Class SickScanParseUtil

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

class SickScanParseUtil

Public Static Functions

static bool SopasToLMPscancfg(const std::string &sopas_reply, LMPscancfg &scancfg)

Parse the sopas reply to “sRN LMPscancfg” and convert to LMPscancfg.

static bool LMPscancfgToSopas(const LMPscancfg &scancfg, std::string &sopas_cmd)

Convert LMPscancfg to sopas request “sMN mLMPsetscancfg …”.

class LMPscancfg

Public Functions

std::string print() const

Public Members

uint32_t scan_frequency = 0
int16_t active_sector_cnt = 0
std::vector<LMPscancfgSector> sector_cfg
class LMPscancfgSector

Public Members

uint32_t angular_resolution = 0
int32_t start_angle = 0
int32_t stop_angle = 0