Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
gazebo Namespace Reference




class  ConveyorBeltPlugin
 A plugin for a conveyor belt. More...
class  ConveyorController
class  GazeboRos
class  GazeboRosApiPlugin
class  GazeboRosBlockLaser
class  GazeboRosBumper
class  GazeboRosCamera
class  GazeboRosCameraUtils
class  GazeboRosDepthCamera
class  GazeboRosDiffDrive
class  GazeboRosElevator
class  GazeboRosF3D
class  GazeboRosForce
class  GazeboRosFT
class  GazeboRosHandOfGod
class  GazeboRosHarness
class  GazeboRosIMU
class  GazeboRosJointPoseTrajectory
class  GazeboRosJointStatePublisher
class  GazeboRosJointTrajectory
class  GazeboRosLaser
class  GazeboRosMultiCamera
class  GazeboRosOpenniKinect
class  GazeboRosP3D
class  GazeboRosPathsPlugin
class  GazeboRosPlanarMove
class  GazeboRosProjector
class  GazeboRosProsilica
class  GazeboRosRange
class  GazeboRosSkidSteerDrive
class  GazeboRosTemplate
class  GazeboRosTricycleDrive
class  GazeboRosVacuumGripper
class  GazeboRosVideo
class  KitTrayPlugin
 A plugin for a contact sensor on a kit tray. More...
class  MultiCameraPlugin
class  ObjectDisposalPlugin
 A plugin for a contact sensor attached to a model disposal unit. More...
class  PopulationPlugin
 A plugin that allows models to be spawned at a given location in a specific simulation time. As an example, this plugin might be used for placing objects in a conveyor belt. More...
struct  PopulationPluginPrivate
class  ProximityRayPlugin
 A Ray Sensor Plugin which makes it act as a proximity sensor. More...
class  ROSAGVPlugin
 ROS implementation of the ConveyorBeltPlugin plugin. More...
class  ROSAriacTaskManagerPlugin
 A plugin that orchestrates an ARIAC task. First of all, it loads a description of the goals. Here's an example: More...
struct  ROSAriacTaskManagerPluginPrivate
class  ROSConveyorBeltPlugin
 ROS implementation of the ConveyorBeltPlugin plugin. More...
class  ROSConveyorController
class  ROSLogicalCameraPlugin
 ROS publisher for the logical camera. More...
class  ROSPopulationPlugin
 ROS interface for the Population plugin. More...
struct  ROSPopulationPluginPrivate
class  ROSProximityRayPlugin
 ROS interface for the ProximityRayPlugin plugin. More...
class  ROSVacuumGripperPlugin
 ROS interface for the VacuumGripperPlugin plugin. More...
struct  ROSVacuumGripperPluginPrivate
class  SideContactPlugin
 A plugin for a model with a contact sensor that only monitors collisions on one of its sides. More...
class  VacuumGripperPlugin
struct  VacuumGripperPluginPrivate
class  VideoVisual


typedef boost::shared_ptr< GazeboRosGazeboRosPtr
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > M_string
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > M_string
typedef std::map< std::string, Ogre::Pass * > OgrePassMap
typedef OgrePassMap::iterator OgrePassMapIterator
typedef std::vector< std::string > V_string
typedef std::vector< std::string > V_string


std::string GetModelName (const sensors::SensorPtr &parent)
std::string GetRobotNamespace (const sensors::SensorPtr &parent, const sdf::ElementPtr &sdf, const char *pInfo=NULL)
 GZ_REGISTER_MODEL_PLUGIN (GazeboRosVacuumGripper)
 GZ_REGISTER_MODEL_PLUGIN (GazeboRosJointTrajectory)
 GZ_REGISTER_MODEL_PLUGIN (GazeboRosJointPoseTrajectory)



autogenerated on Wed Sep 7 2016 03:48:12