Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAriacScorerA scorer for the ARIAC game
 Cariac::GameScoreThe score of a competition run
 Cariac::GoalClass to store information about a goal
 Cariac::GoalScoreThe score of a goal
 Cariac::KitClass to store information about a kit
 Cariac::KitObjectClass to store information about each object contained in a kit
 Cariac::KitTrayClass to store information about a kit tray
 Cgazebo::ROSAGVPluginROS implementation of the ConveyorBeltPlugin plugin
 Cgazebo::ROSLogicalCameraPluginROS publisher for the logical camera
 Cgazebo::SideContactPluginA plugin for a model with a contact sensor that only monitors collisions on one of its sides
 Cgazebo::ConveyorBeltPluginA plugin for a conveyor belt
 Cgazebo::ROSConveyorBeltPluginROS implementation of the ConveyorBeltPlugin plugin
 Cgazebo::KitTrayPluginA plugin for a contact sensor on a kit tray
 Cgazebo::ObjectDisposalPluginA plugin for a contact sensor attached to a model disposal unit
 Cgazebo::ROSVacuumGripperPluginROS interface for the VacuumGripperPlugin plugin
 Cgazebo::PopulationPluginPrivate::ObjectClass to store information about each object to be populated
 Cgazebo::VacuumGripperPluginPrivate::ObjectClass to store information about each object to be dropped
 Cariac::ScoringParametersThe parameters used for scoring the competition
 Cgazebo::ProximityRayPluginA Ray Sensor Plugin which makes it act as a proximity sensor
 Cgazebo::ROSProximityRayPluginROS interface for the ProximityRayPlugin plugin
 Cariac::TrayScoreThe score of a tray
 Cgazebo::PopulationPluginA plugin that allows models to be spawned at a given location in a specific simulation time. As an example, this plugin might be used for placing objects in a conveyor belt
 Cgazebo::ROSPopulationPluginROS interface for the Population plugin
 Cgazebo::ROSAriacTaskManagerPluginA plugin that orchestrates an ARIAC task. First of all, it loads a description of the goals. Here's an example:

autogenerated on Wed Sep 7 2016 03:48:13