Go to the documentation of this file.
93 unsigned addDataAllTest();
95 unsigned addDataEphemerisTest();
97 unsigned addDataAlmanacTest();
99 unsigned addDataHealthTest();
101 unsigned addDataTimeTest();
103 unsigned addDataEphHealthTest();
105 unsigned addDataAlmHealthTest();
107 unsigned processEphTest();
109 unsigned processAlmTest();
111 unsigned processTimeUT1Test();
113 unsigned getFrameNumTest();
129 TUDEF(
137 std::make_shared<gnsstk::PackedNavBits>(gpsSid,gpsid,gpsNav,
171 TUDEF(
198 TUDEF(
225 TUDEF(
252 TUDEF(
279 TUDEF(
284 gnsstk::NavMessageType::Ephemeris}));
307 TUDEF(
312 gnsstk::NavMessageType::Almanac}));
335 TUDEF(
361 for (
const auto& i : navOut)
441 TUDEF(
461 TUCSM(
463 for (
const auto& i : navOut)
507 for (
const auto& i : navOut)
559 TUDEF(
575 TUCSM(
578 TUCSM(
580 for (
const auto& i : navOut)
609 TUDEF(
633 unsigned errorTotal = 0;
647 std::cout <<
"Total Failures for " << __FILE__ <<
": " << errorTotal
Inter-signal corrections.
unsigned addDataEphHealthTest()
One additional combo test.
double deltaTnA
Correction to mean value of Draconian period (Delta T_n^A).
Class used to identify/categorize navigation message data.
double deltatLSF
Current or future leap second count (UTC only).
CommonTime xmit3
Transmit time for string 3.
std::shared_ptr< PackedNavBits > PackedNavBitsPtr
Managed pointer for passing PackedNavBits around.
gnsstk::CommonTime navFNAVGLOStr5ct
unsigned addDataAlmHealthTest()
Another combo test that makes sure alm health is processed correctly.
virtual void setTypeFilter(const NavMessageTypeSet &nmts)
SVHealth health
SV health status.
gnsstk::CommonTime navFNAVGLOStr2ct
TimeSystem src
Source time system.
double lambdanA
Longitude of ascending node (lambda_n^A).
unsigned slot
Slot number (n).
unsigned processEphTest()
Test processEph method.
double B1
Time bias in seconds.
NavMessageType messageType
gnsstk::PackedNavBitsPtr navFNAVGLOStr2
unsigned KP
Leap second indicator.
CommonTime Toa
Reference time for almanac.
TimeSystem tgt
Target time system.
unsigned getFrameNumTest()
Test getFrameNum method.
double B2
Time drift in s/s.
unsigned dayCount
Days since Jan 1 of most recent leap year (N_T).
Triple pos
Satellite position at tb in km.
@ Health
SV health status information message.
CommonTime endFit
Time at end of fit interval.
std::list< NavDataPtr > NavDataPtrList
double eccnA
Eccentricity (epsilon_n^A).
std::string asString(IonexStoreStrategy e)
Convert a IonexStoreStrategy to a whitespace-free string name.
gnsstk::PackedNavBitsPtr navFNAVGLOStr6
CommonTime & setTimeSystem(TimeSystem timeSystem)
ValidType< bool > Cn
The C_n health bit in strings 6,8,10,12,14.
double deltatLS
Current or past leap second count (UTC only).
void validateResults(gnsstk::NavDataPtrList &navOut, unsigned lineNo, size_t totalExp=0, unsigned almExp=0, unsigned ephExp=0, unsigned toExp=0, unsigned heaExp=0, unsigned ionoExp=0, unsigned iscExp=0, unsigned otherExp=0)
unsigned wnot
Time data reference week number (storage only).
Identify different types of SV health states.
GLOFNavPCode opStatus
Operational status flag.
NavMessageID signal
Source signal identification for this navigation message data.
unsigned dnSun
dn value for Sunday.
CommonTime xmit4
Transmit time for string 4.
unsigned wnLSF
Leap second reference week number (UTC only).
double a1
Drift coefficient of source time scale.
@ Standard
Legacy Glonass civil signal.
double omeganA
Argument of perigee (omega_n^A).
Triple vel
Satellite velocity at tb in km/s.
unsigned addDataAlmanacTest()
Test addData with almanac selected only.
unsigned dn
Leap second reference day number (UTC only).
bool processTimeUT1(const PackedNavBitsPtr &navIn, NavDataPtrList &navOut)
@ NavMsg
Navigation Message data.
@ CA
Legacy GPS civil code.
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT CommonTime END_OF_TIME
latest representable CommonTime
unsigned addDataHealthTest()
Test addData with health data selected only.
double tauDelta
Inter-frequency bias.
double deltaTdotnA
Time derivative of deltaT (Delta T'_n^A).
double tauc
Non-integer correction between UTC(SU) and GLONASS.
@ Healthy
Satellite is in a healthy and useable state.
gnsstk::PackedNavBitsPtr navFNAVGLOStr5
GLONASS-M satellite.
double a2
Drift rate coefficient of source time scale.
gnsstk::PackedNavBitsPtr navFNAVGLOStr1
unsigned P4
Flag 1=ephemeris present/uploaded. 0=nope.
unsigned aod
Age of data in days (E_n).
double taunA
Time offset to GLONASS time (tau_n^A).
unsigned P1
Flag for interval between adjacent t_b.
ValidType< uint8_t > healthBits
The 3-bit B_n value.
unsigned addDataTimeTest()
Test addData with time offset data selected only.
bool processTime(const PackedNavBitsPtr &navIn, NavDataPtrList &navOut)
gnsstk::CommonTime navFNAVGLOStr6ct
bool healthBits
Health flag (C_n, 1 = operable).
@ CCalcGPSCalc
C parameter calculated, GPS parameter calculated.
Definition of various time systems.
CommonTime beginFit
Time at beginning of fit interval.
@ L1
GPS L1, Galileo E1, SBAS L1, QZSS L1, BeiDou L1.
bool lhealth
Health flag? Different from B_n and C_n?
unsigned accIndex
User accuracy index (F_T).
gnsstk::PackedNavBitsPtr navFNAVGLOStr7
GLONASS system time (aka UTC(SU))
unsigned P2
Flag of oddness (=1) or evenness (=0) of t_b.
CommonTime xmit2
Transmit time for string 2 (eph) or odd string.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, gnsstk::StringUtils::FFLead v)
gnsstk::PackedNavBitsPtr navFNAVGLOStr3
@ TimeOffset
Message containing information about time system offsets.
CommonTime ref
Reference time (t_k) for this ephemeris.
unsigned NT
Ephemeris days since leap year.
unsigned addDataEphemerisTest()
Test addData with ephemeris selected only.
gnsstk::CommonTime navFNAVGLOStr3ct
double clkBias
Satellite clock bias in sec (tau_n).
unsigned NA
Almanac days since leap year.
int freqnA
Frequency offset (H_n^A).
unsigned interval
P1 interval (minutes, see PNBGLOFNavDataFactory).
@ Ephemeris
Precision orbits for the transmitting SV.
double step
Integration step for Runge-Kutta algorithm (1 second by default)
gnsstk::CommonTime navFNAVGLOStr7ct
gnsstk::CommonTime navFNAVGLOStr14ct
gnsstk::PackedNavBitsPtr navFNAVGLOStr14
gnsstk::CommonTime navFNAVGLOStr1ct
unsigned P3
Flag 1=5 almanac sats in frame, 0=4 almanac sats.
GLONASS doesn't transmit iono data, so make up a class for FactoryCounter.
gnsstk::CommonTime navFNAVGLOStr4ct
gnsstk::PackedNavBitsPtr navFNAVGLOStr4
Triple acc
Satellite acceleration at tb in km/s**2.
GLOFNavSatType satType
Satellite type (M_n: GLONASS or GLONASS-M).
bool processAlm(unsigned long stringID, const PackedNavBitsPtr &navIn, NavDataPtrList &navOut)
unsigned tb
Epoch index with Moscow day.
double a0
Bias coefficient of source time scale.
uint8_t healthBits
The 3-bit B_n value (look at bit 2 not 0 or 1).
unsigned processTimeUT1Test()
Test processTimeUT1 method.
double freqBias
Satellite relative frequency bias (gamma_n).
double tLambdanA
Time of ascending node crossing (t_lambda_n^A).
double deltainA
Correction to mean inclination (Delta i_n^A).
CommonTime effTime
Effectivity time (wnLSF,dn).
unsigned processAlmTest()
Test processAlm and processTime method, and implicitly, processAlmOrb.
bool processEph(unsigned long stringID, const PackedNavBitsPtr &navIn, NavDataPtrList &navOut)
CommonTime refTime
Reference time for computation.
unsigned getFrameNum(const CommonTime &xmitTime)
Values for GLONASS FDMA nav message, Word M.
bool addData(const PackedNavBitsPtr &navIn, NavDataPtrList &navOut, double cadence=-1) override
@ Almanac
Low-precision orbits for other than the transmitting SV.
double tot
Time data reference time of week (storage only).
unsigned addDataAllTest()
ValidType< bool > ln
The l_n health bit in strings 3,5,7,9,11,13,15.
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:40