Template Function c4::ipow(E)

Function Documentation


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “c4::ipow” with arguments “(E)”. Candidate function could not be parsed. Parsing error is Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting “(” in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 42] template<class B, class E> C4_CONSTEXPR14 C4_CONST auto ipow (B base, E exponent) noexcept -> typename std::enable_if< std::is_signed< E >::value, B >::type ——————————————^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected ‘::’ in pointer to member (function). [error at 51] template<class B, class E> C4_CONSTEXPR14 C4_CONST auto ipow (B base, E exponent) noexcept -> typename std::enable_if< std::is_signed< E >::value, B >::type —————————————————^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting “(” in parameters-and-qualifiers. [error at 51] template<class B, class E> C4_CONSTEXPR14 C4_CONST auto ipow (B base, E exponent) noexcept -> typename std::enable_if< std::is_signed< E >::value, B >::type —————————————————^