Class SolarSystem provides the functionality of SolarSytemEphemeris in the Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) frame, and makes use of this to implement models for solid Earth tides (SETs) as well as geometry-related functions involving satellite, Sun, Moon and Earth, e.g. satellite attitude.
The class publicly inherits two large classes: class SolarSystemEphemeris (the JPL solar system ephemeris) and class EOPStore (storage and retrieval of Earth orientiation parameters). The motivation for this design is that the fundamental routine of the ephemeris, SolarSystem::ECEFPositionVelocity(planet,time), always requires simultaneous EarthOrientiation data, and this class enforces that requirement. This design allows the class to retrieve EOPs and with them implement the transformation from the inertial (celestial) frame of the solar system ephemeris to the ECEF (terrestrial) frame (using class EarthOrientation).
The class must first be initialized by initializing both SolarSystemEphemeris and EOPStore. SolarSystemEphemeris is initialized by calling initializeWithBinaryFile(filename), passing the name of a SolarSystem binary file (cf. the convertSSEph app that read JPL ASCII files and creates a binary file). EOPStore is initialized by calling addIERSFile(filename), passing it the or similar file obtained, e.g. from USNO; see EOPStore. The IERS convention (1996, 2003 or 2010) may be set at this time; is also included in the class, it is required by EarthOrientation but must be consistent with the SolarSystemEphemeris.
Class design: SolarSystem
from JPL data (-> binary file) - load 'IERS' files e.g. USNO
Definition at line 162 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
#include <SolarSystem.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
Triple | computePolarTides (const Position site, const EphTime &tt) |
Triple | computeSolidEarthTides (const Position site, const EphTime &tt) |
Position | ECEFPosition (const SolarSystemEphemeris::Planet body, const EphTime &tt) |
void | ECEFPositionVelocity (const SolarSystemEphemeris::Planet body, const EphTime &tt, Position &Pos, Position &Vel) |
CommonTime | endTime () const |
IERSConvention | getConvention () const |
get the IERS Convention More... | |
EarthOrientation | getEOP (double mjdutc) |
int | initializeWithBinaryFile (std::string filename) |
Position | lunarPosition (const EphTime &tt) |
void | lunarPositionVelocity (const EphTime &tt, Position &Pos, Position &Vel) |
Matrix< double > | satelliteAttitude (const EphTime &tt, const Position &SV) |
void | setConvention (const IERSConvention &conv) |
Position | solarPosition (const EphTime &tt) |
void | solarPositionVelocity (const EphTime &tt, Position &Pos, Position &Vel) |
SolarSystem (IERSConvention inputiers=IERSConvention::Unknown) | |
CommonTime | startTime () const |
void | sunOrbitAngles (const EphTime &tt, const Position &Pos, const Position &Vel, double &beta, double &phi) |
![]() | |
double | AU () |
void | clearStorage () |
double | endTimeMJD () const |
Return the MJD of end time of the data (system TDB) More... | |
int | EphNumber () const |
double | getConstant (const std::string &name) |
int | initializeWithBinaryFile (const std::string &filename) |
double | ratioEarthToMoonMass () |
Return the Earth-to-Moon mass ratio. More... | |
double | ratioSunToEarthMass () |
Return the Sun-to-Earth mass ratio. More... | |
int | readASCIIdata (const std::string &filename) |
int | readASCIIdata (std::vector< std::string > &filenames) |
void | readASCIIheader (const std::string &filename) |
int | readBinaryFile (const std::string &filename) |
void | relativeInertialPositionVelocity (double MJD, Planet target, Planet center, double PV[6], bool kilometers=true) |
SolarSystemEphemeris () | |
double | startTimeMJD () const |
Return the MJD of start time of the data (system TDB) More... | |
int | writeASCIIdata (std::ostream &os) |
int | writeASCIIheader (std::ostream &os) |
int | writeBinaryFile (const std::string &filename) |
![]() | |
void | addEOP (int MJD, EarthOrientation &eop) |
Add to the store directly. More... | |
int | addEOP (int MJD, EOPPrediction &eopp) |
void | addEOPPFile (const std::string &filename) |
void | addFile (const std::string &filename) |
void | addIERSFile (const std::string &filename) |
void | clear () |
clear the store More... | |
void | dump (short detail=0, std::ostream &s=std::cout) const |
void | edit (int mjdmin, int mjdmax) |
EOPStore () | |
Constructor. More... | |
EarthOrientation | getEOP (double mjd, const IERSConvention &conv) |
int | getFirstTimeMJD () |
Return first time (MJD) in the store. More... | |
int | getLastTimeMJD () |
Return last time (MJD) in the store. More... | |
int | size () |
return the number of entries in the store More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | testIERSvsEphemeris (const IERSConvention conv, const int ephno) |
Helper routine to keep the tests in one place. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
IERSConvention | iersconv |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | Planet { idNone = 0, idMercury, idVenus, idEarth, idMars, idJupiter, idSaturn, idUranus, idNeptune, idPluto, idMoon, idSun, idSolarSystemBarycenter, idEarthMoonBarycenter, idNutations, idLibrations } |
These are indexes used by the caller of inertialPositionVelocity(). More... | |
enum | ReturnValue { retOK = 0, retEarly = -1, retLate = -2, retStrm = -3, retEphN = -4 } |
Return values. More... | |
inline |
Empty and only constructor. The IERS convention should be consistent with the SolarSystemEphemeris file when initializeWithBinaryFile() is called, otherwise a warning is issued.
Definition at line 171 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
Compute the site displacement due to rotational deformation due to polar motion for the given Position (assumed to fixed to the solid Earth) at the given time. Return a Triple containing the site displacement in ECEF XYZ coordinates with units meters. Reference IERS Conventions (1996) found in IERS Technical Note 21, ch. 7 pg 67.
site | Nominal position of the site of interest. |
tt | Time of interest. |
Exception |
Definition at line 464 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inline |
Compute the site displacement due to solid Earth tides for the given Position (assumed to be fixed to the solid Earth) at the given time, given the position of the site of interest; cf. gnsstk::computeSolidEarthTides(). Return a Triple containing the site displacement in ECEF XYZ coordinates with units meters. Reference IERS Conventions (1996) found in IERS Technical Note 21 and IERS Conventions (2003) found in IERS Technical Note 32 and IERS Conventions (2010) found in IERS Technical Note 36. NB. Currently only the largest terms are implemented, yielding a result accurate to the millimeter level. Specifically, TN21 pg 61 eq 8 and TN21 pg 65 eq 17.
Exception |
Definition at line 436 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
Position gnsstk::SolarSystem::ECEFPosition | ( | const SolarSystemEphemeris::Planet | body, |
const EphTime & | tt | ||
) |
Return the ECEF (terrestrial frame, relative to Earth's center) position of a Solar System body at the input time, with units meters.
body | SolarSystemEphemeris::Planet of interest (input) |
tt | Time of interest (input) |
Exception |
Definition at line 79 of file SolarSystem.cpp.
void gnsstk::SolarSystem::ECEFPositionVelocity | ( | const SolarSystemEphemeris::Planet | body, |
const EphTime & | tt, | ||
Position & | Pos, | ||
Position & | Vel | ||
) |
Return the ECEF (terrestrial frame, relative to Earth's center) position and velocity of a Solar System body at the input time, with units meters and m/s.
body | SolarSystemEphemeris::Planet of interest (input) |
tt | Time of interest (input) |
Pos | Position containing result for position in m in XYZ |
Vel | Position containing result for velocity in m/s in XYZ |
Exception |
Definition at line 102 of file SolarSystem.cpp.
inline |
Return the end time of the Solar System ephemeris data
Exception |
Definition at line 239 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inline |
get the IERS Convention
Definition at line 187 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inline |
Overload EOPStore::getEOP() to use the IERS convention of this object
InvalidRequest |
Definition at line 250 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inline |
Overloaded function to load ephemeris file. A check of the ephemeris number and the IERS convention for this object is made; if the IERS convention is inconsistent with the ephemeris file then a warning is issued. Cf. SolarSystemEphemeris::initializeWithBinaryFile(std::string filename).
Exception |
Definition at line 197 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
Convenience routine to get the ECEF position of the Moon
tt | Time of interest (input) |
Exception |
Definition at line 303 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inline |
Convenience routine to get the ECEF position and velocity of the Moon
tt | Time of interest (input) |
Pos | Position containing result for Lunar position in m in XYZ |
Vel | Position containing result for Lunar velocity in m/s in XYZ |
Exception |
Definition at line 342 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inline |
Compute the satellite attitude, given the time and the satellite position SV Return a 3x3 Matrix which contains, as rows, the unit (ECEF) vectors X,Y,Z in the body frame of the satellite, namely Z = along the boresight (i.e. towards Earth center), Y = perpendicular to both Z and the satellite-sun direction, and X = completing the orthonormal triad. X will generally point toward the sun. Thus this rotation matrix R transforms an ECEF XYZ vector into the body frame of the satellite, so R * [ECEF XYZ Vector] = components in body frame. Also, R.transpose() * [satellite body frame Vector] = ECEF XYZ components. Also return the shadow factor, which is the fraction of the sun's area not visible to satellite; thus sf > 0 means the satellite is in eclipse.
SV | Position Satellite position |
Exception |
Definition at line 373 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inline |
Choose an IERS Convention. If the input IERS convention is inconsistent with the loaded ephemeris then a warning is issued.
Definition at line 180 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
Convenience routine to get the ECEF position of the Sun
tt | Time of interest (input) |
Exception |
Definition at line 285 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inline |
Convenience routine to get the ECEF position and velocity of the Sun
tt | Time of interest (input) |
Pos | Position containing result for Solar position in m in XYZ |
Vel | Position containing result for Solar velocity in m/s in XYZ |
Exception |
Definition at line 322 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inline |
Return the start time of the Solar System ephemeris data
Exception |
Definition at line 228 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inline |
Compute the angle between the Sun and the plane of the orbit of the satellite, given the time and the satellite position and velocity at that time. Return the angle in radians; it lies between +-pi/2 and has the sign of RxV. That is, the angle is positive if the Sun is out of the orbit plane in the direction of R cross V; then Sun "sees" the orbit motion as counter-clockwise. Also return, in phi, the angle, in the plane of the orbit, from the Sun to the satellite; this lies between 0 and 2pi and increases in the direction of Vel.
tt | EphTime Time of interest |
Pos | Position Satellite position at tt |
Vel | Position Satellite velocity at tt (Cartesian, m/s) |
phi | double Return angle in orbit plane, midnight to sat (radians) |
beta | double Return angle sun to plane of satellite orbit (radians) |
Exception |
Definition at line 405 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inlineprivate |
Helper routine to keep the tests in one place.
Definition at line 491 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
private |
IERS convention in use with this instance of the class. This is determined either by reading the SolarSystemEphemeris number (403 -> IERS1996, 405 -> IERS2003 or IERS2010, the default), or by assignments; however if the IERS convention is inconsistent with the ephemeris then a warning will be issued at the reading of the ephemeris file or when the assignment is made.
Definition at line 488 of file SolarSystem.hpp.