void | Add (const std::vector< T > &X, const std::vector< T > &Y) |
| Add two std::vectors of data to the statistics. More...
void | Add (const T &x, const T &y) |
void | Add (const Vector< T > &X, const Vector< T > &Y) |
| Add two gnsstk::Vector<T>s of data to the statistics. More...
std::string | asShortString (std::string msg=std::string(), int w=0, int p=3) const |
| Write TwoSampleStats as a short 1-line string. More...
std::string | asString (std::string msg=std::string(), int w=7, int p=4) const |
| Write TwoSampleStats to a three-line string. More...
T | AverageX (void) const |
| return computed X average More...
T | AverageY (void) const |
| return computed Y average More...
T | Correlation (void) const |
| return correlation More...
void | Dump (std::vector< unsigned int > &vuint, std::vector< T > &vT) |
T | Evaluate (T x) const |
| return the predicted Y at the given X, using Slope and Intercept More...
T | Intercept (void) const |
| return intercept of best-fit line Y=slope*X + intercept More...
void | Load (std::vector< unsigned int > &vuint, std::vector< T > &vT) |
T | MaximumX (void) const |
| return maximum X value More...
T | MaximumY (void) const |
| return maximum Y value More...
T | MinimumX (void) const |
| return minimum X value More...
T | MinimumY (void) const |
| return minimum Y value More...
unsigned int | N (void) const |
TwoSampleStats< T > & | operator+= (TwoSampleStats< T > &TSS) |
TwoSampleStats< T > & | operator-= (TwoSampleStats< T > &TSS) |
void | Reset (void) |
| reset, i.e. ignore earlier data and restart sampling More...
T | SigmaSlope (void) const |
| return uncertainty in slope More...
T | SigmaYX (void) const |
| return conditional uncertainty = uncertainty y given x More...
T | Slope (void) const |
| return slope of best-fit line Y=slope*X + intercept More...
T | StdDevX (void) const |
| return computed X standard deviation More...
T | StdDevY (void) const |
| return computed Y standard deviation More...
void | Subtract (const std::vector< T > &X, const std::vector< T > &Y) |
| Subtract two std::vectors of data from the statistics. More...
void | Subtract (const T &x, const T &y) |
void | Subtract (const Vector< T > &X, const Vector< T > &Y) |
| Subtract two gnsstk::Vector<T>s of data from the statistics. More...
| TwoSampleStats () |
| constructor More...
| TwoSampleStats (Vector< T > &X, Vector< T > &Y) |
| constructor given two gnsstk::Vector<T>s of data - must be parallel More...
T | VarianceX (void) const |
| return computed X variance More...
T | VarianceY (void) const |
| return computed Y variance More...
T | VarianceYX (void) const |
| return conditional variance = (uncertainty y given x)^2 More...