Go to the documentation of this file.
89 static const double Tav;
90 static const double iav;
91 static const double GM;
92 static const double ae;
93 static const double J20;
94 static const double we;
96 static const double NA;
104 static const double ti;
105 static const double N;
238 TUDEF(
265 TUDEF(
281 TUDEF(
291 TUDEF(
307 TUDEF(
323 TUDEF(
334 TUDEF(
420 TUDEF(
433 TUDEF(
451 TUDEF(
479 TUDEF(
543 TUCSM(
545 TUCSM(
547 TUCSM(
549 TUCSM(
551 TUCSM(
553 TUCSM(
555 TUCSM(
557 TUCSM(
565 TUCSM(
567 TUCSM(
591 TUDEF(
593 TUCSM(
626 TUDEF(
629 TUCSM(
648 TUCSM(
670 unsigned errorTotal = 0;
686 std::cout <<
"Total Failures for " << __FILE__ <<
": " << errorTotal
static const double nExpected
int W
Number of whole orbits on prediction intvl.
void setdeltaLk(double B, double Lk, const Uncorrected &uncor)
double lambda
longitude of ascending node
static const double omegaprimeExpected
static const double deltaa1_aExpected
void setdeltai(double B, double Lk, const Uncorrected &uncor)
unsigned numSVs
Number of SVs in complete almanac (NS).
GLOCOrbitType orbitType
Orbit type.
unsigned constructorUncorrectedTest()
double p
Orbit radius at perigee (?)
static const double yExpected
static const double zdotExpected
static const double lambdaprimeExpected
static const double tlambdaA
static const double deltai1Expected
static const double E0Expected
NavMessageType messageType
static const double pExpected
double deltaT
Draconic orbital period offset.
CommonTime getUserTime() const override
static const double TdrExpected
RefFrame frame
reference frame of this data
unsigned constructorCorrectedTest()
CommonTime endFit
Time at end of fit interval.
static const double uExpected
std::string asString(IonexStoreStrategy e)
Convert a IonexStoreStrategy to a whitespace-free string name.
unsigned getUserTimeTest()
void seta(double epsilonA, double omegaA, double Tdr)
double L1
Mean longitude at ascending node.
unsigned constructorPerturbationsTest()
CommonTime & setTimeSystem(TimeSystem timeSystem)
double tLambda
Instant in Moscow time when passing lambda.
static const double zExpected
Triple v
satellite velocity in ECEF Cartesian, meters/second
void setData(double L, const Uncorrected &uncor, const Deltas &delta1, const Deltas &delta2)
unsigned statusReg
Status register (SRA
NavMessageID signal
Source signal identification for this navigation message data.
unsigned aoa
Age of almanac (EA).
static const gnsstk::GLONASSTime tA
double omega
argument of perigee
Xvt getXvt(const gnsstk::CommonTime &toi)
static const double vuExpected
double l
Quasi-Keplerian thing (true longitude?).
unsigned constructorNumberCruncherTest()
void setW(double DeltaTA)
static const double deltaL2Expected
static const double deltal2Expected
void sethl(double epsilonA)
double relcorr
relativity correction (standard 2R.V/c^2 term), seconds
static const double relcorrExpected
static const double xExpected
Class to assist in doing all the math to get the XVT.
void setL1(double epsilonA)
static const double DeltatprExpected
static const double iExpected
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT CommonTime END_OF_TIME
latest representable CommonTime
GLOCSatType satType
What satellite j is and what it transmits.
Values for Word M in the ephemeris (immediate) and almanac data.
static const double vrExpected
Triple x
Sat position ECEF Cartesian (X,Y,Z) meters.
double deltai
Inclination offset from 64.8 degrees (semicirc).
bool validate() const override
static const double DeltaTdotA
static const double lExpected
static const double deltai2Expected
static const double aExpected
void setlambda(double lambdaA, double n, double Deltatpr)
static const double clkbiasExpected
double ecc
Eccentricity at tlambdaA.
static const double hExpected
double p
Orbit radius at perigee (?)
static const double xdotExpected
double Tdr
Mean draconic period in orbit W+1.
static const double EExpected
static const double deltah1Expected
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const ObsEpoch &oe) noexcept
@ Unknown
Unknown/Uninitialized value.
static const double clkdriftExpected
double clkdrift
satellite clock drift in seconds/second
double tau
Time correction from L3OCd to GLONASS.
static const double omegaA
Provide methods for computing the corrected Keplerian parameters.
CommonTime beginFit
Time at beginning of fit interval.
Corrected corrected
Corrected parameters (stage 9).
CommonTime Toa
Reference time for almanac.
void setE0(double epsilonA)
void setomega(double omegaA, double n, double Deltatpr)
static const double deltal1Expected
unsigned UncorrectedTest()
Uncorrected uncorrected
Uncorrected parameters (stage 1-9-ish).
GLONASS system time (aka UTC(SU))
void setdeltal(double B, double Lk, const Uncorrected &uncor)
static const double deltaL1Expected
Coordinated Universal Time (e.g., from NTP)
void setdeltaa_a(double B, double Lk, const Uncorrected &uncor)
void reproduce()
Not getting the same results. Why not?
void setL(double DeltaTA, double DeltaTdotA)
static const gnsstk::GLONASSTime toi
static const double DeltaTA
void setDeltatpr(const gnsstk::CommonTime &almTime, const gnsstk::CommonTime &ti)
double L
Current mean longitude of SV.
static const double deltah2Expected
static const double L1Expected
@ Unknown
Unknown/Uninitialized value.
static const double pprimeExpected
static const double epsilonprimeExpected
Identify different types of navigation message data.
Deltas k1
Delta values for k=1.
PZ90 the "original".
static const double deltalambda2Expected
double E
Eccentric anomaly.
double E0
Eccentric anomaly at t_A (?).
static const double aprimeExpected
double omega
Almanac parameter for argument of perigee (semicirc).
double lambda
Longitude of first ascending node (semicirc).
static const double deltalambda1Expected
static const double ydotExpected
static const double lambdaExpected
static const double nuExpected
static const double iprimeExpected
Deltas k2
Delta values for k=2.
double Deltatpr
Time diff in seconds from ref to interest.
unsigned NumberCruncherTest()
void seti(double DeltaiA)
static const int WExpected
double clkbias
Sat clock correction in seconds.
static const double LprimeExpected
double deltaTdot
Draconic orbital period rate.
bool getXvt(const CommonTime &when, Xvt &xvt, const ObsID &=ObsID()) override
static const double epsilonA
NumberCruncher math
Retain as much computed data as possible.
static const double LExpected
unsigned NA
Almanac reference time days since leap year.
double B
Correction scale factor.
static const double omegaExpected
static const double lprimeExpected
static const double DeltaiA
void setTdr(double DeltaTA, double DeltaTdotA)
static const double hprimeExpected
Values for Word TO in the almanac data.
static const double rExpected
static const double deltaa2_aExpected
double h
Quasi-Keplerian thing (true latitude?).
void setdeltalambda(double B, double Lk, const Uncorrected &uncor)
unsigned constructorTest()
void setdeltah(double B, double Lk, const Uncorrected &uncor)
double epsilon
epsilon prime, eccentricity.
@ Almanac
Low-precision orbits for other than the transmitting SV.
static const double lambdaA
static const double BExpected
void setp(double epsilonA)
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:39