Public Attributes | List of all members

#include <MIMXRT1052.h>

Public Attributes

__IO uint32_t HPCOMR
__IO uint32_t HPCR
__IO uint32_t HPHACIVR
__I uint32_t HPHACR
__IO uint32_t HPLR
__IO uint32_t HPRTCLR
__IO uint32_t HPRTCMR
__IO uint32_t HPSICR
__IO uint32_t HPSR
__IO uint32_t HPSVCR
__IO uint32_t HPSVSR
__IO uint32_t HPTALR
__IO uint32_t HPTAMR
__I uint32_t HPVIDR1
__I uint32_t HPVIDR2
__IO uint32_t LPCR
__IO uint32_t LPGPR [8]
__IO uint32_t LPGPR_ALIAS [4]
__IO uint32_t LPLR
__IO uint32_t LPMKCR
__IO uint32_t LPPGDR
__I uint32_t LPSMCLR
__I uint32_t LPSMCMR
__IO uint32_t LPSR
__IO uint32_t LPSRTCLR
__IO uint32_t LPSRTCMR
__IO uint32_t LPSVCR
__IO uint32_t LPTAR
__IO uint32_t LPTDCR
__IO uint32_t LPZMKR [8]
uint8_t RESERVED_0 [4]
uint8_t RESERVED_1 [4]
uint8_t RESERVED_2 [96]
uint8_t RESERVED_3 [2776]

Detailed Description

SNVS - Register Layout Typedef

Definition at line 35319 of file MIMXRT1052.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

autogenerated on Fri Apr 1 2022 02:15:20