at line 311 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ fixedAPriori

bool gnsstk::PRSolution::fixedAPriori

if true, use the given APriori position instead of the current solution define by calling void fixAPSolution(X,Y,Z)

Definition at line 319 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ fixedAPrioriPos

Triple gnsstk::PRSolution::fixedAPrioriPos

Definition at line 320 of file PRSolution.hpp.


double gnsstk::PRSolution::GDOP

Definition at line 341 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ gpsfmt

const string gnsstk::PRSolution::gpsfmt = string("%4F %10.3g")

Definition at line 646 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ hasMemory

bool gnsstk::PRSolution::hasMemory

This determines whether this object will maintain a "memory" of all the solutions it has computed. This is used for several things, including the computation of pre-fit residuals, and thus of the aposteriori variance of unit weight (APV), the number of data, solutions and degrees of freedom and a combined weighted average solution. Most importantly, it causes the estimation algorithm at each epoch to be initialized with an apriori solution, which it 'remembers' from previous epochs. If multiple GNSS are used in the estimation, at any epoch, then then setAprioriGNSS() must be called before any processing, otherwise the system clock of any missing system will not be part of the apriori state.

Definition at line 275 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ invMeasCov

Matrix<double> gnsstk::PRSolution::invMeasCov

Matrix<double> containing the inverse measurement covariance matrix (m^-2) that was used in computing the final solution.

Definition at line 303 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ MaxNIterations

int gnsstk::PRSolution::MaxNIterations

Maximum number of iterations allowed in the linearized least squares algorithm.

Definition at line 253 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ MaxSlope

double gnsstk::PRSolution::MaxSlope

Slope computed in the RAIM algorithm (largest of all satellite values) for the returned solution, dimensionless.

Definition at line 338 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ ndata

int gnsstk::PRSolution::ndata

Definition at line 316 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ ndof

int gnsstk::PRSolution::ndof

Definition at line 316 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ NIterations

int gnsstk::PRSolution::NIterations

the actual number of iterations used

Definition at line 344 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ NSatsReject

int gnsstk::PRSolution::NSatsReject

Maximum number of satellites that may be rejected in the RAIM algorithm; if this = -1, as many as possible will be rejected (RAIM requires at least 5 satellites). A (single) non-RAIM solution can be obtained by setting this to 0 before calling RAIMCompute().

Definition at line 249 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ nsol

int gnsstk::PRSolution::nsol

Definition at line 316 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ Nsvs

int gnsstk::PRSolution::Nsvs

the number of good satellites used in the final computation

Definition at line 350 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ Partials

Matrix<double> gnsstk::PRSolution::Partials

Matrix<double> containing the partials matrix used in the final solution.

Definition at line 306 of file PRSolution.hpp.


double gnsstk::PRSolution::PDOP

Definition at line 341 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ PreFitResidual

Vector<double> gnsstk::PRSolution::PreFitResidual

Prefit residuals; only valid if memory exists b/c it needs apriori solution. Vector<double> of 'pre-fit' residuals, computed by the solution routines, but only if APrioriSol is defined; equal to Partials*(Sol-APrioriSol)-Resid where Resid is the data residual vector on the first iteration.

Definition at line 330 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ PRSNullVector

const Vector< double > gnsstk::PRSolution::PRSNullVector

empty vector used to detect default

Definition at line 649 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ RMSFlag

bool gnsstk::PRSolution::RMSFlag

if true, the returned solution may be degraded because the RMS residual or the slope is large; applies only after calls to RAIMCompute().

Definition at line 359 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ RMSLimit

double gnsstk::PRSolution::RMSLimit

RMS limit (m) on residual of fit.

Definition at line 240 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ RMSResidual

double gnsstk::PRSolution::RMSResidual

Root mean square residual of fit (except when RMSDistanceFlag is set, then RMS distance from apriori position); in meters.

Definition at line 334 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ SatelliteIDs

std::vector<SatID> gnsstk::PRSolution::SatelliteIDs

vector<SatID> containing satellite IDs for all the satellites input, with bad (excluded) ones identified by (Satellite[.] < 0). This vector is saved after each call to the computation routines (SimplePRSolution and RAIMCompute) and used for printing.

Definition at line 283 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ SlopeFlag

bool gnsstk::PRSolution::SlopeFlag

Definition at line 359 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ SlopeLimit

double gnsstk::PRSolution::SlopeLimit

Slope limit (dimensionless).

Definition at line 243 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ Solution

Vector<double> gnsstk::PRSolution::Solution

Vector<double> containing the computed position solution (3 components, ECEF in the frame of the ephemeris, meter), the receiver clock bias (m), and the GPS-GLO time offset (m). In the case of GPS-only or GLO-only data, the last element is zero and has no meaning. This vector is valid only when isValid() is true. If this vector is defined on input, it is used as an apriori position, both to initialized the iterative algorithm, and to compute position residuals after a good solution is found.

Definition at line 295 of file PRSolution.hpp.


double gnsstk::PRSolution::TDOP

DOPs computed in a call to DOPCompute() or outputString()

Definition at line 341 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ timfmt

const string gnsstk::PRSolution::timfmt = gpsfmt + string(" ") + calfmt

Definition at line 646 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ TropFlag

bool gnsstk::PRSolution::TropFlag

if true, the returned solution may be degraded because the tropospheric correction was not applied to one or more satellites; applies after calls to both SimplePRSolution() and RAIMCompute().

Definition at line 355 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ Valid

bool gnsstk::PRSolution::Valid

flag: output content is valid.

Definition at line 640 of file PRSolution.hpp.

◆ was

WtdAveStats gnsstk::PRSolution::was

The "memory" of this object, used only when hasMemory is true.

Definition at line 314 of file PRSolution.hpp.

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