Class IntensityPCTransformer

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class IntensityPCTransformer : public rviz_default_plugins::PointCloudTransformer

Public Functions

virtual uint8_t supports(const sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2::ConstSharedPtr &cloud) override

Returns a level of support for a specific cloud. This level of support is a mask using the SupportLevel enum.

virtual bool transform(const sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2::ConstSharedPtr &cloud, uint32_t mask, const Ogre::Matrix4 &transform, V_PointCloudPoint &points_out) override

Transforms a PointCloud2 into an rviz::PointCloud. The rviz::PointCloud is assumed to have been preallocated into the correct size. The mask determines which part of the cloud should be output (xyz or color). This method will only be called if supports() of the same cloud has returned a non-zero mask, and will only be called with masks compatible with the one returned from supports()

virtual uint8_t score(const sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2::ConstSharedPtr &cloud) override

“Score” a message for how well supported the message is. For example, a “flat color” transformer can support any cloud, but will return a score of 0 here since it should not be preferred over others that explicitly support fields in the message. This allows that “flat color” transformer to still be selectable, but generally not chosen automatically.

virtual void createProperties(rviz_common::properties::Property *parent_property, uint32_t mask, QList<rviz_common::properties::Property*> &out_props) override

Create any properties necessary for this transformer. Will be called once when the transformer is loaded. All properties must be added to the out_props vector.

void updateChannels(const sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2::ConstSharedPtr &cloud)
virtual void hideUnusedProperties() override

Hide properties that are currently not in use.