Go to the documentation of this file.
62 const double PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383280;
68 const double TWO_PI = 6.283185307179586476925286766559;
70 const double SQRT_PI = 1.772453850905516027298167483341;
74 const double C_MPS = 2.99792458e8;
84 static const double PPB = 1.e-9;
114 if (iodc < 0 || iodc > 1023)
120 if ( ( ( (fiti == 0) && (iodc & 0xFF) < 240 )
121 || (iodc & 0xFF) > 255 ) )
128 if( ((iodc & 0xFF) < 240 || (iodc & 0xFF) > 255))
133 else if(iodc >=240 && iodc <=247)
138 else if( ( (iodc >= 248) && (iodc <= 255) ) || iodc == 496 )
143 else if((iodc >= 497 && iodc <=503) || (iodc >= 1021 && iodc <= 1023))
148 else if(iodc >= 504 && iodc <=510)
153 else if( iodc == 511 || ( (iodc >= 752) && (iodc <= 756) ) )
165 InvalidRequest exc(
"Invalid IODC Value For sv Block");
201 7.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0,
202 32.0, 64.0, 128.0, 256.0, 512.0,
const int MIN_PRN_QZS
First assigned PRN in QZSS.
int id
Satellite identifier, e.g. PRN.
const long MIN_MEO_BDS
The first ranging code number for BeiDou MEO/IGSO satellites.
const double DEG2RAD
Multiply degrees by DEG2RAD to get radians.
const double PSC_FREQ_GLO
GLO Fundamental oscillator freq in Hz.
const double CA_CHIP_FREQ_GPS
Hz, GPS chip rate of the C/A code.
Constant for the max array index in SV accuracy table.
const long MAX_PRN_COM
The maximum number of active satellites in the Compass constellation.
const double L5_MULT_GPS
GPS L5 frequency in units of oscillator frequency.
const double TWO_PI
GPS value of PI*2.
static const double PPB
parts per billion
const double PI
GPS value of PI; also specified by GAL.
const double GAMMA_GPS_15
bool isBeiDouGEO(const SatID &sat)
Return true if the given SatID is BeiDou GEO (expecting D2 nav).
const double L1_MULT_GLO
GLO L1 multiplier.
const double GAMMA_GPS_12
GPS Gamma constants.
const double SV_ACCURACY_GLO_INDEX[]
const double RAD2DEG
Multiply radians by RAD2DEG to get degrees.
const double OMEGADOT_REF_GPS
Omega reference value from Table 30-I converted to radians.
const double RSVCLK_GLO
GLO Base freq w/o relativisitic effects in Hz.
const double REL_CONST
relativity constant (sec/sqrt(m))
static const double RAD_TO_DEG
Conversion Factor from radians to degrees (units: degrees)
const double RSVCLK_GPS
Hz, GPS Base freq w/o relativisitic effects.
const double C_MPS
m/s, speed of light; this value defined by GPS but applies to GAL and GLO.
const double L1_MULT_GPS
GPS L1 frequency in units of oscillator frequency.
const double PY_CHIP_FREQ_GPS
Hz, GPS chip rate of the P & Y codes.
const double OSC_FREQ_GPS
Hz, GPS Oscillator or chip frequency.
short getLegacyFitInterval(const short iodc, const short fiti)
const long MIN_GEO_BDS_II
The first ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase II satellites.
static const double RAD_PER_MAS
radians per milliarcsecond
const long MAX_GEO_BDS_II
The last ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase II satellites.
SatelliteSystem system
System for this satellite.
const double OSC_FREQ_GLO
GLO Fundamental chip rate in Hz.
static const double DEG_PER_MAS
degrees per milliarcsecond (1e-3/3600.)
const long MIN_GEO_BDS_III
The first ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase III satellites.
const double SQRT_PI
GPS value of PI**0.5.
const long MAX_GEO_BDS_III
The last ranging code number for BeiDou GEO phase III satellites.
const double L2_MULT_GLO
GLO L2 multiplier.
#define GNSSTK_THROW(exc)
const int MAX_PRN_QZS_LNAV
Last assigned PRN in QZSS (LNAV only)
const double A_REF_GPS
Reference Semi-major axis. From IS-GPS-800 Table 3.5-2 in meters.
const long MAX_MEO_BDS
The last ranging code number for BeiDou MEO/IGSO satellites.
const double PY_CHIP_FREQ_GLO
GLO Chip rate of the P & Y codes in Hz.
const double CA_CHIP_FREQ_GLO
GLO Chip rate of the C/A code in Hz.
const int MAX_PRN_QZS
Last assigned PRN in QZSS (all signals)
static const double DEG_TO_RAD
Conversion Factor from degrees to radians (units: degrees^-1)
const double L2_MULT_GPS
GPS L2 frequency in units of oscillator frequency.
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:39