Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
rtabmap Namespace Reference




struct  AABB
class  AboutDialog
class  BayesFilter
class  BRISK
class  CalibrationDialog
class  Camera
class  CameraEvent
class  CameraFreenect
class  CameraFreenect2
class  CameraImages
class  CameraInfo
class  CameraK4W2
class  CameraModel
class  CameraOpenni
class  CameraOpenNI2
class  CameraOpenNICV
class  CameraRealSense
class  CameraRealSense2
class  CameraRGBDImages
class  CameraStereoDC1394
class  CameraStereoFlyCapture2
class  CameraStereoImages
class  CameraStereoVideo
class  CameraStereoZed
class  CameraTango
class  CameraTangoEvent
class  CameraThread
class  CameraVideo
class  CameraViewer
class  CloudViewer
class  CloudViewerCellPicker
class  CloudViewerInteractorStyle
class  CompressionThread
class  ConsoleWidget
class  CreateSimpleCalibrationDialog
class  CV_ORB
class  DatabaseViewer
class  DataRecorder
class  DBDriver
class  DBDriverSqlite3
class  DBReader
class  DepthCalibrationDialog
class  EditDepthArea
class  EpipolarGeometry
class  ExportBundlerDialog
class  ExportCloudsDialog
class  ExportDialog
class  FAST
class  Feature2D
class  FlannIndex
class  GainCompensator
class  GeodeticCoords
class  GFTT
class  GFTT_ORB
class  GPS
class  GraphViewer
class  ImageView
class  IMU
class  IMUEvent
class  IMUThread
class  KAZE
class  KeypointItem
class  LaserScan
class  LineItem
class  Link
class  LinkItem
class  LoopClosureViewer
class  MainWindow
class  MapVisibilityWidget
class  Memory
class  NodeGPSItem
class  NodeItem
class  OccupancyGrid
class  OctoMap
class  Odometry
class  OdometryDVO
class  OdometryEvent
class  OdometryF2F
class  OdometryF2M
class  OdometryFovis
class  OdometryInfo
class  OdometryLOAM
class  OdometryMono
class  OdometryMSCKF
class  OdometryOkvis
class  OdometryORBSLAM2
class  OdometryResetEvent
class  OdometryThread
class  OdometryViewer
class  OdometryViso2
class  Optimizer
class  OptimizerCVSBA
class  OptimizerG2O
class  OptimizerGTSAM
class  OptimizerTORO
class  ORB
class  Parameters
class  ParametersToolBox
class  ParamEvent
class  ParticleFilter
class  PdfPlotCurve
class  PdfPlotItem
class  PoseEvent
class  PostProcessingDialog
class  PreferencesDialog
class  PreUpdateThread
class  ProgressDialog
class  ProgressEvent
class  ProgressionStatus
class  ProgressState
class  RecoveryState
class  Registration
class  RegistrationIcp
class  RegistrationInfo
class  RegistrationVis
class  Rtabmap
class  RtabmapColorOcTree
class  RtabmapColorOcTreeNode
class  RtabmapEvent
class  RtabmapEvent3DMap
class  RtabmapEventCmd
class  RtabmapEventInit
class  RtabmapGlobalPathEvent
class  RtabmapGoalStatusEvent
class  RtabmapLabelErrorEvent
class  RtabmapThread
class  SensorData
class  SIFT
class  Signature
class  Statistics
class  StatItem
class  StatsToolBox
class  Stereo
class  StereoBM
class  StereoCameraModel
class  StereoDense
class  StereoOpticalFlow
class  SURF
class  TexturingState
class  Transform
class  UserDataEvent
class  VisualWord
class  vtkImageMatSource
class  VWDictionary
class  WeightAgeIdKey


typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > ParametersMap
typedef std::pair< std::string, std::string > ParametersPair


float addNeighborProb (cv::Mat &prediction, unsigned int col, const std::map< int, int > &neighbors, const std::vector< double > &predictionLC, const std::map< int, int > &idToIndex)
void applyFovModel (double xu, double yu, double w, double w_inverse, double two_tan_w_div_two, double *xd, double *yd)
template<typename PointT >
void applyImpl (int index, typename pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::Ptr &cloud, const pcl::IndicesPtr &indices, const cv::Mat_< double > &gains, bool rgb)
chisel::PinholeCamera cameraModelToChiselCamera (const CameraModel &camera)
pcl::PolygonMesh::Ptr chiselToPolygonMesh (const chisel::MeshMap &meshMap, unsigned char r=100, unsigned char g=100, unsigned char b=100)
std::shared_ptr< chisel::ColorImage< unsigned char > > colorImageToChisel (const cv::Mat &image)
std::vector< unsigned char > RTABMAP_EXP compressData (const cv::Mat &data)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_EXP compressData2 (const cv::Mat &data)
std::vector< unsigned char > RTABMAP_EXP compressImage (const cv::Mat &image, const std::string &format=".png")
cv::Mat RTABMAP_EXP compressImage2 (const cv::Mat &image, const std::string &format=".png")
cv::Mat RTABMAP_EXP compressString (const std::string &str)
static void computeDescriptors (const Mat &image, std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, Mat &descriptors, const std::vector< Point > &pattern, int dsize, int WTA_K)
static void computeKeyPoints (const std::vector< Mat > &imagePyramid, const std::vector< Mat > &maskPyramid, std::vector< std::vector< KeyPoint > > &allKeypoints, int nfeatures, int firstLevel, double scaleFactor, int edgeThreshold, int patchSize, int scoreType, ParametersMap fastParameters)
static void computeOrbDescriptor (const KeyPoint &kpt, const Mat &img, const Point *pattern, uchar *desc, int dsize, int WTA_K)
static void computeOrientation (const Mat &image, std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, int halfPatchSize, const std::vector< int > &umax)
QIcon createIcon (const QColor &color)
std::vector< double > cumSum (const std::vector< double > &v)
bool RTABMAP_EXP databaseRecovery (const std::string &corruptedDatabase, bool keepCorruptedDatabase=true, std::string *errorMsg=0, ProgressState *progressState=0)
double DEG2RAD (const double x)
std::shared_ptr< chisel::DepthImage< float > > depthImageToChisel (const cv::Mat &image)
template<typename PointT >
void feedImpl (const std::map< int, typename pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::Ptr > &clouds, const std::map< int, pcl::IndicesPtr > &indices, const std::multimap< int, Link > &links, float maxCorrespondenceDistance, double minOverlap, double alpha, double beta, cv::Mat_< double > &gains, std::map< int, int > &idToIndex)
void floodfill (QImage &image, const cv::Mat &depthImage, int x, int y, float lastDepthValue, float error)
static float getScale (int level, int firstLevel, double scaleFactor)
static void HarrisResponses (const Mat &img, std::vector< KeyPoint > &pts, int blockSize, float harris_k)
static float IC_Angle (const Mat &image, const int half_k, Point2f pt, const std::vector< int > &u_max)
int inFrontOfBothCameras (const cv::Mat &x, const cv::Mat &xp, const cv::Mat &R, const cv::Mat &T)
void initFisheyeRectificationMap (const CameraModel &fisheyeModel, cv::Mat &mapX, cv::Mat &mapY)
static void initializeOrbPattern (const Point *pattern0, std::vector< Point > &pattern, int ntuples, int tupleSize, int poolSize)
static void makeRandomPattern (int patchSize, Point *pattern, int npoints)
void onFrameAvailableRouter (void *context, TangoCameraId id, const TangoImageBuffer *color)
void onPointCloudAvailableRouter (void *context, const TangoPointCloud *point_cloud)
void onPoseAvailableRouter (void *context, const TangoPoseData *pose)
void onTangoEventAvailableRouter (void *context, const TangoEvent *event)
RTABMAP_EXP std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Transform &s)
template<typename PointRGBT >
chisel::PointCloudPtr pointCloudRGBToChisel (const typename pcl::PointCloud< PointRGBT > &cloud, const Transform &transform=Transform::getIdentity())
template<typename PointT >
chisel::PointCloudPtr pointCloudToChisel (const typename pcl::PointCloud< PointT > &cloud, const Transform &transform=Transform::getIdentity())
double RAD2DEG (const double x)
std::vector< double > resample (const std::vector< double > &p, const std::vector< double > &w, bool normalizeWeights=false)
Eigen::Vector3f rotatePointAroundAxe (const Eigen::Vector3f &point, const Eigen::Vector3f &axis, float angle)
 RTABMAP_DEPRECATED (typedef SensorData Image,"rtabmap::Image class is renamed to rtabmap::SensorData, use the last one instead.")
bool sortCallback (const std::string &a, const std::string &b)
double sqr (uchar v)
double square (const double &value)
bool testAABBAABB (const AABB &a, const AABB &b)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_EXP uncompressData (const cv::Mat &bytes)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_EXP uncompressData (const std::vector< unsigned char > &bytes)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_EXP uncompressData (const unsigned char *bytes, unsigned long size)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_EXP uncompressImage (const cv::Mat &bytes)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_EXP uncompressImage (const std::vector< unsigned char > &bytes)
std::string RTABMAP_EXP uncompressString (const cv::Mat &bytes)
 vtkStandardNewMacro (CloudViewerInteractorStyle)
 vtkStandardNewMacro (CloudViewerCellPicker)
 vtkStandardNewMacro (vtkImageMatSource)


static int bit_pattern_31_ [256 *4]
static const int frustum_indices []
static const float frustum_vertices []
const float HARRIS_K = 0.04f
const int holeSize = 5
const int kVersionStringLength = 128
const float maxDepthError = 0.10
static rtabmap::Transform opticalRotation (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f)
const int scanDownsampling = 1

Detailed Description

File from OpenCV (see License below), modified by Mathieu Labbe 2016

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> rtabmap::ParametersMap

Definition at line 41 of file Parameters.h.

typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> rtabmap::ParametersPair

Definition at line 42 of file Parameters.h.

Function Documentation

float rtabmap::addNeighborProb ( cv::Mat &  prediction,
unsigned int  col,
const std::map< int, int > &  neighbors,
const std::vector< double > &  predictionLC,
const std::map< int, int > &  idToIndex 

Definition at line 228 of file BayesFilter.cpp.

void rtabmap::applyFovModel ( double  xu,
double  yu,
double  w,
double  w_inverse,
double  two_tan_w_div_two,
double *  xd,
double *  yd 

Definition at line 138 of file CameraTango.cpp.

template<typename PointT >
void rtabmap::applyImpl ( int  index,
typename pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::Ptr &  cloud,
const pcl::IndicesPtr &  indices,
const cv::Mat_< double > &  gains,
bool  rgb 

Definition at line 393 of file GainCompensator.cpp.

chisel::PinholeCamera rtabmap::cameraModelToChiselCamera ( const CameraModel camera)

Definition at line 35 of file chisel_conversions.h.

pcl::PolygonMesh::Ptr rtabmap::chiselToPolygonMesh ( const chisel::MeshMap &  meshMap,
unsigned char  r = 100,
unsigned char  g = 100,
unsigned char  b = 100 

Definition at line 109 of file chisel_conversions.h.

std::shared_ptr<chisel::ColorImage<unsigned char> > rtabmap::colorImageToChisel ( const cv::Mat &  image)

Definition at line 19 of file chisel_conversions.h.

std::vector< unsigned char > rtabmap::compressData ( const cv::Mat &  data)

Definition at line 170 of file Compression.cpp.

cv::Mat rtabmap::compressData2 ( const cv::Mat &  data)

Definition at line 201 of file Compression.cpp.

std::vector< unsigned char > rtabmap::compressImage ( const cv::Mat &  image,
const std::string &  format = ".png" 

Definition at line 100 of file Compression.cpp.

cv::Mat rtabmap::compressImage2 ( const cv::Mat &  image,
const std::string &  format = ".png" 

Definition at line 120 of file Compression.cpp.

cv::Mat rtabmap::compressString ( const std::string &  str)

Definition at line 277 of file Compression.cpp.

static void rtabmap::computeDescriptors ( const Mat &  image,
std::vector< KeyPoint > &  keypoints,
Mat &  descriptors,
const std::vector< Point > &  pattern,
int  dsize,
int  WTA_K 

Compute the ORB decriptors

imagethe image to compute the features and descriptors on
integral_imagethe integral image of the image (can be empty, but the computation will be slower)
levelthe scale at which we compute the orientation
keypointsthe keypoints to use
descriptorsthe resulting descriptors

Definition at line 716 of file Orb.cpp.

static void rtabmap::computeKeyPoints ( const std::vector< Mat > &  imagePyramid,
const std::vector< Mat > &  maskPyramid,
std::vector< std::vector< KeyPoint > > &  allKeypoints,
int  nfeatures,
int  firstLevel,
double  scaleFactor,
int  edgeThreshold,
int  patchSize,
int  scoreType,
ParametersMap  fastParameters 

Compute the ORB keypoints on an image

image_pyramidthe image pyramid to compute the features and descriptors on
mask_pyramidthe masks to apply at every level
keypointsthe resulting keypoints, clustered per level

Definition at line 621 of file Orb.cpp.

static void rtabmap::computeOrbDescriptor ( const KeyPoint &  kpt,
const Mat &  img,
const Point *  pattern,
uchar *  desc,
int  dsize,
int  WTA_K 

Definition at line 138 of file Orb.cpp.

static void rtabmap::computeOrientation ( const Mat &  image,
std::vector< KeyPoint > &  keypoints,
int  halfPatchSize,
const std::vector< int > &  umax 

Compute the ORB keypoint orientations

imagethe image to compute the features and descriptors on
integral_imagethe integral image of the iamge (can be empty, but the computation will be slower)
scalethe scale at which we compute the orientation
keypointsthe resulting keypoints

Definition at line 604 of file Orb.cpp.

QIcon rtabmap::createIcon ( const QColor &  color)

Definition at line 1474 of file GraphViewer.cpp.

std::vector<double> rtabmap::cumSum ( const std::vector< double > &  v)

Definition at line 53 of file ParticleFilter.h.

bool rtabmap::databaseRecovery ( const std::string &  corruptedDatabase,
bool  keepCorruptedDatabase = true,
std::string *  errorMsg = 0,
ProgressState progressState = 0 

Return true on success. The database is renamed to "*.backup.db" before recovering.

corruptedDatabasedatabase to recover
keepCorruptedDatabaseif false and on recovery success, the backup database is removed
errorMsgerror message if the function returns false
progressStateA ProgressState object used to get status of the recovery process

Definition at line 39 of file Recovery.cpp.

double rtabmap::DEG2RAD ( const double  x)

Definition at line 53 of file GeodeticCoords.cpp.

std::shared_ptr<chisel::DepthImage<float> > rtabmap::depthImageToChisel ( const cv::Mat &  image)

Definition at line 27 of file chisel_conversions.h.

template<typename PointT >
void rtabmap::feedImpl ( const std::map< int, typename pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::Ptr > &  clouds,
const std::map< int, pcl::IndicesPtr > &  indices,
const std::multimap< int, Link > &  links,
float  maxCorrespondenceDistance,
double  minOverlap,
double  alpha,
double  beta,
cv::Mat_< double > &  gains,
std::map< int, int > &  idToIndex 
void rtabmap::floodfill ( QImage &  image,
const cv::Mat &  depthImage,
int  x,
int  y,
float  lastDepthValue,
float  error 

Definition at line 228 of file EditDepthArea.cpp.

static float rtabmap::getScale ( int  level,
int  firstLevel,
double  scaleFactor 

Definition at line 561 of file Orb.cpp.

static void rtabmap::HarrisResponses ( const Mat &  img,
std::vector< KeyPoint > &  pts,
int  blockSize,
float  harris_k 

Function that computes the Harris responses in a blockSize x blockSize patch at given points in an image

Definition at line 62 of file Orb.cpp.

static float rtabmap::IC_Angle ( const Mat &  image,
const int  half_k,
Point2f  pt,
const std::vector< int > &  u_max 

Definition at line 106 of file Orb.cpp.

int rtabmap::inFrontOfBothCameras ( const cv::Mat &  x,
const cv::Mat &  xp,
const cv::Mat &  R,
const cv::Mat &  T 

Definition at line 132 of file EpipolarGeometry.cpp.

void rtabmap::initFisheyeRectificationMap ( const CameraModel fisheyeModel,
cv::Mat &  mapX,
cv::Mat &  mapY 

Definition at line 159 of file CameraTango.cpp.

static void rtabmap::initializeOrbPattern ( const Point *  pattern0,
std::vector< Point > &  pattern,
int  ntuples,
int  tupleSize,
int  poolSize 

Definition at line 261 of file Orb.cpp.

static void rtabmap::makeRandomPattern ( int  patchSize,
Point *  pattern,
int  npoints 

Definition at line 549 of file Orb.cpp.

void rtabmap::onFrameAvailableRouter ( void *  context,
TangoCameraId  id,
const TangoImageBuffer *  color 

Definition at line 55 of file CameraTango.cpp.

void rtabmap::onPointCloudAvailableRouter ( void *  context,
const TangoPointCloud *  point_cloud 

Definition at line 46 of file CameraTango.cpp.

void rtabmap::onPoseAvailableRouter ( void *  context,
const TangoPoseData *  pose 

Definition at line 89 of file CameraTango.cpp.

void rtabmap::onTangoEventAvailableRouter ( void *  context,
const TangoEvent *  event 

Definition at line 98 of file CameraTango.cpp.

std::ostream & rtabmap::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Transform s 

Definition at line 312 of file Transform.cpp.

template<typename PointRGBT >
chisel::PointCloudPtr rtabmap::pointCloudRGBToChisel ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< PointRGBT > &  cloud,
const Transform transform = Transform::getIdentity() 

Definition at line 50 of file chisel_conversions.h.

template<typename PointT >
chisel::PointCloudPtr rtabmap::pointCloudToChisel ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< PointT > &  cloud,
const Transform transform = Transform::getIdentity() 

Definition at line 84 of file chisel_conversions.h.

double rtabmap::RAD2DEG ( const double  x)

Definition at line 54 of file GeodeticCoords.cpp.

std::vector<double> rtabmap::resample ( const std::vector< double > &  p,
const std::vector< double > &  w,
bool  normalizeWeights = false 

Definition at line 65 of file ParticleFilter.h.

Eigen::Vector3f rtabmap::rotatePointAroundAxe ( const Eigen::Vector3f &  point,
const Eigen::Vector3f &  axis,
float  angle 

Definition at line 2807 of file CloudViewer.cpp.

rtabmap::RTABMAP_DEPRECATED ( typedef SensorData  Image,
"rtabmap::Image class is renamed to rtabmap::SensorData  ,
use the last one instead."   
bool rtabmap::sortCallback ( const std::string &  a,
const std::string &  b 

Definition at line 3308 of file PreferencesDialog.cpp.

double rtabmap::sqr ( uchar  v)

Definition at line 41 of file GainCompensator.cpp.

double rtabmap::square ( const double &  value)

Definition at line 55 of file GeodeticCoords.cpp.

bool rtabmap::testAABBAABB ( const AABB a,
const AABB b 

Definition at line 110 of file GainCompensator.cpp.

cv::Mat rtabmap::uncompressData ( const cv::Mat &  bytes)

Definition at line 231 of file Compression.cpp.

cv::Mat rtabmap::uncompressData ( const std::vector< unsigned char > &  bytes)

Definition at line 237 of file Compression.cpp.

cv::Mat rtabmap::uncompressData ( const unsigned char *  bytes,
unsigned long  size 

Definition at line 242 of file Compression.cpp.

cv::Mat rtabmap::uncompressImage ( const cv::Mat &  bytes)

Definition at line 130 of file Compression.cpp.

cv::Mat rtabmap::uncompressImage ( const std::vector< unsigned char > &  bytes)

Definition at line 152 of file Compression.cpp.

std::string rtabmap::uncompressString ( const cv::Mat &  bytes)

Definition at line 283 of file Compression.cpp.

rtabmap::vtkStandardNewMacro ( CloudViewerInteractorStyle  )
rtabmap::vtkStandardNewMacro ( CloudViewerCellPicker  )
rtabmap::vtkStandardNewMacro ( vtkImageMatSource  )

Variable Documentation

int rtabmap::bit_pattern_31_[256 *4]

Definition at line 288 of file Orb.cpp.

const int rtabmap::frustum_indices[]
Initial value:
= {
1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4}

Definition at line 1674 of file CloudViewer.cpp.

const float rtabmap::frustum_vertices[]
Initial value:
= {
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f,
1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f,
1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f}

Definition at line 1667 of file CloudViewer.cpp.

const float rtabmap::HARRIS_K = 0.04f

Definition at line 55 of file Orb.cpp.

const int rtabmap::holeSize = 5

Definition at line 41 of file CameraTango.cpp.

const int rtabmap::kVersionStringLength = 128

Definition at line 40 of file CameraTango.cpp.

const float rtabmap::maxDepthError = 0.10

Definition at line 42 of file CameraTango.cpp.

rtabmap::Transform rtabmap::opticalRotation(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f)
const int rtabmap::scanDownsampling = 1

Definition at line 43 of file CameraTango.cpp.

Author(s): Mathieu Labbe
autogenerated on Wed Jun 5 2019 22:43:42