Go to the documentation of this file.
99 double cadence = -1) = 0;
std::set< NavMessageType > NavMessageTypeSet
Set of message types, used by NavLibrary and NavDataFactory.
virtual void setControl(const FactoryControl &ctrl)
virtual bool addData(const PackedNavBitsPtr &navIn, NavDataPtrList &navOut, double cadence=-1)=0
std::shared_ptr< PackedNavBits > PackedNavBitsPtr
Managed pointer for passing PackedNavBits around.
std::shared_ptr< PNBNavDataFactory > PNBNavDataFactoryPtr
Managed pointer to a PNBNavDataFactory.
virtual void setTypeFilter(const NavMessageTypeSet &nmts)
std::list< NavDataPtr > NavDataPtrList
FactoryControl factControl
Configuration for the behavior of this factory.
bool processTim
If true, time offset data will be output by addData.
bool processAlm
If true, almanac data will be output by addData.
bool processISC
If true, inter-signal correction data will be output by addData.
virtual void resetState()=0
bool processEph
If true, ephemeris data will be output by addData.
virtual void setValidityFilter(NavValidityType nvt)
std::map< NavType, PNBNavDataFactoryPtr > PNBNavDataFactoryMap
Map the navigation message type to a factory for producing that type.
bool processHea
If true, health data will be output by addData.
bool processIono
If true, ionospheric data will be output by addData.
NavValidityType navValidity
Determines how the factory should filter added data.
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:40