►Nai | |
►Npicovoice | |
►Nflutter | |
►Nporcupine | |
►CPorcupinePlugin | |
CMethod | |
►Nporcupinedemo | |
CMainActivity | |
►Nrhino | |
►CRhinoPlugin | |
CMethod | |
►Nrhinodemo | |
CMainActivity | |
►Nporcupine | |
►Ndemo | |
CMainActivity | |
CPorcupineTest | |
►Nsttdemo | |
►CMainActivity | |
CSpeechListener | |
►CPorcupine | |
CBuilder | |
CBuiltInKeyword | |
CPorcupineActivationException | |
CPorcupineActivationLimitException | |
CPorcupineActivationRefusedException | |
CPorcupineActivationThrottledException | |
CPorcupineException | |
CPorcupineInvalidArgumentException | |
CPorcupineInvalidStateException | |
CPorcupineIOException | |
CPorcupineKeyException | |
►CPorcupineManager | |
CBuilder | |
CMicrophoneReader | |
CPorcupineManagerCallback | |
CPorcupineManagerErrorCallback | |
CPorcupineMemoryException | |
CPorcupineRuntimeException | |
CPorcupineStopIterationException | |
CPorcupineTest | |
►Nporcupinedemo | |
CFileDemo | |
CMicDemo | |
►Nporcupinedemoservice | |
►CMainActivity | |
CServiceBroadcastReceiver | |
CPorcupineService | |
►Nreactnative | |
►Nporcupine | |
CPorcupineModule | |
CPorcupinePackage | |
►Nporcupinedemo | |
CMainActivity | |
CMainApplication | |
CReactNativeFlipper | |
►Nrhino | |
CRhinoModule | |
CRhinoPackage | |
►Nrhinodemo | |
CMainActivity | |
CMainApplication | |
CReactNativeFlipper | |
►Nrhino | |
►CRhino | |
CBuilder | |
CRhinoActivationException | |
CRhinoActivationLimitException | |
CRhinoActivationRefusedException | |
CRhinoActivationThrottledException | |
CRhinoException | |
CRhinoInference | |
CRhinoInvalidArgumentException | |
CRhinoInvalidStateException | |
CRhinoIOException | |
CRhinoKeyException | |
►CRhinoManager | |
CBuilder | |
CRhinoManagerCallback | |
CRhinoManagerErrorCallback | |
CRhinoMemoryException | |
CRhinoRuntimeException | |
CRhinoStopIterationException | |
CRhinoTest | |
►Nrhinodemo | |
CFileDemo | |
CMainActivity | |
CMicDemo | |
CRhinoTest | |
►Nmain | |
CPorcupineThread | |
►Npicovoice_driver | |
CPorcupineNode | |
CPorcupineRecognizer | |
►CPorcupineRecognizerData | |
CParameters | |
CResult | |
►CRecognizer | Used for recognizing something out of audio data |
CRecordSettings | |
►CRecognizerData | |
CParameters | |
CRecognizerNode | |
CRecognizerT | |
CRhinoNode | |
CRhinoRecognizer | |
►CRhinoRecognizerData | |
CParameters | |
►CResult | |
CKeyValue | |
►Nporcupine_demo_mic | |
CPorcupineDemo | |
►Nppnrespeakerdemo | |
►Napa102 | |
CAPA102 | |
►Nporcupine_demo | |
CPorcupineDemo | |
►Npython | |
►Nporcupine | |
►CPorcupine | |
CCPorcupine | |
CPicovoiceStatuses | |
CPorcupineActivationError | |
CPorcupineActivationLimitError | |
CPorcupineActivationRefusedError | |
CPorcupineActivationThrottledError | |
CPorcupineError | |
CPorcupineInvalidArgumentError | |
CPorcupineInvalidStateError | |
CPorcupineIOError | |
CPorcupineKeyError | |
CPorcupineMemoryError | |
CPorcupineRuntimeError | |
CPorcupineStopIterationError | |
►Npvrecorder | |
►CPvRecorder | |
CCPvRecorder | |
CPvRecorderStatuses | |
►Nrhino | |
►CRhino | |
CCRhino | |
CPicovoiceStatuses | |
CRhinoActivationError | |
CRhinoActivationLimitError | |
CRhinoActivationRefusedError | |
CRhinoActivationThrottledError | |
CRhinoError | |
CRhinoInvalidArgumentError | |
CRhinoInvalidStateError | |
CRhinoIOError | |
CRhinoKeyError | |
CRhinoMemoryError | |
CRhinoRuntimeError | |
CRhinoStopIterationError | |
►Ntest_porcupine | |
CPorcupineTestCase | |
►Ntest_rhino | |
CRhinoTestCase | |
►Nrhino_demo_mic | |
CRhinoDemo | |
►Nselenium_test | |
CSimpleHttpServer | |
C__DMA_HandleTypeDef | DMA handle Structure definition |
C__I2C_HandleTypeDef | |
C__I2S_HandleTypeDef | I2S handle Structure definition |
C__iar_u32 | |
C__MDMA_HandleTypeDef | MDMA handle Structure definition |
C__RAMECC_HandleTypeDef | RAMECC handle Structure definition |
C__SAI_HandleTypeDef | |
C__SMARTCARD_HandleTypeDef | SMARTCARD handle Structure definition |
C__SMBUS_HandleTypeDef | SMBUS handle Structure definition |
C__SPI_HandleTypeDef | SPI handle Structure definition |
C__UART_HandleTypeDef | UART handle Structure definition |
C__USART_HandleTypeDef | USART handle Structure definition |
C_boot_data_ | |
C_clock_arm_pll_config | PLL configuration for ARM |
C_clock_audio_pll_config | PLL configuration for AUDIO and VIDEO |
C_clock_enet_pll_config | PLL configuration for ENET |
C_clock_sys_pll_config | PLL configuration for System |
C_clock_usb_pll_config | PLL configuration for USB |
C_clock_video_pll_config | PLL configuration for AUDIO and VIDEO |
C_codec_capability | Codec capability |
C_codec_config | Initialize structure of the codec |
C_codec_handle | Codec handle definition |
C_codec_i2c_config | CODEC I2C configurations structure |
C_debug_console_state_struct | |
C_edma_channel_Preemption_config | EDMA channel priority configuration |
C_edma_config | EDMA global configuration structure |
C_edma_handle | EDMA transfer handle structure |
C_edma_minor_offset_config | EDMA minor offset configuration |
C_edma_tcd | EDMA TCD |
C_edma_transfer_config | EDMA transfer configuration |
C_flexspi_nor_config | |
C_FlexSPIConfig | FlexSPI Memory Configuration Block |
C_gpio_pin_config | GPIO Init structure definition |
C_hal_i2c_master | I2c master state structure |
C_hal_i2c_master_config | HAL I2C master user configuration |
C_hal_i2c_master_transfer | HAL I2C master transfer structure |
C_hal_i2c_slave | I2c slave state structure |
C_hal_i2c_slave_config | HAL I2C slave user configuration |
C_hal_i2c_slave_transfer | HAL I2C slave transfer structure |
C_hal_uart_config | UART configuration structure |
C_hal_uart_state | Uart state structure |
C_hal_uart_transfer | UART transfer structure |
C_ivt_ | |
C_lpi2c_master_config | Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C master module |
C_lpi2c_master_handle | Driver handle for master non-blocking APIs |
C_lpi2c_master_transfer | Non-blocking transfer descriptor structure |
C_lpi2c_match_config | LPI2C master data match configuration structure |
C_lpi2c_slave_config | Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C slave module |
C_lpi2c_slave_handle | LPI2C slave handle structure |
C_lpi2c_slave_transfer | LPI2C slave transfer structure |
C_lpuart_config | LPUART configuration structure |
C_lpuart_handle | LPUART handle structure |
C_lpuart_transfer | LPUART transfer structure |
C_lut_sequence | FlexSPI LUT Sequence structure |
C_mem_align_control_block | |
C_ocotp_timing | OCOTP timing structure. Note that, these value are used for calcalating the read/write timings. And the values should statisfy below rules: |
C_sai_bit_clock | Sai bit clock configurations |
C_sai_config | SAI user configuration structure |
C_sai_frame_sync | Sai frame sync configurations |
C_sai_handle | SAI handle structure |
C_sai_serial_data | Sai serial data configurations |
C_sai_transceiver | Sai transceiver configurations |
C_sai_transfer | SAI transfer structure |
C_sai_transfer_format | Sai transfer format |
C_serial_manager_callback_message | Callback message structure |
C_serial_manager_config | Serial manager config structure |
C_serial_manager_handle | |
C_serial_manager_send_handle | |
C_serial_port_uart_config | Serial port uart config struct |
C_wm8904_audio_format | Audio format configuration |
C_wm8904_config | Configuration structure of WM8904 |
C_wm8904_fll_config | Wm8904 fll configuration |
C_wm8904_handle | Wm8904 codec handler |
C_wm8960_audio_format | Wm8960 audio format |
C_wm8960_handle | Wm8960 codec handler |
CADC_Common_TypeDef | |
CADC_ETC_Type | |
CADC_Type | |
CADC_TypeDef | Analog to Digital Converter
Cadv7533_ctx_t | |
CADV7533_Drv_t | |
CADV7533_Init_t | |
CADV7533_IO_t | |
CADV7533_LcdDrv_t | |
CADV7533_Object_t | |
CAIPSTZ_Type | |
CAOI_Type | |
CAppDelegate | |
CAPSR_Type | Union type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR) |
Carm_bilinear_interp_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point bilinear interpolation function |
Carm_bilinear_interp_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 bilinear interpolation function |
Carm_bilinear_interp_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 bilinear interpolation function |
Carm_bilinear_interp_instance_q7 | Instance structure for the Q15 bilinear interpolation function |
Carm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_ins_q31 | Instance structure for the high precision Q31 Biquad cascade filter |
Carm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter |
Carm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f64 | Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter |
Carm_biquad_cascade_stereo_df2T_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter |
Carm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point Biquad cascade filter |
Carm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 Biquad cascade filter |
Carm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 Biquad cascade filter |
Carm_cfft_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function |
Carm_cfft_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the fixed-point CFFT/CIFFT function |
Carm_cfft_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the fixed-point CFFT/CIFFT function |
Carm_cfft_radix2_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function |
Carm_cfft_radix2_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 CFFT/CIFFT function |
Carm_cfft_radix2_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Radix-2 Q31 CFFT/CIFFT function |
Carm_cfft_radix4_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function |
Carm_cfft_radix4_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 CFFT/CIFFT function |
Carm_cfft_radix4_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 CFFT/CIFFT function |
Carm_dct4_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point DCT4/IDCT4 function |
Carm_dct4_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 DCT4/IDCT4 function |
Carm_dct4_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 DCT4/IDCT4 function |
Carm_fir_decimate_instance_f32 | Instance structure for floating-point FIR decimator |
Carm_fir_decimate_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 FIR decimator |
Carm_fir_decimate_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 FIR decimator |
Carm_fir_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point FIR filter |
Carm_fir_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 FIR filter |
Carm_fir_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 FIR filter |
Carm_fir_instance_q7 | Instance structure for the Q7 FIR filter |
Carm_fir_interpolate_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point FIR interpolator |
Carm_fir_interpolate_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 FIR interpolator |
Carm_fir_interpolate_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 FIR interpolator |
Carm_fir_lattice_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point FIR lattice filter |
Carm_fir_lattice_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 FIR lattice filter |
Carm_fir_lattice_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 FIR lattice filter |
Carm_fir_sparse_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point sparse FIR filter |
Carm_fir_sparse_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 sparse FIR filter |
Carm_fir_sparse_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 sparse FIR filter |
Carm_fir_sparse_instance_q7 | Instance structure for the Q7 sparse FIR filter |
Carm_iir_lattice_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point IIR lattice filter |
Carm_iir_lattice_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 IIR lattice filter |
Carm_iir_lattice_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 IIR lattice filter |
Carm_linear_interp_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point Linear Interpolate function |
Carm_lms_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point LMS filter |
Carm_lms_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 LMS filter |
Carm_lms_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 LMS filter |
Carm_lms_norm_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point normalized LMS filter |
Carm_lms_norm_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 normalized LMS filter |
Carm_lms_norm_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 normalized LMS filter |
Carm_matrix_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure |
Carm_matrix_instance_f64 | Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure |
Carm_matrix_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 matrix structure |
Carm_matrix_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 matrix structure |
CARM_MPU_Region_t | |
Carm_pid_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point PID Control |
Carm_pid_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 PID Control |
Carm_pid_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 PID Control |
Carm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point RFFT/RIFFT function |
Carm_rfft_instance_f32 | Instance structure for the floating-point RFFT/RIFFT function |
Carm_rfft_instance_q15 | Instance structure for the Q15 RFFT/RIFFT function |
Carm_rfft_instance_q31 | Instance structure for the Q31 RFFT/RIFFT function |
CART_TypeDef | ART |
CAUDIO_Drv_t | |
CAUDIO_DrvTypeDef | |
CAUDIO_IN_Ctx_t | |
CAUDIO_OUT_Ctx_t | |
CAUDIOIN_TypeDef | |
CBDMA_Channel_TypeDef | |
CBDMA_TypeDef | |
CBEE_Type | |
CBSP_AUDIO_Init_t | |
Cc89atomic_if32 | |
Cc89atomic_if64 | |
CCAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef | Controller Area Network FIFOMailBox |
CCAN_FilterConfTypeDef | CAN filter configuration structure definition |
CCAN_FilterRegister_TypeDef | Controller Area Network FilterRegister |
CCAN_HandleTypeDef | CAN handle Structure definition |
CCAN_InitTypeDef | CAN init structure definition |
CCAN_TxMailBox_TypeDef | Controller Area Network TxMailBox |
CCAN_Type | |
CCAN_TypeDef | Controller Area Network |
CCanRxMsgTypeDef | CAN Rx message structure definition |
CCanTxMsgTypeDef | CAN Tx message structure definition |
CCCM_Type | |
CCMP_Type | |
CCodebook | |
CCOMP_Common_TypeDef | |
CCOMP_TypeDef | |
CCOMPOPT_TypeDef | Comparator |
CCONTROL_Type | Union type to access the Control Registers (CONTROL) |
CCORDIC_TypeDef | COordincate Rotation DIgital Computer |
CCoreDebug_Type | Structure type to access the Core Debug Register (CoreDebug) |
CCRC_HandleTypeDef | CRC Handle Structure definition |
CCRC_InitTypeDef | CRC Init Structure definition |
CCRC_TypeDef | CRC calculation unit |
CCRCscan | |
CCRS_TypeDef | Clock Recovery System |
CCRYP_TypeDef | Crypto Processor |
CCSI_Type | |
CCSU_Type | |
CDAC_TypeDef | Digital to Analog Converter |
CDBGMCU_TypeDef | Debug MCU |
CDCDC_Type | |
CDCMI_TypeDef | DCMI |
CDCP_Type | |
CDFSDM_Channel_AwdTypeDef | DFSDM channel analog watchdog structure definition |
CDFSDM_Channel_HandleTypeDef | DFSDM channel handle structure definition |
CDFSDM_Channel_InitTypeDef | DFSDM channel init structure definition |
CDFSDM_Channel_InputTypeDef | DFSDM channel input structure definition |
CDFSDM_Channel_OutputClockTypeDef | DFSDM channel output clock structure definition |
CDFSDM_Channel_SerialInterfaceTypeDef | DFSDM channel serial interface structure definition |
CDFSDM_Channel_TypeDef | DFSDM channel configuration registers |
CDFSDM_Filter_AwdParamTypeDef | DFSDM filter analog watchdog parameters structure definition |
CDFSDM_Filter_FilterParamTypeDef | DFSDM filter parameters structure definition |
CDFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef | DFSDM filter handle structure definition |
CDFSDM_Filter_InitTypeDef | DFSDM filter init structure definition |
CDFSDM_Filter_InjectedParamTypeDef | DFSDM filter injected conversion parameters structure definition |
CDFSDM_Filter_RegularParamTypeDef | DFSDM filter regular conversion parameters structure definition |
CDFSDM_Filter_TypeDef | DFSDM module registers |
CDLYB_TypeDef | Delay Block DLYB |
CDMA2D_TypeDef | DMA2D Controller |
CDMA_InitTypeDef | DMA Configuration Structure definition |
CDMA_Stream_TypeDef | DMA Controller |
CDMA_Type | |
CDMA_TypeDef | |
CDMAMUX_Channel_TypeDef | |
CDMAMUX_ChannelStatus_TypeDef | |
CDMAMUX_RequestGen_TypeDef | |
CDMAMUX_RequestGenStatus_TypeDef | |
CDMAMUX_Type | |
Cdr2d_color | Structure representing an RGBA color. Color components are specified in the range of 0 - 255 |
Cdr2d_context | |
Cdr2d_draw_image_args | |
Cdr2d_drawing_callbacks | |
Cdr2d_font | |
Cdr2d_font_metrics | |
Cdr2d_glyph_metrics | |
Cdr2d_image | |
Cdr2d_surface | |
Cdr_cmdline | |
Cdr_file_iterator | |
Cdr_timer | |
Cdra__event | |
Cdra__event_queue | |
Cdra__memory_stream | |
Cdra_context | |
Cdra_decoder | |
Cdra_device | |
Cdra_mixer | |
Cdra_sound | |
Cdra_sound_desc | |
Cdra_sound_world | |
Cdra_voice | |
Cdraudio_buffer_desc | |
Cdraudio_device_info | |
Cdraudio_effect | |
Cdraudio_event_callback | |
Cdraudio_sound | |
Cdraudio_sound_desc | The structure that is used for creating a sound object |
Cdraudio_streaming_callbacks | |
Cdraudio_world | |
Cdrflac | |
Cdrflac__memory_stream | |
Cdrflac_allocation_callbacks | |
Cdrflac_bs | |
Cdrflac_cuesheet_track | |
Cdrflac_cuesheet_track_index | |
Cdrflac_cuesheet_track_iterator | |
Cdrflac_frame | |
Cdrflac_frame_header | |
Cdrflac_init_info | |
Cdrflac_metadata | |
Cdrflac_ogg_page_header | |
Cdrflac_oggbs | |
Cdrflac_seekpoint | |
Cdrflac_streaminfo | |
Cdrflac_subframe | |
Cdrflac_vorbis_comment_iterator | |
Cdrfs_archive_callbacks | |
Cdrfs_basedirs | |
Cdrfs_basepath | |
Cdrfs_callbacklist | |
Cdrfs_context | |
Cdrfs_file_info | |
Cdrfs_iterator | |
Cdrfsw_event | |
Cdrgui_color | Structure representing an RGBA color. Color components are specified in the range of 0 - 255 |
Cdrgui_context | |
Cdrgui_draw_image_args | |
Cdrgui_element | |
Cdrgui_font | |
Cdrgui_font_metrics | Font metrics |
Cdrgui_glyph_metrics | Glyph metrics |
Cdrgui_image | |
Cdrgui_painting_callbacks | Structure containing callbacks for painting routines |
Cdrgui_rect | Structure representing a rectangle |
Cdrgui_text_run | |
Cdrmp3 | |
Cdrmp3__seeking_mp3_frame_info | |
Cdrmp3_allocation_callbacks | |
Cdrmp3_bs | |
Cdrmp3_config | |
Cdrmp3_L12_scale_info | |
Cdrmp3_L12_subband_alloc | |
Cdrmp3_L3_gr_info | |
Cdrmp3_seek_point | |
Cdrmp3_src | |
Cdrmp3_src_cache | |
Cdrmp3_src_config | |
Cdrmp3dec | |
Cdrmp3dec_frame_info | |
Cdrmp3dec_scratch | |
Cdrmtl_channel | |
Cdrmtl_channel_header | |
Cdrmtl_header | Structure containing the header information of the material |
Cdrmtl_identifier | |
Cdrmtl_input | Structure containing information about an input variable |
Cdrmtl_instruction | Structure containing information about an instruction |
Cdrmtl_instruction_input | |
Cdrmtl_instruction_input_descriptor | Structure used for describing an instructions input data |
Cdrmtl_material | Structure containing the definition of the material |
Cdrmtl_property | |
Cdropus | |
Cdropus_allocation_callbacks | |
Cdropus_stream | |
Cdropus_stream_frame | |
Cdropus_stream_packet | |
Cdrpath_iterator | |
Cdrpath_segment | |
Cdrwav | |
Cdrwav__memory_stream | |
Cdrwav__memory_stream_write | |
Cdrwav__metadata_parser | |
Cdrwav_acid | |
Cdrwav_allocation_callbacks | |
Cdrwav_bext | |
Cdrwav_chunk_header | |
Cdrwav_cue | |
Cdrwav_cue_point | |
Cdrwav_data_format | |
Cdrwav_fmt | |
Cdrwav_inst | |
Cdrwav_list_info_text | |
Cdrwav_list_label_or_note | |
Cdrwav_list_labelled_cue_region | |
Cdrwav_metadata | |
Cdrwav_smpl | |
Cdrwav_smpl_loop | |
Cdrwav_unknown_metadata | |
CDSI_TypeDef | DSI Controller |
CDTS_TypeDef | DTS |
CDWT_Type | Structure type to access the Data Watchpoint and Trace Register (DWT) |
CENC_Type | |
CENET_Type | |
CETH_TypeDef | Ethernet MAC |
CEWM_Type | |
CEXTI_ConfigTypeDef | EXTI Configuration structure definition |
CEXTI_Core_TypeDef | This structure registers corresponds to EXTI_Typdef CPU1/CPU2 registers subset (IMRx, EMRx and PRx), allowing to define EXTI_D1/EXTI_D2 with rapid/common access to these IMRx, EMRx, PRx registers for CPU1 and CPU2. Note that EXTI_D1 and EXTI_D2 bases addresses are calculated to point to CPUx first register: IMR1 in case of EXTI_D1 that is addressing CPU1 (Coretx-M7) C2IMR1 in case of EXTI_D2 that is addressing CPU2 (Coretx-M4) Note: EXTI_D2 and corresponding C2IMRx, C2EMRx and C2PRx registers are available for Dual Core devices only |
CEXTI_HandleTypeDef | EXTI Handle structure definition |
CEXTI_TypeDef | External Interrupt/Event Controller |
CFDCAN_ClockCalibrationUnit_TypeDef | FD Controller Area Network |
CFDCAN_GlobalTypeDef | FD Controller Area Network |
CFLASH_CRCInitTypeDef | FLASH Erase structure definition |
CFLASH_EraseInitTypeDef | FLASH Erase structure definition |
CFLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef | FLASH Option Bytes Program structure definition |
CFLASH_ProcessTypeDef | FLASH handle Structure definition
CFLASH_TypeDef | FLASH Registers |
CFLEXIO_Type | |
Cfloat_conv | |
CFloor | |
CFloor0 | |
CFloor1 | |
CFMAC_TypeDef | Filter and Mathematical ACcelerator |
CFMC_Bank1_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller |
CFMC_Bank1E_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller Bank1E |
CFMC_Bank2_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller Bank2 |
CFMC_Bank3_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller Bank3 |
CFMC_Bank5_6_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller Bank5_6 |
CFMC_NAND_InitTypeDef | FMC NAND Configuration Structure definition
CFMC_NAND_PCC_TimingTypeDef | FMC NAND Timing parameters structure definition |
CFMC_NORSRAM_InitTypeDef | FMC NORSRAM Configuration Structure definition |
CFMC_NORSRAM_TimingTypeDef | FMC NORSRAM Timing parameters structure definition
CFMC_SDRAM_CommandTypeDef | SDRAM command parameters structure definition |
CFMC_SDRAM_InitTypeDef | FMC SDRAM Configuration Structure definition
CFMC_SDRAM_TimingTypeDef | FMC SDRAM Timing parameters structure definition |
CFPU_Type | Structure type to access the Floating Point Unit (FPU) |
CFSMC_Bank1_TypeDef | Flexible Static Memory Controller |
CFSMC_Bank1E_TypeDef | Flexible Static Memory Controller Bank1E |
CFSMC_Bank2_3_TypeDef | Flexible Static Memory Controller Bank2 |
CFSMC_Bank4_TypeDef | Flexible Static Memory Controller Bank4 |
CFuncDef | |
CGPC_Type | |
CGPIO_InitTypeDef | GPIO Init structure definition
CGPIO_Type | |
CGPIO_TypeDef | General Purpose I/O |
CGPT_Type | |
CGPV_TypeDef | Global Programmer View |
CHAL_DMA_MuxRequestGeneratorConfigTypeDef | HAL DMAMUX request generator parameters structure definition |
CHAL_DMA_MuxSyncConfigTypeDef | HAL DMAMUX Synchronization configuration structure definition |
CHAL_MMC_CardCIDTypeDef | |
CHAL_MMC_CardCSDTypeDef | |
CHAL_MMC_CardInfoTypeDef | MMC Card Information Structure definition |
CHASH_TypeDef | HASH |
CHRTIM_Common_TypeDef | |
CHRTIM_Master_TypeDef | High resolution Timer (HRTIM) |
CHRTIM_Timerx_TypeDef | |
CHRTIM_TypeDef | |
CHSEM_Common_TypeDef | |
CHSEM_TypeDef | HW Semaphore HSEM |
CI2C_Charac_t | |
CI2C_HandleTypeDef | |
CI2C_InitTypeDef | |
CI2C_Timings_t | |
CI2C_TypeDef | Inter-integrated Circuit Interface |
CI2S_HandleTypeDef | I2S handle Structure definition |
CI2S_InitTypeDef | I2S Init structure definition |
CI2S_Type | |
CIO_DrvTypeDef | |
CIOMUXC_Type | |
CIPSR_Type | Union type to access the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR) |
CIRDA_HandleTypeDef | IRDA handle Structure definition |
CIRDA_InitTypeDef | IRDA Init Structure definition |
CITM_Type | Structure type to access the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Register (ITM) |
CIWDG_HandleTypeDef | IWDG Handle Structure definition |
CIWDG_InitTypeDef | IWDG Init structure definition |
CIWDG_TypeDef | Independent WATCHDOG |
CJPEG_TypeDef | JPEG Codec |
CKPP_Type | |
CLCDIF_Type | |
Clibflac | |
Clibsndfile | |
Clist_element_tag | The list element |
Clist_label | The list structure |
CLPI2C_Type | |
CLPSPI_Type | |
CLPUART_Type | |
CLTDC_Layer_TypeDef | LCD-TFT Display layer x Controller |
CLTDC_TypeDef | LCD-TFT Display Controller |
Cma_allocation_callbacks | |
Cma_async_notification_callbacks | |
Cma_async_notification_event | |
Cma_async_notification_poll | |
Cma_audio_buffer | |
Cma_audio_buffer_config | |
Cma_audio_buffer_ref | |
Cma_backend_callbacks | |
Cma_biquad | |
Cma_biquad_coefficient | |
Cma_biquad_config | |
Cma_biquad_node | |
Cma_biquad_node_config | |
Cma_bpf | |
Cma_bpf2 | |
Cma_bpf2_config | |
Cma_bpf_config | |
Cma_bpf_node | |
Cma_bpf_node_config | |
Cma_channel_combiner_node | |
Cma_channel_combiner_node_config | |
Cma_channel_converter | |
Cma_channel_converter_config | |
Cma_channel_separator_node | |
Cma_channel_separator_node_config | |
Cma_context | |
Cma_context_command__wasapi | |
Cma_context_config | |
Cma_context_ex | |
Cma_data_converter | |
Cma_data_converter_config | |
Cma_data_source_base | |
Cma_data_source_config | |
Cma_data_source_node | |
Cma_data_source_node_config | |
Cma_data_source_vtable | |
Cma_decoder | |
Cma_decoder_config | |
Cma_decoding_backend_config | |
Cma_decoding_backend_vtable | |
Cma_default_vfs | |
Cma_delay | |
Cma_delay_config | |
Cma_delay_node | |
Cma_delay_node_config | |
Cma_device | |
Cma_device_config | |
Cma_device_descriptor | |
Cma_device_ex | |
Cma_device_id | |
Cma_device_info | |
Cma_duplex_rb | |
Cma_encoder | |
Cma_encoder_config | |
Cma_engine | |
Cma_engine_config | |
Cma_engine_node | |
Cma_engine_node_config | |
Cma_event | |
Cma_fader | |
Cma_fader_config | |
Cma_fence | |
Cma_file_info | |
Cma_flac | |
Cma_gainer | |
Cma_gainer_config | |
Cma_hishelf2 | |
Cma_hishelf2_config | |
Cma_hishelf_node | |
Cma_hishelf_node_config | |
Cma_hpf | |
Cma_hpf1 | |
Cma_hpf1_config | |
Cma_hpf2 | |
Cma_hpf_config | |
Cma_hpf_node | |
Cma_hpf_node_config | |
Cma_job | |
Cma_job_queue | |
Cma_lcg | |
Cma_libopus | |
Cma_libvorbis | |
Cma_linear_resampler | |
Cma_linear_resampler_config | |
Cma_log | |
Cma_log_callback | |
Cma_loshelf2 | |
Cma_loshelf2_config | |
Cma_loshelf_node | |
Cma_loshelf_node_config | |
Cma_lpf | |
Cma_lpf1 | |
Cma_lpf1_config | |
Cma_lpf2 | |
Cma_lpf_config | |
Cma_lpf_node | |
Cma_lpf_node_config | |
Cma_mp3 | |
Cma_mutex | |
Cma_node_base | |
Cma_node_config | |
Cma_node_graph | |
Cma_node_graph_config | |
Cma_node_input_bus | |
Cma_node_output_bus | |
Cma_node_vtable | |
Cma_noise | |
Cma_noise_config | |
Cma_notch2 | |
Cma_notch2_config | |
Cma_notch_node | |
Cma_notch_node_config | |
Cma_paged_audio_buffer | |
Cma_paged_audio_buffer_config | |
Cma_paged_audio_buffer_data | |
Cma_paged_audio_buffer_page | |
Cma_panner | |
Cma_panner_config | |
Cma_pcm_rb | |
Cma_peak2 | |
Cma_peak2_config | |
Cma_peak_node | |
Cma_peak_node_config | |
Cma_pipeline_notifications | |
Cma_pipeline_stage_notification | |
Cma_rb | |
Cma_resampler | |
Cma_resampler_config | |
Cma_resource_manager | |
Cma_resource_manager_config | |
Cma_resource_manager_data_buffer | |
Cma_resource_manager_data_buffer_node | |
Cma_resource_manager_data_source | |
Cma_resource_manager_data_stream | |
Cma_resource_manager_data_supply | |
Cma_reverb_node | |
Cma_reverb_node_config | |
CMA_SDL_AudioSpec | |
Cma_semaphore | |
Cma_slot_allocator | |
Cma_sound | |
Cma_sound_config | |
Cma_sound_inlined | |
Cma_spatializer | |
Cma_spatializer_config | |
Cma_spatializer_listener | |
Cma_spatializer_listener_config | |
Cma_splitter_node | |
Cma_splitter_node_config | |
Cma_test | |
Cma_thread | |
Cma_thread_proxy_data | |
Cma_timer | |
Cma_vec3f | |
Cma_vfs_callbacks | |
Cma_vocoder_node | |
Cma_vocoder_node_config | |
Cma_wav | |
Cma_waveform | |
Cma_waveform_config | |
CMapping | |
CMappingChannel | |
Cmat4 | |
CMDMA_Channel_TypeDef | |
CMDMA_InitTypeDef | MDMA Configuration Structure definition |
CMDMA_LinkNodeConfTypeDef | HAL MDMA linked list node configuration structure definition |
CMDMA_LinkNodeTypeDef | HAL MDMA linked list node structure definition |
CMDMA_TypeDef | MDMA Controller |
CMMC_HandleTypeDef | MMC handle Structure definition |
CMode | |
CMX_SAI_Config_t | |
CNAND_AddressTypeDef | NAND Memory address Structure definition |
CNAND_DeviceConfigTypeDef | NAND Memory info Structure definition |
CNAND_HandleTypeDef | NAND handle Structure definition |
CNAND_IDTypeDef | NAND Memory electronic signature Structure definition |
CNOR_CFITypeDef | FMC NOR CFI typedef |
CNOR_HandleTypeDef | NOR handle Structure definition |
CNOR_IDTypeDef | FMC NOR ID typedef |
CNVIC_Type | Structure type to access the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) |
COCOTP_Type | |
COCTOSPI_TypeDef | OCTO Serial Peripheral Interface |
COCTOSPIM_TypeDef | OCTO Serial Peripheral Interface IO Manager |
COPAMP_TypeDef | Operational Amplifier (OPAMP) |
COTFDEC_Region_TypeDef | OTFD register |
COTFDEC_TypeDef | |
Cotm8009a_ctx_t | |
COTM8009A_IO_t | |
COTM8009A_LCD_Ctx_t | |
COTM8009A_LCD_Drv_t | |
COTM8009A_Object_t | |
CPGC_Type | |
CPIT_Type | |
CPLL1_ClocksTypeDef | RCC PLL1 Clocks structure definition |
CPLL2_ClocksTypeDef | RCC PLL2 Clocks structure definition |
CPLL3_ClocksTypeDef | RCC PLL3 Clocks structure definition |
CPMU_Type | |
CPorcupinePlugin | |
CProbedPage | |
Cprofiling_state | |
CPSSI_TypeDef | PSSI |
Cpv_circular_buffer | |
Cpv_recorder | |
CPWM_Type | |
CPWR_PVDTypeDef | PWR PVD configuration structure definition |
CPWR_TypeDef | Power Control |
CPWREx_AVDTypeDef | PWREx AVD configuration structure definition |
CPWREx_WakeupPinTypeDef | PWREx Wakeup pin configuration structure definition |
CPXP_Type | |
CQUADSPI_TypeDef | QUAD Serial Peripheral Interface |
CQualityMapping | |
Cquat | |
CRAMECC_MonitorTypeDef | RAM_ECC_Specific_Registers |
CRAMECC_TypeDef | |
CRCC_ClkInitTypeDef | RCC System, AHB and APB busses clock configuration structure definition |
CRCC_Core_TypeDef | |
CRCC_CRSInitTypeDef | RCC_CRS Init structure definition |
CRCC_CRSSynchroInfoTypeDef | RCC_CRS Synchronization structure definition |
CRCC_OscInitTypeDef | RCC Internal/External Oscillator (HSE, HSI, LSE and LSI) configuration structure definition |
CRCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef | RCC extended clocks structure definition |
CRCC_PLL2InitTypeDef | PLL2 Clock structure definition |
CRCC_PLL3InitTypeDef | PLL3 Clock structure definition |
CRCC_PLLI2SInitTypeDef | PLLI2S Clock structure definition |
CRCC_PLLInitTypeDef | RCC PLL configuration structure definition |
CRCC_PLLSAIInitTypeDef | PLLSAI Clock structure definition |
CRCC_TypeDef | Reset and Clock Control |
CResidue | |
CRhinoPlugin | |
CRNG_TypeDef | RNG |
CROMC_Type | |
CRTC_AlarmTypeDef | RTC Alarm structure definition |
CRTC_DateTypeDef | RTC Date structure definition |
CRTC_HandleTypeDef | RTC Handle Structure definition |
CRTC_InitTypeDef | RTC Configuration Structure definition |
CRTC_TamperTypeDef | RTC Tamper structure definition
CRTC_TimeTypeDef | RTC Time structure definition |
CRTC_TypeDef | Real-Time Clock |
CRTWDOG_Type | |
CSAI_Block_TypeDef | |
Csai_edma_handle | SAI DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle |
Csai_edma_private_handle | |
CSAI_FrameInitTypeDef | |
CSAI_InitTypeDef | |
CSAI_PdmInitTypeDef | |
CSAI_SlotInitTypeDef | |
CSAI_TypeDef | Serial Audio Interface |
CSAIEx_PdmMicDelayParamTypeDef | PDM microphone delay structure definition |
CSCB_Type | Structure type to access the System Control Block (SCB) |
CSCnSCB_Type | Structure type to access the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB |
CSDIO_TypeDef | SD host Interface |
CSDMMC_TypeDef | SD host Interface |
CSDRAM_HandleTypeDef | SDRAM handle Structure definition |
CSEMC_Type | |
CSMARTCARD_AdvFeatureInitTypeDef | SMARTCARD advanced features initalization structure definition |
CSMARTCARD_InitTypeDef | SMARTCARD Init Structure definition |
CSMBUS_InitTypeDef | SMBUS Configuration Structure definition |
CSNVS_Type | |
Csound_loaded_notification | |
CSPDIF_Type | |
CSPDIFRX_TypeDef | SPDIF-RX Interface |
CSpeexResamplerState_ | |
CSPI_InitTypeDef | SPI Configuration Structure definition |
CSPI_TypeDef | Serial Peripheral Interface |
CSRAM_HandleTypeDef | SRAM handle Structure definition |
CSRC_Type | |
Cstb_vorbis | |
Cstb_vorbis_alloc | |
Cstb_vorbis_comment | |
Cstb_vorbis_info | |
Cstbv__floor_ordering | |
CSWPMI_TypeDef | Single Wire Protocol Master Interface SPWMI |
CSYSCFG_TypeDef | System configuration controller |
CSysTick_Type | Structure type to access the System Timer (SysTick) |
CTIM_Base_InitTypeDef | TIM Time base Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_BreakDeadTimeConfigTypeDef | TIM Break input(s) and Dead time configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_ClearInputConfigTypeDef | TIM Clear Input Configuration Handle Structure definition |
CTIM_ClockConfigTypeDef | Clock Configuration Handle Structure definition |
CTIM_Encoder_InitTypeDef | TIM Encoder Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_HallSensor_InitTypeDef | TIM Hall sensor Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_HandleTypeDef | TIM Time Base Handle Structure definition |
CTIM_IC_InitTypeDef | TIM Input Capture Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_MasterConfigTypeDef | TIM Master configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_OC_InitTypeDef | TIM Output Compare Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_OnePulse_InitTypeDef | TIM One Pulse Mode Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_SlaveConfigTypeDef | TIM Slave configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_TypeDef | TIM |
CTMR_Type | |
CTPI_Type | Structure type to access the Trace Port Interface Register (TPI) |
Ctransform_t | |
CTRNG_Type | |
CTSC_Type | |
CTTCAN_TypeDef | TTFD Controller Area Network |
CUART_AdvFeatureInitTypeDef | UART Advanced Features initialization structure definition |
CUART_InitTypeDef | UART Init Structure definition |
CUART_WakeUpTypeDef | UART wake up from stop mode parameters |
CUSART_InitTypeDef | USART Init Structure definition |
CUSART_TypeDef | Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter |
CUSB_OTG_DeviceTypeDef | USB_OTG_device_Registers |
CUSB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef | USB_OTG_Core_Registers |
CUSB_OTG_HostChannelTypeDef | USB_OTG_Host_Channel_Specific_Registers |
CUSB_OTG_HostTypeDef | USB_OTG_Host_Mode_Register_Structures |
CUSB_OTG_INEndpointTypeDef | USB_OTG_IN_Endpoint-Specific_Register |
CUSB_OTG_OUTEndpointTypeDef | USB_OTG_OUT_Endpoint-Specific_Registers |
CUSB_Type | |
CUSBNC_Type | |
CUSBPHY_Type | |
CUSDHC_Type | |
Cvec2 | |
Cvec3 | |
Cvec4 | |
Cverblib | |
Cverblib_allpass | |
Cverblib_comb | |
Cvoclib_band | |
Cvoclib_biquad | |
Cvoclib_envelope | |
Cvoclib_instance | |
CWDOG_Type | |
Cwm8960_config | Initialize structure of WM8960 |
Cwm8994_ctx_t | |
CWM8994_Drv_t | |
CWM8994_Init_t | |
CWM8994_IO_t | |
CWM8994_Object_t | |
CWWDG_HandleTypeDef | WWDG handle Structure definition |
CWWDG_InitTypeDef | WWDG Init structure definition |
CWWDG_TypeDef | Window WATCHDOG |
CXBARA_Type | |
CXBARB_Type | |
CxPSR_Type | Union type to access the Special-Purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR) |
CXTALOSC24M_Type | |