Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CChangeCommSettingsCommandMethod command class for changing the settings in the sensor. Such as which data packages to enable
 CCloseSessionCommand to close a cola2 session between host and sensor
 CCola2SessionEstablishes a cola2 session with a sensor and enables execution of commands in this session
 CCommandBase class for commands. Defines the base interface and does the common tasks
 CCreateSessionCommand to create a new cola2 session
 CFieldGeometryVariableCommandCommand to read the field geometry from the sensor
 CFieldHeaderVariableCommandCommand to read the field header variables
 CMeasurementCurrentConfigVariableCommandCommand to read the current configuration from the sensor
 CMeasurementPersistentConfigVariableCommandCommand to read the persistent configuration from the sensor
 CMethodCommandCommand for method calls to the sensor
 CMonitoringCaseTableHeaderVariableCommandCommand to read the header of the monitoring case table
 CMonitoringCaseVariableCommandCommand to read the header of the monitoring case table
 CTypeCodeVariableCommandCommand to read the type code of the sensor
 CVariableCommandCommand to read a variable from the sensor
 CAsyncTCPClientA asynchronous tcp client
 CAsyncUDPClientAn asynchronous udp client
 CParseApplicationDataParses the application data from a packet buffer
 CParseDataParses the udp data packets depending on which data will be received
 CParseDatagramHeaderParser for the datagram header
 CParseDataHeaderParser for the data header
 CParseDerivedValuesParser for the derived values from the udp data packets
 CParseDeviceNameParser to read the device name from a tcp sequence
 CParseFieldGeometryDataParser to read field geometry data
 CParseFieldHeaderDataParser to read the field header for protective and warning fields
 CParseGeneralSystemStateParser to parse the general system state from the udp packets
 CParseIntrusionDataParser to read the intrusion data from a udp sequence
 CParseMeasurementCurrentConfigDataParser to read the field header for protective and warning fields
 CParseMeasurementDataParser for the measurement data from a udp sequence
 CParseMeasurementPersistentConfigDataParser to read the persistent configuration of the sensor
 CParseMonitoringCaseDataParser to read monitoring case data
 CParseTCPPacketParser for an incoming TCP packet
 CParseTypeCodeDataParser to read the type code of a tcp sequence
 CReadWriteHelperClass to read and write data at a certain place in a buffer
 CTCPPacketMergerMerges incoming tcp packets together to get a complete data packet
 CUDPPacketMergerMerges udp packets together to a complete data packet
 CApplicationDataThe application io class, bundles application input and output
 CApplicationInputsThe applications inputs from a udp data packet
 CApplicationOutputsThe application outputs from a udp data packet
 CCommSettingsContaining the communication settings for the sensor which can be changed on runtime
 CConfigDataConfig data for current and persistent sensor config
 CDataThe data class containing all data blocks of a measurement
 CDatagramHeaderContains the contents of a udp datagram header. Used to match the datagrams together to form a complete data packet
 CDataHeaderContains the content of the data header of a udp data packet
 CDerivedValuesThe DerivedValues class Includes the derived configuration of the measurement data channel
 CFieldDataField data for warning and protective fields
 CGeneralSystemStateThe GeneralSystemState class. It includes a summary of the current system state, the state of the safe and the non-safe cut-off path and bits indicating if a restart interlock is ready to be reset
 CIntrusionDataClass containing all IntrusionDatums
 CIntrusionDatumClass containing a single IntrusionDatum
 CMeasurementDataClass containing all scanpoints of a single measurement
 CMonitoringCaseDataStores the data for the different monitoring cases
 CPacketBufferA packetbuffer for the raw data from the sensor
 CParsedPacketBufferStruct of a PacketBuffer with a parsed header
 CScanPointClass containing the data of a single scan point
 CTypeCodeClass containing the type code of a laser scanner
 CSickSafetyscannersClass managing the algorithmic part of the package
 CSickSafetyscannersRosThe SickSafetyscannersRos class

Author(s): Lennart Puck
autogenerated on Thu May 9 2019 02:41:08